Latest Server related questions

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Centaro avatar
Why doesn't cron run the commands in another user's crontab?
in flag

Hello everyone and thank you in advance.

I have written a job in the mysql user crontab, but it doesn't run at all. I think my code is correct, because it works properly if I execute it pointing to a script from my user's crontab:

00 12 * * * /usr/bin/mariadb-dump -u root -pMyPassword  --lock-tables -A > /full/path/"`date +"%Y-%m-%d"`".sql && rm /full/path/"`date -d '-2 days' '+%Y-%m-%d'`" ...
Score: 0
freeyssu avatar
stressapptest shows FAIL result but memtest86 can't detect any error
in flag

I have a question about DIMM test (stressapptest and memtest86). I am using AMD Threadripper with 4x16GB Samsung ECC memory.

stressapptest obviously designates there is something problem and this is re-producable every tries.

2023/07/20-20:31:57(PDT) Report Error: miscompare : DIMM Unknown : 1 : 5s
2023/07/20-20:31:57(PDT) Hardware Error: miscompare on CPU 1(<-17) at 0x7f68a6895b00(0x4673aab00:DIMM ...
Score: 0
csx4 avatar
Postfix smtpd_sender_restrictions with logical AND
cn flag

I am using postfix, I need to configure sender based restrictions so nobody that is not authenticated & not part of mynetworks can send mail through this server,

this is my smptd sender restrictions:

smtpd_sender_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated, reject_non_fqdn_sender, reject_unknown_sender_domain, reject

I am unable to find this on postfix official documentation

(p ...

Score: 0
DiamondFeather avatar
Getting "has no address records (A or AAAA)" error when running named-checkzone
bv flag

I am currently trying to build my own home lab for the first time, and as a newbie it’s been a bit confusing. For the past few days, I have been working on configuring an internal DNS server, and after setting it up I run the following tests:

First I try to check if my DNS will resolve, and direct me to the IP address of my web server (as root):

nslookup www.wallynet.local


Server: 192.168. ...
Score: 0
Joy Wibowo avatar
Cannot Access Proxmox GUI After Create Linux Bridge Network
gy flag

Good Morning! I have a baremetal server on equinix with gateway CIDR /31 (default) then I bought a new Gateway with CIDR /28 after that I connected to the server, but after installing proxmox and I created a linux bridge vmbr0 and put all IP Gateway /28 into vmbr0 but after i restarted i can't access server and Web GUI.

IPv4 Base:

Attach  ...
Score: 0
mb87 avatar
Install Zip module in PHP8.2
ad flag

I am trying to install the zip module in PHP 8.2, in Amazon Linux 2023. However, either the module is not available or it is a different name than the previous ones.

I have tried.

  • sudo yum install php-zip
  • sudo yum install php8.2-zip
  • sudo yum install php-pecl-zip

Everything I have tried so far responds with "No match for argument..."

When I run the command PHP -m, zip does not show in the list of  ...

Score: 0
BenC avatar
Unable to setup SAML with internal IdP (SP is checking for valid URL)
in flag

I've been reading through the various ways to configure an IdP/SP relationship and going back forth with a vendor I'm setting up our IdP to authenticate with. We've exchanged metadata and the essentials like Entity ID and login URL's, but when I go to test at the login page it fails because it can't resolve our IdP URL. As I understand it, the SP should be sending my browser a redirect to the IdP and do ...

Score: 0
Massimo M. avatar
Install Oracle Linux on Hp microserver G8 using ILO
bf flag

I'm experiencing some problems installing Oracle Linux on a Microserve G8. This server is headless, i'm using ILO for installation, and SSH for administration. I can't install OL on this server because the mouse is useless: the cursor floats around the screen and i can't point the right button. I have installed proxmox, slackware, freebsd and debian without problems. I'm using a mac M1, with Chrome and  ...

Score: 0
John Samuelson avatar
Black lines in Chrome and edge on Windows Server 2022 Remote Desktop
sc flag

Black lines in Chrome on Windows Server 2022 VM

I'm seeing this strange interlacing/artifact on a 2022 and 2019 Windows Server Remote Desktop Host. This appears to afflict only Chrome and MSEdge (Firefox is unaffected) This is visible both via the console and RDP sessions. On another Server 2022 instance, this was seen to go away with a reboot, but it has lingered on the RDP box much to the chagr ...

Score: 0
Selphiron avatar
Show content of loaded sites-available in apache2 under ubuntu 18
lb flag

I accidentally deleted a .conf in /etc/apache2/sites-available.

