Latest Server related questions

Score: 0
iftheshoefritz avatar
Cannot add passwordless private key with ssh-add on remote server
id flag

I can add a passwordless id_ed25519 file locally using ssh-add -k, but not on my remote server.


☁  ~  ssh-add -l
The agent has no identities.
☁  ~  ssh-add -k ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
Identity added: ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 ([email protected])
☁  ~  ssh-add -l
256 SHA256:.... [email protected] (ED25519)

Locally my OS is not bothered that this is a passwordless key, and does not prompt for a password ...

Score: 0
Mohsen avatar
Limit number of connection for a special port on Linux server
bz flag

I have an Nginx server in Ubuntu 20, And has a multi-port listener on it for the proxy pass.

I want to limit the number of connections per port. IP doesn't matter (I mean dont limit by IP). My IPTable has been disabled and I prefer to dont use it. I want way to limit connection event without Nginx but the Nginx limit is ok too.

There is a way to limit that without lose performance ?

Update : I found CS ...

Score: 1
HippoMan avatar
postfix: conditionally ignoring certain "User unknown in virtual mailbox table" errors when using a milter
by flag

Note: I originally posted this question in Unix/Linux StackExchange, but after a week, there have been no responses. I see more postfix-related discussion here, and so I've voted to close the StackExchange version of my question, and I've moved my question here.

I'm running postfix version 2.93 under Debian 8, and I'm trying to accomplish something unusual.

I have been using a home-grown milter f ...

Score: 2
aolszowka avatar
Docker ENTRYPOINT With a Piped Command
in flag

I am trying to create a dockerfile that uses a combination of rtlamr and rtlamr-collect to collect information about my utility meters. I cannot get the ENTRYPOINT in docker to be rtlamr | rtlamr-collect.

Here's my dockerfile:

FROM golang:latest AS build
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go install
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go install ...
Score: 1
soniaseguz avatar
AWS MariaDB RDS stalls while upgrading
ai flag

Our RDS database has been in state 'Upgrading' for over 5 hours. It appears it was applying an Automatic minor version upgrade to mariadb 10.4.26 I cannot connect to the database in any way; I can only view error/mysql-error-running.log which displays this: error/mysql-error-running.log

It appears the only option right now is to restore to the latest backup, but I don't know if this will leave the  ...

Score: 0
Warriorjacq9 avatar
Can't login with sftp or ssh for sftp user
ng flag

I am trying to set up SFTP on my Arch Linux machine. I made the sftp user, gave it a password, and tried to login with sftp sftp@localhost using the correct password, but it gave me the error Permission denied, please try again. I can login as my normal user through ssh, but this one does not work. How do I fix this?

SSH Logs:

pam_systemd_home(sshd:auth): systend-homed is not available: Unit dbus-org ...
Score: 0
Why libvirt ignore secure boot flag?
de flag

In libvirt version 6.0.0

I have following configuration

<type arch="x86_64" machine="pc-q35-4.2">hvm</type>
<loader readonly="yes" secure="no" type="pflash">/usr/share/OVMF/</loader>

Before I start the vm, i also remove the root-test-uefi_VARS.fd to let it create a new one from defau ...

Score: 6
mr.d avatar
SSH Agent forwarding not working on Ubuntu 22.04
in flag

I am trying to connect to github over ssh on my remote server (Running Ubuntu 22.04).

On my local computer (Running Win 10), I have ~/.ssh/config file with the following:

Host remote
    HostName SERVER_IP
    port 22
    User ubuntu
    ForwardAgent yes

After connecting to the remote server, I can confirm that the ssh agent is working by typing:


result: /tmp/ssh-XXXXPWEKZo/ag ...

Score: 4
1N4001 avatar
Bonding dual 1 Gbit/s NICs to boost throughput to single 2.5Gbit/s port
cn flag

Linux is capable of bonding NICs together. The interesting policy for this is Round-robin, which alternates outgoing packets between each NIC.

However the performance benefits are usually limited to multiple clients. A single 1000BASE-T client, despite being fed from dual 1000BASE-T, is of course still limited to 1 Gbit/s.

What about 2.5GBASE-T clients? Assume the following:

[Server|2x1G] <===> [ ...

Score: 0
Ilyaka avatar
Broken fstab, lvm root file system ubuntu (22.04) urgent help pls - possibly solved but verify pls
gm flag

I was adding some nfs links to fstab but a stray process filled disk so I lost fstab when trying to save. Am trying to recreate, machine is still live.

