Latest Server related questions

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DanRan avatar
Maria Database (Mariadb) - Aborted connection to db: 'unconnected' user: 'unathenticated' host: ''
mx flag

I am running an Ubuntu based LEMP mail/web server, using MariaDB. When I run the command

sudo service mariadb status

I get the following warnings:

Oct 24 00:32:44 mariadbd[1226]: 2022-10-24  0:32:44 7610 [Warning] Aborted connection 7610 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'unauthenticated' host: '' (This connection closed normally without authentication)
Oct 24 00:32:44 mail.exa ...
Score: 0
Hackjaku avatar
Windows Server 2016 unpredictable static routes
ch flag

I am configuring routes on a Windows Server 2016 machine.

I've already set up a Lan to Lan VPN as follows on a DrayTek router:

Local network:

Remote networks:,

which is online and working. The network interface on the machine has two IPs:

IPv4 address. . . . . . . . :
Subnet mask . . . . . . . . :
IPv4 address . . . . . . .  : ...
Score: 0
Shadow777 avatar
Alter Database recovery model & Shrink log, DB dynamically
sx flag

I normally do on daily basis these operations in GUI

  • Alter database to simple recovery model
  • shrink log file
  • shrink database file
  • Alter database to full recovery model

I can understand script but can't write one.

I just want to give DB name then script must execute above tasks and possible show log of it

Declare @DBname varchar(50) Set @DBname = 'AdventureWorks'

After these 2 lines

Score: 0
Printer mapping takes 20 minutes
us flag

I work for an MSP. One of my customers has a setup that looks vaguely like this:

  • The "source of truth" for their users is an on-premise Active Directory domain
  • They sync their users from the on-prem AD to Azure AD
  • All of their "on-premise" servers are VMs hosted in Azure
  • All of their devices are Azure AD joined and are managed by Intune
  • Devices are not joined to the on-premise Active Directory
  • A ...
Score: 0
Youssef Ihab avatar
How to wake my Ubuntu server on HTTP requests from LAN?
ro flag

I have an Ubuntu 22.04.1 web server running Apache2 Server hosting 2 sites [Django website & other File hosting Site]. What I'm trying to achieve: Set the server to sleep all the time it is not in use. when it receives an HTTP request, It wakes for 20 min. (To give clients some time to use the website) then go to sleep.

I've dealt with the 2nd part by setting the ubuntu auto sleep timer to 20 ...

Score: 0
Omnifarious avatar
Why does this single value SNMP OID have a bunch of sub-values?
ng flag

I have a Juniper MIB in which this OID: corresponds to this value:

When I run an snmpwalk of I get this:

JUNIPER-MIB::jnxOperating5MinAvgCPU. = Gauge32: 0
JUNIPER-MIB::jnxOperating5MinAvgCPU. = Gauge32: 0
JUNIPER-MIB::jnxOperating5MinAvgCPU. = Gauge32: 0
JUNIPER-MIB::jnxOperating5MinAvgCPU.4.1.1. ...
Score: 0
When is a new PHP-CGI process created?
in flag

enter image description here

My production server has been having a OOM issue. Upon investigating I find that a major memory eater is PHP-CGI processes. Each of my website, be it Joomla or Wordpress, is having 3 - 6 PHP-CGI processes and each of the processes is taking around 80MB memory.

So I created a brand new test server and transferred one of the simplest Wordpress sites over. This site has only a few common plugins like Astra  ...

Score: 0
John Doe avatar
Installing ONIE on Netberg Rangeley P1330 CPU board
ls flag

I'm trying to build the opencomputeproject/onie bin files for netberg aurora using the instructions from here. I am getting the following error, what is wrong?

[INFO ]  Retrieving needed toolchain components' tarballs
[ERROR]    Internal ct-ng error: 'LINUX' not defined, please report a bug
[ERROR]  >>
[ERROR]  >>  Build failed in step 'Retrieving needed toolchain components'  ...
Score: 0
Durzot avatar
1-week old operations unavailable via gcloud compute operations list command
li flag

I have spawned a large number of instances (approx. 5000) on the last few days and I am keeping track of the start/delete times of instances via the gcloud compute operations list command.

I tried today to list all operations since 2022-10-18 but the output contains only operations since 2022-10-22.

More specifically, if you consider the instance with id 38824[...] that I spawned on 2022-10-18T09 ...