Is there a way to retrieve the content of it? When I type a2query -s, I see that the deleted .conf is still loaded, since I did not restart apache2 yet. I want to see the content of it.

Score: 0
Daan van Hulst avatar
NGINX reverse proxy to IIS with relative paths to static files
lt flag

I'm having an issue with NGINX setup as a reverse proxy, with a proxy_pass to a IIS hosted website. The index.html of the web app is loaded without a problem, but the HTML page has relative URLS's for static css and js files setup like: '/assets/index-d526a0c5.css'

NGINX then tries to find these files on 'C:\nginx/html/assets/index-d526a0c5.css' which makes sense. I could of course change the URL ...

Score: 0
Chris Woelkers avatar
Fresh install of Rocky 8, networking is not working correctly
in flag

I am "upgrading" a server from CentOS 7 to Rocky 8. This server is a 1U Supermicro SYS-1029U-TRT, works as part of an HPC, and has two Ethernet and one Infiniband networking interfaces. One of the Ethernet interfaces is for the HPC, the other is used for the server room network and Internet access. After bringing up a VM copy of the CentOS server I started a fresh install of Rocky 8. I reused the previo ...

Score: 0
DanRan avatar
What is the proper value of "fastcgi_split_path_info" in Nginx virtual host when using php 7.4 with "cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1" on Nginx v1.25.1 Mainline?
mx flag

BACKGROUND: I am running a LEMP server with Ubuntu Server 20.04 with Nginx v1.25.1 Mainline and php7.4-fpm. In my virtual hosts file I am trying to set the proper and working fastcgi_split_path_info in the location ~ \.php$ { directive, but I'm not sure exactly what to put as the value, and I don't think my current fastcgi_split_path_info is correct.

NOTE: Instead of using "try_files $fastcgi_scri ...

Score: 0
Joey Fran avatar
Wireguard aside IPSec site to site
id flag

I have the following scenario: Connecting to a server (A) through another server (B). My connection to B is via ssh normally. The connection between B and A is through ssh, but via VPN with Wireguard.

My problem is that now, the location where server A is, needs to create a VPN site to site. They will use IPSec.

My question is: Just I need to configure the B server with IpSec to be able to access A. ...

Score: 0
Daniel Guariz Pinheiro avatar
LSI MegaRAID SAS 3108: Restoring the online state from Foreign Bad (Frn-Bad) state
bl flag

We have a Virtual Disk in RAID 5 using only 5 disks, one disk probably is broken because it was in an alert before. Another disk was accidentally pulled out and then it was marked as Frn-Bad when it was put back in the same slot. So, the 2 disks are marked as Frn-Bad and the 3 others are Online. The RAID 5 doesn't work with only 3 discs.

I think we can restore the virtual disk if we put this pote ...

Score: 0
Lithilion avatar
Multiple Kerberos Providers in Keycloak
rw flag

I have a Keycloak with 2 different LDAP Providers which include Kerberos Authentication. Provider A is on first priority, provider B on second priority. Both provider settings provide their different kerberos realm.

We are talking about two ADs with a domain trust (if that makes any difference).

Logging in with username/password works perfectly fine with both providers.

Logging in with a kerberos ticke ...

Score: 0
luzze avatar
Apache expressions: Function "file" - How about the performance?
cu flag

How about the performance of Apache's expression function "file"? Does anybody have any experience? Does it only load on start-up? Does it load on first access? Does it always re-load if section is (re-)entered? Does it cache the contents? Does it re-read on changes only? I have not seen any documentation or comments about this function regarding its performance or how it works in detail.

Score: 0
Teemo22 avatar
Hyper-v passthrough of usb nfc reader
gw flag

Is there any way to passthrough a NFC reader (ACS 122U) to an Hyper-V guest?

I have a windows server 2022 host, drivers installed correctly. I already configured the required GPOs from this article here but it still isn't recognised. Works fine in an ESXi host same windows server guest.

Score: 0
matrix154 avatar
Apache Basic authentication based on AuthUserFile is ignored, when mod_auth_radius.c is enabled
cn flag

I hope you can help me with my problem.

I initially had a vhost config with Basic Authentication with "AuthUserFile" which works fine. Now I wanted to use Radius for certain sites and installed "mod_auth_radius" according to the instructions. Since then, the other sites try also authentication via radius instead of "AuthUserFile", although no radius is configured there.

