Latest Server related questions

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rubixibuc avatar
CSF has port 22 listed for TCP_IN, what is blocking certain IPs?
ar flag

I went through my whole csf config, and unless I'm missing something it's not treated or listed any differently than port 80, although it blocks all IPs that are not white listed. Port 80 will allow any IP address regardless.

Is blocking IPs for port 22 hardcoded into csf? I'm trying to understand. I've read that CSF blocks everything by default, but then how is port 80 open to every IP without s ...

Score: 0
404_username_not_found avatar
Impact of KrbTgtFullPAC Signature (CVE-2022-37967) patches
sd flag

I am a bit concerned about the Windows November 2022 patches that introduced signing of the PAC-Field in Kerberostickets.

  1. There is a RegKey(“KrbtgtFullPacSignature”) that, if set to auditmode, accept and log all unsigned tickets. Since January, we have enabled this key on all of our DCs, but nothing is logged on our DCs, even though we have some Server 2008 and Windows 7 systems, which should not ...
Score: 0
Sam avatar
How to ssh through the gitlab subdomain URL
ml flag

From this question I'd like to ask more of it

Solved the problem that I need to open the port on the cloud service. Now the next problem is how do I clone using the URL instead of the host machine IP. Example :

ssh [email protected] -p 6022

x.x.x.x is the hos ...

Score: 0
Nicolas Zozol avatar
GCP: Api Gateway failing to redirect to an url made from a private dns
pk flag

I have a vm instance at IP I created two url representing this service by two different ways, and I inject it in the Gateway configuration file. is a url created by service. Given an IP, you get a public url is a url made from a DNS Zone, with A -> The good IP

The gateway works perfectly with the public nip addres ...

Score: 1
Ydrab avatar
aws efs describe-access-points no filters?
iq flag

When I run

aws efs describe-access-points --query 'AccessPoints[*].[AccessPointId]' --output table

I get back 5 different ID's.

There does not appear to be any filter options like there are for other resources.

aws efs describe-access-points --filters "Name=AccessPoints.Name,Values=media" --query 'AccessPoints[*].[AccessPointId]' --output table

usage: aws [options] <command> <subcommand&gt ...
Score: 1
Arrow Root avatar
Why does Terraform want to fully delete aws_iam_policy_document?
sm flag

I don't understand why Terraform wants to remove the json policy. In other cases, when the data will be read during the apply, the plan shows the json policy being removed and added in the same plan, but it is not happening, Terraform is just removing it.

This is the policy:

data "aws_iam_policy_document" "my_policy" {
  statement {
    sid = "S3"
    effect = "Allow"
    actions = ["s3:*"]
    resour ...
Score: 0
Jiri B avatar
STONITH Block Device daemon (SBD) actions based on conditions
tg flag

Is there any detailed description how SBD reacts to various conditions/issues? sbd(8) is not very detailed I would say. I can't read the source which is here:

Score: 1
Y U K I M U R A avatar
AH01114: HTTP: failed to make connection to backend: localhost
zm flag

I know some of you might think that its a little bit off topic here, but am not sure whether its fault of server OR fault of my config file, so...

I made React.js project , but it needs server side rendering, So now I have to migrate from CRA to next.js . the problem: I have to upload my website on apache web server, from what I gathered from google, I need installed node.js and pm2 (latest versi ...

Score: 2
sushmee avatar
React App with Nginx reverse proxy not displaying /swagger ; /redoc
dk flag

So I've been trying to set up Swagger to work on /swagger/, it was working fine until we switched to a domain. I'm not that experienced with nginx and it's reverse proxy. I will share my settings, if anyone could help. It actually opens the page, but it's all white, same goes with /redoc/ (Redis).


events {
worker_connections 768;
multi_accept       on;

http {

large_client_header_buffers ...
Score: 1
King David avatar
HDP cluster + journal nodes get out of Sync
gb flag

we have HDP cluster version 2.6.5

when we look on name-node logs we can see the following warning

2023-02-20 15:56:37,731 INFO  namenode.FileJournalManager ( - Finalizing edits file /hadoop/hdfs/journal/hdfsha/current/edits_inprogress_0000000193594484455 -> /hadoop/hdfs/journal/hdfsha/current/edits_0000000193594484455-0000000193594600017
2023-02-20 ...
Score: 1
qian avatar
ssh server show message after login successful
se flag

I have one debian ssh server question , I want to display a message after successful login I have used motd, but the localhost will display it. I don’t want the local machine to display it. I only want to display it after a specific user successfully logs in to ssh.

