Latest Server related questions

Score: 1
Utkarsh avatar
Location of the log for Windows first logon commands
cn flag

I have PowerShell script that's set up to run as the first logon command via the unattend.xml file. The script actually does run on the first logon but I would like to know if somewhere I can find the logs from the script execution i.e. output from Write-Verbose/Write-Output/Write-Host etc. from the script execution in some logs. The Unattend logs (Windows\Panther\Unattend) don't actually have the logon ...

Score: 0
Sid avatar
Nginx listening on 80 after removing server block
jp flag

I am trying to restrict http access to my webapp. It should only be accessed using https.

my nginx conf file looks like this:

server {
  listen                443 ssl;
  ssl_certificate       /home/ubuntu/certificate.crt;
  ssl_certificate_key   /home/ubuntu/private.key;

  # location blocks below ...

When I access my server using IP addre ...

Score: 0
Eduardo Lucio avatar
pfSense - Enable ssh (port 22) access through the WAN using terminal/console/shell
in flag

We need to enable pfSense ssh (port 22) access through the WAN interface to perform certain configurations using pfSense's terminal/console/shell.

Actions already taken...

  • "Secure Shell (sshd)" has already been enabled via pfSense console option 14 14) Enable Secure Shell (sshd);
  • We run the command easyrule pass wan tcp any any 22 to allow access to ssh (port 22).
  • Using option 12 12) PHP shell + pfSense ...
Score: 2
VPN traffic routing issue between two VPN connections - AWS and Generic IKEv2 / libreswan
cn flag

Have several sites, one of them acts as intermediary router between two:

  1. AWS VPC (
  2. Libreswan VPN Server (
  3. Mikrotik VPN Router (

host1 resides at AWS VPC, host2 is connected to Mikrotik

VPN's are up, each connection is working separately, statuses look fine.

host2 pings host1, packets arrive through libreswan to host1, host1 replies, all packets arrive at libre ...

Score: 0
HP DL380 Gen9 - P840 hangs on boot with certain disks
jp flag

My Server wont boot when i insert a 10TB IronWolf drive in a slot. Firmware of the P840 ist 7.00 (newest afaik) and ILO has also been updated to latest revision.

Still the server hangs on "Starting drivers. Please wait, this may take minutes" and never goes bejond this step. When i insert a 1TB HP SAS drive i dont have any issues.

I want to use it in HBA mode and boot from USB anyway, so i dont know ...

Score: 0
Setting up a address that is different than my gateway
ru flag

Please, reopen this question. I really need to understand how to do this - And i saw that a lot of other users have this same problem but no one answered them...

I tried to exemplify with clarity showing even a image of a device that is working like that - Please reopen the question so people can help me?


My network structure has a switch where the gateway is, and my computer has  ...

Score: 3
Cannot turn off "Nested virtualization" in Windows Admin Center
cn flag

While doing VM testing, I have, out of curiosity, ticked Enable nested virtualization in the Processor tab in Windows Admin Center (Version 2103.2 Build 1.3.2105.24004).

Trying to start the VM returns this error, which makes sense:

RemoteException: Failed to start virtual machine VM NAME. Error: 'VM NAME' failed to start. 'VM NAME' could not initialize. The virtual machine could not be started because t ...

Score: 1
Recover LV from Cachepool
gb flag

I have a RHEL VM which has 4 x 500GB disks attached to it from the host machine - which it serves from a 3-node RAID5 storage disk. I didn't build in redundancy on the LV layer, because the disks were presented from a RAID5 disk by the host ... stupid me for ever trusting windows.

I also attached a 512GB NVM disk image from the host, which I implemented as a cachepool for the LV - Everything was  ...

Score: 0
SCEP Configuration Manager Client failing to install. Detailed troubleshooting below
in flag

We have a new SCEP 2002 installation on a new AD domain, and we're having no luck at all deploying clients. Whether we deploy them from the Configuration Console (right-click, Install Client) or manually (copy the files, then run ccmsetup.exe), the ccmsetup.log gives multiple errors.

Boundary Group Troubleshooting The boundaries and boundary groups are set correctly. We have an AD site named "Site01" ...

Score: 0
Deliver mail to certain MX
us flag

We have a strange problem. Our Exchange (old guy Exchange 2010) server doesn't deliver mail to certain address. When checking I see that the domain of recipient has 2 MX records

  • MX 10 good.server
  • MX 100 bad.server

Unclear why but our Exchange try to deliver mail only to the second server. And fails as the second server is bad. 2 questions are arising

  1. Theoretical one - why?
  2. Practical one (if the  ...
Score: 0
Enriquev7 avatar
Exchange Migration without outlook configuration
cn flag

I am working on migrating some users from Exchange1 and Domain1 users to Exchange2 and Domain2.

I am able to migrate their accounts from Domain1 to Domain2 with their current password. No issues.

I am able to migrate their mailbox from Exchange1 to Exchange2 while linking to their new Exchange2 mailbox.

I can now login to the new Exchange2 mailbox by OWA using Domain2\user and their existing password e ...

Score: 0
Cesar Daniel Lopez avatar
Allow to kill mounhelper to all users
gb flag

I have some machines with kubuntu 20lts, everyday when the machine start and the user's login, smb4k mount shares. But sometimes some shadows didn't mount because mountheper hungs. I need to allow all users to execute the kill command in a bash script to remote them All shares My /etc/sudoers is ALL ALL=NOPASSWD: /use/bin/kill But it doesn't work... -bash: kill: (1709) - operación no permitida What I'm ...

Score: 1
Postfix rejects emails relayed from O365
vn flag

I have to do a migration of Office 365 from Postfix with Sogo. My goal is to configure small hybrid of Office 365 with Postfix, a bit the same way you do with Exchange On-premises.

Currently, postfix is a primary server with 1000 users and it sends and receives all emails for a I've configured Office 365 and added same domain to it. I've created 2 mailboxes on it and configured Exchange  ...

Score: 0
User1973 avatar
Mitigating Windows Server Update risk?
bf flag

I'm new to the IT industry; I'm not a sysadmin...I'm a road construction guy by trade. So let me know if I've mixed up any terminology, concepts, etc.

My organization's IT department is very small. We seem to be barely treading water when it comes to keeping our IT systems "up".

The thing that causes the most system outages is Windows Server updates. Windows updates seem to bring down our applicat ...

Score: 0
Tom avatar
How to configure Apache and PHP-FPM to support multiple subdomains?
bf flag

I have an Apache server that will have several subdomains running inside it, eg:

I installed Apache 2.4.41 and PHP-FPM 7.4 on Ubuntu 20.04 by following the commands below:

sudo apt install apache2
sudo apt install php libapache2-mod-php
sudo a2dismod php7.4
sudo a2dismod mpm_prefork
sudo a2enmod mpm_event
sudo apt install ph ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.