Latest Server related questions

Score: 0
pileup avatar
HTTPS domain proxying to HTTP app - how to properly make them work together?
th flag

I have a domain on AWS EC2 instance with SSL that is served at

The only job for this domain is to proxy traffic from the domain to my home PC which serves a Laravel app. They are connected via WireGuard tunnel.

nginx is used both on the EC2 instance and locally.

This is my config in the EC2 instance:

server {
    location / {
        proxy ...
Score: 0
RHEL server unexpectedly became inaccessible via any means (ssh, https)
cn flag

The machine runs a LAMP stack (httpd, mariadb and php), and both web server and ssh are running but not accessible from remote systems. The issue began randomly an hour ago and the system immediately became unresponsive (both over my existing ssh connection and via httpd).

System is currently up and accessible via idrac, and I am able to log in and issue commands over idrac in terminal.


Score: 0
zerobit avatar
how to shrink nginx.conf with multiple hosts
cl flag

I have inherited an old nginx-controller with over 100 servers in a blue/green deployment scenario. Right now the single nginx.conf file is over 10k lines. Looking at each server section for each they all appear to be the same for each with the exeception of of the "server_name", "service_name" and "proxy_upstream_name" sections. The rest is all the same for each. I tried to apply the entire config  ...

Score: 0
SNS: Can't delete unsubscribed email subscriptions
cn flag

The subscription listing (aws sns list-subscriptions-by-topic; the UI, too) shows a "Deleted" for a subscription that was probably unsubscribed.

    "Subscriptions": [
            "SubscriptionArn": "Deleted",
            "Owner": "326764833890",
            "Protocol": "email",
            "Endpoint": "[email protected]",
            "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:326764833890:my-sns"
        } ...
Score: 1
Mhd avatar
ESXI Linux Vm high memory usage but no process is using it
ru flag

am facing a serious problem in our company server, we have Centos 7 machine on ESXI 7.0 with 26 GB of RAM, every week I have to reboot the VM to avoid full memory usage.

in the mean time I have 13 GB RAM Usage, but by summing all the ram usage of the process I got only 6 GB, here's the output of free -mh: free -mh

and "vmware-toolbox-cmd stat balloon = 0 MB"

Score: 0
Sam avatar
System failure shortly after md raid growth and no md superblocks on added disks
cn flag

tl;dr; I tried to grow my raid array by adding 2 10 tb disks to an exsistant 4x4TB raid 5 array, had a failure with the system disk (not part of the raid) shortly after the growth finished and after recovering the system the new disks are not detectable as md volumes.

Question is: Is my data gone? If not how do I get the raid to discover the data on the 10TB drives?

Longer version:

I have a home NAS I  ...

Score: 1
Inexplicable phpmailer <==> postfix Exchange
in flag

I am trying to connect the (vital) email output from our new MantisBT bugtracking system to use our email server as a smart host. The idea is that the MantisBT system sends TLS traffic to port 587 on the email server, authenticating as special user ([email protected]), and the email server sends it to the destination. My understanding is that this is the right way to do it, but I could be wrong.

Score: 0
JeremyCanfield avatar
Unable to get index.php from Nginx container to PHP container on AWS and Docker
ru flag

I've installed Docker on an AWS EC2 instance and deployed Nginx and PHP-FPM containers.

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-80-56 ~]$ sudo docker container ls
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                           COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS       
PORTS                                                                            NAMES

e8cb988f47ff   jeremycanfield/php:latest       "docker-php-entrypoi… ...
Score: 0
Siph avatar
How to show the user a PAM module’s errors when attempting SSH authentication?
pw flag

I have set up TOTP 2FA authentication on my VPS, mostly thanks to this answer.

I’ve been testing the authentication to see if my setup works as intended and it does, and when looking through /var/log/auth.log, I’ve noticed that the Google Authenticator PAM module logged its errors there, such as this one:

sshd(pam_google_authenticator)[4793]: Trying to reuse a previously used time-based code. ( ...
Score: 1
Vlad Mashkautsan avatar
How to point DNS CNAME to external GitHub Pages domain?
ke flag

I have repository on GitHub with GitHub Pages set up. If I go to everything works correctly. But, I would like to have my own domain name that looks better than that one.

I purchased a domain name: I created a CNAME record that points www to But if I now go to, I get GitHub's 404 screen. The same happens if I g ...

