
Firefox won't open on Ubuntu 22.04 (VM: UTM emulating on m2 MacBook Air)

fm flag

I'm rather new to the linux/ubuntu scene and I'm trying to get some experience with it. I've a MacBook Air m2 and I'm using UTM to emulate ubuntu 22.04 on it. I installed everything, I updated with sudo apt update and sudo ubuntu-driver update everyting possible but still firefox won't open. I found that if I log into ubuntu -xorg then Firefox would open (sometimes it crashes but eventually it opens). Problem is that with -xorg terminal won't open and I need both. more generally, with xorg my Ubuntu is very glitchy.

Is there a solution that doesn't require xorg? I believe that the issue is with the emulator, I wonder if there is a way of fixing it. Thanks in advance!

when launching it via terminal I get these messages and I've to kill the process

Gtk-Message: 10:01:24.676: Not loading module "atk-bridge": The functionality is provided by GTK natively. Please try to not load it.
[GFX1-]: glxtest: VA-API test failed: failed to initialise VAAPI connection.
ATTENTION: default value of option mesa_glthread overridden by environment.
[2023-02-13T16:03:10Z ERROR viaduct::backend::ffi] Missing HTTP status
[2023-02-13T16:03:10Z ERROR viaduct::backend::ffi] Missing HTTP status
Pilot6 avatar
cn flag
Disable GPU acceleration in FF settings.
Luigi M avatar
fm flag
thanks, I tried disabling hardware acceleration (is this what you mean?) from the setting in FF (after opening it in xorg) but still won't open in normal ubuntu
Pilot6 avatar
cn flag
Start it in a terminal and see what happens there
Pilot6 avatar
cn flag
Also try to disable 3D acceleration in VM settings if available.
Luigi M avatar
fm flag
updated the question, it seems I cannot disable the 3d acceleration on UTM since the options is greyed out ("GPU acceleration is supported")
Pilot6 avatar
cn flag
You need to stop the machine before you change it.
Luigi M avatar
fm flag
yes, the vm was stopped, but still can't disable it
Luigi M avatar
fm flag
looks like 3d acceleration is not supported by UTM, hence is intentionally un-clickable
Pilot6 avatar
cn flag
This is a problem with UTM, not with Ubuntu.
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Most people don’t grasp that asking a lot of questions unlocks learning and improves interpersonal bonding. In Alison’s studies, for example, though people could accurately recall how many questions had been asked in their conversations, they didn’t intuit the link between questions and liking. Across four studies, in which participants were engaged in conversations themselves or read transcripts of others’ conversations, people tended not to realize that question asking would influence—or had influenced—the level of amity between the conversationalists.