Latest Server related questions

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iluvatar avatar
Firefox and other browsers not opennig, possibly relatd to NFS
cn flag

I have a setup with a NFS server sharing the /home directory with some clients. Randomly, those clients are not able to open any browser (firefox, chrome, vscode [which is browser based]). I have not been able to find the full cause. Normally a full restart of both server and clients fix things, the browsers open, but then the problem appears again. The problem is present only in the clients. Firefox, f ...

Score: 0
kzpm avatar
Use squid to forward http(s) requests based on domainname
cn flag

I have installed 5 LXC containers in Proxmox. Each container has a Apache2 webserver up and running inside, pointing to a registered domain.

container1 points to and has a local ip address of
container2 points to and has a local ip address of
container3 points to and has a local ip address of
and so on.

I would like ...

Score: 0
user3430818 avatar
Redirect web server port behind VPN
bs flag

Just recently started using a VPN that allows open ports above 2048. I host my own web server on port 80.

I need help configuring my web server to run on a port above 2048 but get redirected to port 80 so people don't have to write the URL like

Would virtual hosts do this? What would be the best step-by-step configuration for this?

Thank you in advance.

Score: 0
Kentuk avatar
time nohup ./script --> the time hasn't been logged
li flag

I need to measure the time that Firefox takes to build itself from the source code. Here's what I do normaly:

nohup ./mach build > my_log.log &

I then prepended time to it:

time nohup ./mach build > my_log.log &

However, this hasn't made it generate any report about the time spent, at the end of the my_log file.

Why not? How to fix it?

Score: 0
lonix avatar
Traefik as reverse proxy with certbot / lego
cn flag

When setting up a server I use a reverse proxy and acme tool for dns01 support (I use either nginx + certbot or nginx + lego). I want to start using traefik instead.

I don't understand how traefik interacts with certbot (or lego, etc.), and I can't find relevant examples. I found many examples for getting certs using traefik itself.

Is certbot/lego not needed at all in a traefik setup? Can it do eve ...

Score: 0
Pavel Anni avatar
I don't see SSH disconnect events with `journalctl -u sshd`
so flag

I want to monitor SSH sessions, including login and logout events. When I run journalctl without any flags, I see both login events like:

Accepted publickey for root from port 56464

and logout events like:

Disconnected from user root port 56464

But when I want to reduce the output and filter only the sshd events I run journalctl -u sshd. In this case I see only the Acc ...

Score: 0
K.I. avatar
dockerd does not start debian
ke flag

Linux OS: debian11 Everything worked, but I think today after sudo apt upgrade I installed new version of docker. Then docker daemon does not start:

$ sudo systemctl start docker
Job for docker.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See "systemctl status docker.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

I checked the logs:

Here are the start today

$ sudo journalctl -xu do ...
Score: 0
Kickstart %ksappend Filepath
ng flag

I'm trying to modularize my kickstart file; in particular, I'd like the %pre section to live in a separate file brought in using the %ksappend statement. However, this consistently fails with the installer saying '/run/install/ks.cfg is missing'; I'll note that my actual kickstart file is called ks_system.cfg, so I assume the ks.cfg being asked for is the one that results from initial parsing of the kic ...

Score: 1
Robert Murariu avatar
let local dns&name server to be reach from internet
si flag

I present the context: I have public fixed ip that it's set to my pfsense on the wan; I have internet on my lan; in my lan I have a local DNS server (ubuntu 22.04 with bind9 with ip where I set the zone with an actual domain that I purchased (; on the register (from where I purchased the domain). I set the domain to point to my public IP (; in pfsense, in ge ...

Score: 0
Anh Phan avatar
Number of receiving queues is double the number of cores of my server?
fm flag

I'm using Mellanox ConnectX-5 100 GB NIC, Linux kernel 5.15 and my server has 32 cores (SMT disabled). But in the /sys/net//queues, the number of rx queues is 64, which is double the number of cores of my server? How to fix it

Score: 0
Greendrake avatar
Logging custom request headers with AWS CloudFront
ng flag

What is the best way to log custom HTTP headers like X-Foo: bar received by CloudFront?

I haven't tried Real-time logs, but Standard access logs seem to log only the pre-defined set of fields/headers. My custom ones do not show up in there.

Currently I am thinking of leveraging CloudFront Functions for some custom logging. Is there any better (more easy/efficient) approach?

