Latest Server related questions

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How to clear last 5 ipmi sel logs when sel memory is full?
sl flag

I'm running ipmievd to send sel logs to syslog. But ipmievd will not collect and send log to syslog when sel memory is full.

Hence i would like to delete the last 5 sel logs instead of deleting entire logs.

Is there any option available to delete last few logs alone ?

expecting any command like below: ipmitool sel clear --last 5

Score: 0
koyamashinji avatar
Benefit(s) of having servers ( or specifically, API Servers) in different locations for a single domain?
ie flag

I am very new to this field, so my wording may not be spot on.

My crypto exchange offers an API, and I stumbled upon the question when I was playing with it on AWS Cloud9 where I can change client's regions by switching EC2 instances.
I was measuring latency(*1) of several REST API requests from different client's regions.

(*1) I measured a time difference between when a client request.get/post and ...

Score: -2
Rabinpro avatar
Ubuntu Firewall blocking DNS requests to VMWARE guest with outbound traffic rules added and stateful matching done
th flag

This is a unique problem related to DNS queries(tcp/udp 53) even with correct UFW/iptables rules and does not relate to /etc/resolv.conf

I can ping google DNS but cannot resolve after turning on the host ufw. Tried searching everywhere and updated ufw and iptables accordingly to allow DNS queries and allow established connection.

My numbered ufw status related to DNS is

Screenshot ...

Score: 0
Владимир Смирнов avatar
SCGI vs FastCGI - Which one is faster?

I want to use one of servers - libscgi and libfcgi - with dynamic content. Which one seems to be faster?

Score: 8
liewl avatar
Somebody created projects on Google Cloud in my account without my knowledge
cn flag

When I access Google Cloud, I see some projects that I haven't created. It seems I can't delete them too, I lack permissions to manage them. I am not using anything from Google Cloud at the moment and want to get rid of all of them. Also one of these projects are listed on Firebase as well, where I also don't have permission to delete it.

I haven't seen any evidence that my Google account has bee ...

Score: 0
TRH avatar
Configure network namespace of rootless containers
uz flag

Let's say I created a new custom network namespace with admin rights:

$ ip netns add container
$ ip link add wg0 type wireguard
$ ip link set wg0 netns container
$ ip -n container addr add dev wg0
$ ip netns exec container wg setconf wg0 /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
$ ip -n container link set wg0 up
$ ip -n container route add default dev wg0

From the perspective of an unprivileged user (e.g ...

Score: 0
kfsone avatar
Is it possible to enable RFC2136 DNS updates for a samba-AD domain?
do flag

I'm experimenting with a Synology NAS that's running bind9 and samba to host a local subdomain with an AD realm of the same name, e.g. domain : sub.x.notcom, realm : sub.x.notcom ... I'll substitute my actual domain for this in the question.

I wanted the ability to do RFC2136 updates of the zone, so I created a HMAC-SHA512 key stored in named/etc/key and told bind about it:

./named/etc/conf/named.key. ...
Score: 0
itmxr avatar
Controller hp h240 Smart hba refuses to work with Linux?
us flag

Trying to make the above mentioned controller work in the Linux environment (Tried more than 10 popular distributions, the picture is unchanged).

lshw shows the following:

    description: Serial Attached SCSI controller
    product: Smart Array Gen9 Controllers 
    vendor: Hewlett-Packard Company 
    physical id: 0
    bus info: pci@O000:06:00.0 
    version: 01
    width: 64 bits
Score: 0
How to extract the Table Definitions of a MYSQL Table into CSV?
uz flag

The output of mysqldump -not csv does not contain the columns, just values:

select * from AUDIT_RESULT 
INTO OUTFILE '/va/tmp/audit_nresult.csv'


It does not contain the column names just the values. How to get the column names also?

Score: 0
bkr879 avatar
Who sets the X-Forwarded-For hader?
us flag

Let's say I make an https GET request to a webserver with curl without specifying any headers.

On the webserver, I see the incoming request has a X-Forwarded-For (XFF) header set. Given that I did not set that header, who set it?

My guess is that my ISP intercepts my request and adds that header to my request. Then, additional links (switches, routers, etc.) on the way to the webserver add their own ...

Score: 2
Micah Henning avatar
Cannot SSH to second network interface in Ubuntu 20.04 on EC2
br flag

I have a VPC with an Internet gateway and two subnets and in the same availability zone. A single security group allows tcp/22 inbound from and everything outbound. I also have two network interfaces tied to the security group, one in each subnet. Each network interface has its own Elastic IP address. There is a routing table for each subnet poi ...

Score: 1
Some Name avatar
What is the use case of QEMU chardev pty
cn flag

I'm new to QEMU and playing around with its chardevs. I faced the option called -chardev pty,id=id. So I tried to create a VM with -chardev pty,id=pty0 and got the message.

char device redirected to /dev/pts/9 (label pty0)

So I tried to send some data to it:

root@super-pc:~# cat /dev/pts/9

and didn't see any output.

What is the use case of this chardev?

Score: 2
Ramiro Pereyra avatar
How to add a firewall rule per country in google cloud?
cn flag

I need to allow my trafic just from my country. How can I do it? I know that I can create a rule specifying the IP range, but there are more than 1600 IP ranges to add. Is there any "easy" way?

Score: 0
openssl won't verify certs beyond intermediate CA, error 20 even when using CApath or CAfile
in flag

Ultimately, I am trying to configure an ocsp server on ubuntu 20.4, but I cannot even verify any certs issued by my intermediate CA yet.

I have configured a ca-root called I also have configured a intermediate ca called Finally, there is my future ocsp server,

First, I make a self-signed cert ca_root_cert_file. Then I have the ca-r ...

Score: 0
A CNAME with a wildcard embedded
de flag

I'm trying to set up a CNAME DNS entry:


That matches the following domain names:

Is this possible? My current tests are failing with

It was previously working as an A record wildcard (* - but I would like it to work as a CNAME.

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.