Latest Server related questions

Score: 0
Crypto Coupons avatar
Weird traffic behavior on Ubuntu server
cy flag
top - 19:51:36 up 1 day, 12:27,  1 user,  load average: 19.14, 11.33, 4.74
Tasks: 172 total,  18 running, 154 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 90.0 us, 10.0 sy,  0.0 ni,  0.0 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem :   3924.0 total,    120.4 free,   2610.0 used,   1193.6 buff/cache
MiB Swap:      0.0 total,      0.0 free,      0.0 used.    941.7 avail Mem 

    PID USER      PR  NI    VIR ...
Score: 1
FearDC avatar
lighttpd 1.4.46+ serve specific file based on $HTTP["useragent"]
za flag

I have a lighttpd server version 1.4.46+ on Linux which serves file1.xml and file2.xml from htdocs directory as is. There are clients that request these files, each of those send a User-Agent header to the server, which have format MyApp 12345 where 12345 is the client version.

What I need to do is to parse the version number 12345 and serve either file1.xml or file2.xml, depending on client version num ...

Score: 0
James avatar
Using Ppolicy in a provider peer cluster can trigger consumer refresh condition
US flag

My ldap consists of a cluster of 3 providers that all replicate to each other, and a fleet of consumers replicating from them, and we have ppolicy installed on our providers and consumers both, though we're currently not using it to enforce any particular policies automatically.

I've recently discovered a situation where a script could fail to login with a non-rootDN service account to all three  ...

Score: 1
Jo K avatar
ck flag

I want build new structure for my data store (NAS - Ubuntu). Data storage will be 4TB at first. Then up to 8TB.

My old structure is simple:

RAID 1 -> LUKS -> FS

I need some wishes to new structure:

  1. Save data (RAID 1 or 10).
  2. Encryption.
  3. Cache SSD + RAID (HDD) and file system with CoW to save data if cache will be broken.
  4. Fast snapshots.
  5. Flexibility to manage volumes.

I don't use LVM, BCACHE, ...

Score: 0
Jon Bates avatar
Process memory-usage mismatch in a Kubernetes sidecar container
ru flag

I have a sidecar container with the following resources:

    memory: 512Mi
    memory: 64Mi

However, when I run top, I see this:

  • envoy & pilot-agent seem to be using ~ 363MB & 61MB respectively
  • used memory at the top is 54.6MB
  • running free -m gives the following; a seemingly uncorrelated answer
$ free -m
              total        used        free      s ...
Score: 0
Stickley avatar
Can RHEL8 / Rocky8 allow sshd + imap connections by hostname pattern (like tcp_wrappers)?
id flag

We have used tcp_wrappers for many years that has allowed an extra level of protection by only allowing sshd connections matching a hostname pattern. Simplified example:

# hosts.deny    This file describes the names of the hosts which are *not* allowed to use the local INET services, as decided by the '/usr/sbin/tcpd' server.

# hosts.allow   This file describes the names of the h ...
Score: 1
King David avatar
YARN + how to debug wget
gb flag

we are testing with wget VIA port 8088 the connection from ResourceManager02 to ResourceManager01

  • both Resource Managers are part of YARN service , and each resource manager service installed on RHEL 7.9 version

as the following

wget http://ResourceManager01.ggtp:8088
--2023-02-22 16:55:36--  http://ResourceManager01.ggtp:8088/
Resolving ResourceManager01.ggtp (ResourceManager01.ggtp)... 182.55.190. ...
Score: 0
raximus avatar
DNS Not Working Properly After Mulithomed DC Change
sn flag

After adding a secondary NIC to a Windows Server 2016 DC I went back to remove the secondary NIC from DNS. It had already registered itself with DNS and I only want the server to listen on one NIC for DNS requests.

I followed this procedure from MS to attempt to resolve the issue.

  1. I unchecked Register this connection in the NIC DNS Advanced Settings.
  2. I set the DNS server to only listen for requests on t ...
Score: 0
UbuntuHusker avatar
Firebird horizontally scaling using containers
cn flag

I am trying to setup a firebird server within K8s and using docker containers. This has worked well with using Azure Files as a persistent volume storage, however when I try scaling past 1, there are some odd behaviours that occur.

