Latest Server related questions

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Macs R We avatar
Spammers slipping through SPF
au flag

One of the subscribers on the mailhost I run has been receiving scads of spam mail "from himself." With SPF set up and validated on the domain ( this should not be happening. It is not happening on any of my other domains (though this could be more of a spammer opportunity thing than a technical thing).

The SPF record is simple and severe: v=spf1 a mx ip4: -all

Bottom l ...

Score: 0
jodevelofer avatar
Rewrite URI using directives
ie flag

I want to re-write the following url:<token>/images/<image.png> 


the goal is to remove the token path. And point the location of static resources to:

location /contextpath/images{
            root    "C:/Temp/images";

How can I achieve that?

Score: 0
joe avatar
how to reach join fields with separator?
ht flag

how to reach join fields "a, b, f" in jointest7 and "a, b, x" in jointest8 to join both files?

[admin@localhost ~187]$ head jointest7 jointest8
==> jointest7 <==
1 x:b a:c
2 x:d b:e
3 x:g f:i

==> jointest8 <==
1 a:y:z
2 b:o:p
3 x:j:i
Score: 1
Rijaja avatar
Is cockpit using a different time zone for automatic updates?
dj flag

I have configured the cockpit web console on my fedora server to automatically install updates at 04:00 every day. I am in the CEST time zone, so 02:00 UTC. It also makes the server reboot after installing the updates.

The behaviour I expected was that my server would reboot a little after 04:00, but it rebooted at 22:00 (10pm), which isn't the time I specified whether it's interpreted as CEST or ...

Score: 0
inadmin avatar
Need help on creating a script for output files size to a text file
cn flag

i want to create a script that will output the size of 3 files to a text file. and that the sizes will be shown in GB's. How do I accomplish this?

Score: 0
jugglingcats avatar
Intermittent errors fetching from using mingw curl and nodejs on Windows, but not in PowerShell or Linux VM
dz flag

This started happening a month or two ago. I have a node script which fetches from:

This has started failing about one in three times, but not with all methods (all running on the same machine).

❌ curl under Git for Windows

❌ nodejs script in Windows

❌ curl in Ubuntu under WSL

❌ nodejs in Ubuntu under WSL

✅ Invoke-WebR ...

Score: 0
Tek avatar
Deploy password policy for Cloud m365 accounts
ma flag

Does anyone know how to deploy a password policy in a 100% M365 cloud user environment?

Score: 0
Navdeep.D2 avatar
Unable to send remote commands to OLT ZTE C320. Server refused to start a shell/command
lt flag

My end goal is to execute each command inside "" remotely on the OLT ZTE C320 without me having to paste it manually by login. Just like we send remote command to a linux server like: ssh [email protected] "uptime"

Server refused to start a shell/command - Picture/Screenshot here

My bash script "" is:

conf t
interface gpon-olt_1/2/7
onu 50 type ABCD sn ZTEGCFE17F4B
interface gpon-onu_ ...
Score: 0
David S avatar
Want to Use Ansible Lineinfile Module to Insert Private IP Addresses from Hosts in the zookeeperservers Inventory Group
kw flag

I need to modify a line in a configuration file with the private IP addresses of the hosts in the zookeeperservers inventory group.

The config file is an .xml file.

The key word in the config file is "Connect String">.

There are 3 hosts in the zookeeperservers inventory group i.e., zoo1, zoo2, and zoo3.

I would like to insert a line immediately after "Connect String"> (i.e., immediately after the "& ...

Score: 0
Brian Brown avatar
Running Micorweber from Docker images gives BusyBox errros
ru flag

I want to run specific version of Microweber. I found an image on Dockerhub. However, when I try to run it, it gives me strange errors:

docker run -dp 80:80 karser/microweber:1.1.5

And the logs, docker logs d0fc362b6a86:

Waiting for  to start
BusyBox v1.29.3 (2019-01-24 07:45:07 UTC) multi-call binary.

