Latest Server related questions

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mike_0922 avatar
What can I do about a BvSshServer error that's linked to a disconnected server?
vg flag

Here are the Specs of our current server: Poweredge R540, Windows Server 2019 (version 1809)

We swapped this current server in for an older Poweredge R530 running Server 2012, but we've been receiving a deluge of errors linked to the old server, for whatever reason. They have not hampered productivity or produced any errors on the user side, but it's quite the inconvenience to have to scroll thro ...

Score: 0
Does nftables flowtable software/hardware offloading conflict with other nftables rules?
ve flag

According to, flowtables reside in the ingress hook. So, does that mean if connection is picked up by the flowtable, it will not be processed by any other rules in prerouting, input, etc.?

Score: 0
Arrow Root avatar
How to check the kubeconfig file through kubectl?
sm flag

I'm new in K8s and I need to check the kubeconfig file from a cluster. Is there a way to describe the kubeconfig file using the kubectl?

I'm looking for something similar to kubectl describe kubeconfig.

Score: 0
Duncan Townsend avatar
Can't `lvconvert` when root is readonly
sy flag

My root is mounted readonly (on purpose). I have a separate, read-write vg where I want to lvconvert --merge a thin snapshot. I'm getting Cannot archive volume group metadata for $VG to read-only filesystem. The manpage was unhelpful. Is there some flag I can pass to disable this "archive" functionality or to control where the archive is written?

Score: 0
guenhter avatar
Why redidrect works with output hook but not with prerouting hook
pk flag

I'm playing around with nftables to gain more experience and have a pretty easy scenario: NAT the destination port 8080 to 8081 (not really useful but in the Lab it is good enough).

This nft config works (so all packets which are targeted at port 8080 are forwarded to port 8081):

chain foo {
        type nat hook output priority mangle; policy accept;
        tcp dport 8080 redirect to :8081

when I  ...

Score: 0
pithhelmet avatar
Difference between quorum setups
sz flag

Three environments (LAB, DEV/TEST, PROD) 2 NODES (active, inactive), 7 ROLES.

Experiencing fail over issues on the PROD environment, but the LAB and DEV/TEST clusters are not experiencing the same issue.

QUORUM setups are different.

LAB - Witness: Quorum Disk

DEV/TEST - Witness : Quorum Disk

PROD - Witness : Cluster Disk Quorum

On the PROD system, under resources, the Q drive is a Shared Storage - Dyn ...

Score: 0
JGeer avatar
NGINX rewrite url with arg
ec flag

We need to check if a URL contains a specific arg "?___store=en" and then redirect to the same url, but add /en/ after the domain name. But this should be dynamic, because the url is not static and should be able to change from every specific page.

For example:

Should be redirect to:

We already tried the f ...

Score: 0
Crypto Coupons avatar
How can I configure Nginx to redirect all traffic to my website to the HTTPS WWW version and HTTPS version for subs with a consistent URL structure
cy flag

What I am trying to do is to have some clean redirects and don't make the content from the server available everywhere like is available via https://server-ip https://non-www and https://www-version

I see this are the 2 current redirects that exist:

server {
    if ($host = {
        return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
    } # managed by Certbot

if ($host = {
    ret ...
Score: 0
Gregory Schultz avatar
fail2ban: how to combine multiple failregex?
cn flag

I'm having problems with adding multiple failregex lines in my jail.local file. It works if I have one line but doesn't work if I have two.

This is my my jail.local config:

enabled = true
logpath = %(sshd_log)s
port = 22
banaction = iptables-multiport
mode = aggressive
failregex = %(known/failregex)s
            ^Bad protocol version identification '.*' from <HOST>
failregex = %(known/failreg ...
Score: 0
Nginx reverse proxy requires internal port to work when redirecting traffic to Docker host machine
cn flag

I've been using a Linux host machine with several docker containers running with one of those as Nginx Proxy Manager (from now on: NPM), which is just Nginx with a friendly UI.

NPM exposes ports 80 and 443 and redirects traffic to each container as per the proxy rules specified, a regular old reverse proxy configuration. All containers are instructed to connect to a bridge Docker network so NPM can  ...