I do not know firebird very well, but it appears to be loading the databases from the single file (like SQLite). Any advice on how I can most stably scale this server? ...

Score: 0
johniswick avatar
Tagging behavior in a playbook with a role which contains an "include_role" task
bf flag

Having this structure:


    - hosts: localhost
              - name: genrole
                   - genrole_tag # tagging is needed, since other roles may be present just below current one

Major Role[roles/genrole/tasks/main.yml]

        - debug:
            msg: 'This is task 1'
          tags: task1
        - import_role:
                 name ...
Score: 1
Drifter104 avatar
Azure mysql server provisioning
ca flag

Trying to create an Azure mysql flexible server through the portal I get the following error message.

"code": "InvalidPrivateDnsZoneSubscription",
"message": "The subscription 'xxxxxxx-xx-xx-xxx-xxxxxx' of the private DNS zone '' is in valid, it is not registered for '2'."

The dns zone is required because I'm deploying to a vnet rather than public access.

The dns zone  ...

Score: 0
kab00m avatar
Terminate ssh session on startup
br flag

Ssh session can be terminated within working window if there is some trouble on ssh server. Depending on the nature of the problem there is different way to do this:

  1. If the server is not reachable ssh can be managed by regular shell keystroke like Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Z.
  2. If the terminal was already allocated through ssh channel it can be managed by ~ commands like ~^Z or ~.

However there are certain pro ...

Score: 0
Can't setup Exchange account in Outlook
br flag

I'm trying to add a new account to Outlook but the wizard gives me an error:

Log onto Exchange ActiveSync Mail server (EAS): The server cannot be found. The username or password you entered isn't working.

I checked the settings and I am able to login to OWA without problems. Existing accounts are not affected and work fine in Outlook.

I can see no apparent problems in my Exchange server, but I a ...

Score: -1
asasa178 avatar
splunk syslogs Forwarder set up not working and paused data flow
sz flag

I have set up the Universal Forwarder locally in my machine using this guide


sourcetype = pan:log
disabled =0


defaultGroup = default-autolb-group

server = xxx-xps-1 ...
Score: 0
seriously avatar
port forwarding using proxy ip
cg flag

I am trying to access my machine remotely through ssh with my public IP.

The regular way to do this would be to allow port forwarding on my router and then do: ssh ubuntu@myPublicIp but my ISP uses CGNAT so I can't port forward with my assigned public IP. So I used tinyproxy on my AWS instance and connected my local machine to the proxy IP address.

Meaning every request I make through my local m ...

Score: 0
Ali avatar
How to enable sudo and disbale sudo su on ubuntu 20.04
bm flag

We need to capture user commands, on logs now the user has Sudo access. we have planned to disable sudo and they need to use sudo before the command. How to enable sudo and disable sudo su on ubuntu 20.04.

Score: 1
Jack Avante avatar
Adding my SSH key to new user with only SSH access through key
in flag

I'm quite new to this, and I've looked through questions but haven't found one that quite matches my problem, or rather I didn't sufficiently understand them to be able to solve this issue.

I have a new server to which I can only access using a pre-generated SSH RSA key pair, which allows me to connect only to the default ubuntu user

ssh -i .ssh/mykey ubuntu@ipaddr

On the server I created a new u ...

Score: 1
ferdez avatar
How do I make systemd wait for a service to finish shutdown before shutting down another one?
us flag

I have two services: mysql and liferay. Liferay start depends on mysql but liferay's shutdwon also depends on mysql. The problem is that systemd will shutdown mysql before liferay's shutdown is over. When I run "systemctl stop mysql" it will start shutting down both services at the same time and liferay will have no mysql service to finish it's own shutdown.

I have Liferay's service declared like ...

Score: 1
Gacek avatar
Nginx returning 404 on new installation
ua flag

On Linux Mint 20.3 I had working setup for my local development of website:

server {
    listen 80;
    listen [::]:80;

    server_name cbp.local;

    root /home/gacek/html/cbp/public;

    index           index.php;

    location / {
        try_files   $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;

    if (!-d $request_filename) {
            rewrite     ^/(.+)/$ /$1 permanent;

    location ...
Score: 1
mharran avatar
Redirect a subdomain to a different subdomain using host records
cn flag

I have two domains and; the second domain is simply to catch a common misspelling of my name and I want to redirect everything on it to

I have a number of subdomains set up on and I want to redirect urls at to the appropriate subdomain on I have seen solutions for this using htaccess but I do not want to create an actual  ...

