Latest Server related questions

Score: 1
moray avatar
Postfix white listing a badly configured server not working: Helo command rejected: Host not found;
ke flag

My mail server configuration is rather strict and some times incoming mails from legit servers get rejected because the remote end has a configuration problem, a common one is the HELO hostname.

I have a specific example that is from the most important electrical company in Italy, ENEL, that apparently sends transactional emails with an HELO hostname that does not resolve:

Feb 20 18:31:10 MYHOST postf ...
Score: 0
Ars avatar
NGINX forwarding by 3rd level domain name
ge flag

I have two local web apps which should be accessible from external network, but only one external IP. Both web apps use 443 port which can't be changed. So the task is to configure nginx in the way so that it can forward the incoming requests based on the 3rd level domain. Let's say my web apps live on and My public IP is 9*.23*.15*.12 and I have configured 2 dns A entries site ...

Score: 1
AmenzO avatar
Execute js script to update requestBody before redirect
jm flag

I am configuring à nginx location but I need to run a script (njs) that update requestBody before redirection :

This my conf but when i deploy it still redirect without update requestBody or return error

Parent nginx.conf:

     // .....
     js_import checkScript from  /etc/nginx/js/scripts/checkScript.js;
     // ....

In checkScript.js :

export default {

function rights(r) {
    const b ...
Score: 1
Джон Смит avatar
Adaptec ASR-6805T can create raid from ssd only?
kw flag

I'm about to move my Proxmox home server from NAS to RAID 10. I'm a hardware RAID fan, so I chose a solution among inexpensive old controllers. In the course of studying budget solutions for the home, the choice fell on the "Adaptec ASR-6805T (BBU) 512 MB".

I came across some controversial information on the net, saying that it will only accept HDD or HDD + SSD hybrid. Is it possible to use an SS ...

Score: 0
BeeOnRope avatar
How is the correct MTU used for connections through an IGW on EC2
th flag

If you bring up a couple of default image VMs in the default VPC in EC2, they will generally have their interface MTU set to 9001. If you sent TCP traffic between those two instances using their private IP addresses, it is easy to verify that full 9K jumbo frames are used (e.g., by examining interface stats and calculating the packet size as "TX bytes / TX cnt").

If you send data between the two instanc ...

Score: 0
Mike Hermary avatar
Poor server performance on Linux Ubuntu 20.04 with PHP-FPM, MySQL, and Redis Server installed
in flag

My client’s server has recently started having performance issues. The single website hosted on the server loads very slowly. It is built with WordPress using a custom theme. There are a minimum amount of plugins installed, and none were added in the last few weeks when the performance issues began.

The server has 2 CPUs and 2GB of memory. The server stack is LAMP with Ubuntu 20.04 and PHP FPM. ...

Score: 0
Matt avatar
Cloud File Storage: Does zipping files reduce data transmission speed / costs?
pl flag

If I need to store, say, a 5gb file on a cloud file storage location (e.g., aws s3 bucket), will zipping the file reduce the cost / latency when people download it?

Obviously zipping a file reduces the storage size, but my specific question is:

  • Do webservers compress data automatically before sending to another computer?
  • If so, does zipping a file reduce transmission cost beyond anything the webserver is ...
Score: 0
Niyaz avatar
How many times will postrotate run when defining logrotate for multiple directories?
us flag

I have the below configuration for rotating the DB backups. The /var/mysql_backup/data/ contains two subdirectories db1 and db2.

/var/mysql_backup/data/*/db.sql.gz {
    rotate 7
    create 640 root root
    dateformat _%Y_%m_%d_%s
    extension .sql.gz

Score: 2
ShadowGames avatar
Access of K8s service within WSL2 + Docker Desktop from Linux machine over HTTPS
mx flag

I've setup an authentication service in a Kubernetes cluster which lives in a Docker Desktop + WSL2 environment on a Windows 11 Pro machine.

It can be reached e.g. via CURL & PostMan requests from the same Windows machine (outside that WSL2 layer).

However, and here's the problem, that rest endpoint cannot be accessed from a Linux machine within the same LAN network.

In order to verify that a conne ...

Score: 3
inframan avatar
How to handle network changes and restart with Ansible?
cn flag

I'm currently developping a network configuration role used by Ansible to customize our fresh new virtual machine that came from our Debian 11 template.

The following role changes from DHCP to static interface configuration and then restart the networking service.For testing purpose i set IP/netmask/gateway as extra vars (and it's dynamically changed depends on the server i have to use my role)

  - na ...
Score: 0
Ravi avatar
Cloud Run Secret Reference getting mounted as Directory instead of File
cn flag

Need some help with Cloud Run with Secret Manager, we need to mount 2 secrets as volume (file only), following is the yaml from Cloud Run.