Score: 0
mox avatar
transparent management of scratch fs on cluster node
gb flag

I have a cluster made of 5 node, the node 1 host a big file-system exported via NFS to other nodes.

The other nodes have a fast nvme disks used for scratch.

I would like to encourage users to work on scratch as much as possible, thus I would like to propose a procedure as transparent as possible to use it, whit minimal impact on the analysis pipeline.

For simplicity let suppose that the user work by as ...

Score: 0
Georgi Koemdzhiev avatar
How to change the date format for the AUTHORITY\SYSTEM user on Windows?
cn flag

I have a scheduled task that executes a .NET Core application. The application counts on the system having a date format in en-GB or "DD/MM/YYYY". The scheduled task is set to run as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM user.

Note: the above-scheduled task runs on an Amazon EC2 instance.

Is there a way to change the date format for the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM user from Powershell in my User-Data script (i.e. when the EC2 in ...

Score: 0
kab00m avatar
IIS/ARR reverse proxy negotiate pass-through
br flag

I am having hard time with IIS/ARR reverse proxying to WildFly application server. On Linux we use web-servers to offload HTTPS, authentication and security functions from application server, so the initial idea was to do the same with IIS.

  1. Application use WebSockets, it means Jakarta ISAPI redirector is of no help and we are using ARR instead.
  2. ARR is not capable to forward authenticated user informat ...
Score: 0
Soikot avatar
How to limit concurrent request per ip using iptables for a limited time?
ng flag

i want to limit request per ip for a certain time like as if daily 2000 request coming from single ip address. i want to block this ip for 24 hours. after 24 hours it is automatically allow from server . is there any way to do this with using iptables ? can anyone help me? thanks in advance.

Score: 0
wtf_1x avatar
which entries in the auth.log could be dangerouse and which not
hm flag

which kind of entries in the auth.log are not good or from which one should i been scared?

Oct  3 05:00:01 webv2 CRON[25757]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user www-data(uid=33) by (uid=0)
Oct  3 05:00:01 webv2 CRON[25757]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user www-data

1 ) is that because i have some entries in the /etc/sudoers who allow www-data to start an file or am i wrong? ...

Score: 0
Bowis avatar
Error opening terminal: unknown when executing nano
nl flag

I have nano installed on a CentOS 7 VPS. When trying to open a file using nano, such as sudo nano /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf, i get Error opening terminal: unknown. I am using Termius to access my VPS using SSH

Score: 0
Morgade avatar
Nginx/Vue - Uncaught SyntaxError: expected expression, got '<' on line
na flag

When I try to serve my Vue app with Nginx, I get an Uncaught SyntaxError: expected expression, got '<' error on the <!DOCTYPE HTML> line of my index.html file, leading to scripts not loading and nothing being displayed.

Here's the conf file for that app :

server {
    listen 80;
    listen [::]:80;
        location / {
        root path/to/vue/dist/folder;
        i ...
Score: 0
Euray K avatar
Puppet server on an puppet agent CRL error
va flag

After installing puppet server on a puppet agent, I keep getting this error on the next puppet run.

Error: The CRL issued by 'CN=Puppet CA:' is missing
Error: The CRL issued by 'CN=Puppet CA:' is missing

It seems to be that the puppet server removes the issued CRL from the main puppet server. Regenerating another certificate does work however if the new pupp ...

Score: 0
Radu M. avatar
Forcefully adding a shared library to my lib folder on Ubuntu made my Linux system no longer able to execute shell commands
sh flag

While trying to debug a crash on an Ubuntu Linux system related to a missing library named, I added a so file with this name in the lib folder. I see now this was a bad idea, since now my machine is no longer usable. Now, any command I enter, for example ls, I get:

ls: symbol lookup error: /lib/ undefined symbol: __data_start

I cannot delete the problem file because rm ...

Score: 0
brovoca avatar
Can I prevent rsync from setting attributes on the topmost directory?
kr flag

I'm currently building a solution to rsync Gerrit data into a Kubernetes container which has storage (a persistent volume) mounted at /var/gerrit/logs/. I am trying to use the rsync command below, but it fails as it can not edit the attributes of the topmost directory (./ below). Writing files under this path is permitted though. Is it possible to tell rsync to not set attributes of any sort on th ...

