Latest Server related questions

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dyvesh mahadea avatar
Redirect Traffic on OVS switch
by flag

I have below topology on mininet:

Host1: mac :aa:00:00:00:00:01 Host2: mac :aa:00:00:00:00:02 Host3: mac :aa:00:00:00:00:03

I want to redirect traffic as below:

When host1 ping host 2 the traffic should be redirected to host3.

I have implemented below rule on osv switch and ryu controller:

sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 "table=0,priority=100,ip,in_port=1,dl_src=aa:00:0 ...

Score: 1
kharderr avatar
How can I utilize a systemd service to modify the DOCKER-USER iptables chain?
nr flag

I run an ubuntu-lts host with docker. I'd like to modify the DOCKER-USER iptables chain on start-up to add a custom reject rule. The issue I've encountered is that the DOCKER-USER chain does not exist when my service runs.

Here is my docker-compose:

version: "3"
    name: direct
Score: 0
Udemy Instructor avatar
Change w32tm source to external server
eh flag

We have an on-premises NTP server named NTPserver and adjust the w32tm source to

There is a domain controller server that the w32tm source is Local CMOS clock.

I want to change the source of the domain controller server from Local CMOS clock to NTPserver.

Score: 0
Edmond Meinfelder avatar
How to determine nginx/HTTPS encryption is my bottleneck?
tr flag

I'm using a Digital Ocean droplet (like an EC2 host), it's Ubuntu 22.10, and running a node.js application. However, and this may be a bad idea, I'm running nginx on the same host and the application and it's terminating the HTTPS connection. It all works mostly fine, with a caveat.

My most expensive call takes about 622 ms to compute the results but then takes about 6 seconds to send the data. A ...

Score: 0
Rex_C avatar
Getting a timeout error on a newly created Apache2 web server
tf flag

I created a new Debian 12 web server through Vultr. I have uploaded my simple little website up to the /var/www/html directory and when I try to navigate to the ip address, I get a The connection has timed out error. I'm fairly new to setting up a website on a basic Apache2 server, so I don't really know where to start debugging this.

What would the first few steps to debug this? Thanks.

Score: 0
Issues with cgi-bin scripts using uWSGI and nginx
id flag

I am trying to get cgi-bin scripts running on an nginx system using uWSGI and I am having issues with this, and with debugging this to figure out what is going wrong. The system is a Raspberry Pi running Rasbian bookworm, and I have added an nginx location block for cgi-bin to the default site in /etc/nginx/sites-available/default as follows...

location ^~ /cgi-bin/ {
   root /var/www/cgi-bin;
   include  ...
Score: 4
How does hardware RAID handle firmware updates for the underlying drives?
in flag

My SuperMicro X13SAE has hardware raid for the three m.2 NVME drives that it supports. My question is how does it handle firmware updates for these drives? If the drives aren't being exposed to the operating system, then I assume fwupdmgr and fwupdtool won't see them as distinct drives. So how does the firmware get updated by default? And what options do you have for updating the firmware short of tur ...

Score: 0
lbarbosa avatar
OpenNMS: Event unassigned, listed under "assigned to anyone but you"
gb flag

I'm new to OpenNMS and I've set it up to monitor some devices on the network but most importantly to receive SNMP traps from a few HP servers through iLO.

I'm done with what I thought was going to be the hardest part, getting the SNMP events to trigger notices. For that, I've created a REGEX event notification that matches all iLO events and assigned the path "Email-Admin". This path includes my  ...

Score: 0
Skipbo avatar
Intermittent workstations with no network connectivity
in flag

I have a campus wide network with ~10 workstations around campus(not from the same switch) that can't connect to the internet/network, they are successfully acquiring an IP address from the DHCP server. I seem to be getting a couple users a day with this issue, starting last week.

Workstation IP scheme: VLAN: 215

Troubleshooting steps with no change: I've cleared the network ...

Score: 0
pkSML avatar
How can you run two instances of Nginx on the same machine without Docker?
in flag

I've been searching for how to install two instances of nginx on my server without Docker/containerization, but I've found little results. How can this be done?

Possible use cases:

  • You have two applications and you don't want one to take down both if one crashes. (This is my scenario.)
  • You want to give an end user control of the nginx config and process/service. Since the processes are isolated fr ...
Score: 0
Azure AKS Persistent Volume and Storage class permissions
vn flag

I am looking for specific permissions that will allow read access to view the storage configurations and set up in Azure AKS.

