Latest Server related questions

Score: 0
docker can't access internet from within LXC Container
fr flag

I have launched a Ubuntu 20.04 LXC container on RedHat 8.6 using the following command

lxc launch ubuntu:20.04 --storage default -c security.privileged=true -c boot.autostart=true --network lxdbr0

I installed docker in the container and configured my network proxy settings in /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf and then restarted the docker service.

Environment="HTTP_PROXY=&l ...
Score: 0
prahin avatar
Nova Compute High availability
jo flag

I had deployed 3 virtual controller with Fencing for HA.I tried Nova compute HA using Ceph backend.But i cant able to fency the VM to another compute node when the Primary node shutdown.

Score: 0
PatrickN avatar
GCE define egress ip accross regions
us flag

There is a compute engines that is located in a specific region e.g. us-east. Now I want this compute engine to recieve an egress (not ingress) external ip adress from another region e.g. eu-west.

I know I could create a forward proxy for such a usecase but I am wondering if this also possible with gcp tooling.

Score: 0
Kadir Çolak avatar
File and Printer Sharing disable config
qa flag

I disabled the File and Printer Sharing feature over the firewall on the windows server to which my website is connected. This server only hosts website and mail.

When I ping on cmd after Disable, request timed out appears, this is what I wanted, but can this setting turn off something else?

What is the best practice for this on the server?

Score: 0
Tintervenor avatar
how to check if a lustre directory has been set by chattr +P for project quota
la flag

lustre doc wrote:

To limit quota usage for a specific project ID on a specific directory ("/mnt/testfs/dir" in this example), run:

$ chattr +P /mnt/testfs/dir
$ chattr -p 1 /mnt/testfs/dir
$ lfs setquota -p 1 -b 307200 -B 309200 -i 10000 -I 11000 /mnt/testfs

but if there are already lots of existing directories and I don't know whether they have been counted into project quota, how can I check if a g ...

Score: 0
Aidvi avatar
Route all connections to specific IP through another server with Iptables
bh flag

I have 2 servers in the cloud where one has access to stfp on port 22 to IP x.x.x.x

Server 1 has access

Server 2 does not have access.

So i want to reroute all connections to ip x.x.x.x through server 1 from server 2 with iptables.

The problem

Problem is our application connects to a hardcoded domain. if possible i would avoid having our code changed. So the best scenario would be somehow make the "s ...

Score: 1
tlholoheloh101 avatar
apt-get update error in Debian 11 "Temporary failure resolving" and also "Failed to fetch"
sl flag

This is what I get when I run the apt-get update on my debian 11 server.

Err:1 bullseye InRelease Temporary failure resolving ''
Err:2 bullseye InRelease Temporary failure resolving ''
Err:3 bullseye-updates InRelease Temporary failure resolving ''
Err:4 http://securit ...
Score: 0 avatar
filesystem 'tank/volume' cannot be mounted, unable to open the dataset
za flag

I'm running ZFS and after zfs clone of a snapshot, I tried to mount the volume with command

mount -t zfs tank/volume /mnt

, but got an error message:

filesystem 'tank/volume' cannot be mounted, unable to open the dataset

How to fix this?

Score: 0
user75464 avatar
PTP multiple sync followup messages
sk flag

We have PTP setup in place on our network with 2 Boundary clocks and 2 GM's. GM's are active passive.

On the network using trackhound i can see multiple Follow UP and SYNC messages from the boundary clock before delay req/resp message is seen from the client. As there are two boundary clock both of them are putting up their sync followup messages on the network. Is this behaviour normal.

enter image description here

Score: 1
Debian 10 to 11 upgrade LXC unpriv fails to get IP assigned to veth
US flag

Just upgraded from Debian 10 to 11 and my unpriviledged container is no longer assigned an IP through the config file.


# Template used to create this container: /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-download
# Parameters passed to the template:
# Template script checksum (SHA-1): 273c51343604eb85f7e294c8da0a5eb769d648f3
# For additional config options, please look at lxc.container.conf( ...
Score: 1
guzzijason avatar
Need help grocking packet drop stats reported by ethtool (EL7/EL8)
id flag

I've been trying to read up on the details of drops as they are reported by various tools (and at various levels) of the OS. So far, most of the info I've been able to dig up by googling seems rather "hand-wavy" to me.

