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HorrorPills avatar
Exim.conf Redirect email to an another folder
pw flag

I am trying to redirect/route incoming emails to another folder depending if they are listed inside the /etc/email_list file (ON/OFF). I am unsure how would I approach this, I am clearly messing something up. What would be the correct way of approaching this? Thanks!

Here is my exim.conf

   driver = redirect

# Check if the email address is listed in /etc/email_list. If yes, fo ...
Score: 0
Kops - change images to use new gcr repo
cn flag

kops uses the deprecated image registry at

How do I change the image registry to use private locations?

Not all image locations are specified in cluster.spec. I can see some in the add-ons folders but updating these files directly in S3 does not work - kops immediately reverts the changes on cluster update.


  • How do I change the image registry ...

Score: 0
suprovsky avatar
I'm dockerizing my website setup. What is the best approach to send mails by PHP-FPM in a container?
hu flag

So i've seen a couple of questions about setting up notifications for PHP-based websites, so i'd like to ask you for the best approach. For that,

I have:

  • a WordPress website with custom PHP packages hosted locally, no containers,
  • working sendmail setup being used by PHP working as a smart host, we use a Mailgun account and send mails generated by WordPress to their SMTP,

I want:

  • the same WordP ...
Score: 0
punith reddy avatar
How can I allow all the subpaths after a domain in nginx proxy
cg flag

Below is my configuration of nginx proxy . I have to allow all the subpaths after like it should allow , These subpath are already present in example server which is accessible via internet.

http {
    include       /etc/nginx/mime.types;
    default_type  application/octet-stream;

    log_format  main  '$remote_addr - $remote_user [ ...
Score: 0
Michal avatar
kubernetes pods running on the same node can't access to each other through service
bs flag

I am stuck with trying call from one pod to another through service when they are on same Node.

to explain

  • Node1 - service1a (pod1A), service1b (pod1B)
  • Node2 - service2a (pod2A)


  • PING pod1A -> pod1B OK
  • PING pod1A -> pod2A OK
  • CURL pod1A -> service2A OK
  • CURL pod1A -> service1B TIMEOUT

Spend several days changing some part of configurations and also search same issuse on internet bu ...

Score: 0
Topper avatar
Runging own Telgram bot based on PTB 13x and local Telegram bot API behind nginx
pt flag

Try to use local Telegram bot API to take benefits of larger files for my bot serving and helping users in supergroup with files as described here Build stack with Telegram Bot API, nginx as reverse proxy and my bot works ok, based on docker-compose template:

version: '3.7'

    name: internal
    driver: bridge

    hostname: local-api
    image: aiogram/telegram- ...
Score: 0
Adephx avatar
How to delete a domain user with associated folder rights?
ng flag

Right now when I delete a user from the domain I get left with these folder rights remnants that I have to remove manually. I've noticed this on both Windows and Linux driven data servers. Is there a way to force client in a domain to automatically purge the folder rights for users that are no longer a part of the domain?

Folder rights remnant example

Score: 0
SpecNon avatar
PowerDNS lua ifportup Failing
pm flag

I'm having a problem getting a PowerDNS ifportup lua record working. I'm new to PowerDNS and know DNS relatively well. I'd appreciate if anyone could point out where I'm going wrong here.

Background - I'm running this on Debian 11 to a sqlite backend. Packages installed...



pdns-backend-bind (I think this autoinstalled?)


The record...

fuse-smt ...
Score: 0
Resley Rodrigues avatar
Migrate webserver without affecting mailserver
iq flag

Currently I have a website that's hosted on some old service provider. I'm moving it to a different service provider I use.

I need the mail to be accessible via Outlook using the existing configurations itself.

Users of access their email via Outlook

I cannot move the mailserver so I thought of exposing for it instead with an MX record for the old o ...

Score: 1
Mr.D avatar
how and when did my graphic card, drivers, monitor and xserver negotiate a proper resolution? Is there a way to get the supported list from devices?
ck flag

I was trying to figure out how KDE or GNOME decides which resolution could be supported by the monitor and graphic card connected. I have 2 senario about this question, I will try to explain the process based on my understanding, please point me out if I'm wrong:

boot to grub, there is no graphic driver or xserver. grub will show boot menu with framebuffer. at this time grub will read EDID from t ...

