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xrdp fails to start on Ubuntu 20.04, firewall inactive - how do I fix this?
cn flag

I'm trying to connect to a Hyper-V instance of Ubuntu 20.04 via RDP.

I've installed xrdp, but it won't start:

 systemd[1]: Starting xrdp daemon...
 xrdp[1906]: (1906)(140210881615680)[INFO ] address [] port [3389] mode 3
 xrdp[1906]: (1906)(140210881615680)[INFO ] listening to port 3389 on
 xrdp[1906]: (1906)(140210881615680)[ERROR] trans_listen_address failed
 xrdp[1906]: (1906)(140210 ...
Score: 0
e-info128 avatar
How to disable http discovery headers on nmap?
br flag

When scann a specific host the IPS bans me when request the nmap http paths. How to disable only the http header/protocols/etc detection but without disable others protocols detection like as smb or ssh?, my arguments are -A and -T4.

Score: 0
Christof Bodner avatar
Mikrotik: HowTo pre-define static leases in DCHP-server
cn flag

I would like to replace my current router by a Mikrotik (v6.48.3). In order not to mess up my network, I would like to pre-set the IP addresses the DHCP clients will get from the server. I do not find such an example, does anybody know how to do it? I have a list of IPs and MACs in a file, so I would appreciate CLI commands, I do not like clicking the mouse button so much ;-)

THX for your answers ...

Score: 0
Appleoddity avatar
How to transform Azure AD SAML Groups claim in to a single value
ng flag

The enterprise application consuming my Azure AD IDP SAML assertions does not support multi-valued attributes. So, it does not support the groups claim.

I need to send the user's group memberships as a concatenated string in a single valued attribute.

For instance, a standard SAML claim for groups looks like this:

<Attribute Name=""&g ...
Score: 1
How to check if a node in k8s cluster got rebooted
mx flag

k8s master checks for kubelet status at frequent intervals. Maybe we can change that time and that makes the node not-ready. But that doesn't always mean that the node got rebooted.

  1. How to change kubelet status check frequency?
  2. If I don't want to change the kubelet status check frequency, then how could I get to know whether a node got rebooted?
Score: 0
jona avatar
Limitations of rsync? Not syncing everything
id flag

I'm pretty new to all of this, so this could maybe be an easy fix.

To break it down:
I set up a cronjob on our NAS which syncs our webserver to a specific folder. There is a lot of stuff on the server with around 70.000 files and overall around 500mb.

On first run, all of the folders got created but only some (maybe the first two) contain something inside.
All the other folders are empty on the NAS (b ...

Score: 0
anon kapes avatar
realmd support for adcli --domain-controller parameter
pw flag

I am trying to join Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04 servers to Active Directory domain using realmd. Our network is segmented such a way that Ubuntu servers only have access to their local domain controllers. While trying to join the AD domain using realm join command as it queries generic SRV record to find all the domain controllers and randomly selects 3 domain controllers to connect and ...

Score: 0
Bender the Greatest avatar
Linux servers stopped being able to use PowerShell remoting over WinRM using NTLM on remote Windows Servers
sm flag

So basically we have a team with Linux servers running PowerShell Core (a mix of 6 and 7) that have to execute remote Windows PowerShell commands on Windows servers. Problem is, the team never got Kerberos working for authentication and is relying on gssapi for NTLM auth to work, which AFAIK is not actually supported by MS for this scenario.

What is happening now is these Linux servers are gettin ...

Score: 0
Jakub P avatar
Jenkins NOT failing build when encountered Permission Denied status 126
vn flag

During development, I forgot to set privileges to a script (DB backup) on remote host, which revealed some Jenkins' weakness - when one of steps failed with "Permission Denied" (status 126) it doesn't stop the build, it moves to next steps:

SSH: Connecting with configuration [<remote_host>.com] ...
SSH: EXEC: completed after 201 ms
SSH: Disconnecting configuration [<remote_host>.com] .. ...
Score: 0
Postgres connection limits and what should rolconnlimit be set for default roles such as Postgres
in flag

I am locking down a Postgres 12 instance and can't find clear explanation of connection limits and rolconnlimit settings. First I have max_connection set to 100 but noticed that superuser_reserved_connections is set to 3. Does that mean that I have 97 connections effectively? That is not really an issue but I was curious.
The real stumper is how I set the role connection limits? Right now they a ...

Score: 2
witchkinkofAngmar avatar
Export a list of VMs without a specific tag with PowerCLI
mx flag

I'm trying to export a CSV file that has a list of all VM's in a cluster that don't have a specific tag that I'm using for rightsizing. However, the CSV isn't populating with anything other than this: ÿþ

Get-Module -Name VMware* -ListAvailable | Import-Module -Force
$exportto = "C:\Users\username\Desktop\rightSizingFilter3.csv"
$VMs = Get-Cluster -name clustername | Get-VM
foreach ($VM in $VMs){
Score: 0
What does AWS EC2 DDOS protection shield throw when activated? HTTP(S) 503?
ng flag

What does Amazon AWS EC2 DDOS protection shield throw when activated? HTTP(S) 503?

At which amount can this happen? 5000 - 10000 requests at "the same time"?

Is this public info and available somewhere?

Score: 1
Simpleperson avatar
When only secp384r1 is enabled in a server with TLS, 0-RTT doesn't work. Why?
by flag

0-RTT doesn't work when secp384r1 is the only one enabled in a server with TLS.

I am using OpenSSL:

  • This happens in:
    • Apache with my own 0-RTT implementation (still in progress)
    • NGINX

If I add another curve to the list, like secp384r1:prime256v1 or secp384r1:X25519: 0-RTT starts to work.

By not working, I mean, when I connect to the server using s_client in OpenSSL, it says that Early data was rejec ...

Score: 1
Sako avatar
How to set Windows event log "Archive the log when full, do not overwrite events" option enabled with Group Policy
ro flag

I want to set up my Windows server's event log "Archive the log when full, do not overwrite events" option enabled with GPO.

In my Group Plicy Management Editer, there is no policy option such as "Archive the log when full, do not overwrite events".

I check the policy "Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Event log > Retention method for application log", and t ...

Score: 0
Erpelstolz avatar
LSI MegaRAID disk is still UGood after adding to array
cn flag

I have tried to add a further disk to a RAID6. The migration ran for more than a month (large RAID, heavy load) and only completed yesterday. Now, the disk is still shown as UGood, and the size of the RAID6 has not changed. Worryingly, in the VD List, the RAID shows up as No in the Consist column.

As so many times before, the migration command was this:

storcli /c0/v1 start migrate type=raid6 option=ad ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.