I wanted to use daisy chaining to connect two monitors to one usbc thunderbolt port (three monitors in total).
In principle it works, but I can only get the second monitor in the chain to mirror the first and not extend it. Neither gnome, nor nvidia-settings recognizes the second display in the chain.
The monitors are all Dell UltraSharp 27, the MST option is activated on both monitors, the error occurs and is identical for Ubuntu 20.04 (intel graphics) and 21.10 (Nvidia T2000).
On 21.10 with Nvidia graphics it additionally crashes proper start up of the graphics after rebooting. Given that the Nvidia drivers are, at best, an aquired taste and crash my system about once a month, I would like to avoid meddling too much with nvidia settings.
What I have tried so far:
Looking around, this seems to have been an issue for earlier Ubuntu versions see this post
Running xset dpms force off
is a hint I encountered quite often -> no change
I tried to trouble shoot with xrandr, but since I don't know a lot about it, without success.
I tried to investigate if the maximum number of monitors (3 for the intel graphics) could be an issue, but I could not find anything useful. Since the problem persists with the nvidia graphics, which can handle three monitors, I doubt this can be it.
Any hints or ideas would be much appreciated.