Found some helpful links, used blkid and think I have put mount for boot device.

However the main system is on lvm and the UUID for that doesn't seem to match the underlying block devices.

I tried looking at fstab and blkid on another machine and copied ...

Score: 1
raiton avatar
update to ubuntu 20.10 404?
gu flag

every time i try to do an update because I can«t find a certain package, i just get a bunch of 404s and error messages saying that my repositories no longer have a release file. this is really destroying my use of the system :/

meanwhile i discovered that i was running 22.04 (which claims to be LTS but repositories are dead?), and there's a 22.10 which has running repositories. so I tried to upg ...

Score: 0
1FriendlyDoge avatar
Squid Proxy always 403
cm flag

I have been trying to setup Squid proxy for a good 2 hours now, I dont want any authorizations or any blacklists. I just want all requests to get accepted. I have already tried http_access allow all, acl all src all and a lot of other methods (pretty much every method you can find on the first 3 google result pages) already, but I always get a 403 code when I actually try to make a request through ...

Score: 2
Dean Hiller avatar
How to match only single . in file name and not two .?
br flag

In regex, I think I want .*\..* -> Match all files with any characters, single dot, all characters.

In unix filenaming pattern matching, is there a way to do this as *.* matches filenames with two . in them. It will match release_4.18.1 file when I only want it to match all the release_4.18 files.

I am using github branch protection name matching so I can't do fancy commands either in bash or anythi ...

Score: 0
Jesse P avatar
What Could Cause CloudFront Request To Spikes Once Per Day From Linux User Agent with same IP?
sm flag

Setup is: cloudfront -> load balancer -> ec2 server

CloudFront logs shows the request are coming from these IP's and User Agent.

c-ip =

cs(User-Agent) = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.54 Safari/537.36

Score: 1
Farhood ET avatar
Using NGINX as a forward proxy in a relay server for V2Ray connection
mg flag

I am living in Iran currently and our internet is limited. For bypassing the national firewall, we have to use a VPS based in Iran as a relay to connect to a VPS server outside Iran.

Many are using V2Ray VPNs and use a relay configured with IPTables to forward a connection on ports 80 and 443 to VPS ips (see this gist)

Instead of configuring iptables, I am trying to come up with a solution using N ...

Score: 0
Anthony Marino avatar
nginx to reverse proxy 2 local lambdas in docker containers
zw flag

I have 2 lambda functions wrapped in docker containers and am using docker compose to run them together. One runs on port 9000 the other on port 9001. I am trying to use nginx to allow them to both be reachable on the same port locally. I am able to hit each lambda individually at their respective port in postman at


but not at the nginx map ...

Score: 0
BLISS OM avatar
How to boot into safe mode with RDP enabled on GCP
bm flag

Read title. I am trying to figure out how to boot into safe mode on a windows VM and still be able to connect to it via RDP (or another remote service).

Score: 0
how can I boot from usb device in libvirt qemu machine?
de flag

I pass-through a usb device like this:

<hostdev mode="subsystem" type="usb" managed="yes">
    <vendor id="0x067b"/>
    <product id="0x2731"/>
    <address bus="2" device="11"/>
  <alias name="hostdev0"/>
  <address type="usb" bus="0" port="4"/>

If I boot from virtual cdrom, the lsusb can show my usb drive without ...

Score: 1
Masood Lapeh avatar
redirect outgoing dns queries to localhost using iptables
cy flag


There are some outgoing TCP DNS requests in my Ubuntu server that I couldn't control them to be resolved by Unbound on which uses to resolve everything, and I see those TCP DNS packets finally going from my public IP address to famous DNS servers such as and

What I have done

ipset -N myipset iphash
ipset -A myipset
ipset -A myipset 208.67.22 ...
Score: -1
BLISS OM avatar
Can't connect to Windows VM after booting into safe mode
bm flag

I cannot connect to my windows VM after booting into safe mode [networking enabled]. I have restarted, and I have tried using the serial console but it doesn't make much sense to me. I am trying to figure out:

A. How to enable RDP on Windows via the GCP console

B. How to restart the computer in normal mode via GCP console.

Please help.

EDIT: Solved it myself lol. See my comment below.

