Latest Server related questions

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Philbo avatar
Kubernetes RabbitMQ Operator: Cluster is having startup issues (readinessProbes are failing), how to troubleshoot further?
ru flag

My RabbitMQ Cluster is not switching into ready state (readiness probes are failing), as it is having troubles on startup.

The cluster was deployed using the official RabbitMQ operator. Unfortunately the logs do not contain any valuable information.

The RabbitmqCluster resource is more or less the default hello world example:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: Rab ...
Score: 0
Origin avatar
Better option for DNS for large no of records
bv flag

I have a app and say in the app new objects can be created. When ever a new object(eg: say hello) is created i want the url to point to a specific IP always.

Found there are three ways to achieve this. Want to know in case of large no of DNS entries will there be a delay and which of the below approaches would work best.

  1. Add a DNS entry * ----> IP_1

Problem wit ...

Score: 0
eastwater avatar
kubernetes: Could not delete innodb cluster PODs forcefully
ec flag

PODs could not be deleted:

kubectl get all

NAME              READY   STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
pod/mycluster-0   0/2     Terminating   0          15h
pod/mycluster-1   0/2     Terminating   0          15h
pod/mycluster-2   0/2     Terminating   0          15h

kubectl delete --force --all pods

Warning: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been termina ...
Score: 0
SzakiLaci avatar
Wireguard setup for 1 "master" and many client groups?
lv flag

I need to separate my Wireguard clients into groups/subnets, but I need one "master-group" (subnet) that can reach all clients. BestPizzaShop-Town1 PepperoniPizzaShop-Town2
... xxxxShop-Town133 MASTER group for my own PCs << to rule them all ;-)

The problem:

  • Can not ping/reach any other groups from 10.11.1.x except it's own subnet.

Question: ...

Score: 1
Jesse יִשַׁי avatar
PHP-FPM starts before the web folder mounts in /etc/fstab, throws error
es flag

I'm running a LAEMP reverse proxy server on Arch in the cloud.

I have my nextcloud/data folder mounted to an attached storage drive at /mnt/hdd/nextcloud/data, linked to /srv/www/nextcloud/data.

If I don't do this, but keep nextcloud/data on the same disk as /, then I don't have this problem at all.

At reboot, the system starts; PHP pages get an error, but neither httpd nor nginx show any errors wi ...

Score: 1
Wes Sayeed avatar
How to block Microsoft forcing Office 365 Semi-Annual systems to the Monthly update channel?
uz flag

For years, my company has followed the usual software patching strategy of every IT department I've ever worked for, which is to validate new software versions in testing before rolling the upgrade out to everyone else. For Office 365, that means most people were on the Semi-Annual update channel, with only a representative cross-section of test users on the Monthly channel. We're using SCCM to facili ...

Score: 0
LibreNMS - clicking the "Config" tab on a device shows a server error
nl flag

I have librenms installed from the master branch on github.

It seems to work mostly, but when I go to a device and try to click the "Config" tab, I get a server error.

After following the logging trail, I see in librenms.log that it is trying to connect to localhost:8888. There is nothing listening on that port, so of course it fails to connect. If something should be listening on 8888, how does i ...

Score: 0
Migrate a hand-made kubernetes cluster to kubeadm
in flag

I have an existing production kubernetes cluster that was installed by hand, and for easier administration, I would like to upgrade it to a kubeadm installation. I know this will be hard and painful, but it will be easier for future admin.

Where should I start searching for a way to achieve this? Thanks.

Score: 0
MonkeyZeus avatar
Cannot enable OCSP stapling
in flag

Windows Server 2022
Apache x64 2.4.57
OpenSSL 3.0.8

My Apache SSL conf has this:

SSLUseStapling On
SSLStaplingCache "shmcb:${SRVROOT}/logs/ssl_stapling(65536)"
SSLStaplingStandardCacheTimeout 3600
SSLStaplingErrorCacheTimeout 600

But reports this:

enter image description here

Is there some setting I am missing?

Score: 1
Novox avatar
Windows Server 2022 RDP / RDS Black Screen When Connecting
ru flag

I've recently setup RDS on Windows Server 2022 Standard Edition.

Users frequently report that when they connect, they will see a black screen and the mouse cursor, but nothing else.

enter image description here

This occurs with the standard windows client, "Remote Desktop Connection" (mstsc.exe) in addition to "Remote Desktop Connection Manager" (rdcman.exe, from SysInternals) and even FreeRDP.