First, let me state that the example host I'm looking at shows ZERO drops in /proc/net/softnet_stat. This indicates to me that NIC ring buffers are probably sized adequately. Now, onto

Score: 0
ernest avatar
"route53:ListHostedZones with an explicit deny" error in the AWS console despite having AmazonRoute53FullAccess permissions
us flag

I'm trying to run this command in the AWS console:

aws route53 list-hosted-zones

I'm using my access key/secret and it worked fine in a demo account. I checked with my team and I have the AmazongRoute53FullAccess permissions:

enter image description here

Here's the full error message:

PS C:\Users...> aws route53 list-hosted-zones --no-paginate

An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the ListHostedZones operation: Use ...

Score: 0
a.ilchinger avatar
PFsense with user-specified WAN gateway
nl flag

In my network I have two different gateways to access the internet.

Without PFsense, clients would configure a static IP and configure the gateway that they need. Most clients have two network configurations (one for each gateway) which they can alternate between if they need to. This is a behavior I need to support (that is, letting a client in the network configure the gateway for accessing the ...

Score: 0
Eileen Kovach avatar
CloudSQL Programming Language Support
et flag

I was told by a third-party vendor that Python, JavaScript, and potentially other programming languages cannot be installed on CloudSQL. I am trying to verify if this is true, and if so, why is this the case?

Score: 0
Lunamare avatar
AWS Eventbridge - How to return Input Transformer variables when passing to SNS?
mk flag

I'm setting up a SNS topic for custom EventBridge patterns for compliance purposes. To eliminate a lot of the JSON into something more human readable, I am using the following Input Transformer configuration with an event grabbed straight from CloudTrail:

Input Path:

  "event": "$.eventName",
  "source": "$.eventSource",
  "time": "$.eventTime",
  "user": "$.userIdentity.arn"


"<time ...
Score: 0
Limit AD user to only login to computer in a specific OU
us flag

We have an AD domain (still on-premise) that supports a library, among other things. This library has a number of public computers, and these public computers are in their own OU in Active Directory. We also have a generic public guest login our librarians can use to give outside guests access to the machines.

I want to limit this account — and only this account — so it can only access computers in  ...

Score: -2
jks avatar
Windows Firewall Disabled every startup
tc flag

I have an antivirus installed (Panda Antivirus) and it always worked well for me.

Everytime I startup my pc I get the notifications (screenshots below) to turn Windows Firewall ON.

I never had this problem before, but this started to happen after I formatted my pc and I don't remember what I did before for this not to happens. So basically everytime I turn my pc on I always have to turn Windows Fire ...

Score: 0
Karnalta avatar
CentOS 9 KVM : Guest VM NIC not on 10Gbps
bb flag

I have a CentOS KVM host with a traditionnal 1Gbps NIC for general network and a Intel NC522SFP NIC to allow 10Gbps transfer with my computer. I am facing a problem that I can't solve, I am on it since almost a week now.

When I set an IP to the adapter on the host itself, and then do a iperf3 test, I get the following result :

Connecting to host, port 5201
[  4] local por ...
Score: 1
Use flock to back up sqlite?
cn flag

I want to back up an SQLite database file without making a local copy to avoid flash memory wear. I'd also like to avoid moving the partition to a snapshottable file system like LVM.

I figured I could just run flock database.db rsync ... but when I search online I cannot find this technique recommended anywhere, which is often a sign that it might not be a good idea.

Will this work or is there a  ...

Score: 0
kofi boateng avatar
Using socket io with nginx and AWS EC2 instances
in flag

I am running into an issue still with my socket io client not connecting to my backend. I have looked through different questions regarding websocket and containerization in the cloud but I have yet to solve my issue. I have one proxy server (nginx) along with a cluster of nodes hosting replicas (docker swarm) of my frontend and backend.

Nginx.conf (Also using certbot to configure my conf to http ...