Usage: nc [OPTIONS] HOST PORT  - connect
nc [OPTIONS] -l -p PORT [HOST] [PORT]  - listen

    -e ...
Score: 0
Sachin Kadam avatar
How to mount glusterfs based san lun on another server and mount with ext4/xfs filesystem
id flag

I have one glusterfs based filesystem san lun with some data assigned to linux server and want to access that data on that server.

What are the possible ways to recover that data?

Tried to mount it but not mounted.

 [root@node-slave4 ~]# mount -t glusterfs /dev/mapper/chep_vg04-chep_lv04 /mnt/
 Mounting glusterfs on /mnt failed.
 [root@node-slave4 ~]# mount -t gfs2 /dev/mapper/chep_vg04-chep_lv04 /mnt/
Score: 0
Scivic avatar
How to determine what CVE is back ported to what version of package?
ba flag

I'm trying to determine what version of apache is backported for CVE-2021-40438. I'm very confused as to how to find out. Our spacewalk server has multiple apache versions of 2.4.37 from -10 to -56 and the specific VM is up to date with 2.4.37-56.0.1.module+el8.8.0+21057+13668aee.6

Score: 0
King David avatar
Does VM machine can replace physical machine,
gb flag

We have 254 Physical servers when all machines are DELL servers R740.

servers are part of Hadoop cluster. most of them are holding HDFS filesystem and data node & node manager services, part of them are Kafka machines.

The OS that installed on the physical servers is RHEL 7.9

Now we want to add additional 52 physical servers to the cluster. but we can add only the DELL servers R760 That must be  ...

Score: 0
Lucky avatar
Application gateway multi site set up
US flag

I have created a set up which uses application gateway to route traffic to app services. Below are the details:

  1. Application Gateway - 1
  2. Azure App Service - 2
  3. App Service Plan - 1
  4. VNET and one subnet

App Service - 1 for .net 5 web app, 1 for .net 5 api app

Both browse locally and after publishing to app service, for api app when browsed from Azure portal I have to append /swagger which then translates t ...

Score: 0
Zippy1970 avatar
After upgrading Debian Bullseye to Bookworm, problems with Wordpress and PHP
cn flag

OS: Debian Bookworm, WordPress: 6.2, PHP: 8.2

I upgraded my webserver from Debian Bullseye to Bookworm today. Everything worked - except all Wordpress sites. When visiting such a site (on my server), I first got the following error message:

Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.

Please check that the mysqli PHP extension is installed and enabl ...
Score: 0
Michael Sørensen avatar
To what degree can/should you overprovision a mail server?
ph flag

I'm considering setting up a mail server as a side offering to my hosting business. I know that other providers won't "reserve" the disk space for an account (i.e. 15GB for gmail), but to what degree can one overbook the available storage in terms of accounts promised and actual disk space?

Score: 0
Ashkan Mobayen Khiabani avatar
How to connect to MariaDB remotely
fr flag

I rarely use Linux as I'm a .Net developer and it is my first time using Debian, I have always used Ubuntu before on rare occasions.

I'm trying to connect to MariaDB. and I succeed locally both using localhost or host IP address, but remotely it fails.

What I have done so far (using instructions on the web):

  1. Installed MariaDB and created a user with a password. and granted access on all databases:

Score: 0
alanZhang avatar
Many linux process falling into 'D' status, server got stuck
me flag

I am running a high performance application on Centos 7.4 op system 3.10 with RT kernel. Sometimes a few process falling into 'D' status(uninterruptible), such as systemd、runc init、umount. The stack of them is similar,and the first three levels are exactly same.

s ...
Score: 1
jodevelofer avatar
Wildcard path to serve Static resources
ie flag

I want to access resources like images in a directory with the endpoint that has a token in middle of the path.<token>/logos/myLogo.png


I am trying to configure it in nginx.conf and put this config to point the resource to a directory:

location ~ ^/contextpath/(logos/.*) {
    root      "C:/temp ...
Score: 1
Goku__ avatar
MySQL server slows down 24 hours after reboot
sn flag

I have a MySQl server which slows down every 22-24 hours after restarting mysql. After restarting mysql it starts working properly and after about 20 hours it starts to slow down. I increased the tmp_table_size and max_heap_table_size to 256M. It hasn't solved the problem.