Score: 0
Connecting postfix to mysql with ssl
jp flag

I've been trying to get the correct recipe of settings to allow postfix to connect to mysql where ssl is required. So far I have the following config that is not working:

user = mysqluser
password = XXX
hosts =
dbname = mail
query = SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE email='%s'
tls_CAfile = /path/to/mysql-ca.crt

When using this config, I get the following error

postfix/cleanup[1317 ...

Score: 0
Cesar Bielich avatar
Cronjob "No space left on device" when logging error but there is space
sr flag

I am trying to troubleshoot some cronjob problems I am having so I wanted to start logging them.

* * * * * wget >> /var/log/myjob.log 2>&1

When I view my log file I am getting some No space left of device errors yet the cronjob runs successfully.

I checked my df and df -i to check my storage and inodes and I have plenty of storage.

What is causi ...

Score: 1
user18571 avatar
How Can We Do 301 Redirect Of Over 200 Pages To Corresponding 200 Pages At New Location?
vn flag

I need help and need it fast.

We recently migrated a subdomain to integrate with the domain.

Eg. to has a ton of traffic which we don't want to lose. So we need to do 301 redirects.

The problem is that has over 200 pages which are performing well.

I need advice how we can redirect all the pages ...

Score: 0
sorosh_sabz avatar
in-place upgrade has been disabled in Windows Server 2019 Core to Window Server 2022 Core
cn flag



I have a licensed media, and I can in-place upgrade from Windows Server 2019 Data Center [Desktop Experience] to Windows Server 2022 Data Center [Desktop Experience].

But When I want to in-place upgrade from Windows Server 2019 Data Center Core to Windows Server 2022 Data Center Core, Keep files, settings, and apps option is disable. How to resolve this issue?

enter image description here

My current Windows Server  ...

Score: 0
CatByte-io avatar
Configuring Virtual Hosting Httpd - Fedora Server - 'sites-available and sites-enabled' vs 'conf.d/vhost.conf'
cv flag

The current set-up for my web server is a 1GB nanode using Fedora37 as the distribution for the compute instance. For the web server I am using Httpd (Apache 2.4.54), and am now in the process of configuring virtual hosting. I have read several different guides on Linode and other sites. Some of them say to configure virtual hosting in:
/etc/httpd/sites-available/ and /etc/httpd/si ...

Score: 0
Ress avatar
ProxyPass not working alongside ProxyPassMatch
lc flag

So at the moment I have a virtual host configured on my Oracle HTTP Server instance with a ProxyPass as such:

ProxyPass ^/test/home/
ProxyPassMatch ^/test/home/(.*)$$1
ProxyPassReverse ^/test/home/(.*)$$1

When I attempt to access<url_from_other_server> the request seems to be working as expected.  ...

Score: -1
ahwelp avatar
Difference between SMB and NAS
cn flag

I am getting aboard my family businesses and every thing is made with Microsoft. I see that 90% of the processes can be done with free software, and in this case, file sharing. My father always complained that sharing folders with samba was too slow for the system to run properly on larger databases (COBOL) so he always recommended Windows Server for our clients.

When studding, I always installed ...

Score: 0
padjee avatar
Which command to restart postgresql 12 service
cf flag

I am about to restart postgresql 12 service running on Ubuntu 18. First, I check it's status : sudo service postgresql status. Its says :

postgresql.service - PostgreSQL RDBMS
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/postgresql.service; disabled; vendor pres
   Active: inactive (dead)
lines 1-3/3 (END)...skipping...
postgresql.service - PostgreSQL RDBMS
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/postgresql.serv ...
Score: -1
naraghi avatar
How to map a subdomain to a specific port on the server?
gl flag

I have a server that has a docker container running on port 443 (registry), which I access by addressing I want to also direct to that server, though port 443 is already used by the registry. How can I serve from that same server?

Score: 0
randominstanceOfLivingThing avatar
Finding pending cassandra pending compactions information
je flag

I am trying to understand the pending compaction statistics that are displayed by cassandra nodetool that can be seen two ways. I am on cassandra 3.11.3. Why would the compaction statistics be different in nodetool tpstats and nodetool compactionstats . I see outputs

$ nodetool tpstats
Pool Name                         Active   Pending      Completed   Blocked  All time blocked
ReadStage            ...
Score: 1
Logrotate is not working in /tmp
cn flag

I'm facing a strange problem with logrotate on my Debian 10 server.

