Latest Server related questions

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Jorge O.H. avatar
Urgent help needed with GRUB centos
ca flag

Today I had an email of OVH saying my server was hacked (it was nothing more than a wordpress plugin of a client messing around) but it ended with my server forced to Rescue Mode and I'm not able to boot normally anymore.

My server has 2 disks:

Disk /dev/nvme1n1: 1920.4 GB, 1920383410176 bytes, 3750748848 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512  ...

Score: 0
zerodark avatar
Bind Docker port running on localhost to public IP
id flag

I have a docker-compose.yml file which runs a couple of Apache web applications. I have a HAProxy acting as a reverse proxy for the web apps also running inside the container environment. I've exposed the HAProxy port with the directive

  - 80:80

The web apps, proxy and networking are exactly similar to the setup as described in ...

Score: 0
Ntakwetet avatar
GitLab self-hosted instances data sharing
in flag

I'm working on a personal project with some friends and it is becoming quite large, so I'm considering to self-host a GitLab instance to help preventing the development to go to complete chaos. However, I discovered that GitLab's privacy policy allows GitLab to gather some data from its users and share them with third parties and I'm not OK with that, but it isn't clear if that applies to "Self-managed" ...

Score: 0
2bon2b avatar
Why am I getting 'Unable to connect to the server: context deadline exceeded' error when creating GKE job?
in flag

am trying to create a GKE job by following the instructions in the official documentation.

I am doing it though via Cloud Shell. I have created the yaml file, however when I run the command:

kubectl apply -f config.yaml

I am getting the following error:

Unable to connect to the server: context deadline exceeded

What is the problem and what exactly is a context deadline?

I have made sure to enable the  ...

Score: 0
tr flag

Is it possible to set the default "PROT P" statement in vsftpd to use implicit FTPS? I'm using the sim module, but it doesn't allow me to send this command. However, vsftpd requires it, or it will throw an error "522 data connections must be encrypted".

Score: 0
ssh single port foward on multiple machines, possible?
in flag

I have to showcase a grafana dashboard to a group of familiar strangers. There is no VPN. Screencast is not interactive enough.

My idea is to set up a single linux user 'demo-user' and share the password for this user with the group. From there, everyone can create a port forward from their machine, to port 3000 on my machine.

The result would be +-50 machines running ssh -L 3000:grafana-server.example. ...

Score: 0
Automated Way to Create Websites Using WebDeploy Packages for Azure Web Apps
gb flag

I want to have a way that I can automatically (or on-demand) create a Web App and database table using a WebDeploy package in Azure. It ends up being a data-driven ASP.NET website application.

What's the most current way (and/or easiest) way to do that these days? Are there any open-source or commercial solutions out there that can make the development of this faster?

I'm also interested in being  ...

Score: 1
Владимир Смирнов avatar
Check FastCGI-enabled version of lighttpd

I have installed lighttpd and added script.fcgi to /var/www/html/ with chown and chmod and edited etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf like mentioned below and got:

2021-06-09 22:05:27: server.c.1513) server started (lighttpd/1.4.59) 2021-06-09 22:05:27: gw_backend.c.475) unlink /tmp/script.sock-0 after connect failed: Connection refused 2021-06-09 22:05:27: gw_backend.c.325) child exited: 127 unix:/tmp/ ...

Score: 0
Postfix check_sender_access unused
ws flag

I am running Postfix 3.3.0 on a host which acts as a mail server for a development environment. It therefore captures all mail as if it were local. But in order to make accessing the mails it has received a bit easier, it splits these into mailboxes based on the FROM address.

Formerly I was using:

smtpd_sender_restrictions = hash:/etc/postfix/sender_access

which worked exactly as intended. However this o ...

Score: 0
JasonB576 avatar
Business's networking goes down when main DNS server goes down despite backups
cl flag

Our business has multiple DNS servers that are AD-integrated. Our main server is WS 2003r2 (soon to be retired) and has AD, DNS, and DHCP. I believe that it is our only DHCP server. The last time we had to restart this server, the entire company lost access to internet and internal resources until it came back online.

According to the DNS records, all of the active DNS servers are listed as Name  ...

Score: 0
Using for installing and renewing a single multidomain certificate
in flag

sudo /.../my-letsencrypt-clone/letsencrypt-auto certonly -v -t --webroot \
   -w /var/www/web1/ -d -d -d \
   -w /var/www/web2/ -d \
   -w /var/www/web3/ -d -d

# A couple of extra commands to move the renewed cert (in `/etc/letsencrypt/live/`) to 
# /etc/ssl/private/mycertfolder

sudo service apache2 rest ...
Score: 0
Openldap and nfserver, both work although /home/user cannot be created unless I log into the nfserver first with new ldapusers
in flag

I have an openldap server I set up on cent os 7. I blended it to work with all my other VMs that mount a nfs mount from a nfs server for their /home.

I just figured out that if I create a new ldap user, and try to log into some VM it lets me login but states how it cannot create /home/user and is unable to chngdir to it.

But I also learned if I first ssh user@mynfsserver It logs in, creates the app ...

Score: 2
Michael Altfield avatar
How to check if dovecot's configuration is valid? (config file syntax)
cn flag

Is there a command that I can issue that will tell me if the current set of config files for dovecot are valid or if there's an issue?

I just made a change to my dovecot config files. Before attempting to restart the service, I just want to do a quick sanity check to confirm if I made a fat-finger mistake or not.

I'm looking for the dovecot equivalent of any of the following:

nginx -t
apachectl -t
postfi ...
Score: 0
Bo Breese avatar
MDADM Raid 5 stuck on "Check Status 98% Complete"
ec flag

I have an ubuntu server running that works like a NVR and stores recordings from a IP Camera over the network. It worked fine for a little over a month, then today when I went to check on it, it hadn't received any recordings since Sunday. I realized the Raid 5 Array/MDADM is basically in a frozen state. Anytime I try to open one of the directories on the array or delete a file/folder it just hangs. Thi ...

Score: 1
JasonB576 avatar
Why is my DNS information replicating without Zone Transfers allowed?
cl flag

We have many servers at our business that have the DNS role installed on Windows Server (2003 - 2016). I have noticed recently that the DNS information is consistent among all our servers, which sounds good, but I have only seen that this should be happening when Zone Transfers are enabled in the Zone settings. Zone Transfers are not turned on for any of our servers, but the data still replicates to eve ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.