Score: 0
Tsholofetso Tsele avatar
I have tried to install the anaconda software but it keep giving me a directory error .It says directory not empty .How do I fix this
gw flag

have tried to install the anaconda software but it keep giving me a directory error .It says directory not empty .How do so fix this

Score: 1
Laurent avatar
Virtualized Centos 7 on Ubuntu host: very slow I/O
vg flag

I run a Centos 7 virtualized in Ubuntu 20.04. There is a huge I/O performance drop in the VM compared to the host. The host has plenty of RAM.


* MB/s = 1,000,000 bytes/s
* KB = 1000 bytes, KiB = 1024 bytes

   Sequential Read (Q= 32,T= 1) :   4080MB/s [   124 IOPS]
  Sequential Write (Q= 32,T= 1) :   2799MB/s [   85 IOPS]
  Random Read 4KiB (Q=  8,T= 8) :   2932MB/s [   733039 IOPS]
 Random Writ ...
Score: 0
How to configure jenkins to a subdomain url?
kr flag

I am trying to configure jenkins to an existing ALB by creating a target group(instance type) and rule.

In the rule I kept like this.

But when I click on the url, it is redirecting to

/jenkins part is getting removed and getting error as 404 page not found, please suggest.

Score: 2
PySerial Killer avatar
netplan is not concatenating addresses on separate YAML files
ba flag

I am trying to set up an additional address in an ethernet interface using netplan. The man page for netplan-generate mentions that the sequences for the same key configuration should be concatenated, but the value gets always overriden.

base yaml file in 01-network-all.yaml:

    ---other interfaces---
      addresses: []
  renderer: networkd
  version: 2
Score: 0
Taufique Shaikh avatar
Devstack installation failed (issue )
ky flag

I am getting 2 error while installation of devstack

  1. WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead:

  2. : DeprecationWarning: The distutils package is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.12. Use setuptools or check PEP 632 ...

Score: -1
moosearch avatar
IIS Redirect - Hostname to Alias with only HTTP Redirect
ru flag

I have a Windows 2016 server (FQDN: server1.domain) in an Active Directory domain. I am hosting intranet web apps in IIS.

I recently got an alias (FQDN: CoolName.domain) for that server created in the DNS. TLS certificates were generated by the internal certificate authority. Within IIS, I bound port 443 to hostnames CoolName.domain and CoolName with the certificate.

I want to be able to redirect my exi ...

Score: -1
jFasaJr avatar
Unable to connect to SSH server locally with pubkey from laptop for ssh-copy-id
vn flag

I cannot for the life of me figure out where I'm going wrong here and need other eyes to point out my mistake(s). I'm running an sshd service on my arch desktop locally with ufw opening the designated ssh port.

Password authentication works when I enable it, however I cannot transfer my public key even then with ssh-copy-id. When I switch the sshd_config to be publickey only I get connection refused. ...

Score: -1
Brad Mace avatar
kyverno pods stuck in crashloop
au flag

Two of our three Kyverno pods keep getting stuck in crash loops.

State details in ArgoCD are:

back-off 5m0s restarting failed container=kyverno pod=kyverno-85b8ccfffd-7vb4t_kyverno(cf50fb6d-a1c2-4384-bdbf-bebe865daa73)

All I can find in the logs is:

panic: interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not string [recovered]
       panic: interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not string

goroutine  ...
Score: 0
Granwille avatar
NFS Mouting Failing due to illegal port
cv flag

I have a VM machine that has a public IP interface and a private IP interface. The private interface is assigned Then I have a dedicated host that acts as my "router" using private IP and this is, therefore, my gateway for my local network. The "router" I have is OPNsense.

That being said, I am trying to mount within my VM to my two remote NFS servers.  ...

Score: -1
HippoMan avatar
How to specify MX RR using djbdns?
by flag

I want one of the domains I manage to have null MX records: i.e., MX RR.

I'm trying to figure out how to specify MX RR under djbdns, but my searches haven't yielded any information about how to do this.

I did the following for the moment, but I know this isn't the proper way to null out MX records ...

... and I'm pretty sure that the following is jus ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.