Latest Server related questions

Score: 1
Aditya Kumawat avatar
A gateway of gets added in my linux machine after I assign a static IP and static gateway
bm flag

I am assigning static IP address on a Linux module (custom Yocto Distribution on TI AM3359 custom hardware) using the ifconfig command.

sudo ifconfig eth1 netmask

sudo route add default gw eth1

If I do this before around 60 seconds of time, the routing table looks like this and I am able to ping the module from a dynamic IP of range 172.10.xx.xx indefinitely.

Destina ...
Score: 0
IT Researcher143 avatar
How to Exclude Files and Folders from Volume Shadow Copy (VSS) Backups
in flag

I've been using Volume Shadow Copy (VSS) to create backups of my files and folders. However, I've encountered a situation :

I need to exclude specific files and folders from Microsoft built-in Volume shadow Copy to save storage space and time. Since VSS is enabled for the drive, there are few unwanted folder / files that are being backed up by VSS and If I delete them all other shadow copies of o ...

Score: -1
Stephanie Schneider avatar
Windows Server with two NICs with cross communication between the two with DMZ
bm flag

Network Topology

I have a Windows Server that is connected to a modem with a public ip address of which is in DMZ that we will call Modem1.

I then have a modem with the public ip address of with a local ip address of not in DMZ that we will call Modem2 which has a machine connected to it with the ip address of Modem2 is connected to the Windows Server via ...

Score: 2
SebMa avatar
Find which physical disks are in virtual disk from CLI
cn flag

I have the following virtual disk :

# omreport storage vdisk controller=0 vdisk=14
Virtual Disk 14 on Controller PERC H730 Mini (Embedded)

Controller PERC H730 Mini (Embedded)
ID                                : 14
Status                            : Ok
Name                              : VirtualDisk14
State                             : Ready
Hot Spare Policy violated         : Not Applicable
Enc ...
Score: 0
no-preserve-root avatar
ocfs2_dlmfs file system not found while running tunefs.ocf2s command
gt flag

While running the following tunefs command to enable the discontig-bg file system feature:

tunefs.ocfs2 --fs-features=discontig-bg /dev/drbd0

I receive the following error:

tunefs.ocfs2: ocfs2_dlmfs file system was not found while opening device "/dev/drbd0"

When running mount I don't see the ocfs2_dlmfs mount as expected, only the /dev/drbd0.

We did upgrade the kernel from 4.19.0-25-amd64 to 5 ...

Score: 0
ActiveMQ: handling of STOMP NACK messages
ca flag

STOMP documentation says about NACK message

NACK is the opposite of ACK. It is used to tell the server that the client did not consume the message. The server can then either send the message to a different client, discard it, or put it in a dead letter queue. The exact behavior is server specific.

What does "server specific" actually mea ...

Score: 0
gigio avatar
Dealing with Flask routing paths when deployed behind URL prefix
bn flag

I have single page application build using the python Flask framework. I'm using gunicorn as the web server and I have containerised it using docker. It is deployed on Azure Kubernetes Services (aks) with Nginx Ingress Controller.

The setup

My Flask app looks like this:


from flask import Flask
from src.routes import main_bp

app = Flask(__name__)
app.register_blueprint(main_bp) ...
Score: 0
Peter VARGA avatar
autodiscover URL working/not working
cn flag

I have this issue:
In order to upgrade MS Office from 2013 to 2016 I had to set-up autodiscover so Outlook 2016 can connect to the Exchange 2010.

Let's say this is my autodiscover URL:

All DNS records are set properly in Cloudflare but I have consequently this issue:
The browser shows the error the above autodiscover page cannot be reached. W ...

Score: 0
MGibbons avatar
How do I solve procmail: Error while writing to "/home//Maildir"
mx flag

I use Virtualmin to manage my server. I have somehow screwed up the configuration and mail is not being delivered to my mail boxes. I'm desperate to solve this as my mail server is toast. My tail /var/log/procmail.log shows

procmail: Program failure (255) of "/etc/webmin/virtual-server/"
procmail: Unable to treat as directory "/home/mike/Maildir"
procmail: Lock failure on "/home/mi ...
Score: 0
Kaiyou avatar
How to enable LDAP login in docker rundeck?
ru flag

I use the following script to start the container, but it keeps using the instead of the LDAP setup.