Most users are able to login witho ...

Score: 0
Aleksandarf avatar
Configure network stack to consume data from TAP device, so that application can operate as if the data was intended to it
in flag

I have two devices communicating, A and B over udp.

In between there is a tap device, where C is connected. In order for C to be able to receive the traffic it needs to set the same ip and mac address as A. (1) This works showing the data intended for A (which is sent from B). However when i also add B (to see the incoming traffic from A) everything stops working.

I assume this is due to conflict of du ...

Score: 0
SRJ avatar
VirtualBox - can't get shared folders to work with Oracle Linux 9.1 VB 7.0.4
sx flag

I never had a problem gettings shared folders to work before on lots of flavors. Switched to OracleLinux and boom - yeah can't get it to work. Guest additions are installed and other features like clipboard work. I create the share in the VB UI and it seems happy/sure enough that it created it. The mount point is never created nor shows up in 'df'. I have tried creating the shared folder from the menu w ...

Score: 0
Glenn avatar
apache2 prefork "server seems busy" warning, doesn't respond to changes in StartServers, MaxSpare, etc
eg flag

Preface: This is not a "how do I set StartServers" question.

I have a web server that has been running fine for years and last week we started using CloudFlare to help reduce probe and DDOS activity. Since then, I have been getting Apache Error Logs full of the classic "Server seems busy" Adjust StartServers, etc etc message. I figure this is because CloudFlare is doing a lot of connections in the ba ...

Score: 0
pileup avatar
Does a domain user being used as an app pool identity need to exist on the server in order to have access to a network folder?
th flag

Running IIS 10, I used a domain user as the application pool identity: my-company/custom_app_pool_identity

But it was also given a local administrator, so I completely removed that user from the server itself (Didn't want an identity to also be a local administrator - you can see its password using the appcmd command)

In the code (PHP), it accesses a network folder, X:/some_folder.

The website that this ...

Score: 0
user3161330 avatar
OpenVPN client-to-client not working on Windows clients
ru flag

I am running an OpenVPN server on a Debian 11 machine. I have several clients with all kind of OS (Ubuntu 20.04, Debian 11, Windows 10, iOS). However, the clients running Windows 10 are not able to ping other clients (regardless of the OS) and other clients are not able to ping Windows 10 clients. It seems like the client-to-client option is not recognized by the Windows 10 clients.

On the Window ...

Score: -1
MeSo2 avatar
Perl script to restart Apache in Windows
in flag

Is this all I need to restart Apache from within my Perl script?

system("C:\\Apache24\\bin\\httpd.exe -k restart");

I tried to verify that this actually restarts Apache, but cant find my Apache log file. And looking in Windows Task Manager under the Services tag the Apache service did not get a renewed PID number. I also checked if I could see any activity in the Windows Computer Management > System ...

Score: -1
MariaDB - Emulate MySQL 5.7 version number?
cn flag

I have been running MariaDB 5.5 on a linux server for several years. Yesterday, I upgraded to MariaDB 10.11.3.

Now, my backup software has stopped backing up the databases, reporting an error that "MySQL 10.11 is not supported".

Since the backup software supports MySQL, it is likely expecting to receive version 5.7 from the server, and is being confused by receiving version 10.11.3.

Is there any way to m ...

Score: 0
Вячеслав Равдин avatar
AWS SES and sendmail (multiple domains)


I'm trying to setup my server to send emails through Amazon SES but i'm stuck at this point:

Add the following lines to the /etc/mail/ file before any MAILER() definitions.

define(`SMART_HOST', `')dnl
define(`RELAY_MAILER_ARGS', `TCP $h 25')dnl
FEATURE(`authinfo', `hash -o /etc/mail/authinfo.db')dnl
Score: 0
Miodek avatar
If I relocate my website's server (changing the IP in the process), will my users be able to access it under the same domain?
qa flag

If I first publish my website from my server which is in city A, and then move this server to city B (which I expect to change its IP address), will the website's users still be able to access it under the same URL? I'm thinking about this problem from the point of view of DNS - I expect to be able to change the mapping of this (theoretical) website's domain to the new IP address with the domain registr ...