Score: 0
Snappawapa avatar
Mongodb data files corrupted when copied in
gr flag

I’m sure there is a straightforward solution, I’m running a Mongodb service thusly:

Description=Mongo server for Open Quartermaster. Version ${version}, using MongoDB tagged to "4".
After=docker.service docker.socket

[Service] ...
Score: 0
Neal Fultz avatar
Caching sessions with pam_timestamp on ubuntu
cn flag

I am trying to use PAM and the pam_timestamp module to reduce the number of passwords I need to enter.

Test program via

#include <security/pam_appl.h>
#include <security/pam_misc.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define MY_CON ...
Score: 0
Danya02 avatar
Using Traefik, how to expose inner HTTPS errors (like expired certs)?
cn flag

I'm using Traefik as a reverse proxy to my homelab. I'd like to use HTTPS inside the lab using a custom CA. To do this, I've set up a ServersTransport that trusts my lab CA.

This worked well until a few days ago when a critical service's certificate expired. At that time, Traefik returned a page saying "Internal Server Error" and nothing else, and I had to log in to the proxy server to discover that it ...

Score: 1
user3629081 avatar
How can I shorten 'item' value in Ansible console output?
in flag

I'm struggling with the title for this question, so feel free to edit it to make it more meaningful.

Let's say you have a task in Ansible and you register the output. For example:

- name: Set up working directory
  shell: mktemp -d
  register: workdir

And I want to use the registered output to do another task. For example:

- name: Create a file
  with_items: "{{ workdir.stdout }}"
  shell: touch {{ ...
Score: 0
W48B1T avatar
Why can't I activate DNSSEC for Domains with a gg ccTLD, despite the fact that there are many domains, which have a valid signature?
kn flag

This is my first question and hope that I'm in the right community. I bought a gg Domain a while ago and wanted, later needed, DNSSEC. After the purchase I encountered the problem, that I can not activate DNSSEC on basically any registrar / their name servers. They state, that it is not supported.

Yesterday I looked again and found, that there are many gg domains, which actually have a valid DNSS ...

Score: 0
Andrei Andriushin avatar
Sign windows-based SSH public key
gq flag

Does anybody successfully configured OpenSSH on Windows with CA signed host certificates? OpenSSH doesn't use this signed certificate in my case.

I tried:

  1. Sign generated by OpenSSH public certificate sing Hashicorp Vault.
  2. Issue certificate key pair with the same ssh engine in Vault.

In a both ways OpenSSH on Windows writes error: sshd: error: Public key for PROGRAMDATA/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key does n ...

Score: 0
Gary Aitken avatar
Are IPv6 forward and reverse maps required if they match the ipv4 addresses when using bind9?
us flag

Using bind 9.18, my named.conf has something like this:

zone "" {
  type master;
  file "/usr/local/etc/namedb/master/";

zone "32/" {
  type master;
  file "/usr/local/etc/namedb/master/";

In the zone file, both ipv4 and ipv6 addresses may be present, and may represent the same host: IN A 116.115.114. ...
Score: 0
Halcoaching avatar
Specific olcAccess does not work for an OU in LDAP
jm flag

On my OpenLDAP server, I would like the accounts in my "ou=partners" OU to have "read" permissions to all objects in "ou=abos". Here is the tree of my DIT :


My olcAccess is allowed on the server but does not grant the permission as I would like :

 olcAccess: {4}to dn.subtree="ou=abos,dc=MULTIPASS`,dc=LDAP" by dn.children="ou=partners,ou=accounts,dc=MULTIPASS,dc=LDAP" read

What is the  ...

Score: 0
Brad Mace avatar
Using a variable in the namespace of a generated resource
au flag

I've created a policy that generates Services for every Deployment in a namespace. The one thing I can't figure out is that it's a Policy rather than a ClusterPolicy and I want to make the namespace attribute dynamic. (Because the policy is part of a Kustomize overlay that's used to define qa and prod environments.) It doesn't seem to be intepreting the variables in this field prior to validating the  ...

Score: 1
luislhl avatar
Is it safe to ssh-keygen a "ecdsa-sk" or "ed25519-sk" in a potentially compromised environment?
kp flag

I'm wondering whether it would be a good practice to make sure the keys are generated in a safe environment, like a live Linux distribution, instead of just generating them in a day-to-day environment that could be potentially compromised already.

