Latest Server related questions

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carlfitzsimmons avatar
NGINX - subdomain using https to another internal IP:PORT and hide new path
ni flag

I have spent more than week looking around this site to solve the following two items.

Background: subdomains are setup in GoDaddy DNS to forward to our public IP. Internally DNS has forward and reverse working for FQDN as well as server on the internal network.

The first item is to allow a subdomain (http or https 80-443)to point to a folder contained inside the FQDN internal server but not display ...

Score: 1
IT_User avatar
NTP Server is setup for ntp keys. How can we configure windows server to communicate to our time server using the keys?
mx flag

We have an NTP server that was setup with NTP keys.

We are trying to configure our domain controllers to use this NTP server as the authoritative time source. We can talk to the NTP server without keys fine but as soon as we enable keys on the NTP side, communication fails. Where can we specify a keys file/strings to allow Windows to talk to our NTP server usin ...

Score: 0
igalsc avatar
kubectl error: cannot add key dashboard.yaml, another key by that name already exists
cn flag

Our system architect left and I'm thrown into a deep water managing Kubernetes cluster. I'm trying to update ssl-secret on our kubernetes cluster, using the following command

kubectl -n zone-system create secret generic ssl-secret \
        --from-file=./$CERT_FILE \
        --from-file=./$KEY_FILE \
        --dry-run=client \
        -o yaml |
         kubectl apply -f -

When I run it, however, I get ...

Score: 0
How to submission server of an email (SMTP)?
cn flag

I will brief you about the situation I'm in, what issue I am facing and what I have tried.

I have set up a web app using flask, where users can send automated emails (not email campaigns) to a list of emails that they upload in excel. So if you register on the website as [email protected] and upload a list of emails in excel, the app will automatically send emails to the ids listed through sm ...

Score: 0
Find Directory of Target File on Remote Server
cn flag

I am trying to find a file directory on a list of remote servers. I want to:

  1. Use Powershell; get targets from comma delimited text file, i.e. server1,file1 Note: file is different for each server.
  2. Search the C: and E: partitions for a file, even if more than one instance of it
  3. Get the file directory
  4. Write the result to a .csv
  5. View the output on the Powershell main window

Here is the script I have b ...

Score: 1
About Let's encrypt ACMEv1 deprecation. How to make certificate renewal work again in Ubuntu 14.04?
in flag

I'm running an old Ubuntu 14.04 server. It has been running without issues for years now but, with the recent deprecation of ACMEv1 i can't renew the certificates again. I have googled about how to deal with this problem but i'm not sure what to do.

In my server didn't make an "official installation" of letsencrypt. Rather, I just cloned it to some custom folder.

My question is, can I just make a  ...

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Nicholas McQuillen avatar
IIS 8.5 and 10, max value that can be set for IIS Requests/Recycle?
id flag

Per DISA we're required to set the recycling option for requests. I can't seem to track down what the max value for this should be or when the counter gets restarted? If app pools are configured to recycle at midnight, shouldn't the requests counter reset to 0? We set what we thought was a high limit at 99,999 but this seems to get hit everyday around noon on all 3 of our balanced servers. Sometimes ...

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VLCboy avatar
remotely installing python and pip packages
cn flag

I'm trying to install python with pip packages remotely on an Azure VM using powershell. The script deployed to the VM:

Start-Process 'F:\python-3.9.5-amd64.exe'-ArgumentList ("/passive", "InstallAllUsers=1", "PrependPath=1", "Include_test=0", "Include_pip=1") -Wait
Start-Sleep -s 120
& pip install urllib3 --no-index --find-links 'F:\urllib3-1.26.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl'
& pip install seleni ...
Score: 0
jarjarbinks99 avatar
Can't find psqlrc file for Postgresql on Windows
ng flag

Kind of new to IT and trying to learn Postgresql. I was having a problem where my SQL commands weren't outputting to the psql prompt. This was fixed with \pset pager off

That's great! Problem is I have to type it in every time I open the prompt. So I heard about a psqlrc.conf file where I can set variables. Problem is I can't find it.

I tried following this guide - ...

Score: 0
Redirect removing slash after domain
pw flag

In moving to https URLs for my self-hosted site, I added a redirect to the .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]

This redirects to http to https for all pages, except for my blog. The blog is a WordPress installation in a subdirectory called bestpractices. When I click on any link leading to a blog page, the slash is removed  ...

Score: 0
Openstack Neutron - preserve SIP source port
in flag

currently I'm running freeswitch servers on Openstack Ussuri with Neutron linuxbridge. The problem is that the SIP source port got changed from 5080 to random port when sending INVITE to the carriers. If the call is getting long enough, the random port created by PAT will be closed. Therefore, if any SIP message from the carrier sent to that port will not be translated to the original source port (5080) ...

Score: 0
Running NodeJS on a CentOS7 nginx/Apache server
kr flag

I manage an existing ecommerce site that lives on an nginx/apache server, and the host is also the provider of the ecommerce system we're using. I'd like to turn the ecommerce system into a headless CMS, using React with NextJS for the front end.

Is it possible to make this work somehow, all on the same server?

Some notes about the current setup:

  • The site lives on a www subdomain, and it's well establis ...
Score: 0
Scottie H avatar
Troubleshooting auditd rules
cn flag

I'm running RHEL 7.x. We have recently installed the DISA recommended rules for auditd.

Since we've installed these new audit rules, we've noticed a significant decrease in system performance.
rsyncing the 117Mb firefox files to /dev/shm took 32 seconds. Deleting took 28 seconds.
Deleting should take 0.02 seconds!

We've found 1 or 2 CPUs are pegged at near 100% usage for auditd. Waiting for I/ ...

Score: 0
Server pfsense and hypervisor
cn flag

I am not very experienced with server management and I currently manage a vps with whm/cpanel. I am thinking in a few month when the subscription ends to colocate my own server in the datacenter. So after some research i decided to buy a used dell server and have proxmox as a hypervisor. So i am trying to figure out a way to seperate the host from the vps and also install pfsense so i can have vlans and ...

Score: 0
Sridhar Patnaik avatar
Redirect tomcat ROOT folder to external URL
cm flag

I have two domains say and is pointing to a shared hosting (my website) and is pointing to tomcat9 on VPS.

What I want is - if some user tries to access ROOT of tomcat ( he should be redirected to But if a user tries to access any other webapp apart from ROOT ( he should be taken to corresponding tomcat webapp. Can somebody help how can config ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.