The file jaas-ldap.conf works as is in rundeck2 which was set up with a different method.
Also, there are no logs generated anywhere, so I can't see what goes wrong.


local_ip=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}')
# MariaDB
db_root_user=" ...
Score: 0
Aaron avatar
When installing neutron ovn from openstack-ansible, ovs will be installed automatically if install_method is set to distro
dz flag

We are trying to install openstack through openstack-ansible and configure neutron with ovn.

The installation version was yoga/zed, and ovn was configured by referring to the link below.

yoga : zed :

And the install_method item in the user_variables.yml file  ...

Score: 0
ais avatar
Is there any cli to detect directory changes between bash script runs?
gu flag

For example I have this command

generate-and-deploy-new-version ./site-directory

and I want to run it only if content of the ./site-directory was changed.

if checkchanges "./site-directory" ; then
  generate-and-deploy-new-version ./site-directory

checkchanges could generate some hash of the directory content, save it in file and check it next time it will run.

Score: 0
Toucouleur avatar
Issue to configure PostGreSQL as a service on Ubuntu
np flag

I'm struggling to deal with PostGreSQL which I'm not able to launch as a service

My conf is set like this:

Description=PostgreSQL RDBMS

ExecStart=/usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin/postgres "-D" "/var/lib/postgresql/13/main" "-c" "config_file=/etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql.conf"
#ExecStart=/bin/ ...
Score: 0
Irina avatar
Empty route for mobile hotspot fedora 37
bt flag

Periodically I have a mobile hotspot broken down with my laptop.

"Network is unreachable"

ip route show default

shows nothing.

As I understand I need to add default gateway to the interface

route add default gw wl0ss20f3

But how do I understand which gw uses my smarthone mobile hotspot?

What is here?

route add default gw ??? wlp0s20f3

Score: 2
Volodymyr Litovka avatar
DHCP unicast packets processing in Linux
cn flag

I'm trying to catch and process (in 3rd party analytics app) DHCP packets from ERSPAN session, but cannot do this. There is PHY interface which receive ERSPAN traffic and erspan-type interface to get decapsulated packets (ip link add inspan type erspan seq key 10 local erspan_ver 1)

I'm using nftables to match and handle and the easiest rule:

table netdev inspan {
  chain catch {
    typ ...
Score: 1
fussedAs avatar
SSSD, openLDAP and nested groups
jm flag

I am trying to figure out how to structure my ldap and/or configure sssd to read membership of nested groups.

Something like this works for normal group membership:

DN: cn=server-admins,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
groupOfNames (structural)
posixGroup (auxiliary)
memberUid userName1
memberUid userName2

and the sssd.conf doing something like:

config_file_version = 2
domains = default
services = ...
Score: 0
datastax avatar
Print custom header parameter's value in nginx access log
lu flag

I have a situation where consumer is passing a service a custom header parameter "Userid", I am trying to log it to nginx access log. This is what I tried and it is not working-

log_format customm '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for" "[uid=$upstream_http_Userid]"';
access_log    /var/log/nginx/acces ...
Score: 0
Agnieshka avatar
Google Shell doesn't see uploaded CSV file
nz flag

I used the 'Upload' option to upload two files to Google Shell. The zip file went in without any issues and it seems like CSV file as well (there was a green checkmark next to it after the upload was completed). I also clearly see it when I run ls -la command. Yet when I try to use that file in the following code it doesn't see it and I get a message saying "No such file or directory". Any troubleshoot ...

Score: 0
Dj8lacko avatar
Disable CDN redirect
uy flag

I'm on Litespeed server (shared hosting).

I want to disable CDN redirect to make links to my WordPress images direct links without CDN for Example:

But, when the url is accessed, it's redirected to a url with CDN:


I tried to disable CDN from CPANEL but no option for ...

Score: 0
Christopher Hostage avatar
Auditing Microsoft Authenticator usage across Azure
us flag

I'm pushing for Microsoft Authenticator adoption across my Azure tenant. How can I definitively find out who's already installed and recently used Microsoft Authenticator ?

One not very effective way is for me to download all registered devices and filter out all the Windows devices.

Score: -2
s1n7ax avatar
What are the default DNS server addresses in Network Manager
bf flag

For the first time, I have set up a Orange PI as a home server. I'm planning to SSH into this so I'm trying to set up a static IP for this. I have used nmtui to set a static IP.