Score: 1
Tim avatar
modsecurity regex not always matching simple rule
za flag

Im trying to create a simple modsecurity regex rule that stops processing the rules when a match is found and just returns status 200 on a POST request so that it doesnt continue and get blocked by another CRS rule later in the chain.

Heres my rule:

    SecRule REQUEST_URI "@rx ^(?i)/cgi-bin/myPHPScript.php" \

What happens is that sometimes the rule r ...

Score: 0
J'e avatar
YouTube app not working with squid. What urls to bump exclude?
eg flag

I have squid running with SSL Bump. The rest of the squid settings are basically defaults. I can access YouTube just fine from a browser but the android app is not working. I've already excluded these from SSL Bump with no success.


Where can I find lo ...

Score: 0
Rumpus avatar
408s and Request Issues on specific sites and devices
ua flag

TLDR; wired desktop works, wired laptop cant load some sites, mobile phone not working on wifi with same sites as laptop. Noticing 408 and request generation issues but cant pinpoint what/why

Hello, I am running into a very strange issue I can not find a resolution for. Last week or so I had some power/internet outages (this was local neighborhood area and may not even be related but worth noting ...

Score: 0
bicanul123 avatar
Virtual Media it's not ejected on the Dell iDRAC9 after the installation using Ansible it's completed
yt flag

I have this code but unfortunately it's not ejecting the ISO after installing the CentOS and I don't know what to do, can someone please give me a hint on how I can treat this? I can't use Ansible modules, I'm forced to use only the Redfish API.

Here's the code:

- hosts: Linux_OS_machine
  connection: local
  gather_facts: False
    datatype: SetBiosAttributes

    - name: Check if vi ...
Score: 0
CL22 avatar
Error downloading and installing composer
nz flag

I don't really know where to begin with this. I'm trying to install composer on shared hosting.

I've followed the instructions here, logged in by SSH and run:

curl -sS | /usr/bin/php7.1-cli

But I get the following error:

curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL

What's going on?


Score: 0
SP595 avatar
ssh asks for a password even though the key is copied
lk flag

I copied the key to the server, but ssh still asks for the password

ssh-copy-id [email protected]
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/home/sp595/.ssh/"
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if you are prompted no ...
Score: 0
sbarcab avatar
Internet relay postfix with virtual alias and .forward
sv flag

In a relay postfix for a domain, I am trying to configure so that each user indicates the e-mail destination address he wants in the .forward but as virtual_alias_maps is configured, it always takes the address indicated in /etc/postfix/virtual and skips the .forward configuration of each user. I can't find a configuration to solve this problem. Thank you very much in advance.

Score: 2
NeDark avatar
Discrepancy in file usage after rsync
cn flag

I copied files from an exFAT filesystem to an ext4 filesystem:

sudo rsync -avz /media/user/1TB-SD-EX/ -e ssh

After successful run I check source and destination size with du -b

$ sudo du -ah -b -d0 /media/user/1TB-SD-EX/
800100388315    /media/user/1TB-SD-EX/

$ sudo du -ah -b -d0 /data/pc/sd1tb/
793592516059    /data/pc/sd1tb/

If I check number of items in with find and

Score: 1
Why qemu fails to start host only network on loopback when there's no other network on host?
sd flag

Starting qemu-system-x86_64 with -nic user,ipv6=off,hostfwd=tcp::9022-:22

With only the lo interface (with associated to it) present on the host, the vm will start, but any daemon trying to allocate port 22 will hang. e.g. inside vm: #systemctl start sshd will just hang until killed, and nothing interesting will show up on logs.

If I have any other interface up on the host before starting qemu, ...

Score: 0
gfmoore avatar
RDP session to headless Ubuntu 22.10 machine disconnects without warning
ss flag

I use windows 10 (fully upto date) rdp to connect to Ubuntu desktop 22.10 running on a HP Microserver gen 8 server running headless.

I can remote in fine. Start doing work (usually with VS Code), terminal, and the Files programs and after some indeterminate time and for some unknown reason I get disconnected and the user has been kicked off the Ubuntu session back to the logon screen. I cannot re ...

