Latest Server related questions

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YNX avatar
Iptables DNAT with multiple interface
cn flag

I have 2 Machines:

ens5: (the default net device)
ens5: (the default net device)

And I want use MachineProxy as proxy to establish a tcp between MachineDev and some ip like a example).

Here is what I set the iptables on MachineProxy

sudo iptables -I PREROUTING -t nat -p tcp --dport 8250 -j DNAT -- ...
Score: 0
pam: reducing auth method timeout
us flag

I have set up user fingerprint auth on Fedora 37 laptops.

With fingerprint auth as default auth choice, pam is waiting by default for 10 seconds for a valid fingerprint. Now, I would like to reduce the fingerprint timeout from 10s to 3s , as to fall back to passwords more earlier, when using the machine from remote.

I tried to modify the pam config line to

auth  sufficient   max_tries=1  ...
Score: 0
techiies avatar
Squid Proxy - allow http for specific url
pn flag

I'm learning about squid proxy in a Windows environment. I have verified that the list of allowed urls in a notepad file and add it to squid.config file as path of allowed url is functioning well.


I have a question about if it is possible to allow a specific domain in a HTTP port.

Score: 0
user171102 avatar
Unable to connect to my server
us flag

I'm unable to connect to my own server, which has a MySQL database which I want to access. I correctly opened the 3306 port on the router and called my internet provider that confirmed so. But when I try telnet 3306 it stucks on


Same with traceroute command, the route seems to go till my PC and then find some blockage and it's unable to reach it.

I checked if there is  ...

Score: 0
atg avatar
extraPortMappings for kubeadm
hn flag

I am be able map my NodePort service to localhost using a configuration file like this:

kind: Cluster
- role: control-plane
  - containerPort: 32000
    hostPort: 3000
    protocol: tcp
- role: worker
- role: worker

What is the equivalent of extraPortMappings when i use kubeadm to create my clusters?

Score: 0
Rosario Iameo avatar
Multiple site on apache 2
lu flag

i have a apache 2 installed on my ubuntu 22.04 server, the server the server was working with multiple sites configured with http://ip_address/site_name and every site was in /var/www/html/site_name .

After an bad installion of another site i lost the configuration of apache and i would like to reconfigure a site as previous config.

Is there somebody that can help me?

Thanks in advance!

Score: 0
achhainsan avatar
How to find which one port is the actual port number of glassfish domain?
qa flag
              <network-listener protocol="http-listener-1" port="8080" name="http-listener-1" thread-pool="http-thread-pool" transport="tcp"></network-listener>
              <network-listener protocol="http-listener-2" port="8181" name="http-listener-2" thread-pool="http-thread-pool" transport="tcp"></network-listener>
              <network-listener p ...
Score: 0
cmicma cmicma avatar
HAProxy closes connection on exact client timeout, even though there was data flowing in the middle of that period
hn flag

I'd like to have long lived connections(if possible infinite), from app containers to RabbitMQ behind HAProxy 2.8.1.

The problem is that the HAProxy severs the connection at exact client timeout, even though there was communication in the middle of that period.

If the timeout is set to 10 minutes and the RabbitMQ communication occurs at minute 5 of that period, the timeout isn't extended to minute 1 ...

Score: 0
Chintalagiri Shashank avatar
RabbitMQ CPU Usage Spikes
it flag

I've installed RabbitMQ on kubernetes(k3s) on ARM (Oracle OCI Ampere A1) using the community docker image.

I'm seeing very regular periodic CPU usage spikes (two series of spikes, both with a period of 60 seconds and offset by about 20 or so seconds). Is this normal? Is there something I can do to reduce these?

Netdata CPU Utilization for the RabbitMQ Namespace

This is an entirely empty installation of RabbitMQ, I haven't even tried to connect t ...

Score: 0
revy avatar
All tcp ports are not reachable on localhost (MacOS 13.4)
mn flag

A friend of mine asked for help, basically any app listening on some local tcp port on localhost can't be reached. For example a node.js server running on port 8080 or 3000. Executing the command sudo lsof -i -P | grep LISTEN | grep 8081 gives:

node      3109 someuser   23u  IPv6 0x4b0c58c629ba9f33      0t0    TCP *:8080 (LISTEN)

so it seems the app is correctly listening on that port. But when tryi ...