With the following configuration, I can SSH into the server but server cannot access Internet.

IPv4 Configuration <Manual>

Address =
Gateway =
DNS Servers = 

With following, I can SSH and acces ...

Score: 0
Jay Ryan avatar
Asterisk server shows peer UNREACHABLE for Kamailio sipper server. How do I diagnose the issue?
za flag

Presently I have 4 sippers, 2 are working using OpenSer and 2 are not working using Kamailio. I have inherited these servers. There is an Asterisk server. When I run sip show peer SIP_SER against one of the servers that is not functioning for test calls, it states Status: UNREACHABLE. When I make test calls against it, I get Service Unavailable 503. The asterisk server shows "Unable to create chann ...

Score: -1
user1046450 avatar
Need help configuring a second network adapter on Windows Server 2012 R2
td flag

We have a server running Windows Server 2012 R2. It currently has one network adapter configured with a static IP on our internal network (10.x.x.x). We need to add a second network adapter to provide an edge-facing interface (146.x.x.x) for vendors to upload data via FTP.

What is the correct way to configure the network settings on the second adapter? I've read that you shouldn't have default ...

Score: 0
JKith avatar
System.EnterpriseServices Error when trying to connect Excel or PowerBI to a SQL Server
lb flag

I just setup a new SQL server and am trying to connect Excel and PowerBI to it. I'm getting an error that says the following:

Unable to connect Details: "An error happened while reading data from the provider: 'Could not load file or assembly 'System.EnterpriseServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. Either a required impersonation lev ...

Score: 0
user3047450 avatar
Adding MX record
ng flag

I would want to achieve the following: I have acquired a domain name, and I would like to add a website and a mail server for this domain. I have: 1 Domain name, 1 private Ubuntu server with IP, 1 hosting provider (Vercel).

For the website, I am hosting it on Vercel, and configured the DNS servers on my domain name to use Vercel's, which works just fine.

As for the email, I would like to use my own ...

Score: 0
szgezu avatar
Why does nginx proxy redirect the request?
pa flag

I'm trying to pass the API requests to the backend with NGINX reverse proxy.

When I send a get request to /api/testdata, it sends a request to {frontendURL}/api/testData which returns with 301(redirect) status code. After that It redirects the request to the correct url {backendURL}/api/testData.

Network tab network tab 1 network tab 2 network tab 3

nginx config:

server {
    listen 80 default_server;
Score: 0
Michael Schaefers avatar
Gitlab Access Tokens, protected by authenticating Apache Reverse Proxy?
cn flag

We hide a Gitlab instance (among several other applications) behind a single Apache Reverse Proxy, that is doing user authentication (OpenID) before granting further access to the lower services.

This allows us to have only one Service (Apache) exposed to the public, one service being potentially attacked.

Since Gitlab provides access tokens (technically: basic auth) for granting access to its git re ...

Score: 2
MacUsers avatar
Can any help me to understand HAProxy DDoS attack protection configuration?
cn flag

I'm using HAP on and off for a bit now and now I'm trying confgure DDoS protection per frontend, to block a connection for 5 mints, if it receives more than 200 requests per second from the same source IP, taking the fact into account that mutiple source-ips can/will be used to launch the attack. I looked into various blogposts and posts in the Internet and more I see I get more confused about the correc ...

Score: 1
Exim false negative on DKIM verification
cn flag

My mailserver using exim4 has an ACL to check DKIM signatures. It accepts everything but it logs failures and writes a header with the results.

I'm sending mail from another server which I believe is adding DKIM sigatures correctly. (e.g. I've sent mail to gmail and outlook addresses, inspected the headers and both those systems have given the DKIM a pass.) But my mailserver is saying bodyhash_mismat ...

Score: 1
Problems with FIPS Mode in Adobe Acrobat Pro 2020 and Adobe Reader DC
us flag

Security requirements are such that we need to set this key depending on software:

HKCU\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\2020\AVGeneral\bFIPSMode (DWORD = 1)

KHCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\DC\AVGeneral\bFIPSMode (DWORD = 1)

This was done successfully, but we find periodic issues with certain forms our organization distributes throwing this error:


This happens when the form is saved after editing. ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.