Latest Server related questions

Score: 2
aep avatar
highly available storage over infiniband: what other than mdraid?
ng flag

is mdadm over infiniband a bad idea? what is the real trick to get reasonable performing storage to survive a single machine failure?

We have been running ceph for a few years now and its great for easy (ish) redundancy, but its performance is eye watering. NVMEs easily get to 3GB/s, while our ceph is doing 100MB/s over 50Gbs network while consuming 64 core CPUs. I just don't think i made the righ ...

Score: 0
Gregoire avatar
How to setup 301 redirections in GCP load balancer?
lk flag

I've setup a static website on GCP using this tutorial. So I have a bucket and a load balancer.

I'm trying to setup URL redirections in the load balancer to avoid BC breaks on old URLs. I want an user arriving to to be redirected to I have a dozen redirections like this to setup.

Is there a way to configure that in the load balancer? Or anywhere else?

Score: 0
user3731591 avatar
Nginx Downloads Slow From Browser - CURL/WGET Are Fine
es flag

I'm trying to serve large files (50-800mb) from a VPS using Nginx to host map files for a game server. Oddly, when downloading map files in game or in a browser I'm hitting only ~15mbps. When downloading via CURL or WGET on a separate machine (same network) I'm hitting 60mbps (my maximum). I have tried a variety of settings (sendfile on, max_chunk_size, directio, etc) without any change in behavior betw ...

Score: 0
Johnny Bravo avatar
502 Bad Gateway when using NginX proxy_pass for subdomain on different LAN server
my flag

In a nutshell, I want to host a second domain ( on a different server, on the same network (

I understand I have to make use of the proxy_pass, so I have this configuration on the first server (/etc/nginx/sites-available/

server {
    location / {
        proxy_set_header Host $host; ...
Score: 0
Do I need to install docker engine on proxmox's LXC to run a portainer agent?
cn flag

Currently I am running Proxmox and have installed the docker-engine and Portainer on the main Proxmox node. I would like to add more environments, including an LXC which I downloaded from a template that came from Proxmox.

My question is, can I install the portainer agent on this LXC without installing the docker engine on it first? installing a docker engine on every LXC to manage it through por ...

Score: 1
Mévatlavé Kraspek avatar
404, 50x error handling HTML pages in nginx is not detected
cn flag

nginx version: nginx/1.18.0

This is my 'nginx' conf default 'vhost':

cat /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/000-default
server {
    listen 80;
    listen [::]:80;

    return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;

server {
    listen 443 ssl http2;
    listen [::]:443 ssl http2;

    index index.html;

    root /home/www/example.o ...
Score: 0
Laenka-Oss avatar
Linux randomly & uncontrollably changes tabs infinitely
lk flag

For sometimes now my Ubuntu Linux machine with OS Ubuntu 18.04 suddenly, randomly & uncontrollably changes tabs. Imagine when you press the TAB key on your computer without releasing, the blinking pointer on the computer will infinitely keep changing tabs. That is what I experience with my linux.

What I usually attempt as remedy it is to force stop the computer & this is not always nice. I a ...

Score: 0
hajime avatar
Compute engine stopped by itself
cr flag

I did not perform any operations and did not set any auto-stop, but the compute engine stopped on its own.

The logs for the day, which can be viewed from GCP, are as follows.

----------Log below----------
  "insertId": "0",
  "jsonPayload": {
    "bootCounter": "4",
    "shutdownEvent": {},
    "@type": ""
  "resource": {
    "type": "gce_instan ...
Score: 0
paskaloverpo avatar
Configure DHCPv6 on a Layer 3 Switch
us flag

I am training under Packet Tracer and I would like to be able to assign IPv6 addresses to my VLANs using a Layer 3 Switch as a DHCPv6 server (Between Layer 3 Switch and PCs there is a normal Switch). I tried Stateless and Statefull but it seems that my subnets are not taken into account. I specify that the IPv6 address pool provided is 2001:0:ABCD::/64.

Here is a part of my Layer 3 Switch code:

ipv6 u ...
Score: 1
Ivan Carlos avatar
Unable to create a script that list shared link for SharePoint that I am not owner or member
mx flag

I am looking for a script that lists all shared links for one (or all) SharePoint sites, got one that you can specify the site, put your credentials and it generates a CSV report. Works fine, but I need to give myself permissions on this site to get it.

Please, how can I edit this script to list shared links of one or all sites as admin?

I already tried to connect using Connect-PnPOnline and reclari ...