All in one, logrotate (v3.20.1) is working and rotating fine... except for some files in /tmp that I want to "skrink" every day. Thoses logs are cvs files from collectd that I don't need to keep more than 24h.

My collectd configuration file is :

/var/log/collectd/collectd.log {
        rotate 4
        compr ...
Score: 2
Kamil avatar
Disadvantages of using ZFS recordsize 16k instead of 128k
it flag

I'm using Proxmox on a dedicated server. For production I'm still using ext4, but I decided to start messing around with ZFS.

So I have created two separate ZFS storage pools with diffrent recordsizes:

  • 128k for everything except MySQL/InnoDB
  • 16k for MySQL/InnoDB (because 16k is default InnoDB page size which I'm using)

I have added that 16k pool to check if it really makes difference for MySQL/InnoDB ...

Score: 0
user2853569 avatar
Some Double Nvr Problems in same Network
cl flag

We have a network camera system with 60 ip cameras. I realized today that some of the cameras are freezing. Approximately 30% cameras are freezing. I check cameras itself and network cables; all working normally. And then i checked the system structure. The system consists 2 nvrs and 60 ip cameras with same brand. And 3 Poe switches(24 port x 3). All cameras are in the same network ...

Score: 0
Chris Woelkers avatar
Apache ProxyPass "Internal Server Error"
in flag

I'm setting up a Tomcat based application and would also like to remove the port number from the URL. I have successfully gotten Tomcat and the application installed and accessible directly via the port number, ie Following a number of guides I've enabled mod_proxy in Apache and added the following to my site configuration.

ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPreserveHost  ...
Score: 0
fodinabor avatar
NFSv4 TCP reconnect fails after network failure due to iptables not tracking connection
tm flag

I have a NFSv4 setup via TCP, /etc/fstab:

nfs-server:/share /mount nfs4    tcp,hard,intr,rw,port=2049      0 0

A few days ago we had a network failure and multiple clients are still stuck trying to reconnect. I managed to pin-point the issue to the client's iptables dropping the SYN/ACK packages coming back from nfs-server.
So on the client we have netstat --numeric-ports showing the SYN_SENT state: ...

Score: 0
zerobit avatar
deploy nginx-ingress with large nginx config
cl flag

I have an nginx-ingress controller that I has multiple hosts connected to it. I have built the config as a ConfigMap, but when I attempt to deploy it, I keep getting and error message that says the config is to large. If creating a ConfigMap is not an option then, what options do I have to deploy the ingress with my large nginx config?

The ConfigMap "nginx-conf" is invalid: metadata.annotations: Too l ...

Score: 0
renix avatar
Remote IP Port Forwarding with SSH but with firewall.cmd or IPTables now
vu flag

The context:

I'm working with Zabbix Server and need to monitor remote servers conected with VPN/SSL tunnel using OpenFortiVPN with Any-Any rule set by our external Datacenter Provider.

Local IP of Zabbix Server: Remote IP of monitored server: (available from VPN/SSL Tunnel as said)

Zabbix dropped packets from ppp0 interface (created by openfortivpn connection), but I have succe ...

Score: 0
sangul avatar
Import Custom SSL Certificate in Zyxel GS1920-8HPv2
my flag

I have a problem with importing a server ssl cert for

https web connection on myZyxel GS1920-8HPv2.

On the WebGui of the Switch, there is an information, that the cert and key

has to be in a pkcs12 container.

I did the following things to create the server crt:

generate a private key:

openssl genrsa \
    -aes256 \
    -out private/zyxel-server.key.pem 4096

generate a csr:

openssl req \
       -config ...
Score: 0
Sagi Mann avatar
GKE cluster autoscaler does not scale up
br flag

I have a cluster which I recently upgraded from 1.22 to 1.23. On that cluster, I have a mongodb deployed via helm chart (v13.1.3) and some other custom pods. About 2 days after upgrading to 1.23, my mongo started crashing, restarted every 5 minutes or so. The cluster has a single node and I noticed that at the time the crashes started, it was around 100% (it gradually got there over those 2 days apparen ...

Score: 0
santhu avatar
Seamless switch from NAT GATEWAY to VPC gateway
gh flag

My team is currently burdened by the NAT Gateway costs and we would like to switch over to VPC Gateway endpoint to reduce the costs associated with all the EC2-S3 communication.

at the same time,

We would like to keep NAT gateway for any other communication apart from S3. My question is

How can we make sure that S3 communication from EC2 goes through VPC Endpoint gateway , but all other traffic uses NA ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.