Latest Server related questions

Score: -1
Mihhail Sidorin avatar
How do I resize the filesystem on a RAID0 array?
cn flag

My server consists of 2x512GB and 1x3.5TB disks.

root@bb2 ~ # lsblk
nvme0n1     259:0    0 476.9G  0 disk
├─nvme0n1p1 259:3    0  10.7G  0 part
│ └─md0       9:0    0    32G  0 raid0 [SWAP]
├─nvme0n1p2 259:4    0     1G  0 part
│ └─md1       9:1    0  1022M  0 raid1 /boot
└─nvme0n1p3 259:5    0 465.3G  0 part
  └─md2      ...
Score: 0
WiZu avatar
Docker Nginx serves all static content (none index.php) as 403 Forbidden
ba flag

I'am trying to convert my personal development setup from local php/ nginx setup to a docker setup. Almost everything is working great, the only issue I'am having right now is that all static content (*.css/*.js/*.jpg etc) is responding in a 403 forbidden. I have been scrolling and trying solution of the inter net the whole day, but non seem to be working. Most found issues had answers that the conta ...

Score: 0
Dave avatar
Integrate PowerDNS into Windows DC's DNS, use same domain
id flag

We have the following setup:


We need all our hosts to use our DC's as the primary and secondary DNS servers, mainly for AD integration. However all other DNS records we want to store in PHPIPAM. PHPIPAM is set up and integrated with powerdns, so that as we build host records in PHPIPAM the powerdns database gets  ...

Score: 0
tsz avatar
Best method for enabling bitlocker via GPO/scripting
ng flag

I'm working on getting bitlocker deployed across an organization and am getting hung up on how I'm expected to actually enable it. We're using on-site AD on Server2012 (will be moving to 2022 this summer but it is what it is for now) and our PCs are all Windows 10. As far as I can tell I should be running a script at logon to enable bitlocker if it isn't already. I have the script, it runs fine on its o ...

Score: -2
vinv27009 avatar
Updating Centos 8.0 to Centos 8.3
al flag

I need your expert help on how can I update Centos 8.0 to Centos 8.3. I have installed Centos 8.0 using the standard option without GUI. It's a requirement at work. Please help

Thanks & regards,

Score: -1
Sara avatar
Does ssh save the code in the remote computer?
US flag

When running python code using ssh on remote computer by a sudo user, does it save the code in the remote computer ? does the root user can see actual python code?

ssh user@remotehost < python /home/codes/
Score: 0
MrServerLearner avatar
Failed to apply the firewall configuration
pr flag

I want to activate Firewall extension but i get error messag as you can see right below.

"Command '['/usr/local/psa/var/modules/firewall/']' timed out after 14.999689102172852 seconds"

enter image description here

Any ideas how to activate it?

I am using Ubuntu 22.04 and Plesk version is the latest one.

Score: 0
Phil avatar
DDOS-Deflate won't update iptables
cn flag

I am using DDoS-Deflate ( in my CentOS 7 server. I installed it successfully. I use iptables as the firewall. The DDoS-Deflate bash script could detect abnormal http requests and log the IP. But the iptables is not updated and so the IP is not blocked.

Suppose the IP is a.b.c.d The command in the DDoS-Deflate bash looks like:

## Original script: $IPT -I INPU ...
Score: 1
Arturo avatar
MAMP Websites taking more than 20-25 secs to load, but sometimes
be flag

I'm using MAMP Pro on my Mac (Monterrey) and since a couple weeks I've been having a strange problem. After several tests I've been unable to find out where the problem is, but this is what happens.

The main issue is, when I load any local php/postgre/laravel website, it takes forever to load. 20-30 secs and sometimes it loads, sometimes it doesn't.

Strange thing is, all of the sudden, sometimes web ...

Score: 0
LipkeGu avatar
IPV6: Linux-Clients does not register Hostnames via DDNS
ag flag

I have a problem to get Hostnames registered in DNS (Windows AD DNS-Server) when they request a IPV6 (NA). While IPV4 gets fine i can see in syslog an "added reverse and added forward mapping" it doesnt get shown for ipv6 linux clients but Windows clients does via the dhcp server (shown in syslog).

i have the following config:


   interface "eth0" {
   send fqdn.fqdn " ...
Score: 0
Doug avatar
Fixing LVM boot after disk clone
cn flag

I have a NVME boot disk that was running low on space in my proxmox server. After using Clonezilla to clone the disk to another larger NVME things are unstable.

