Yesterday I decided to auto mount a hard drive with "Disks". During the mount options change I was working with some files in VScode, after saving the changes, the files were readable and writable. The Directory and the files I was working with were visible. After a restart files were gone.The Directory is visible but without my program files and data. Others files that have not been used after the auto mount, are steal there.
I know that I should have made a git push or something like that. Unfortunately I have not.
Is there any chance that my files are still there but invisible? Is it possibly that I accidentally created an other filesystem that hangs from the same position and has stored the changes?
At first the hard drive was mounted manually to /media/Common.
The process took place in "Disks" at Mount options. There, the only thing I changed was the "Identify As" witch I select "LABEL=Common"
Also after the incident my hard drive is reporting read errors with increased Current Pending Sector Count
SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 16
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
|4| Start_Stop_Count| 0x0032| 100| 100| 000| Old_age| Always| -| 95|
|5 |Reallocated_Sector_Ct |0x0033 |200 |200 |140 |Pre-fail |Always |- |0|
|7| Seek_Error_Rate| 0x002e| 100| 200| 000| Old_age| Always| -| 0|
| 9| Power_On_Hours| 0x0032| 098| 098| 000| Old_age| Always| -| 1508|
|10| Spin_Retry_Count| 0x0032| 100| 253| 000| Old_age| Always| -| 0|
|11| Calibration_Retry_Count| 0x0032| 100| 253| 000| Old_age| Always| -| 0|
|12| Power_Cycle_Count| 0x0032| 100| 100| 000| Old_age| Always| -| 92|
|192| Power-Off_Retract_Count| 0x0032| 200| 200| 000| Old_age| Always| -| 7|
|193| Load_Cycle_Count| 0x0032| 200| 200| 000| Old_age| Always| -| 95|
|194| Temperature_Celsius| 0x0022| 115| 107| 000| Old_age| Always| -| 32|
|196| Reallocated_Event_Count| 0x0032| 200| 200| 000| Old_age| Always| -| 0|
|197| Current_Pending_Sector| 0x0032| 200| 200| 000| Old_age| Always| -| 12|
|198| Offline_Uncorrectable| 0x0030| 100| 253| 000| Old_age| Offline| -| 0|
|199| UDMA_CRC_Error_Count| 0x0032| 200| 200| 000| Old_age| Always| -| 0|
|200 |Multi_Zone_Error_Rate| 0x0008| 100| 253| 000| Old_age| Offline| -| 0|
I don't know if the auto mount settings have any connections with the problem, but those were the latest changes of any kind on that hard drive.
Currently I'm using:
Ubuntu Mate 20.04.4 LTS (Focal Fossa) 64-bit
Kernel Linux 5.11.0-41-generic x86_64
MATE 1.24.0