Score: 0
steros avatar
psql shell over ssh via bash script doesn't get user input
tr flag

I'm opening a ssh connection and then go into a psql shell. This works, I get the prompt. I can also input commands like "\dt". But I don't get any output. As I can get output in general, I rather think the input didn't get to the remote or psql shell. How can I fix this? I thought the -tt option to ssh already handled it, but apparently not.

Pseudo code:

#!/bin/bash -i
ssh -tt user@host <<<  ...
Score: 0
ngyuki avatar
CentOS 7 SCL (Software Collections) abandoned?
jp flag

There is a difference in version between httpd24-httpd installed with Software Collections on CentOS 7.9 and httpd24-httpd installed with RHEL (Universal Base Images).

CentOS 7.9

yum install centos-release-scl centos-release-scl-rh
yum install httpd24-httpd

rpm -q --changelog httpd24-httpd | head -3
# * Tue Sep 20 2022 Luboš Uhliarik <[email protected]> - 2.4.34-23.5
# - Related: #2035029 - CVE- ...
Score: 0
alvyn720 avatar
arch linux laptop not recognizing partitions or filesystems on internal windows SDA drive
jp flag

I bought a laptop with windows 11 and installed arch linux on it. The laptop has 3 internal 500GB SSDs. Two of them are in a RAID configuration to make a single 1TB partition which Windows came installed on. I installed Arch on the empty third SSD.

UEFI settings/BIOS recognizes all drives and I can easily boot into both Windows and Arch by changing the boot priority from the settings boot menu. W ...

Score: 0
ComeAndGo avatar
Migrating an ISAPI classic application to IIS 10 on Windows Server 2022 Standard - path info calls failing
wf flag

Now migrating an ISAPI classic application to IIS 10 on Windows Server 2022 Standard.

The application uses path info to call many different functions in the ISAPI app. Calls are now failing with HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found - http//webserver/appfunction .

In IIS 7 there was web configuration file: system32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config (see Getting Started with Configuration in IIS 7 and Above.. ...

Score: 1
Office365: Strip specific email addresses in "To:" field with transport rules
vn flag

I've setup a transport rule to redirect all messages from [email protected] to [email protected].

The redirection is working fine, but the support system identifies [email protected] as a participant because it matches the To: field in the original mail header and that will trigger a notification to the same [email protected] address to confirm that a support ticket has b ...

Score: 1
kreso avatar
VLANs with ESXi over physical switch
mx flag

I'm trying to setup a VLAN across my ESXi network and my physical switch network, but fail to get the VMs on the ESXi port group communicate with physical network. Specifically, my VM doesn't see responses from physical network.

The setup:

  • VLAN 112 on the ESXi port group
  • VLAN 112 on the switch attached to a firewall interface in the same VLAN
  • Firewall also works as a DHCP server for that VLAN/su ...
Score: 0
techguy817 avatar
RHEL Server Accepts Telnet from all Clients Except a Rocky Linux VM
cn flag

I have a few VMs on a XenServer. One is a RHEL 8.7 running SSH server. Another is a Rocky Linux 8 client and also some other Ubuntu and Windows systems. The Ubuntu and Windows systems can telnet to the RHEL server just fine. The Rocky VM cannot. All static IPs with firewalls disabled. The Rocky system can ping the RHEL machine but not telnet. It just says "Trying " and then fails after a couple minutes  ...

Score: 4
Josef Glatz avatar
Ansible: Convert comma separated string with key:value pairs to dictionary
fr flag

I'm launching a setup playbook for a docker-compose service (apache solr) via extra vars. Those vars are set while executing since this playbook should be flexible and multiple configurations exists on one server.

My idea is, that the user can setup the variable in the ansible ui (ansible semaphore) as string:

  • Variable name project_cores
  • Variable value (string) main_en:english,main_de:german

I  ...

Score: 0
Container-Man avatar
HTTP_X Forwarded For NGINX Ingress not working
mu flag

I have a simple application running inside AKS. I'm trying to get the IP of the source user when accessing the application. I have created an ingress for the application. When I curl -I I see the source IP in the logs of NGINX ingress controller (It just shows as client IP in the logs). My requirement is to do something like below.

annotations: ...
Score: 0
Kal800 avatar
application runs from command line, but cannot start as init.d script - openWrt
by flag

Got a problem with my service written in C. It runs as an init.d service and has been working fine for many months on many devices. Today I've made some changes in the software and very strange thing occurs. I upgraded the package and noticed that it does not start by init.d, but when I try to run it invoking the command manually it runs perfectly well. That application gives a lot of diagnostic informa ...