Score: 0
Sung-IL avatar
Unable to receive TCP packets larger than VPC MTU on Google Compute Engines (Redis Client)
sh flag

This seems to be network issues between Redis cluster (Deployed on our site's on-prem worker node) and Redis client (On GCP VM that is connected to our site via Cloud VPN). Specifically, the issue is related to the unresponsiveness of the Redis clients (i.e. redis-py or redis-cli) when using the info stats / info memory commands (Large TCP Packets) while connected to the Redis cluster deployed on  ...

Score: 1
Emmanuel FRANCOIS avatar
Ansible playbook can not connect to remote user through ssh => unreachable & permission denied
la flag

I'm building a complete solution to setup and harden our vps (ubuntu 22.04) with bash script and Ansible playbooks. What I want to do is the following:

  1. Create a custom group "sudogroup" with sudo privileges
  2. Create a new user "sudouser" in this group
  3. Secure SSH connection to this user with keys pair
  4. Execute my Ansible playbook as "sudouser" instead of "root"

I'm doing this with the following bash scrip ...

Score: 0
Stewart avatar
Need `sudo` to `wget localhost`
cn flag

I'm having troubles connecting to a local webservice (apache2 default webpage). When I do a simple HTTP:GET request using wget the server returns 503 Service unavailable. However, when I sudo wget, I get 200 OK.

$ wget localhost
--2023-03-02 04:58:46--  http://localhost/
Connecting to connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 503 Service Unavailable
2023-03-02 04:5 ...
Score: 0
Another Dude avatar
Where to put files into my Ubuntu server so I can access them publicly from a web browser?
ng flag

Sorry if this is a very dumb question, but I'm totally new to server administration. I already know how to add files to a web hosting solution through FTP/SFTP, however I have no idea how I can do this with a server.

I just got access to an Ubuntu server, successfully connected to it with SSH and also sent a file there with SCP.

However, I have no idea how I can publicly access the files that I add  ...

Score: 0
guenhter avatar
How to redirect UPD packages targeted for other host to localhost
pk flag

I want to sniff UDP packages targeted at port 4500 flowing from machine A -> B with a physical TAP device and receive the sniffed packages on machine C on a local port (see image). enter image description here

About the TAP Device: This is a physical device which is placed in between A and B. The traffic between A and B is not modified at all but the packages are also sent to the TAP output interface to machine C (packages rec ...

Score: 0
MySQL information_schema table fragmentation
de flag

I noticed that the data_free of the information_schema table in MySQL is getting huge, e.g., information_schema.PROCESSLIST.

Is it possible to resolve the fragmentation of this table? I could not run the optimize table because it said I did not have permission to do so.

Score: 0
A client-centric account backup and transfer option from many IMAP accounts into Dovecot?
in flag

I've got a scenario where I need to retain a live backup of over a dozen email accounts and within the next several months these accounts will need to be migrated over to a Dovecot.

I became curious after seeing some mentions of Thunderbird being able to use Maildir and then this potentially being able to make it simple/clean to transfer entire accounts with all accompanying folders and data/atta ...

Score: 0
alarm for direct connect is showing insufficient data with terraform, how to fix that?
kr flag

I tried creating alarm for direct connect using this link.

But it is showing insufficient data, so I tried creating manually from aws console and it is working.

So, did a side by side comparison and tried following changes in dimensions.

connection_id  -> ConnectionId 
    aws_account_id -> "Account ID",AccountID,AccountId
    region         --> kept and removed 

Not fruitful, as getting s ...

Score: 0
user9990 avatar
Change Ubuntu server password every 7 days and do autologin
ga flag

am working on a scenario where i need to Change Ubuntu server password every 7 days and do autologin.

i tried with breaking the problem: command to create user with password:

useradd -p $(openssl passwd -1 "krspassword") krs

than using the cron to execute this every 7days

but didn't work

can some pls help.

Score: 0
ChazJ avatar
Upgrading Windows Server 2016 to 2022 via Remote Desktop Connection
lc flag

I need to perform an in-place upgrade of a remotely located Windows 2016 server to 2022 (or 2019). My only access to it is via Remote Desktop connection. Knowing that the upgrade process may require restarts, will I be able to re-connect my remote desktop session to continue with the upgrade process?

Obviously I need to know before attempting. I don't want to get into a situation where I can no l ...

Score: 0
Asa Carter avatar
Cannot start the php-fpm service in Alma 9
cn flag

I've compiled php 8.2.3 on Alma Linux 9 but fails php-fpm fails to start.