Score: 0
Shakeel Ahmed avatar
site ssl on nginx server only working in incongnito mode but normal browser
lc flag

My main site is hosted on a cpanel and working perfectly x x x x ip

I have added on subdomain in main site pointing to my vm where i have setup nginx server which point to another vm where our main software is running. x x x x (pointing to vm public ip where i have installed the Ngnix server)

ngnix configuration file as below:-


upstream backend {
   server 192. ...
Score: 0
niceu avatar
Limiting CPU usage of Mariadb proccess doesn't work
um flag

I'm building a server that runs Mariadb 10.5, apache, nginx and PHP-FPM. The server have 16 cores and 32GB Ram. This server suppose to work under load, but it doesn't because Mariadb is using 1500%, which causes the whole server to bottleneck.

This is my my.cnf

innodb_buffer_pool_size = 15G

innodb_log_file_size = 3G

innodb_log_buffer_size = 256M



wai ...
Score: 0
Hussain Akbar avatar
Use CentOS 7 as CalDAV server for calendar sharing
kn flag

I added DAV on Apache on a CentOS 7 server using articles such as this one. Seems straightforward enough. This server is a remote one on the Internet.

Next, I published calendar info from my PC and from one colleague's. The process given here is the same as that found in other links and doesn't have any particular steps that need to be customized.

Checking on the Linux server, I see that .ics files for b ...

Score: 0
Andrew Magdy avatar
How to connect k8s deployment calls private VPC cloud function on Google cloud platform?
td flag

I'm trying to deploy my frontend container image on Kubernetes, and this frontend depends on the GCP cloud function. I want to make the flow more secure by using a virtual private cloud (VPC) feature on GCP.

What I have done:

I created a custom network and subnet. I created a VPC connector. I Updated all cloud functions connection settings to use that connector; in the ingress setting I chose All ...

Score: -1
BaltoStar avatar
How to determine specific resource responsible for Azure cost?
de flag
Azure Portal > Cost Management > Cost Analysis > Cost By Resource > Services 

provides line-items such as :

IP Addresses
IP Addresses - Standard IPv4
Standard IPv4 Static Public IP

How to determine the specific resource(s) responsible for these charges ?

Score: 1
Derek Edwards avatar
RHEL8 based system has multiple kernels but module will only load in one of them
kr flag

As the title says I have multiple kernels on my system


Issue is I am using mpt3sas on my system and when i installed it on 4.18.0-193.19.1 it was perfect. Now on a later kernel I am seeing that kernel does't detect that module. I can't modinfo it or modprobe it. But when I attempt to install it it does detect that it ...

Score: 1
Menj avatar
AWS EC2 NGINX SSL Issue after activating the SSL
as flag

We have this weird issue on our AWS EC2 instance, when we activate the "AWS SSL Certificate" on that specific EC2 instance it will not work and instead, it will just show the default "NGINX" page though the SSL was installed successfully.

The previous SSL expired and was provided by a 3rd party so now the site is showing the SSL insecure warning.

NGINX config

server {
listen 443 ssl http2;
listen [::]:44 ...
Score: 1
JurajB avatar
Can you apply user group policy to be valid only on a server but not workstations?
jp flag

I've applied user policy to remove ctrl+alt+del on a Citrix server but the user doesn't have it on their laptop either.

Is there a way to apply user group policy selectively, based on a device?

Note: applying the policy to the computer object doesn't work since it's a user policy

Score: 0
Reload nginx.conf without downtime
ru flag

systemctl reload nginx and all connections closes i try this one too sudo pkill -HUP nginx //restart all active connections i want to add tcp servers without downtime of other services that are already configured

Score: -1
Luigi avatar
I can't send mail from Exchange 2010 to 2003 (coexistence)
cn flag

I have an error when sending mail from 2010 to 2003 coexistence:

error 550 4.4.7 queue expired; message expired

This is the version I use to test

Ex2003 |  v6.5 Build 7638.2 SP2    |       6.5.6500.0

Ex2010 |  v14.3 Build 123.4 SP3    |       8.0.535.0

Testing to upgrade Exchange 2003 to 2010. Reference Exchange upgrade guide

There are problems with one of the RGC (Routing Group Manager) connectors, ...

Score: 1
bugbear avatar
Is it possible to route all traffic from a set of kubernetes pods through another pod acting as a VPN client?
ro flag

I am a newbie in kubernetes, so I apologise if this turns out to be trivially documented elsewhere. It may be that I did not search the right terms.

Say I have three pods in my cluster for three services: P1, P2 and P3. I'd like to route all the traffic from and to pods P1 and P2 through a VPN, so that they can reach the services on an external network. At the same time, P3 should access the inter ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.