Latest Server related questions

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Vitas avatar
PoshWSUS - how to get last patch date per server?
jp flag

so I have this PoshWSUS module and a script which runws on WSUS and makes a CSV file. I am trying to update it so it also contains last patch date column but have trouble figuring it out

Import-Module -name poshwsus -force
Import-module -name SysDBApi -force
Import-module -name EncryptedCredential -force -ErrorAction Stop

#get credentials
$cred = Import-Clixml 'E:\WCO\transit.xml'
$SysDBcred = Import ...
Score: 0
user3168961 avatar
Postfix, TLS and self-signed certificates
cn flag

I'm trying to set up postfix with TLS.

I've refreshed it by doing the following which removes the defaults so that tls enable-server update the file and generates certificates:

sudo postconf -X `postconf -nH | egrep '^smtpd(_|_enforce_|_use_)tls'`
sudo postfix tls enable-server
sudo postfix reload

Many instructions I've followed seem to indicate this is all that's required to enable TLS.

W ...

Score: 0
Force nginx to send HSTS headers for all locations
bd flag

I have a quite complicated nginx configuration where many different services expose their endpoints, with many different location{} blocks.

I don't have much control on all these configurations (because many teams add their own conf), but I'd like to add the HSTS header in all responses from nginx.

Naively I added a

add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=7776000; includeSubDomains" always;
Score: 0
Saving in MS Office takes long when editing offline files
ua flag

We've many users that use the Offline Files service to take files with their them on their laptops while they are not connected to the company network. It works good while they are not connected to any network, but as soon as they are connected to a public network (WiFi) from which they have Interne but no (SMB) access to the file servers the files are hosted on in the company, saving files in Word or E ...

Score: 0
Ejabberd: failed to decode from DER format
cn flag


ejabberd version: 20.7 Erlang version: 10.6 OS: Windows Server 2019 Installed from: official binary installer Errors from error.log/crash.log 2021-06-21 07:40:31.041 [critical] <0.105.0>@ejabberd_app:start:71 Failed to start ejabberd application: Invalid value of option listen->4->certfile: Failed to read PEM file 'C:/ProgramData/ejabberd/conf/test.pem': at line 41: failed t ...

Score: 0
OpenWRT overlay expansion via extroot
cn flag

I am trying to get a router to expand it's overlay area so that I can install some tools on it. The router is running OpenWRT 19.07.7, and I tried following these instructions:

I tried overlaying sda3 as the overlay, as it has enough memory to do almost anything:

root@OpenWrt:~# lsblk
Score: 0
Preventing docker container from accessing internet except SSH, DNS and SMTP
th flag

I have a docker container with an SSH server, an HTTP server, and an SMTP client (that needs to resolve domain names).

Besides that, I would like to prevent the container from accessing the internet.

I use the rules from to avoid exposing the container ports to the internet, but that's probably another story.


ufw route deny from to any

ind ...

Score: 0
Connor Bell avatar
IP address 'UNKNOWN' in host sshd auth.log when SSH socket is directed to a container
ng flag

I'm using joshuamkite's terraform-aws-ssh-bastion-service, which sets up an SSH socket with systemd that directs SSH connections to a docker container.

I have been attempting to set up fail2ban along with this service to assist with the insane amount of SSH requests these public boxes get daily. Unfortunately, with this setup it seems that auth.log doesn't know about the IP address:

sshd[32094]: Failed ...
Score: 0
Jonas Kölker avatar
How to minimize ecs autoscaling reaction time from terraform?
us flag

When you create an ECS autoscaling policy, two alarms tag along with it: one for scaling up ("out"), one for scaling down ("in").

The scale-out ones I see created appear to sample CPU utilization (or the metric of interest) every minute, and only trigger automatic scaling when three consecutive data points have breached the threshold.

This means that if I see a traffic spike, three minutes will pass ...

Score: 1
khaled avatar
how to make a redirect conditional on nginx conf
cg flag

I should make a conditional rediction in nginx. I would like to do something like that.

$http_code = code from curl commande

if ( $http_code = 200 ){

"redirection to server 1"


else {

"redirection to server 2"


So can someone help me to find a way to do it, or give me example of nginx conf with condition like this.


Score: 0
How to delete user profile if user doesn't exist in AD?
bg flag

Disk space is running out. Windows 10 desktops have many user profiles taking disk space. Most of the user profiles belongs to users which are deleted from active directory. How can you delete these profiles automatically?

Can you optionally also delete user profiles if user account is disabled in AD?

Score: 0
luky avatar
slow php (php-fpm) (long apache php waiting)
co flag

I have an apache with PHP-FPM module, 8 CPU cores. Average CPU all together load is around 75% CPU mainly due MySQL see the screen.

It is actually little bit smaller load now than usually.

enter image description here

But problem is, when I open homepage the load is randomly around 1s (time to first byte i guess).

I thought it could be waiting due mysql connection etc, but it seems the extra time for waiting is the time, before  ...

Score: 0
mythofechelon avatar FQDN for Microsoft Learn Sandbox 365 tenant
mz flag

With Office 365 tenant restrictions in place, access to the Microsoft Learn Sandbox's Office 365 tenant (used by courses such as is blocked:

Message: AADSTS500021: Access to 'Microsoft Learn Sandbox' tenant is denied.

enter image description here

There doesn't seem to be anything in Microsoft's documentation for this and a  ...

Score: 0
IIS 10 is sending uncompressed version of CSS file
ro flag


I'm using IIS 10 to serve a .NET web app. I have Static Compression enabled on IIS server (as is the default). The app contains a big CSS file, which needs to be transferred compressed, but in spite of enabled compression, uncompressed version is being downloaded to the browser.

Screenshot from the developer console: uncompressed file is being transferred

How can I get the server to send the compressed version of the file?

Debuggi ...

Score: 0
After changing user:group the site shows 503 error and even the ipa.ddr.ess:7080 won't let me in; it says "Invalid credentials."
cn flag

I accidently used this command in the root directory and now the ipa.ddr.ess:7080 won't let me in; it says "Invalid credentials." the command that I used was

chown -R www-data:www-data /.

then I realized that it was a mistake then changed most of the directories to root:root using

chown -R root:root /to-some-directories manually one by one
the directories in root
drwxr-xr-x  19 root root       4096  ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.