Score: 0
Alvin Kam avatar
Bird imported from BGP doesn't have proper gateways
gp flag

I'm having troubles in BIRD configuration, Let me share some background. There are 2 hosts, host A is, and host B is And created the new IP address on the loopback interface:

  1. host A(
  • lo.0
  1. host B(
  • lo.0

I want to build routes between these 2 hosts. Let the host A be able to connect loopback IP address( on host B. ...

Score: 0
oim avatar
nginx rewrite both .php and .html
st flag

Have 2 rules for working files with (html, php) prefix and without.

But working only first rule. If first php, second with html prefix show not found.

if (!-e $request_filename){
    rewrite ^/([^\.]+)$ /$1.php break;

if (!-e $request_filename){
    rewrite ^/([^\.]+)$ /$1.html break;

If I swap them working with html. How merge to working both. Thanks

Score: 0
Arman Nayyeri avatar
Redirecting OpenVPN client traffic through a SOCKS proxy using Redsocks and iptables on Ubuntu
kn flag

I am trying to redirect all traffic from an OpenVPN tunnel to a SOCKS proxy using Redsocks and iptables on my Ubuntu server. While locally generated traffic is being routed through Redsocks without any problem, I am having difficulties with routing the VPN client's traffic through the Redsocks proxy. The VPN client either loses internet connectivity or does not have its traffic routed through the Redsoc ...

Score: 0
Sertan Pekel avatar
MPLS Implementation OpenFlow Iperf Testing
ye flag

I have a mininet topology that consists of two hosts and two ovs switches. h1-eth0 is connected to s1-eth1 and h2-eth0 is connected to s2-eth2 and s1-eth2 and s2-eth1 is also connected. h1 is for client and h2 is for server. In flows, ARP packets are flooded. In s1, outgoing h1 packets are pushed with mpls label (i.e.55), and in s2, mpls labels popped and directed to h2. h2 outgoing packets does not a m ...

Score: 0
Johnczek avatar
How to properly set up private key for gitlab runner
ng flag

I would like to make this scenario possible (some problem unrelated aspects were simplified for better understanding)

Imagine we have a simple gitlab repository with only two files.

  • index.html - stores static web page
  • gitlab-ci.yml - stores pipelines for this repository

And we have Debian 11 server (with root access on it so I can do anything I want)

The mail goal is to create a gitlab pipeline which  ...

Score: 0
Esam Olwan avatar
Why is request argument not returned in response?
ye flag

I'm trying to match a location url to this format /v1/images/{path1}/fetch?imageUrl={imageUrl} and I managed to do so with this snippet of code

location ~ ^/v1/images/(?<path1>[^/]+)/fetch {
    if ($args ~* "imageUrl=.*") {
      set $path1 $arg_path1;
      set_sha1 $variable $arg_imageUrl;
      set $imageUrl "$variable/$path1.$image_ext";
      return 200 $imageUr ...
Score: 0
Eastman avatar
How to route privately traffic from VPN into EKS cluster in AWS?
cn flag

There's an OpenVPN server running in a pfSense VM in eu-west-1 region and there's a EKS cluster in eu-central-1 region.

I'm trying to figure out how to route traffic via AWS private network and not via public network from the OpenVPN into the EKS cluster. I have create multiple VPC peering network before, but I'm not sure what is the API server endpoint in this case.

The API server endpoint has p ...

Score: 0
Ujjwal Gupta avatar
fuser not listing the process even netstat and lsof list
fm flag
hostserver:~# lsof | grep *:6343
sflowtool 979324                              root    3u     IPv6         1443815323       0t0        UDP *:6343 
hostserver:~# netstat -ntlup | grep 6343
udp6       0      0 :::6343                 :::*                                979324/sflowtool
hostserver:~# fuser 6343/udp
Cannot open a network socket.
hostserver:~# fuser -n udp 6343
Cannot open a network socket.
ho ...
Score: 0
Are files in a public GCS bucket discoverable?
cn flag

I have a bucket in GCS that I have made publicly available. Are objects stored in this bucket publicly discoverable?

For example, if the bucket is called my-public-bucket and I have an object in that bucket called 38bdac44efec6c54136fbfab496d0a16.key is there any way someone can figure out that object name (short of guessing, of course)? Is the list of all the objects in that bucket publicly available? ...

Score: 0
Liu Dowson avatar
iptables port forwarding is not working
lv flag

I have a domestic server, and there are two public IPs on this server: One is domestic IP: One is the IP of Hong Kong:

The default route of the server is to go out from the Hong Kong side of I now have a server in the United States as a scientific server. The port is 2080.