[001mgm ~]$ grep LoadModule /et ...
Score: 3
guesty avatar
Understanding ipmitool output for "Power Supply" (PSU)
dz flag

This Ubuntu server has two PSUs, I just ran ipmitool and it reported as follows:

# ipmitool sdr type "Power Supply"
PMBPower1        | DFh | ok  | 10.0 | 624 Watts
PMBPower2        | E4h | lnr | 10.0 | 0 Watts
PSU1 AC Lost     | E1h | ok  | 10.0 | Presence detected
PSU1 PWR Detect  | E3h | ok  | 10.0 | Presence detected
PSU2 AC Lost     | E6h | ok  | 10.0 | Presence detected
PSU2 PWR Detect  | E8h  ...
Score: 0
Lieferer avatar
Create Windows Server with Openstack CLI
uy flag

we´re trying to install Windows Server 2019 with Openstack CLI which generally works fine but after the server has been provisioned, a logon to the server is not possible. How to create the local admin account and automatically add this user to the local administrators group?? We only found instructions for Linux server which works fine with ssh keys but nothing for Windows.

Any help appreciated ...

Score: 0
Paul avatar
SFTP only user can't see files in a directory when that directory has read access to public users
br flag

I have a user which I have called username in the below code, in the sshd config file there is this:

Match user username
ChrootDirectory /media/pi/128db83f-859d-48dc-a784-4337c53c736f/username

Match group sftponly
ChrootDirectory /media/pi/128db83f-859d-48dc-a784-4337c53c736f/%u
X11Forwarding no
AllowTcpForwarding no
ForceCommand internal-sftp

The user is in the group sftponly. I know that the first  ...

Score: -2
user1036051 avatar
Multiple servers on only 3 nameservers
tl flag

I've been googling for days now and I can't seem to find the answer.

I've seen multiple hosting providers with just 3 nameservers (,, and they have multiple shared hosting servers (web001, web002 etc)

How did they make those 3 nameservers work for all of their shared hosting servers?

Score: 0
ignacio aranguren avatar
Conflicting routes on wireless and Ethernet interfaces
ng flag

I have two network interfaces: LANIF interface is Ethernet with no connection to the internet, and WANIF interface is of wifi type and with outside connection. I am having some problems trying to define the default routes of both interfaces.

The ops performed to do the job are from the same script that takes the actual value of the WANIF and LANIF as args

First part: Interface forwarding and masque ...

Score: 0
lewiswalsh avatar
VNC over SSH via Linux box between two windows machines
tf flag

I'm getting myself very confused trying to figure out how to connect to a VNC server on windows from a remote windows machine via a tunnel to a linux server local to the VNC server.

I'm not looking to have an SSH client on the Windows machine. Being on the same local network as the linux box I should be able to trust communication between the two.

What I'm effectively asking is, can I create an SSH  ...

Score: 1
ghik avatar
Bad address translation in Kubernetes UDP service by kube-proxy with iptables
uy flag

For educational purposes, I made myself a Kubernetes cluster according to Kubernetes the Hard Way guide - except I did it on my own set of local VMs rather than using Google Cloud.

Everything seemed to work nicely until I noticed some network communication issues. Specifically, DNS resolution seemed to be not-always-working.

I have CoreDNS installed from helm chart:

helm repo add coredns https://core ...
Score: 0
Ryan.Ran avatar
How to handle QoS(traffic control) based on physical interface of virtual bridge?
br flag

I have a requirement to limit the traffic rate based on different interfaces of the router, such as controlling the upload speed of ssid1 to 10mbps, download speed to 20mbps, lan1 upload speed to 30mbps, download speed to 50mbps... The upstream interface is eth1, and all downstream interfaces are abstracted into virtual bridge br-lan (including ssid1, ssid2, lan1...).

Now I'm trying to use the tc ...

Score: 0
Kiwimarc avatar
shared mail address with postfix and dovecot
tt flag

I'm trying to set up some shared mailboxes like contact or support.

I have made it possible for me to share an IMAP folder between users in Dovecot by doing this in 15-mailboxes.conf

namespace {
  type = shared
  separator = /
  prefix = Shared/
  location = mbox:/mail/shared
  subscriptions = no
  list = children
  mailbox support {
    auto = subscribe
  mailbox contact {
    auto = subscribe
Score: 0
Nupur Srivastava avatar
Nginx rewrite rule not working for Wordpress website
ck flag

I have wordpress webiste with nginx, Want to rewrite
RewriteEngine On    # Turn on the rewriting engine

RewriteBase /sp-services/web-services/

RewriteRule ^v1/(.)/(.)$ $1/$2.php [NC,L] into nginx, but not working

Score: 0
XorOrNor avatar
How to increase the saved sessions list font in Putty?
br flag

I've increased font in the terminal already but the problem with tiny font of saved session list remains.Is it possible to increase this font?

enter image description here

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.