Score: 0
Marcela Cozzi avatar
Error handling in Cloud functions - Cloud Logging
ni flag

I have a series of cloud functions and I want to get an alert when errors occur in them. I already have the alert set and it works.
I decided to use the Cloud Logging logs: functions.logger.error(Error ${error.message});
But for example when my function times out and I go to Logs Explorer I see these logs: "Function execution started" "Function execution took 4999 ms, finished with status: 'error

Score: 0
Jakes avatar
Root login attempt ssh:notty – behind ClearOS Firewall
ba flag

I had literally 5 non terminal login attempts to root,

Authentication failure for root via sshd from ssh:notty

(China) before Fail2ban did it's job and blocked the IP. This was on the Firewall itself and SSH is only exposed to the LAN subnets.

I am aware that this is common if the SSH server is exposed to the internet but SSH access is supposed to only be available to the company i ...

Score: 0
Fabrice Kimmel avatar
Filtering Amazon servers by IP range AND URL
bm flag

My server is often attacked by bots hosted on Amazon servers. So I configured iptables to block the largest ip ranges from Amazon.

My problem is that let's encrypt use also Amazon servers to issue new SSL certificates, so it don't work on my server because of my ip filter.

How can i allow let's encrypt to issue certificates (by allow urls like domain.ext/.well-known/****) but block all other connexi ...

Score: 1 avatar
How to setup Windows Remote Desktop Connection Broker HA with SQL Server Express?
cn flag

I am preparing an environment in which Remote Desktop Connection Broker for which HA is to be based on SQL server (windows server standard 2022)

In my case, the SQL server is MS SQL Server Express 2022 - I have properly prepared DNS, group in AD, permissions granted for this group, firewalls turned off, appropriate ODBC connector.

But every time I get a connection error - the database is created fro ...

Score: 1
Andrew avatar
How do you set an A record for any shared host?
gq flag

I'm trying to use an A record to redirect my domain to a separate domain that I own. This process has worked fine with DigitalOcean Droplets -- I just add their IPv4 address in the A record and the request goes straight through to whatever the Droplet is hosting.

However, the website I'm trying to send the request to is operated with shared hosting, so the IP address I got by pinging my website is actua ...

Score: 0
tachy avatar
Setup kerberos with nfsv4 for no_root_squash mounts
aq flag

I am very new to kerberos and nfs. Kindly help to know if this is feasible. The NFS server is Truenas scale and client is ubuntu 22.04 desktop.

  1. nfs v4 is enabled in Truenas server and exports /export/home as no_root_squash and sec=krb5

  2. The requirement is to mount /export/home to /mnt/home of the ubuntu client through fstab. The permission are as per filesystem permission settings. Without sec=krb5 th ...

Score: 0
M Safdar Ali Khan avatar
(111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream nginx with docker
gl flag

I am trying to dockerizing a angular universal app using nginx, and it's giving me really hard time. I have looked everywhere and haven't found a solution.


FROM node:14-alpine AS builder
COPY . .
RUN npm i && npm run build:ssr
FROM nginx:alpine
WORKDIR /usr/share/nginx/html
RUN rm -rf ./*
COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
COPY --from=builder /app/dist/front-end-kevi ...
Score: -1
Peter avatar
How to find what user is logged into a computer in Active Directory? Windows Server 2022
in flag

Is there a way in Active Directory to query a Computer object to find the last user who logged in? I have a couple of computers that are not active and I would like to locate them or username know.

Score: 0
Henri avatar
Server still sending spam despite closing relay with postfix
uz flag

I have an Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS with multiple Wordpress website running on Nginx. I installed postfix and configured it to stop relaying emails. I have an antivirus freshclam running.

Someone or something is sending emails from my server using my gmail account. How do I even start investigating??

This is my /etc/postfix/

compatibility_level = 2

myhostname =
alias_ma ...
Score: 0
I. Shm avatar
kube-prometheus-stack redundancy across multiple clusters
us flag

I currently use kube-prometheus-stack to monitor several kubernetes clusters. Each cluster has its own deployment of the kube-prometheus-stack, however, there is currently only one cluster (a) that has alertmanager enabled. Cluster (a) is also scraping all other clusters /federate endpoint to get some health metrics and make alerting based on those.

To eliminate a single point of failure in case  ...

Score: 0
eastwater avatar
Kubernetes InnoDBCluster: all pods should share one PersistentVolumeClaim?
ec flag

Kubernetes InnoDBCluster: all pods should share one PersistentVolumeClaim?


kubectl create namespace mysql-cluster-test
kubectl create secret generic mypwds \
  --from-literal=rootUser=root \
  --from-literal=rootHost=% \
  --from-literal=rootPassword=123456 -n mysql-cluster-test
kubectl apply -f mycl ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.