Here is my.cnf configuration:

max_connections = 1000
max_allowed_packet = 512M
innodb_buffer_pool_size =15G
innodb_flush_log_at_tr ...
Score: 0
Aviran avatar
Assign permission to EKS cluter using IAM groups
mn flag

Following this tutorial: - Which I believe is missing the point it is trying to make, by assuming the role directly at the Test EKS page

I've created a role called k8sAdmin with the following policy/trust relations

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal" ...
Score: 0
Seldon avatar
How to enforce an image in a deployment config is only pulled from an image stream?
sh flag

I am using OpenShift 4.11. I have configured an ImageStream like so:

kind: ImageStream
  name: my-image
    local: true
    - name: latest
      annotations: null
        kind: DockerImage
        name: 'my.repository.local/my-image:latest'
        scheduled: true
Score: 3
What is the SMBus I2C Header on my motherboard?
in flag

My motherboard has a slot on the motherboard for,

JPI2C1 Power Supply SMBus I2C Header (X13SAE-F only)

What is this used for? The motherboard manual say nothing more about it. What is this for? What do I plug in there? What happens if I plug nothing in there?

Score: 0
Toohina Barua avatar
How to Find which Program is generating given .dat File
fk flag

I have a file in a folder on the server with ".dat" extension. I want to find which program file is generating this file.

How should I find this using putty?

Score: 0
dyvesh mahadea avatar
Redirect Traffic on OVS switch
by flag

I have below topology on mininet:

Host1: mac :aa:00:00:00:00:01 Host2: mac :aa:00:00:00:00:02 Host3: mac :aa:00:00:00:00:03

I want to redirect traffic as below:

When host1 ping host 2 the traffic should be redirected to host3.

I have implemented below rule on osv switch and ryu controller:

sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 "table=0,priority=100,ip,in_port=1,dl_src=aa:00:0 ...

Score: 1
kharderr avatar
How can I utilize a systemd service to modify the DOCKER-USER iptables chain?
nr flag

I run an ubuntu-lts host with docker. I'd like to modify the DOCKER-USER iptables chain on start-up to add a custom reject rule. The issue I've encountered is that the DOCKER-USER chain does not exist when my service runs.

Here is my docker-compose:

version: "3"
    name: direct
Score: 0
Udemy Instructor avatar
Change w32tm source to external server
eh flag

We have an on-premises NTP server named NTPserver and adjust the w32tm source to

There is a domain controller server that the w32tm source is Local CMOS clock.

I want to change the source of the domain controller server from Local CMOS clock to NTPserver.

Score: 0
Edmond Meinfelder avatar
How to determine nginx/HTTPS encryption is my bottleneck?
tr flag

I'm using a Digital Ocean droplet (like an EC2 host), it's Ubuntu 22.10, and running a node.js application. However, and this may be a bad idea, I'm running nginx on the same host and the application and it's terminating the HTTPS connection. It all works mostly fine, with a caveat.

My most expensive call takes about 622 ms to compute the results but then takes about 6 seconds to send the data. A ...

Score: 0
Rex_C avatar
Getting a timeout error on a newly created Apache2 web server
tf flag

I created a new Debian 12 web server through Vultr. I have uploaded my simple little website up to the /var/www/html directory and when I try to navigate to the ip address, I get a The connection has timed out error. I'm fairly new to setting up a website on a basic Apache2 server, so I don't really know where to start debugging this.

What would the first few steps to debug this? Thanks.

Score: 0
Issues with cgi-bin scripts using uWSGI and nginx
id flag

I am trying to get cgi-bin scripts running on an nginx system using uWSGI and I am having issues with this, and with debugging this to figure out what is going wrong. The system is a Raspberry Pi running Rasbian bookworm, and I have added an nginx location block for cgi-bin to the default site in /etc/nginx/sites-available/default as follows...

location ^~ /cgi-bin/ {
   root /var/www/cgi-bin;
   include  ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.