The boot disk has 2 Logical volumes on it, and seems to get through the boot process fine, albeit with a few errors.

initial boot errors

After booting to the login screen, a number of issues arise:

  • logging in causes the screen to flash and then reshow the login scr ...
Score: 0
Jake C avatar
Windows Server 2012 R2 with hour/time issues
jp flag

In my office, we have a Windows Server 2012 R2 with our SQL Server on it. We are located in a UTC-7 timezone where we "suffered" DST (but not anymore).

Multiple times a day, our server clock adds 7 hours to itself to coincide with the hour on UTC+0, but the timezone on the server is still set to UTC-7.

We tried changing the time zone to Arizona (UTC-7), where they never used DST, unchecked time sync ...

Score: 0
mostafa elmadany avatar
Get the actual value of free memory is sun sparc
la flag

I am trying to get the current (not the average) free memory size of SUN SPARC remote server, but I don't have the permission to use free -m command or prtconf. So, I used command vmstat 2 and the result is kthr memory page disk faults cpu

r b w   swap  free  re  mf pi po fr de sr vc vc vc vc   in   sy   cs us sy id

0 0 0 46981864 20824288 311 416 51 1 1 0 0 ...
Score: 0
GuyMatz avatar
Long-running async salt job seems to timeout
id flag

I have a long-running async job that doesn't produce output for a long time at one point of the job ... It is terminating early - during the part where there is no output for a while - but the master is seeing it as having completed successfully.

It seems like the minion is timing out but still reporting back to the master that it finished successfully ...

Anyone run into this? Know how I can reso ...

Score: 0
joeybab3 avatar
AWS EC2 ssh: connect to host, port 22: Operation timed out, nothing has changed?
lc flag

I'm sure a number of you were seeing red and ready to hit that downvote button as soon as you saw this question popping up again. It really does pain me to be asking a question that was seemingly answered elsewhere by simply adding a firewall exception. At this point, google search results are purple (visited) for me well down the page and I'm drawing a blank on how to continue.

I set up an EC2 i ...

Score: 0
Muzamel Saleem avatar
How to see what is my Amazon elastic beanstalk rds password?
gb flag

How can I retrieve the database password for my Elastic Beanstalk environment running on the "Aurora MySQL" engine?

I have an IAM user with the necessary permissions to manage the application, but I couldn't find the password in the Secret Manager or S3.

I tried using the AWS console command

aws elasticbeanstalk describe-configuration-settings --application-name <application-name> --environment-name ...

Score: 0
Tony NG avatar
Is it possible to pass all physical audio device to a RDP session?
la flag

It seems like when I RDP only the default device is used in REMOTE AUDIO on the device selection on the RDP server. I have several audio device and I want to redirect them all it that something that is possible?

Score: 1
Derek Edwards avatar
Allowing a route to/from network when there are multiple networks
kr flag

I have tough one here but can't seem to figure out the right routing.

I have a server (serverA) that is on two separate networks: 192.168.200.x/24 & This server has a hostname ( on & a separate connection via is required to mount storage/etc on this network).

I do not have a way to do split-DNS internally so I need to route ...

Score: 0
eemil avatar
Old TLS or RSA version on Wifi Antenna preventing maintenance
pn flag

First I'll disclose that I'm not a professional in networking by any means. That being said, I manage my family's home/small businness network. We have a few buildings, with the modem being in the middle one. The routers in the other buildings are connected to the modem with point-to-point wifi antennas (TP-Link CP210).

The problem is that I can't access the NOS of the antennas anymore. I get ERR_SSL ...

Score: 0
Sloughi avatar
Detected LanMan/NTLMv1 Authentication method on Windows Server 2016
ru flag

After running a security scan, I have this vulnerability showing up: Detected LanMan/NTLMv1 Authentication method.

I can only find information about Windows Server 2008, or Windows XP online regarding that issue.

How can I remediate this issue, and can this fix potentially create other issue?