Score: 0
libvirt with qemu guest, bridged networking does not work
nl flag

I am trying to get a VM operational and working so my router can forward a high port to its SSH, allowing someone on the Internet to connect to the VM. I am familiar with how to make that part of it operational.

I first tried bridged networking. With that, the guest does not get an IP address. If I set an IP address on the guest manually, then the guest can ping Internet addresses, but TCP con ...

Score: 1
Dave Sopko avatar
Best way to convert azure logs date time into an excel date time
cn flag

Hello when I export Azure logs to csv I get this datetime format that excel doesn't recognize as a valid date time format:


Is this the best way to convert this to an excel datetime or is there something simpler?

=DATE(MID(A107,1,4),MID(A107,6,2),MID(A107,9,2)) + 
    - TIME(5,0,0) 
    + TIME(1,0,0)

This minus five hours is ...

Score: 0
CharlieBucket avatar
AWS Application Load Balancer: Re-routing requests to non-approved paths
va flag

I have a use case where I would like all requests to start with a prefix like:


For example https://WHATEVER/pfx/a and https://WHATEVER/pfx/b/c/d

But I wish to prevent https://WHATEVER/somewhere_else and similar requests that do not include the prefix (pfx). In preventing this, I'd like to simply redirect all such requests to https://WHATEVER/pfx (home page)

Is this possible wi ...

Score: 0
Vincent Ngai avatar
GKE Pod in ContainerCreating if nodeSelector/nodeAffinity apply
us flag


  1. I create cluster in zonal mode and only have 1 zonal GKE version v1.21.14-gke.2700

  2. I create a PD in GCP GUI make sure it is in the same zonal

  3. I am deploy a pod mount the PV, PVC using PD i created without nodeSelector/nodeAffinity and tolerations <=== to shows the PV,PVC and PD is correct define

  4. I then create pod with nodeSelector and tolerations without mount and pv and pvc <== Re ...

Score: 1
Ouerghi Yassine avatar
GCP cloud run job fails without a reason
gb flag

A scheduled GCP cloud run job is failing sometimes (most if the time its running correctly) without a proper cause in the error message. The only message its returning is a very obscure one: "Execution JOB_NAME has failed to complete, 0/1 tasks were a success."

Context: The job runs a docker container, that is deployed in GCR. The container is being built with GCP Code build, trigger by a github push. ...

Score: 0
terrorpup avatar
Can you have multi proxy as location in nginx conf?
rw flag

I have several web apps I like to proxy with a single URL. This is my nginx.conf

server {
    listen 443 ssl;


    access_log  /var/log/nginx/webapps_access.log;
    error_log   /var/log/nginx/webapps_errors.log;

    ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # managed by Certbot
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt ...
Score: 0
Bekr avatar
banning IPs from file in Fail2ban
vc flag

I've installed fail2ban and it's working fine in banning IPs that try to access ssh with invalid username/password even if they tried once.

Now I'm receiving key exchange attacks that fail2ban doesn't deal with in the default setup.

I created cron that generate the IPs using the command:

sudo cat /var/log/auth.log | grep "Unable to negotiate" | awk '{print $10}' |sort |uniq >> ipsfile

Now I  ...

Score: 0
0x45 avatar
nginx doesn't properly route to webapp and omitting path
lk flag

I am currently configuring a nginx reverse proxy. The docker instance of nextcloud is available on Port 8891

server {
  listen 8888 ssl http2;

  location /nextcloud/ {


however when I try to navigateto the url, I have the problem, that the stylesheets etc. are not available under /nextcloud/* instead they are getting fetched from /core/*. omitting path

Removing t ...

Score: 0
Xophmeister avatar
Migration plan for hosted e-mail
br flag

I am considering migrating my e-mail from one hosted provider to another; specifically to Proton Mail, but I don’t think that matters. My trepidation comes from my personal domain and the potential for either a temporary loss of service, loss of my e-mails, or both.

My current provider manages my domain, DNS and mail hosting (IMAP-based). I have three mailboxes, let’s call them {a,b,c} ...

Score: 0
gctwnl avatar
404 error with lighttpd and unable to get lighttpd access.log and error.log working under docker compose
in flag

I am a beginner with traefik, lighttpd, docker compose, and I am trying to get logging working for lighttpd under docker compose.

My lighttpd.conf file contains:

server.modules = (

server.document-root = "/var/www/lighttpd8081/html"
server.errorlog = "/var/log/lighttpd/error.log"
server.port = 80

mimetyp ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.