Score: 1
roberth avatar
Windows Firewall selects wrong profile after restart (PRIVATE / PUBLIC / DOMAIN)
in flag

At some servers we have the problem that after restart Windows Server selects a PRIVATE domain profile in stead of DOMAIN.

enter image description here

enter image description here

We can solve the problem by resetting the Network Adapater:

Restart-NetAdapter Ethernet0

Does anyone have a permanent solution?

We tried:

  1. Run the Powershell script above a couple of minutes after boot (using Task Scheduler), but that somehow doesn't work.

  2. Verified that the Do ...

Score: 0
Techboy avatar
How to change the ports reported by the SAP PO Server?
pl flag

I access an SAP PO server via an SAP Web Dispatcher, like this:

User -> -> SAP Web Dispatcher -> -> SAP PO Server

This works, but causes an issue with the SAP PO server displays links (e.g. on page like Enterprise Services Builder = http// ...

Score: 1
Crypto Coupons avatar
How can I curl -IL all the website pages starting with the root pagenot just 1 page at the time?
cy flag

I need to curl -IL all the website and maybe do cron job or something every 24hrs so fastcgi can cache all the pages on website

The cache don't hit unless I curl -IL the webpage so I need something that will curl all the webpage available on the website.

Like you can see bellow:

root@ubuntu-s-1vcpu-1gb-amd-sfo3-01:~# curl -IL
HTTP/2 200 
date: Thu, 23 Feb 2023 10:31:44 GMT
conten ...
Score: 0
Shunmusiva avatar
ADFS Web Application proxy 2016 errors
la flag

I have a Domain Controller(Windows server 2016) and installed ADFS on another machine(Windows Server 2016) on the same domain. I can access the IDP signon page in the domain machines internally. Now, I am trying to provide a reverse proxy to the adfs server by using a web application proxy which is a standalone server(2016). I tried whether this machine is able to connect to ADFS machine by pinging the  ...

Score: 0
ali rahmani avatar
why almalinux is hanging over night with auditlog
mc flag

hey there is a hosting server overnight my server hanged up and must to restart it in morning to get it back online and saw this error in my console (you can see the picture) please help me

Score: 0
Marc avatar
Apache with shibboleth as SP and proxypass
pt flag

when using RHEL8 and shibboleth as SP and passing web-requests to a docker container, we have the problem that some users generate a constant sso request ( in transactions.log ) and also apache gives a lot of errors in error.log

[access_compat:error] [pid 681406:tid 140386592855808] [client] AH01797: client denied by server configuration: proxy:http://localhost:31337/call/getRe ...
Score: 0
Myzel394 avatar
What exactly is Return-Path and who sets it?
us flag

This article ( explains "Return-Path" as follows:

When an email doesn’t make it to its intended destination, the return path indicates where non-delivery receipts—or bounce messages—are to be sent.


Many senders will incorporate identifiers into the return path address to ease handling of reply and bounce traffic, refe ...

Score: 0
CoolName420 avatar
Amazon AWS CLI: How do I find out what actions/permissions/policies are attributed to a role?
ro flag

I'm on Linux and using the AWS CLI.

I tried running the following:

  • aws iam list-instance-profiles-for-role --role-name role-abc-123
  • aws iam get-role --role-name role-abc-123 --query 'Role.AssumeRolePolicyDocument.Statement[].Action[]'
  • aws iam list-attached-role-policies --role-name role-abc-123

However each one comes back with:

An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the XXX operation: User: Y ...

Score: 0
Ivan Dimitrov avatar
Gmail not detecting PTR record from vultr server
vn flag

I have an SMTP server running on a vultr VM. I've set up the rDNS to point to my mail domain name The DNS setup points to that machine on ipv4 and ipv6 for and it points to github pages on

When I send emails to gmail only, it tells me that there are no PTR records.

                   |    host [2a00:1450:4013:c07::1b]
Score: 0
Pastor Munashe Zimondi avatar
puppet server failing to install on centos 9 stream
by flag

I tried installing puppetserver on my centos 9 stream but it gives me the following error:

Last metadata expiration check: 0:15:42 ago on Thu 23 Feb 2023
01:06:09 AM EST. No match for argument: puppetserver Error: Unable to
find a match: puppetserver