        - name: secret-2f1d5ec9-d681-4b0f-8a77-204c5f853330
          readOnly: true
          mountPath: /root/key/mtls/client_auth.p12
        - name: secret-29c1417a-d9fe-4c37-8cb0-562c97f3c827
          readOnly: true
          mountPat ...
Score: 0
Ress avatar
Apache ProxyPass only proxying URL, but not page assets
lc flag

So I currently have a proxy configuration that looks like the following:

ProxyPassMatch ^/foo/bar/(.+)$$1
ProxyPassReverse ^/foo/bar/(.+)$$1

ProxyPreserveHost Off

I'm trying to map, for example, to

The proxypass seems to be working as I can see the webpage from, h ...

Score: 0
Angel Aguado avatar
I cannot export an image from Gcloud, to bucket storage
bs flag

Good morning: I am trying to export an image from Gcloud, but when it takes two hours to export, it gives error. I have tried several times and it always gives error after two hours. I do not know how to solve it, the error I get is this:

ERROR: build step 0 "" failed: step exited with non-zero status: 1

thank you

Score: 0
Félix avatar
Agent prometheus does not send metrics
vn flag

I am trying to configure a Prometheus agent with the 'remote_write' function. The Prometheus agent configuration file has these parameters.

 global:   scrape_interval: 30s   external_labels:
     environment: roble
   - url:
     name: hostname
       - source_labels: [__address__]
         regex: expensive*
         actio ...
Score: 1
Jonas avatar
Three virtio-blk devices crashing Windows 10 VM
ca flag

If three virtio-blk devices are added VM is crashing in the middle of the Windows 10 boot. The attached blockdev has no influence. VM is working fine using two virtio-blk.

qemu-system-x86_64 \
-device virtio-blk,drive=c,bus=pci.3,addr=0x0,write-cache=on,bootindex=1 \
-device virtio-blk,drive=d,bus=pci.4,addr=0x0,write-cache=on \
-device virtio-blk,drive=e,bus=pci.5,addr=0x0,write-cache=on \
Score: 0
sam23 avatar
K8s : nginx-ingress: SSL_do_handshake() failed (SSL: error:191CF08C:SSL routines:tls_parse_ctos_key_share:bad key share)
cn flag

As we found out that the nginx ingress as well as the cert-manager were outdated and not compatible with the Kubernetes version of 1.22 anymore. I upgrade the two components: nginx-ingress from 0.26.1 to 1.5.1. and the cert-manager from version 0.12.0 to 1.5.

which lead to the cert-manager pods running

kubectl get pods -n cert-manager
NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTAR ...
Score: 0
David avatar
NFS server not starting at boot time (Can be started manually)
th flag

Problem: I have an NFS server that fails to export directories on boot. Once booted I can ssh in and start the server manually. I have set all owner:group and permissions to be very "permissive, so as to avoid any permissions problems, these will be locked down later, when I have the problem fixed.

NOTE: This server is not accessible from outside my lan.

Output of systemctl status nfs-kernel-server. ...

Score: 0
Mikhail Karakulov avatar
How to force custom permissions on files created by git checkout command?
gl flag

I need files created by git checkout command to have custom permissions.

Even with core.sharedrepository=0777 setting git creates working tree files with 0644 permissions. But I want it to be at least 0664 so someone from the group could write to them (it also would be very good to specify a custom owner group)

Applying recursively chown/chmod may work but it smells like the last resort and resource was ...

Score: 0
Alexander Overvoorde avatar
Wildcard DNS entry is broken by more specific (but non-matching) DNS entry
gb flag

I have the following DNS entries for the root domain

  • * CNAME record pointing to
  • dummy.api TXT record containing the value dummy

When I try to resolve then it correctly resolves to the CNAME entry, but when I try to resolve, the DNS server fails to resolve. This would make sense to me if there was a TXT entry for, but in this case there is only a T ...

Score: 0
mreferre avatar
OpenVPN on AWS (works in NAT mode but doesn't work in Routing mode)
nl flag

I have a brand new VPC ( with 3 public subnets (pointing to an IGW) and 3 private subnets (with a NAT GW in each). I have deployed an OpenVPN appliance in the public subnet and configured it to use NAT mode (Yes, using NAT in the routing config). I also have a test-instance in one of the private subnets. Both the OpenVPN instance and the test-instance has SG groups with "generous" flexibi ...

