Latest Server related questions

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Black_Syphilis avatar
Postfix receive email after bad configuration
cn flag

I had a bad configuration on my postfix server so I didn't receive email.

After my correction (delay 24h) I receive email but not all one shot, maybe one email by 15-30min. Is there a command for mail server sender to "ask" to resend email or I need to wait?

I'm afraid to lost email.


Score: 1
Putharekulu  avatar
Page cache in Kafka
cn flag

We are receiving alerts for kafka memory utilization in our kubernetes cluster and analysing it seems that most of the memory is page cache. I am aware that kafka uses loads of page cache for IO performance and reads/writes are cached before flushing to disk.i am trying to see ways to fine tune this page cache and lot of articles direct to update vm.dirty_ratio and vm.dirty_background_ratio kernel param ...

Score: 0
Or Yaacov avatar
rsyslog change timestamp format for specifix filter
vn flag

I wish to change my rsyslog timestamp format to RFC-3339 of specific log file (msg).

I have the following file /etc/rsyslog.d/10-zn.conf with the following content:

:msg, contains, "my_prefix"       /var/log/zn.log

which means that save to /var/log/zn.log all of the lines which contains "my_prefix".

I wish to change the timestamp from RSYSLOG_TraditionalFileFormat which is %b %d %H:%M:%S to RFC-3339 but  ...

Score: 0
NFS user ID mappings
cn flag

Change current NFS mapping from UID/GID base mapping to a mapping base on account names. Currently the UID/GID for an account has the same value on server and client. The new implementation should allow different UID/GID for an account on NFS server and client.

Once done: account has diff UID/GID on NFS server and client ls -l returns the correct account name and directory content when running nf ...

Score: 0
Odysseus avatar
Non-working Windows server 2003 Enterprise CA removal
vn flag

Amongst a bunch of server, I have a Windows 2003 server, domain controller, Enterprise CA installed, cannot start CA service, because "a required certificate is not within its validity period when verifying against the current system clock or the timestamp in the signed file". Backing up CA and check issued certificates from the console does not work.

I have Windows 2012R2 server, domain controll ...

Score: 0
Sotiris Kaniras avatar
My Node.js droplet can't connect to DigitalOcean Managed redis
cn flag

I have a Parse Server (which is a Node.js server basically) and I'm trying to connect to a redis database, which is hosted on DigitalOcean Managed Databases. Both servers are on the same VPC network and the droplet is added to redis's accepted incoming connections.

Here's the code on my parse server:

const redis = require("redis")
const redisClient = redis.createClient({
    url: "rediss://username:pa ...
Score: 0
How to setup load balanced / fail-over route where there are multiple valid routes to the same subnet?
ss flag

We have a situation where we have multiple EC2 instances each running a VPN. Both the remote VPN server and remote subnet are run by a third-party and we have no say in the way they are setup.

We don't believe these are transferable to AWS client Lan-to-Lan VPN

The VPNs all route to the same physical subnet with the same CIDR block. There is some rate limiting for these VPNs (on the remote side) an ...

Score: 0
Sotiris Kaniras avatar
Why doesn’t my DigitalOcean load balancer forward traffic to Parse Servers?
cn flag

Today I created a load balancer and assigned to it 3 droplets (all 3 host parse servers), but it doesn't transfer the traffic to them. It doesn’t even pass the health checks!

All 3 of my parse servers, have 22 and 1337 as their only open inbound ports.

Here's the load balancer's setup. Screenshot-at-Mar-16-01-23-17.png

Any idea what is wrong?

Score: 0
Perry avatar
How to get Windows 10 client connected to NFS share on CentOS 7? Network Error 1204: "network provider name is invalid"
kr flag

I have a CentOS 7.9 server, IP address, with a 48TB volume mounted in /media:

[root@ds1 media]# ls -la
drwxr-xr-x.  3 root  root    29 Mar 16 08:20 .
dr-xr-xr-x. 17 root  root   278 Mar 16 08:24 ..
drwxrwxrwx   5 myname myname 4096 Mar 15 17:48 DS1_48TB_RAID_0

(myname is really my username, just masking it here)

This is exported as:

[root@ds1 media]# cat /etc/exports
/media/DS1_48TB_RA ...
Score: 0
jrd1989 avatar
Unable to Transfer FSMO Role to Specific Domain Controller
cn flag

I currently have two Windows 2012 R2 domain controllers - serverA and serverB. I have two Windows 2019 instances that were promoted to domain controllers with DNS roles - serverC and serverD. I was able to transfer the RID, PDC and Infrastructure roles from serverA to serverC using the operations master gui in AD Users and Groups.

I am trying to transfer the domain naming master from serverB to server ...

Score: 0
Bitlocker Encryption on RAID 0 kicks drive out of array half-way through
de flag

After hunting around for answers, I found some for the question: "Does Bitlocker support RAID on Windows". The answer seems to be that hardware RAID is supported.

I've got a RAID 0 drive that I wanted to test this on, so I began the Bitlocker encryption on it. It's not a large drive, 1.3TB usable, and at 58.3% encryption, it was kicked out of the MegaRAID manager and marked as foreign. This, of c ...

Score: 0
Obtaining two DHCP addresses on Linux
br flag

There have been various questions asked a long time ago about obtaining two IP addresses via DHCP on Linux. Most of those are still relating to old 'alias interfaces', like eth0:0, which has been deprecated for a long time.

As referenced in this question, it should be possible to get multiple IP addresses by using send dhcp-client-identifier with different values, and indeed there is a partial exampl ...

Score: 0
Windows 11 PC is ignoring domain GPO to allow inbound ICMP
ph flag

we have joined a Windows 11 machine for the first time to our domain, however something is not working as expected. For instance, the machine cannot be pinged, although the domain GPO sets a rule in the firewall to allow this.

Computer Configuration 
  Administrative Templates  
   Network/Network Connections/Windows Defender Firewall/Domain Profile 
    Allow inbound echo request Enabl ...
Score: 0
ZZ Wave avatar
pacemaker - what's wrong with ipsrcaddr?
cn flag

I want to implement "floating" IP between two nodes using pcs+corosync+pacemaker. I've read dozens of howtos and ClusterLabs documentation, but it seems I've done something wrong. Help me please.

I want a following thing - floating IP and its route SRC is started on node1. If node1 loses network connectivity to node2, node1 should instantly remove floating IP and restore default route, node2 brin ...

Score: 0
MagicWand avatar
Exchange 2019 Has begun to behave strangely - Socket errors in Receive logs
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I have a Exchange 2019 server that has been running perfectly for a good long time. For the last couple of days it has randomly started not receiving email, although you can still send and all the clients on both POP3 and IMAP can still connect.

In the receive logs the following error occurs for each email :-

Message or connection acked with status Retry and response 451 4.4.397 Error communicating ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.