
Removing Firefox MATE screen from Ubuntu MATE

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I'm using Ubuntu MATE 21.10.

I recently installed Ubuntu Mate and am very pleased with it. Firefox is my primary web browser. Ubuntu Mate starts up with a custom Firefox theme/package that displays the MATE welcome screen. I like it, but I prefer Firefox's default settings.

Ubuntu MATE was installed using the task package of ubuntu-mate-desktop.

Is there a way for me to install regular Firefox on Ubuntu MATE?

Here's what it looks like: (this image was taken from an external website)

Screenshot of Firefox Ubuntu Mate

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I got my answer on Ubuntu MATE Community.

As Norbert_X (Popularly known as N0rbert on Ask Ubuntu) said in his reply to my thread:

You can override such behavior by removing two files using terminal commands:

sudo rm -v /usr/lib/firefox/ubuntumate.cfg /usr/lib/firefox/defaults/pref/all-ubuntumate.js

and then restart Firefox.

Please note, that we do not pin/lock the ubuntu-mate-default-settings corresponding package version, so you should apply the above fix again when Ubuntu MATE 22.04 LTS will be released.

Now I'm getting the default screen back! (Image taken from an external site)

Firefox Ubuntu screen


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