Score: 1
Jonathan Leslie avatar
temporarily set eth0 to dhcp linux
kw flag

My ip address on a beaglebone is set to:

$ ip address show dev eth0
4: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,DYNAMIC,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 64:33:db:27:e9:d2 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global eth0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::6633:dbff:fe27:e9d2/64 scope link 
       val ...
Score: 0
Ted Lyngmo avatar
root$ tput sgr0 0 - unknown terminfo capability '0'
cn flag

After upgrading from Fedora Core 36 to 37 I noticed that tput sgr0 0 has started reporting errors for root, but not for other users.

root$ tput -V
ncurses 6.2.20201017

root$ echo $TERM

root$ tput sgr0 0
tput: unknown terminfo capability '0'

I realize that I must have added the last 0 in my script by mistake and that it should simply be tput sgr0 - but for some reason this output only ...

Score: 1
Riguez avatar
Encryption type requested is not supported by the KDC
bm flag

I am having intermittent issues with RDP'ing from a Windows 11 Enterprise PC to another Windows 11 Enterpise PC.

Both PC's are domain joined and on the same subnet.

Both PC's have a GPO applied to enforce:

Require use of specific security layer for remote (RDP) connections' is set to 'Enabled: SSL'

Require user authentication for remote connections by using Network Level Authentication' is set to 'En ...

Score: 0
alberdo dellagiacoma avatar
FortiClient VPN blocking some traffic, dual adapter setting, blocking access on both networks
hn flag

i have two adapters, one via ethernet and a wifi one, when i connect to my work vpn i would like only one of those to be configured for the vpn and the other one to work regularly is there anyway to do it? it's a SSL-VPN that changes my dns, and maybe my gateway(?) is there any way to stop it from doing that on one of my adapters and give priority to a certain adapter?

Score: -1
Fragobar avatar
Inetmgr6.exe missing on Windows server 2022, SMTP relay still working
at flag

4 months ago, I have in-place upgraded a 2K8R2 server to 2K22. It had the SMTP relay function, and this feature is still working on Server 2022. (I did the export-import function to get the settings from and old metadata.xml) NB : I have already been able to edit the SMTP relay settings such as IP allow/deny from the 2022 server.

Pb is: today, the inetmgr6.exe is simply missing in the "C:\WINDOWS ...

Score: 0
user414873 avatar
IP-Filtering on Apache-nginx-Combo
in flag

we have the request to secure a domain by restricting access to the ip-ranges of a WAF-Cloud. The server runs Apache for PHP and nginx as reverse-proxy-server, so the chain from browser to website is presumably: Client <-> DNS <-> WAF <-> nginx <-> Apache

From looking in the logs I found that requests fulfilled by nginx do come from the ips of the WAF, that anwered by Apac ...

Score: 0
Paul Johnson avatar
Fedora Silverblue for managing developer workstations
in flag

I want to create a partially managed environment for developers. By "partially managed" I mean that the libraries and tools they need for our work will be pre-installed and managed centrally, but developers will still be able to install their own preferred editors and whatever else on top.

We've been using NixOS for this, but found it inflexible and difficult.

Fedora Silverlake looks like a very pro ...

Score: 1
LAPS Update-AdmPwdADSchema doesn't add the attributes
cn flag

So I've installed LAPS according to THIS article. I've done this on 3 domains so far with great success but on the 4th one, for some reason, the attributes ms-Mcs-AdmPwd and ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime doesn't show up.

I've confirmed that the LAPS user is created on the servers and the software is installed but still nothing.

When I run Update-AdmPwdADSchema it says "EntryAlreadyExists" but it does not.  ...

Score: -2
Saaz avatar
HP StorageWorks D2700 slow read speed
bh flag

So the company wanted a file server in our DMZ. It had to be set up rather quickly, we are looking at a proper storage solution for the longer term, but for now I was asked to see what I could do. We had some old StorageWorks disk arrays laying around that used to host our on-premise exchange, with the servers whom had the controllers also present.

So I have two DL360G7's on which I installed se ...

Score: 0
dodov avatar
Using `top` command shows PHP FPM processes using more memory than available
tz flag

I've read this answer about understanding top, as well as man top, but I think I still have trouble turning the presented data from top into actual information.

I'm logged on an Amazon EC2 instance which is part of a load-balanced group. It's running PHP FPM and I've filtered top to show only the php-fpm processes:

top - 11:27:43 up 18:59,  2 users,  load average: 0.59, 0.79, 0.74
Tasks: 171 total, ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.