Score: 0
Umispo avatar
I can't install nginx 1.22.1 from the official repository
rs flag

I have a VM on Oracle Linux 8.8 I need to install nginx-1.22.1, but only version nginx-1.14.1 can be installed from the official repository:

This version nginx-1.22.1 is present in this repository. Also this repository is enabled:

name=Oracle Linux 8 Application Stream ($basearch)
baseurl=https://yum$ociregion ...
Score: 1
Life after Guest avatar
Edit .htaccess file to make file accessible
cz flag

I was trying to make a WordPress plugin work, when I found, after hours of debugging, trial, errors and praying ancient Greek gods, that the plugin did not work because it was impossible for the server to reach a particular file.

The website is hosted in a basic shared hosting environment, so the only thing that can be configured is a .htaccess file. This file is full of rules but I eventually found whi ...

Score: 0
Is it possible to create a self-signed certificate in Active Directory on the network and have it recognized by Citrix VDIs without importing the cert
us flag

I have written some (intranet) web applications for a small customer of mine (< 50 employees) who have now incorporated a cloud Citrix server into their network for remote access. They still have physical PCs as well. The cloud-based Citrix VDIs are peers on their on-premise network and can see the web server there.

Before the company got the Citrix cloud solution, I had been creating a self-s ...

Score: 0
user129393192 avatar
How to alias a URL path to another URL path (apache2)?
jo flag

I've tried everything. Alias, ProxyPass, different config files (sites-available/000-default.conf, mods-enabled/alias.conf). My issue is simple. I have an apache2 server hosted at I'd like to alias so it is treated as and routing works properly. is the main server (university-owned) and proxies requests to, which my server is under.

Apa ...

Score: 1
Kirkland avatar
FreeBSD Local Smart Card Auth Only
in flag

I'm trying to figure out how to configure a FreeBSD CLI installation to only allow authentication via X.509 certificates. I'm not talking about SSH, I'm talking about locally in front of the server. I'd ideally like to completely remove passwords from the entire infrastructure with the exception of a password on the key used for login, which will only exist in one place. I've reviewed the security manua ...

Score: 0
atg avatar
kubernetes control plane goes down often
hn flag

I did setup a kubernetes cluster using kubeadm. Somehow kubectl refuses to connect to that cluster in non-periodic occasions with an error message as in the following;

The connection to the server was refused - did you specify the right host or port?

I am guessing that my cluster going down and restarting itself? Can someone provide me some insights.

console output

Score: 0
Gabriel Rodríguez Castell avatar
Problems with Samba member server, AD-DC and MMC
to flag

I have 3 specific problems: the first, with the choice of id mapping, the second with the usermap from root to administrator, and the third with remote administration from a windows 10 computer using MMC and RSAT.

The first one, I tried to use 'ad' backend, but on the member server I don't see the users/groups created in the domain, so I can't set permissions on the shared folders. When I switch  ...

Score: 0
glenatron avatar
In an Azure Web App how can I bypass authentication for internal API endpoint calls?
cn flag

I have an Asp.Net Core application running in an Azure Web App and I need it to be able to call itself.

Part of a long-running process in the app needs to be able to open a connection to

This works fine in a public-facing environment, it failed on an IP-restricted one until I gave it local VNet access, and it doesn't work at all on an environm ...

Score: 0
Chris Harrington avatar
Local Windows machine cannot connect to another except port 80
in flag

Trying to test a dev web service endpoint.

Firewalls and Windows Defender are off on both.

From different machine

Test-NetConnection -Port 80 -ComputerName -InformationLevel Detailed
TcpTestSucceeded        : True

Test-NetConnection -Port 5178 -ComputerName -InformationLevel Detailed
TcpTestSucceeded        : False

When I test on same machine

Test-NetConnection -Port 80 -Comput ...
Score: 0
dario avatar
Connecting squid to upstream proxy using CONNECT request
fo flag

I'm setting up a reverse proxy that has to forward all the requests to a given Now, that resource is behind a proxy, so it has to use the CONNECT request. The idea is that squid, once it receives a request, creates an http tunnel using the CONNECT request, and then forwards that request to the desired server.

It does not have to be necessarily squid, it can be any other similar  ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.