Score: -2
keramat avatar
After restarting server Postgres does not start
pl flag

I am running Postgres 14 on a Windows Server 2022 Standard. While DB operations were running such as inserting, my server restarted, and, now the Postgres does not start. I looked at the config file and the last lines of that are as follows:

2023-04-23 01:43:36.913 PDT [123528] LOG:  could not receive data from client: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.

2023-04-23  ...
Score: 6
Slartibartfast avatar
RAID with different drive types possible?
in flag

In a high density storage server, which is in a RAID array, do all drives have to be of same type. Such as a mix of drives SSD, SATA? In a RAID array most controller require only that all drives be of the same capacity but what about drive type?

Score: 0
Esam Olwan avatar
How would I handle domain whitelisting?
ye flag

I'm trying to find out how would I handle whitelisting certain domain names. If the request originates from a particular subdomain, such as <id>, access to the images will be restricted to a whitelist of approved domains. Requests from domains not on the whitelist will result in a 403 error.

I'm not sure what should I be doing exactly ? Do I use map context ?

for example, my nginx. ...

Score: 2
user1055568 avatar
Using file system (AWS EFS) as cheap database for Lambda function
sx flag

I am designing a database that could easily be represented as a large collection of files containing fixed size records, with sequence numbers 0,1,... This could fit nicely in DynamoDB with the filename as primary key and the record sequence number as sort key, but I am thinking about just using loose files on EFS. I don't need any replication, as this is already a replicate in a fault tolerant system. ...

Score: 0
Subbeh avatar
HTTPS access only after attempting SSH connection first
sn flag

Whenever I try to connect to from a Docker container running centos:7 (or any other image I've tried), the connection cannot be established:

$ curl -v -m 5
* About to connect() to port 443 (#0)
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
* Initializing NSS with certpath: sql:/etc/pki/nssdb
*   CAfile: /etc/pki/tls/cer ...
Score: 0
vanillyn avatar
Pointing a service to a subdirectory using Cloudflare Zero Access provides a 404 error
se flag

I'm working with my friend to get some of my services on a subdirectory. Essentially, instead of having you have

I have installed cloudflared with an authorized token onto a Debian server as a service, and that is tunneling those ports onto cloudflare, which I have had my friend set up to point a specific port to a subdirectory.

I'm not using a reverse proxy, ...

Score: 0
snowlash avatar
Nginx upstream block host not found
ne flag

I'm running a nginx container where it maps to another backend container. When I tried adding upstream block in nginx.conf which is like

upstream backend_servers {
    server backend:8000;

The error that is occuring is

[emerg] 1#1: host not found in upstream "backend:8000" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:2
nginx: [emerg] host not found in upstream "backend:8000" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:2

But If I place  ...

Score: 0
How do I setup a Google Cloud Storage bucket to be accessible via the Simple Storage Service (S3) standard?
in flag

I understand from Google documentation that it's possible for google cloud storage to be accessed via the Simple Storage Service, which is just what I need for a program that supports this. The program only explicitly refers to Amazon S3 storage but in theory if Google Cloud Storage can support the Simple Storage Service, I imagine that my buckets should be accessible.

I'm prompted for the follow ...

Score: 0
bicanul123 avatar
How can I boot using Ansible on an Dell iDRAC9 server from an iso that's located on a remote server?
yt flag

I have this playbook that what I'm trying to do it's to install CentOS using Ansible and Redfish, I don't want to use any modules, I'll install the CentOS on multiple Dell iDRAC9 servers and I'm having one issue:

2)After the ISO it's mounted, the server has not entered automatically into ISO boot menu, and I'm trying to achieve this by the Set ISO as primary boot device task.

Can someone please help ...

Score: -1
fancyshark avatar
How to find device names on local network?
aw flag

Currently I'm trying to write a Python script to scan through my local network, and list all of the active IP addresses, and their corresponding MAC address and device name. Also all of the devices connected to my network are wireless devices. For example, if I had my phone, laptop and chromecast connected to the network, the script would show the following:

IP address:, MAC: xx:xx:xx ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.