Latest Server related questions

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charlottesville avatar
How to get Redhat/Centos to run nogpgcheck automatically on any call to yum install?
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I'm taking over a big project. 5 engineers worked on it for some years, but they are gone now. There are multiple install scripts, and they are very complicated. Somewhere inside of those scripts, they have commands such as:

yum install postgresql10

Which gives me the error:

Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'pgdg-common': repomd.xml GPG signature verification error: Bad GPG signature
Score: 0
user956952 avatar
Openstack nova terminating guest vms with oom_kill
it flag

I am running an openstack Victoria with Kolla ansible deployment , all components are containerised .

The compute node is (oom_kill) killing guest when the memory is max out , is there a way to avoid it like in other hypervisors it works fine without this issue . I am using Centos 8.3 . Please let me know if there is a way to avoid this .

Errors :

**Feb 27 12:18:15 server1 kernel: neutron-openvsw invoked ...
Score: 0
Migrate for Compute Engine - Cloud Extension - State - Impaired. Edge A, B - Instance null is not accessible on port 443
cn flag

I am new to GCP, migrating VMs from AWS to GCP using Migrate for Compute Engine(version-4.11). Followed the documentation and created HA VPN connection between AWS and GCP(I see that tunnel and BGP sessions established, VPN status check is good). Ensured to create all the service accounts and roles. All the firewall rules are created using network tags as per the documentation. Disk space is set to 2TB. ...

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Jázon Pánczél avatar
Hosting Google VM on web
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sorry for the rookie question, I'm just starting with Google Cloud and web developement. I have a Flask application, works perfectly locally, and also when deployed to a VM in GC. However I can only trigger the API now by using the external IP address, and I'd like to give it a friendly url.

So currently I have And I want to have: ...

Score: 0
FreeRADIUS accept any password for one user only
us flag

I need to configure one user on FreeRADIUS to authenticate and generate an access-accept regardless of the password submitted by the user. I can see how to do this for all users, but how can I do this for a single user?

Score: 1
How do I sign my own SSL certificates so that they cover www and non-www domain names?
in flag

When using a commercial Certificate Authority, generating a csr for the common name and sending it to them will result in a certificate being issued that works for both and

The signing request is a single name request- just, so nothing special happens at the csr level:

openssl genrsa -des3 -out 4096

openssl req -new -key mysite ...
Score: 0
Events ID 2297 and 2307 in IIS (IIS-W3SVC-WP)
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For a couple of weeks, some applications in IIS have stopped responding, when trying to access the site, the app return the error:

enter image description here

On Windows Event Log, I found 2 events in the Application Log: 2297 and 2307:

The worker process for application pool 'Appname' encountered an error 'Cannot read configuration file
' trying to read configuration data from file '\\?\C:\inetpub\temp\apppools\AppName\AppNam ...
Score: 0
cjones avatar
Appending query parameters to specific URI
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I'm trying to append the query string ?sort_by=id&dir=ASC&lim=2&flt=1 to any traffic going to /admin/users.php, which should result in:


I was attempting to follow this question/answer:

nginx rewrite append a parameter at the end of an url

By doing the following:

location /admin/users.php {
  rewrite  ^(.*) $1?sort_by=id&dir=AS ...
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Zippy1970 avatar
After upgrading Debian Buster to Bullseye, Wordpress sites no longer updating
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Today I upgraded my webserver from Debian Buster to Bullseye and it was in fact a pretty straightforward upgrade. Everything seemed to work until I tried to reach a few WordPress sites on the server. At first I got some error about a missing MySQL module. The error message I got from PHPMyAdmin gave me a better clue: it said it was missing the mysqli module.

So I installed it with apt install php7.4 ...

Score: 0
PDOException could not find driver when pdo_sqlsrv is installed
dk flag
Date: 2022-02-28 15:57:17
Exception detail: /var/log/DirectBuy/root-directbuyla-exp_1280c91f9f.json
Class: PDOException
Line: 138

Documentation Link: No Documentation
Message: could not find driver

Stack trace:
#0 [internal function]: PDO->__construct('dblib:host=MsSQ...', 'DirectBuyComInv...', '5765f5b668!!!as...', Array)
#1 /var/www/vendor/php-di/php-di/src/DI/D ...
Score: 1
Can Application Experience service recyle an AppPool?
us flag

I'm experiencing the mysterious recycling of an app pool once in a day or two. The event log says "An administrator has requested a recycle of all worker processes in application pool 'API'", but the only person logged in was me, and I'm pretty sure I didn't do it. Every time, just a few seconds before the recycle, the Application Experience service was started. Could it cause the recycling somehow, and ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.