Score: 0
divya avatar
Unexpected ubuntu server down
ru flag

I am using an Ubuntu Server 16.04LTS running ISP config that is hosted an VMware ESXi I experienced an unexpected shutdown issue, and I'm trying to identify the source. Upon checking the logs, I was unable to see the logs prior to the problem. The logs are appear's only after the server runtime

Action taken by my side:

I used to perform Journalctl command for the particular period of time but unable ...

Score: 0
GeekTantra avatar
Postfix Forwarding to two different Mail Servers
th flag

I have a scenario where a Mail Server has to forward all emails received on to be forwarded to and

What is the appropriate Postfix configuration for setting this kind of an use-case?

Score: 0
whitezo avatar
Cannot move Caddy server to new IP with same domain
cc flag

After moving a site to a new server/IP (completely new setup) the server became unavailable, cur says:

curl: (35) error:1404B438:SSL routines:ST_CONNECT:tlsv1 alert internal error

I assume there is some issue with the fact that caddy issued a cert before to a different IP with the same domain.

Eventually I've just created a new subdomain for now and it works fine with that but would like to know the ...

Score: 0
Configurating DKIM and SPF, key not secured
cn flag

On a Ubuntu 20.04 VPS, installing opendkim via sudo apt install opendkim opendkim-tools proceeds as expected, following the steps provided here.

However, upon testing, while e-mails get sent in practice to the targetted mailbox with a very low spam score (3.9) and thus percolate outside of spam filetering,

sudo opendkim-testkey -d domain.tld -s default -vvv

returns unexpected and somewhat contradictory  ...

Score: 0
Hank Chow avatar
logrotate works manually but not works automatically via cron on Ubuntu 18.04
cn flag

I have a logrotate task to rotate my nginx logs. I have my config file in /etc/logrotate.d/nginx. When I run logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.d/nginx, it can rotate the logs correctly, which means my config file is corrent.

By when I put the command in cron like 0 0 * * * logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.d/nginx, the logs are not rotated. Although I can see CRON[6006]: (root) CMD (logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.d/ngi ...

Score: 2
Senior Systems Engineer avatar
Steps to succesfully persistent iSCSI LUN using Open-iSCSI on Ubuntu Server?
pk flag

Using Ubuntu Linux Server 22.04 minimal edition without GUI, I need some help in mounting the iSCSI LUN using Open-iSCSI so it is mapped to /dev/sdb with the below command:

Could you please let me know if I missed any steps on the following:

Edit the file /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi into:

and then continue with:

sudo systemctl res ...
Score: 0
Lil Cyanide avatar
How to stop Windows Server 2022 successful anomymous RDP logins
ni flag

I have a Windows Server 2022 server with IPBAN installed to make hacking it more difficult but in the logs occasionally I see:

2023-02-20 03:59:23.5304|WARN|IPBan|Login succeeded, address: XX.XXX.XXX.XXX, user name: ANONYMOUS LOGON, source: RDP

I've been searching and found that this is most likely harmless is this correct?

Also how do I replicate and prevent these logins?

Score: 0
Omi Harjani avatar
Kuberneties pod scheduling balance based on pod allocation percentage per master nodes
pl flag

I have a Kubernetes with two master nodes in the master nodegroup. The problem is 1 node has 73-75% pod allocation while the other node only has 23-25% pod allocation. How do I balance the pods between the two master nodes? I have helm descheduler installed and the default config does not help with this. I tried kube-scheduler with the below config but it fails with timeout unable to get a lock on the d ...

Score: 0
Fictor avatar
Configure xenforo 1.2.9 Using phpmyadmin 4.x with php 5.6.4 on IIS 10, Windows Server 2019
as flag

Versions/Programs: xenforo 1.2.9, phpmyadmin 4.x, php 5.6.4, MySQL 8.0.32 IIS 10, Windows Server 2019

I am trying to host a local server for tinkering on an old computer I have. This server will be hosting a XenForo installation. However, my xenforo is 1.2.9 which is outdated and requires php5.6.4. because im using an older php version I also require the phpmyadmin 4.x.

I have all of this install ...

Score: 0
user21241556 avatar
Server sends "internal error" response faster after Tomcat upgrade
tf flag

I recently upgraded our Tomcat server from 7.0.85 to 9.0.70. I am using Apache 2.4.

My Java application runs in a cluster, and it is expected that if the master node fails during a command, the secondary node will take the master role and finish the action.

I have a test that starts an action, performs a failover, and ensures that the secondary node completes the action.

The client sends the request an ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.