Latest Server related questions

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Stefan NovakDev avatar
NGINX - bad gateway, no errors in logs
pk flag

I got 2 nginx sites enabled:

server {
  listen 80 default_server;
  listen [::]:80 default_server;

  location /.well-known {
    alias /srv/.well-known;
    allow all;
    default_type "text/plain";
    autoindex    on;

  location / {
    return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

# SSL configuration
server {
  listen 443 ssl default_server;
  listen [::]: ...
Score: 0
Daniel Sorensen avatar
Trunking between two Cisco 3750s to another desktop switch
bn flag

So I'm trying to scrape all the memory I have from college where we used Cisco almost a decade ago, but I haven't touched them since then. I'm trying to clean up our internal network a little bit because we currently have 4 little 5-8 port switches sitting on a shelf connected to our firewall, but we had 2 Cisco 3750s in the basement. I've been looking through manuals and forums online as well as sever ...

Score: -1
Mahmoud Moawad avatar
Sending Mail Fail with NDR '554 5.2.0 STOREDRV.Deliver.Exception:ObjectNotFoundException'
tk flag

there is a problem in sending some mails to one user, some random mails sent normally to any recipient expect one user, which return a NDR as follow

Remote Server returned '554 5.2.0 STOREDRV.Deliver.Exception:ObjectNotFoundException.MapiExceptionNotFound; Failed to process message due to a permanent exception with message The process failed to get the correct properties. 16.55847:E1040000, 17.43559:000 ...

Score: 0
Stefan NovakDev avatar
NGINX location rewrite for Gitlab
pk flag

I'm trying to make Gitlab work behind Nginx. my configs:


upstream gitlab-workhorse {
    server unix:/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-workhorse/sockets/socket fail_timeout=0;

location /gitlab/ {
       rewrite ^/gitlab(/.*)$ $1 break;
       client_max_body_size 0;
       gzip off;
       proxy_read_timeout      300;
       proxy_connect_timeout   300;
       proxy_redirect          off;
       p ...
Score: 0
Polizi8 avatar
How to hide restricted nginx subdomains?
in flag

To hide a restricted location, e.g.

location /secret/ {
 deny all;

one could set

error_page 403 =404 /404.html;
error_page 404 /404.html;

to make impossible to distinguish a non-existing location (404) from a restricted one (403).

Is there a way to perform a similar spoof for subdomains?

I want to not NOT return 403 if not visited via VPN, but rather sho ...

Score: 0
Deploying k3os through a single image across all nodes with a shared token
no flag

I'm trying to get a k3os cluster running on a set of Raspberry Pi nodes using I'm successfully generating images and I am able to boot from them. However, even though I have a token entry in each of my config files (token and secret replaced):

  token: K10e8c37ea0000000000000000000000000000002cbdaef2f8d7bd2f5b6931b4f52b::server:secret
Score: 0
Serve new subdomains dynamically
pl flag

I have a service that needs to allow users to host a few files in their own subdomain, similarly as does Github with

I currently use Apache, and each time I want to configure a new domain or subdomain, I have to create manually a new <VirtualHost>, restart the Apache server, etc. This is not possible here.

Example: if a visitor crea ...

Score: 0
X710 and mlx5_core together on same server
ru flag

I have a amd server with centos 7.9 I am trying to using the the kernel driver for 2 cards:

  1. Ethernet Controller X710 for 10GbE SFP+ 1572 --> i40e
  2. MT27800 Family [ConnectX-5] 1017' --> mlx5_core

For mellanox i used:

  • /usr/lib/modules/3.10.0-1160.53.1.el7.x86_64/weak-updates/mlnx-ofa_kernel/drivers/base/auxiliary.ko
  • /usr/lib/modules/3.10.0-1160.53.1.el7.x86_64/weak-updates/mlnx-ofa_kernel/dri ...
Score: 0
Determine how many memory each process use - Windows
cn flag

On a Windows 2019 server equiped with 24 GiB of memory, only about 1 GiB is free.
But when I use Task Manager or Process Explorer, no process use more than some MiB.

If I add the memory used by each process, the sum is only 3 GiB (I export the data with Process Explorer and do the sum in a spreadsheet).

Total memory: 24 GiB
Used memory: 23 GiB
Swap used: 4 GiB
Sum of each process memory: 3 GiB

I sum  ...

Score: 0
Kamil avatar
Redirecting Netflix and Youtube traffic to another gateway by IP addresses on Mikrotik router
it flag

I help a friend in taking care of the network with few buildings with appartments for rent.

During the holiday season all apartments are fully booked, and that means we have 40-60 guests. There are 18 smart TV boxes with Netflix, Youtube etc.

We have 4 internet provider connections at this moment and all of them have average stability and speed because houses are in the mountains and there are no fi ...

Score: 0
sajjad talezari avatar
How can I use Teamviewer while two computers are not in the same network?
ru flag

I'm trying to use teamviewer to connect to a computer which is located in another network but my computer have access to the destination port (Network administrators have written route. Computers are in a separate VLANs )

Let say it clearly. My PC's IP address is and the destination is My PC does have network access to the destination port.

I have tried the scenario in same Vlan ...

Score: 0
Moro avatar
Does two MX resgisters solve this?
at flag

My domains is hosted at HostGator My AD is linked to the Office 365 Every account I create in my AD need an Office 365 licence to work, ans this is OK.

When I create an account directly on the Hostgator webmail (so not at my AD or Office 365) it doesn't work. Doesn't send or receive e-mails.

Can I solve this using two MX records on both sites? Something like:

Priority 0 to Office and 1 to Hostgator (On ...

Score: 0
Pete avatar
Shell Script to Move a File Into Another User's Directory?
ca flag

I'm running a Ubuntu 16.04 server. On my server, I have a file in directory /home/userA/dirA:

userA@myUbuntu:~$ pwd
userA@myUbuntu:~$ ls -l
total 8
drwxrwxr-x 3 userA userA 4096 Feb 17 14:13 dirA
userA@myUbuntu:~$ ls -l dirA/
total 7796
-rw-rw-r-- 1 userA userA  1234 Feb 17 14:05 theFile.txt

Note the ownership he ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.