I want to access port 1080 of and redirect the traffic to in the United St ...

Score: 0
Arunkumar Subbiah avatar
Trying to update instance properties as per the google gcp documentation but getting error while importing the yaml file
kn flag

Followed the instruction as per


Failed validating 'enum' in schema['prop ...

Score: 2
All of my DNS zones do not make it on the secondary, what is wrong?
cn flag

TL;DR You may want to quickly jump to the answer to know what happened and not spend time reading the whole question.

I have a tool (ipmgr) to generate my zones (I had to manage about 35 of them, so that made it easier). All the zones are generated the same way, but one all misbehaves and the secondary DNS server never gets a copy of the zones. It somehow refuses the copy.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Everythi ...

Score: 1
Aryasindhu Sahu avatar
nodejs installation error in ubuntu
mq flag

I am trying to install nodejs on a newly built Ubuntu VM(Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS), but getting the below error.

Preparing to unpack .../nodejs_16.19.1-deb-1nodesource1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking nodejs (16.19.1-deb-1nodesource1) ...
dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/nodejs_16.19.1-deb-1nodesource1_amd64.deb (--unpack):
 trying to overwrite '/usr/include/node/common.gypi', which is also ...
Score: 0
AutumnCheney avatar
nginx + (docker): 502 error
ax flag

i'm trying to set up a few open-source services on my domain with each one under their own subdomains. i'm using docker to run the services themselves and nginx as a reverse proxy. be aware that i am a noob when it comes to all of these things

i already have gitea and peertube working, but i'm trying to set up under the subdomain "chat" and when i try to access it i get a 502 error. i ...

Score: -1
ysth avatar
When will Amazon RDS suport MariaDB > 10.6?
in flag

RDS has historically added support for new mariadb releases within a year, but they seem stuck on 10.6 and haven't added the new 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, which are all GA.

MariaDB did change their policy and only provide 1 year support for most releases, the exception being 10.6 and 10.11 which are designated LTS. Was Amazon waiting for 10.11 and just haven't had enough time yet to releas ...

Score: 0
Gregwar avatar
Very slow experience with Students + NFS + Development tools
ua flag

I teach programming to students in a school where they can all login to any computer; their session files being carried by a common NFS server. We experience very slow execution times when we use demanding tools (namely VSCode, Android Studio or other frameworks like Symfony or React). Asking the students to work in local directory like /tmp is a good workaround but kind of sad as well.

I am not sysadmin ...

Score: 0
JM John avatar
Nginx: Would Cache Background On Ensure Every Item is Always Served from Cache
mz flag

I don't want anything served directly from the application. If an item is expired, Nginx should serve stale and update it in the background. I have set inactive duration to 7 days.

Would this configuration work?

    ## For 200 and 301 make the cache valid for 1s seconds.
fastcgi_cache_valid 200 10m;
fastcgi_cache_valid 301 1s;
## For 302 make it valid for 1 minute.
fastcgi_cache_valid 302 1m;
## For 4 ...
Score: 0
Clifton Zama avatar
Could not find the alias s1as in the key store
ca flag

I get the following error

remote failure: NCLS-SECURITY-05200 : org.jvnet.hk2.config.TransactionFailure: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not find the alias s1as in the key store
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not find the alias s1as in the key store

when I run

[root@mail config]# /opt/glassfish6/glassfish/bin/asadmin --h ...
Score: 1
Jim Smith avatar
Restrict access to specific http_host with apache 2.4.x .htaccess
li flag

I'm wondering if anyone knows how to approach this predicament I am facing using .htaccess.

I have a website that is accessible using 2 different domains. For one of the domains, I only want the website to be accessible to a subset of IPs only (about 30 of them). The second domain, can be open to anyone.

So for example: can only be accessible from IPs,, 3.3.3. ...
Score: 0
user21303 avatar
Bindmount External Drive In Proxmox for Nextcloud
pf flag

I have a Proxmox LXC container with Nextcloud. The default data directory in Nextcloud requires the owner to be www-data with the default uid and gid of 33. I am using the following


Mount Point: /mnt/sdc

Drive Path: /dev/mapper/sdc

UID: 33

GID: 33

Filesystem: ZFS

Drive FS: LUKS/exfat

Nextcloud LXC

Data Directory: /mnt/myuser/files

Container ID: 102

I modified the 3 files inside Proxmox that ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.