I downloaded the following rpm:

yum install -y
Score: 2
Cool Guy avatar
How to enable logging of commands run through shell script in ESXi Hypervisor?
dz flag

On ESXi Hypervisor, If I run a command on the terminal via SSH, the commands are logged in the shell.log file, i.e if i run this command

[root@esxi04:~] ls -la

then I can see this command in shell.log file as:

<164>2023-02-22T09:34:24.337Z test_host shell[68783]: [root]: ls -la

But If I use a shell script instead, like this

echo "Test"
ls -la
find / -name "*.log" -exec /bin/rm -rf {} \;
Score: 0
Mrunal Modi avatar
How to access kubernetes INGRESS METALLB EXTERNAL-IP hosted on CentOS7 VM (Fusion) from host MacBook?
mx flag


2x CentOS VMs (master & worker) using VMware Fusion on Macbook with K8s installed. INGRESS installed METALLB installed EXTERNAL-IP assigned Issue:

I can access the EXTERNAL-IP name resolution within /etc/hosts on the master server successfully but cannot do the same from my host macbook. Any ideas on how to expose K8s EXTERNAL-IP to MacBook from VMware Fusion (NAT)?

enter image description here

Score: 0
Max Muster avatar
apache2 mod_md module is offering ".md" files to download
se flag

I have a apache2 server with mod_worker

i have mod_md enabled and have configured a domain as follows :

achace2ctl configtest is OK and the server started well the problem is it offers me the file to download, instead to parse it to html

Is there something I forgotten?

<Macro MDMacroSSL $domain $zert $portwww $portssl $dir $ip>
    MDomain                 $domain
    MDStoreDir        ...
Score: 0
Kent2022 avatar
linux DSA switch w/ Vlan-aware bridge setup
bm flag

I'm working on a use case that SoC w/ only one ethnet port(eth1) connect to a SJA1105 switch chip. As mentioned in linux kernel documents, the DSA mechanism will take eth1 as management port and have limitation to open socket directly on this interface. For Vlan-unware case, I use the reference configuration from document as below:

ip link set eth1 up
ip link set swp1 up
ip link set swp2 up

ip lin ...
Score: 0
Murrmurr avatar
SAS drives not detected in JBOD's
lb flag

I have two bnib Supermicro SYS-937R-E2JB JBOD connected with SFF8088 cables to my LSI 9200-8e HBA in my Dell T5810 workstation running Ubuntu Desktop 20.04. Neither the Seagate 12TB SAS or the Whitelabel 10TB SAS drives are recognized or detected. When I do lsscsi the JBOD enclosure shows but not disks, I have ran lsiutil and there are no SAS discovery errors. In lsiutil the enclosures show up with 6 ...

Score: 0
proxyd43 avatar
ansible proxmoxer, 'Connection timed out. (connect timeout=5)'
cn flag

I try to deploy some container to proxmox via ansible+hookscript with proxmoxer.

I follow the documentation to install both proxmoxer and requests on controller (workstation) and node (proxmox)

First of all i tried to reach the proxmox api with root@pam:

curl -k -d 'username=root@pam' --data-urlencode 'password=MYPASSWORD

it works :

pvedaemon[425 ...
Score: 0
Thor avatar
Linux Router Fu for failover?
th flag

I have some OpenWRT boxes and some other Linux boards... including a Software Defined Networking board (that I haven't used yet). I have AT&T fiber with its own DHCP & WiFi (& cat5) and I can link to a Cat5 connection to go out over a slower network (also with DHCP) (it goes to a shared cellspot)...

I'd like to have my traffic fail to the slownet if AT&T goes down. I'd like to sha ...

Score: 1
Sergei Cherevko avatar
Use wireguard client as default gateway of another (server in docker)
ru flag

almost same as this article Wireguard use one client as gateway of another but i have wireguard in docker so i can't understand how to solve my routing problem

peer1 --- wireguard_server(in docker) --- peer2 --- internet

peer1: wireguard_server: peer2:

My docker-compose.yml

version: "2.1"
    co ...
Score: 0
Greendrake avatar
How does AWS charge for Elastic Inference accelerator?
ng flag

I am trying to understand how AWS charges for Elastic Inference accelerators. The relevant page says:

you pay only for the accelerator hours you use

But I can see two possible readings of that:

  1. The hours that an EC2 instance with an EI accelerator attached to it runs.
  2. The hours that the EC2 instance actually accesses/engages the EI accelerator.

The difference can be significant: the EC2 instan ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.