
Install Kubuntu instead of Ubuntu 22.04, while keeping everything

vg flag

I've installed Ubuntu alongside Windows on my PC, but I realized I don't like GNOME. And I liked KDE Plasma much more. For that, I need Kubuntu. I had an attempt to install it on regular Ubuntu, but that went horribly wrong. So, is there a way to completely install Kubuntu instead of Ubuntu, while keeping configurations in /etc and ~'s hidden files, the packages and snaps, /home and pretty much everything?

us flag
You can sign in to firefox to sync your browsing data and extensions
cn flag

No, there isn't. While you could install Kubuntu without reformatting the root directory, this would not remove Gnome Shell. Such install also should be done only with the same operating system version as the one that was installed.

The most clean approach will be to reinstall fresh and then restore a backup of your ~, including hidden files if you want to preserve all user configuration. After that, it is easy enough to reinstall software as you need it, and I doubt there is much custom configuration you did yourself in /etc. That is also easily reapplied if needed.

On the other hand, it is not bad practice to just clean install from time to time, then reinstall and reconfigure as the need arizes. This constitutes an efficient spring cleanup.

In general, though, installing the kde-standard session should work, as having multiple desktops installed is supported. After logging in to the KDE desktop, you may then (very carefully) remove components and tools that come with the Gnome desktop. Not sure what went wrong in your previous attempt.

MrArsikk avatar
vg flag
What about packages and snaps with their configurations? For example, i want Firefox to be installed and configured (+logged in) after i reinstall.
vanadium avatar
cn flag
"No, there isn't". You cannot install a different operating system preserving all data. You will be lucky where Firefox will be installed - it is a default app in Kubuntu. For configuration, you will need to restore that yourself.
MrArsikk avatar
vg flag
Oh crap... That's much to do.
vanadium avatar
cn flag
15 minutes more. It is restoring your user data that may take most time.
MrArsikk avatar
vg flag
It's reinstalling stuff that will take A LOT of time.
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Most people don’t grasp that asking a lot of questions unlocks learning and improves interpersonal bonding. In Alison’s studies, for example, though people could accurately recall how many questions had been asked in their conversations, they didn’t intuit the link between questions and liking. Across four studies, in which participants were engaged in conversations themselves or read transcripts of others’ conversations, people tended not to realize that question asking would influence—or had influenced—the level of amity between the conversationalists.