Score: 2
RedGrittyBrick avatar
32-bit support on 64-bit Linux - getpwuid(), getpwnam() - sssd - MS AD
ru flag

I have IBM Informix SE DBMS running on 64-bit RedHat 8.7 Linux. This is a 32-bit product.

It works well for a locally defined user such as Username billd with UID 505. For example they can run dbaccess stores7 sel_order and get the correct results from the IBM Informix demo database supplied with the product.

The system also has sssd running integrated with a Microsoft Active Directory (AD) service.  ...

Score: 0
Systemd service file location for locally-built software
cn flag

This might be a mostly aesthetic problem, but it's been bugging me enough to put a little more effort into resolving it.

In my work environment, we rely very heavily on in-house developed software for Linux workstations and servers, and I've spent some time working on some build tools that provide a consistent build and install process, and reduce per-project boilerplate. I've tried to adhere to  ...

Score: 0
Christopher J. Joubert avatar
I am unable to edit user information on 365 AAD in a Hybrid Environment
fk flag

Let me start off with, I know that in a Hybrid environment AD edits need to be done on-prem. However, I have a special case that I can't for the life of me figure out.

I have a user that somehow managed to get their personal cellphone information on the 365 AD but not on the on-prem AD.

We do not seem to be having any sync issues, new accounts create & sync with no issue, edits to users done in the  ...

Score: 0
Макс Кринж avatar
How to make sure my link on a host is not a part of a LACP (LAG)
dj flag

How to make sure my link on a host is not a part of a LACP (LAG)?

I'm trying to start booting from PXE but DHCP-requests don't reach DHCP-server most of time. I only can boot intermittently from one host of four. However, installed Linux OS can obtain an IP address. So I wonder if link aggregation is set on a switch, but network owner just provide me incorrect information saying that they have d ...

Score: 0
merlin avatar
How does pandora.x86 infect cloud servers?
in flag

We have a cloud server instance hosted at vultr. A previous instance at this provider has been infected by pandora.x86 a few weeks ago, causing 100% CPU load and over 1TB of traffic. (We believe it is this one, due to the name of the process running 100% CPU: )

The quickest solution for us was to destroy the server and rebuil ...

Score: 0
markb avatar
Allow user access to one hosted VM in ESXi web page and not the admin section
lc flag

I was wondering if there was a lightweight way that we could allow a service providers access to one of our VMs through the web page but without access to the rest of the admin interface?

That is, if the the server was located on and the machine was how could that access that machine alone, and stop them from trying to access /ui/ alone.

I have alre ...

Score: 0
HaProxy - Add authorization header per backend
mw flag

I want to add an autorization header per backend, it's possible?

I already try this but is not working

backend default_ad_agent
        mode http
        http-request add-header Authorization "xxxx" if { srv_id 1 }
        http-request add-header Authorization "yyyy" if { srv_id 2 }
        server id 1 weight 1 maxconn 10000 check inter 60000 rise 2 fall 3
        serv ...
Score: 0
erwann le guevedec avatar
Passphrase wireguard/Firezone
as flag

I created different users through firezone to use wireguard vpn. So I have the user, and the "device" in which I define the accessible IPs, and the DNS to use. But to make things even more secure, I would like users to have a passphrase and for this to be requested each time the tunnel is activated.

Does this passphrase correspond to the password created when I add a user? And if so, how to have  ...

Score: 0
Aitor Encinas avatar
Arista ceos dnsmasq
lu flag

I'm using Arista cEOS 4.29.2F and I'm trying to use the dns proxy that this device allow. However, when I do systemctl status dnsmasq on the Arista's bash, its output is:

● dnsmasq.service - SYSV: This script starts your DNS caching server
Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/dnsmasq; generated) Active: failed (Result: protocol) since Fri 2023-05-05 08:10:58 UTC; 1min 44s ago Docs: man:systemd-sysv ...

Score: 0
knirirr avatar
Debian 11, Nagios4, and 403 forbidden
cn flag

Having installed Debian's Nagios4 package I can't access it. Apache gives me this:

AH01797: client denied by server configuration: /usr/share/nagios4/htdocs

I've tried various things, such as changing ownership of the relevant directories to the www-data user & group (apache2 is running as this user), and editing config files to add the permission for that directory:

/etc/apache2/conf-available/nagio ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.