I was previously using Centos 7 with a slightly older php version and didn't have any issues.

The php-fpm conf file is also identical to the centos 7 build.

I have created a systemd service below (which is copied from my centos 7 build):

Description=The PHP FastCGI Process Manager

[ ...
Score: 2
Disk pair not usable after moving from hardware RAID (Windows) to software RAID (Linux)
cn flag

A long time ago I created a RAID1 pair from the boot menu of a JMicron JMB363 card. All was working fine under Windows and the RAID1 array was recognized as a single disk. I don't remember exactly how may partitions the disk had but for sure there was one NTFS partition which was the only used when the mirror was working on Windows.

I recently moved the OS from Windows to Linux and I'm not able t ...

Score: 1
Robson Jr avatar
no connection and cgroup error on standalone kubelet with containerd on ubuntu
ms flag

I am trying to setup kubelet component as standalone service from kubernetes page, though it seems I am missing something.

I've configured the containerd + runc (according to steps) with:

$ mkdir -p /etc/containerd/
$ containerd config default | tee /etc/containerd/config.toml
$ sed 's/SystemdCgroup.*/SystemdCgroup = true/' -i /etc/containerd/config.toml 

to enable runc according to:

[plugins."io.c ...
Score: 0
mahdi bigdely avatar
limitting traffic usage per user in ssh
ca flag

How can I limit ssh tunnel traffic usage per user ?

Imagine you have 3 users who can connect to a server remotely and establish a ssh tunnel.

How can you limit those users to use certain amount of bandwidth ?

for example user 1 can only use 10GB and user 2 and 3 can use 25GB

I should mention that I want to add this limits in server side

Score: 0
veey avatar
poetry command not found after installing it on jenkins
tc flag

I'm using Jenkins to build a python package using poetry, here is the stage command to install poetry on the Jenkinsfile

  steps {
    sh 'curl -sSL | python3'
    sh 'export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"'
    sh 'poetry --version'

But I get this output error during the build

+ curl -sSL
+ python3
Retrie ...
Score: 0
Brad Mace avatar
Require array item using Kyverno policy
au flag

Trying to create a Kyverno policy that requires certain array values. They have examples for "maps" such as labels, but I didn't see anything specifically about arrays.

Here's a sample Application resource:

kind: Application
  name: authentication
  namespace: openshift-gitops
    server: 'https://kubernetes.default.svc'
  project: clu ...
Score: 1
erictapen avatar
Systemd doesn't seem to respect After= dependency?
cn flag

I have a PostgreSQL server (postgresql.service) and a basic shell script (mobilizon-postgresql.service that is run to provide some assertions on the database to a third service (Mobilizon).

So naturally, mobilizon-postgresql.service is configured with an After= dependency for postgresql.service:

# systemctl show mobilizon-postgresql.service | grep After= system.slice systemd-jo ...
Score: 0
pyofey avatar
Interpret smartctl -a output
tr flag

Please help me understand this

root@bdb16e4bb2e3:/opt/scrutiny# smartctl --all /dev/sdb
smartctl 7.2 2020-12-30 r5155 [aarch64-linux-5.15.0-1024-raspi] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-20, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

Model Family:     SanDisk based SSDs
Device Model:     SanDisk pSSD
Serial Number:    <removed>
LU WWN Device Id: & ...
Score: 0
rspamd SPAMTRAP module cannot add fuzzy rules
in flag

I like to use the rspamd Spamtrap module, but it seems it cannot add rules for fuzzy matches. I get the following error

call to (SPAMTRAP_CHECK) failed (2): /usr/share/rspamd/plugins/spamtrap.lua:54: attempt to index field 'fuzzy_check' (a nil value); trace: [1]:{/usr/share/rspamd/plugins/spamtrap.lua:54 - do_action [Lua]}; [2]:{/usr/share/rspamd/plugins/spamtrap.lua:135 - [Lua]};


Score: 0
VladF avatar
Why does OOM killer works although memory is enough?
va flag

On one of the worker nodes of the Kubernetes cluster, a situation occurs periodically (several times a day) when the OOM killer is triggered, killing the "manager" process I assume it's because configuration of cgroups. How do I configure it in the proper way?

[Wed Mar 1 09:39:07 2023] memory: usage 524288kB, limit 524288kB, failcnt 574916 Can you explain, this is RES (RSS) memory threshold of the  ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.