Latest Server related questions

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Nischit Pradhan avatar
Unable to send email to gmail account from my mail server
pk flag

I've created a mail server and have setup a PTR record from the ISP to my static IP server. The mail server works well and am able to send and receive emails and send mails to many email addresses including outlook/hotmail. But I'm not able to send email to gmail accounts.

I get the following error. I've read through many posts and searched to the 3rd page of Google and am still not able to resol ...

Score: 0
Jovaaa avatar
How to connect to the Windows Server using SSH?
cn flag

I’m using Windows Server 2019

What I’ve done:

• I installed ‘OpenSSH SSH Server’ on my virtual machine using App > Apps & features.

• I added the Firewall Rule for port 22 and started the SSH server.

• I installed PuTTYgen on my local machine so I can create public and private keys.

• I’m using as a cloud host so I added the public key to the SSH keys on t ...

Score: 0
Jovaaa avatar
Why SFTP user can view all files using FileZilla?
cn flag

I created FTP site and I set the permissions for each user and user groups (Admins/Users) using virtual directory. Each user has its own directory which he can access and Admins can access all folders inside ftproot folder.

Each user permission worked fine when connecting via FileZilla – on the regular FTP. Then, I tried setting up the SFTP, for that I need OpenSSH SSH Server. I Installed it us ...

Score: 0
bwright avatar
postgresql stopps working shortly after install
in flag

I have a ubuntu 20.04 server (root server at if that helps anyone) and I am trying to get a simple postgres running. Installation (following this guide works fine and postgres log looks like:

2021-06-22 08:46:03.902 CEST [2840] LOG: starting PostgreSQL 13.3 (Ubuntu 13.3-1.pgdg20.04+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gc ...
Score: 0
7_R3X avatar
Is it possible to deploy 2 TLS certificates on a server at the same time?
gb flag

I created CSR and asked my organization's internal CA team to generate a certificate which I then deployed on an internal server. However, the clients connecting to this server did not trust the certificate so I needed to add the key signature to the clients' Java key store using the keytool utility.

Now, this certificate is about to expire in a couple months time. Is it possible to have two certificate ...

Score: 0
velis avatar
mdadm how to use an array as a "member disk" in another array
se flag

I HAD a 4-disk RAID 5 array with MDADM. One of the disks failed. I bought a new disk three times the size of original disks as replacement.

I now have

  • 3x5TB disks in a degraded RAID5
  • 1x16TB disk free unused

I want to change the existing raid from 5 to a-sort-of 1+0 where only the old disks would be the "0" part:

  • 3x5TB disks in RAID0
  • 1x16TB disk

The above would be assembled in the RAID 1 I want  ...

Score: 0
Gabriel avatar
How do I make my reverse proxied Nginx server access other routed files in an express app running on port 3000?
it flag

Currently I have an express app inside /usr/share/nginx/myexpress

The express application is listening and working perfectly on port 3000. My NGINX server is reverse proxying to it and I can view the default express page by going to

The problem is, I can't go to for example after routing it. I can only access it by going through the ip address. (Like this example but with  ...

Score: 2
Mark avatar
VMware vSphere: Change the IP that vSphere sees/reports without changing the IP configured in the guest OS
cn flag

I have an integration that attempts to use the IP that vSphere detects for a vm guest, but sometimes the IP that vSphere detects is not the IP that the integration should use. The most straightforward example is where the the guest's network traffic passes through a 1:1 NAT (each guest has a unique IP after passing through the NAT, but it is a different IP than the one vSphere sees) prior to being seen ...

Score: 0
misscarriagesausage avatar
Can't access ESXi console after restart, vCenter is powered off
au flag

We have a vCenter 6.5 U3 hosted in one ESXi 6.5 U3, the host got restarted and vCenter wasn't set to automatically start, now vCenter is powered off and something is preventing us to log on ESXi.

If I try to log on web console I get 'Connection refused'

Already tried to restart host.

hostd service is not running, it doesn't start even if I do restart.

vpxa is running but I've checked logs and  ...

Score: 0
Barti avatar
WonderShaper limits the bandwidth too much
fr flag

We use WonderShaper as a traffic control tool on our linux servers. We have 10Gbit uplink, and I want to limit the upload and download to be up to 1Gbit per server. My goal is to prevent a situation in which one server downloads a huge file and chokes the whole line.

All I need to do is to define what is my required upload and download bandwidth (kb) -

wondershaper -a enp0s3 -d 1024000 -u 1024000
Score: 0
Centos 7 Samba php:apache Permission Denied when moving file with Docker container after moving to :z volume from samba share
in flag

First, let me say that chmod 777 does not even work for this (though I know that would not be the correct solution).

Here's the situation: I have a mail server receiving mail. On that server there is a cronjob that runs a .sh script that moves the mail files to a samba share. A separate app server (which is where I'm having the problem) also has a cronjob that runs a .sh script that moves thos ...

Score: 0
RLBChrisBriant avatar
Windows Long Filepaths Registry Setting
iq flag

Just a quick question for something, I can't seem to find out about online. When enabling the LongPathsEnabled registry value by setting it to 1, does this require setting on the client computers, the server hosting the file share or both?


LongPathsEnabled = 1

My understanding is that this will only allow certain apps to save files with l ...

Score: 0
kita avatar
ipsec xfrm esp routing
nc flag

i need a little help/explanation why the following netsetup is not working:

PC1 ( <-- PLAIN --> ( <-- ESP --> ( PC2

I can send packets from PC1 to PC2 and the PC-GW encapsulate esp and the PC2 recv the esp packets, it works fine.

But if i send esp packets from PC2 to PC1, the PC-GW f ...

Score: 0
Nico Gatti avatar
Nginx proxy is not finding the backend services
th flag

I've an installation with 2 backend services that should be proxied by a third Nginx service.

I've deployed the 3 services succesfully but for some reason I can't get nginx to see the other 2 services giving the error:

GET / HTTP/1.1" 502 560


[error] 8#8: *1 no live upstreams while connecting to upstream

I have tried changing all the services to their own network but it seems the issue is n ...

Score: 0
Hussein Al-Mosawi avatar
Change only 1 emails DNS to use another server but keep the other ones in my server
cn flag

So I came across a weird problem and I don't know if there's a way to solve it or not

Basically, I made a account and changed the DNS servers in my cPanel to theirs Now, everything works perfectly except that I only want to use Protonmail only with 1 account!


[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

I want to only change  ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.