I know the private key will probably be generated only inside the FIDO hardware, but is it enough even in a compromised environment, or are there other ...

Score: 0
Tsetsi avatar
Postfix: Can't send mails from another network
uy flag

I recently set a postfix (+dovecot) mail server (on a VPS) and when I am in my own home network, which I put in mynetworks, I can both send and receive mails.

However when I am outside home I can only receive emails, which is not a behaviour I expect, as I probably need to send emails then. Here you have my settings, if you can help me out:

# See /usr/share/postfix/ for a commented, more c ...
Score: 0
Steve G. avatar
Failed verifying certificate revocation for Enterprise certificate from non-domain computer
at flag

We have a typical offline root and issuing intermediate CA Enterprise environment.

My problem is very similar to the one found here: Certificate revocation check fails for non-domain guest in spite of accessible CRL However, I have already tried the solution posted there and it has not fixed my problem. I have tested to make sure both the full and delta CRLs are accessible from non-domain computers. We r ...

Score: 0
liuliang avatar
ipsec package after decrypted can not be recieved by tproxy
im flag

My centos6 machine ipaddress is (eth0). I have installed strongswan and a tproxy like v2ray with iptables:


:SECGW_IN - [0:0]
-A SECGW_IN -d ...
Score: 0
Bursuc Sergiu avatar
PHP-FPM unable to find or access status shared memory
us flag

I am running a busy magento 2 load balanced web server with 3 back-end PHP-FPM servers and a shared EFS network filesystem on AWS cloud. There are lots of concurrent users and everything works fine except the fact that randomly, from time to time I see the following errors in the error log:

May 4 15:27:01 app-node php_fpm_error [04-May-2023 15:27:01] WARNING: [pool] child 135046 said into ...
Score: 0
John Doe avatar
Why does DMARC fail for forwarded emails from this particular domain when it passes for all other domains?
in flag

I run a virtual mail server that forwards emails to my domain to a Gmail address, and I use PostSRSd to rewrite the addresses. For example, if someone sends an email to [email protected], my mail server will rewrite the address (to something like [email protected]) and forward it to my email at [email protected].

This rewriting is essential, because otherwise the forwarded emails  ...

Score: 0
Marvin avatar
How can I configure pg_hba.conf in kubernetes deployment when the ip address of client pods is not known?
ph flag

Suppose I have two backends be1, be2 deployed in pods that use a postgres server in a pod, and I want to use pg_hba.conf to constrain access for better security, like:

hostssl db1  db1user    be1-headless.default.svc.cluster.local  md5
hostssl db2  db2user    be2-headless.default.svc.cluster.local  md5

I created headless services as well as clusterIP services for the backends, since a headless serv ...

Score: 0
Aleksandarf avatar
Redirect traffic in "sniff/tap?" mode to specific ip address(es), that is: rewrite destination headers to target other machine(s)
in flag

I have incoming traffic on eth1 (vlan id 201) which is emitted by another machine which is doing

sudo tcpreplay -x 0.01 --loop=0 --intf1=eth12 Wireshark_bidirectional_data.pcap

I would like to rewrite the destination to target other devices e.g. connected on eth1.

i've enabled


and been trying to forward the data by doing:

table ip nat {
        chain postrouti ...
Score: 0
shabxs avatar
Inertiajs php artisan start-ssr not running for two app on same server
gb flag

I have two applications that I have deployed to Digital Ocean using Laravel Forge. Both is building using Laravel, Vue, Inertia, Tailwindcss Stack. (inertia 1.0) When I try to start daemon for starting SSR for both server... the port seems to conflict and does not run the daemon as expected. If there is only one site.. everything works perfectly.

What is the issues.. and what is the right way of  ...

Score: 0
user2338823 avatar
Can we use fdisk to partition a disk bigger than 2 TB without recompiling the kernel?
cg flag

Here is my problem.

Our operating system is Debian 11. The main hard disk is doing fine. I have a 6TB external volume. If I choose to use parted to format this disk it will entail recompiling the Debian 11 kernel with CONFIG_EFI_PARTITION enabled as mentioned here

We are not allowed to recompile the kernel.

My query is : May I use fdisk to parition the 6TB disk into 3 2TB partitions ? Will that stil ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.