There just doesn't seem to be anyway to provide limited read access to these resources, I have tried most of the Storage and AKS reader roles and nothing seems to work. Applied at the resource level and subscription level and still no luck.

Score: 0
Aviral Srivastava avatar
How to verify XFF_IP is from a known Proxy or CDN while enforcing key in Google Cloud Armor Security Policy?
th flag

I'm currently working on a project where I want to apply rate limiting at the load balancer level to each user's IP address. The idea is to throttle any user that crosses a certain request limit in a given unit of time.

Note: I am using Google Cloud Armor.

The architecture involves a CDN in front of the load balancer. As I understand it, when using a CDN, the IP address that my load balancer sees fo ...

Score: 2
dj423 avatar
Best way to filter output by date range
mn flag

I need to filter a row of a csv file by a date.

The file is structured as so:

[email protected]                                           active      01/24/11 10:04   07/23/23 16:56
[email protected]                                              active      04/07/14 15:56   04/23/21 04:02
[email protected]                                               active      07/27/12 16:24   1 ...
Score: 0
Plokko avatar
Samba Windows ACL not working
bv flag

I want to configure Samba to manage Windows ACL and manage them from Windows via the security tab. The Samba server is standalone and not part of an AD tree; i already followed various offical and unofficial guides but nothing seems to work.

The machine runs on a Debian 12 LXC on ZFS, the ZFS mountpoints do support ACL:

$ mount | grep acl
rpool/data/subvol-107-disk-0 on / type zfs (rw,noatime,xattr,pos ...
Score: 0
BJaz avatar
NIC Bonding Rocky Linux 8
ls flag

Since teaming is going to be deprecated, Red hat suggested to use bonding instead, however bonding in the past had the limitation of being able to bond two network cards only, which was not the case for teaming (you could add for example add 4 NICs to team and get the max throughput; is this still the case for bonding? I think since it is going to replace teaming, it should not, however I could not find ...

Score: 3
Frontier_Setter avatar
What granularity does memory channel interleaving occur when enabled in BIOS?
tt flag

Memory channel interleaving is a method of setting a physical address area which can be enabled in BIOS, so that all memory channels are alternately used to achieve best bandwidth and latency.

I want to know at what granularity memory channel interleaving occurs, in other words, what is the minimum memory block size that will be guided to the same memory channel when performing memory channel int ...

Score: -1
Maurice avatar
Google keeps blacklisting my site
cu flag

My site is constantly being blacklisted by Google. I have a WordFence Care (paid) account. WordFence has repeatedly scanned my site completely, reporting every time that the site is clean. When I request to be removed from the google blacklist, the site is cleared a few days later. And then a few days after that it's blacklisted again.

This sick game has been going on now for almost 2 months.

Is the ...

Score: 0
csmj avatar
Migrate and upgrade Oracle to 19c: UDI-00018: Data Pump client is incompatible with database version
in flag

Migrating Oracle server to Oracle Enterprise using a new virtual machine. I set up Oracle 19, and it seems to be running fine.

Now I want to import on dump from the Oracle 12 server using expdp/impdb. I already did so with an Oracle 11 server months ago. But now I get an error:

UDI-00018: Data Pump client is incompatible with database version

I'm wondering if Oracle ...

Score: 0
How to specify an exclusion pattern in an inventory file
uz flag

Is it possible to define a group with an exclusion pattern, when defining this group in an inventory file?



# This should contain the hosts from group1 without the hosts from group2
  # Throws an error: "Invalid characters were found in group names but not replaced"
  children: group1,!group2

Like in In ansible, h ...

Score: 0
achhainsan avatar
Is there a way to check if a new application has been deployed recently in glassfish in linux?
qa flag

I am not sure if I made it clear.

This is what I want to check.

Say someone deployed a new .ear file few days ago that changed the version of the application. I want to test it.

Score: 0
Rablet avatar
HAProxy transparent TCP proxy fails when source usesrc clientip is set
fo flag

I have a setup where I want a transparent TCP proxy in front of some HTTPS services. The services themselves deal with certificates so I'm trying to avoid a HTTP proxy here. I also need the services to get the client's original IP.

The setup is like this:

  1. HAProxy
  2. Service1
  3. Service2 All three run Raspberry Pi OS.

Based on docs it seems like HAProxy is a good  ...

Score: 0
TorW avatar
AzCopy on Linux: copying between mounted folders fails
al flag

Unsure if this should be in Stack Overflow instead, but here goes:

I have an Azure File share mounted as /source and an SMB/CIFS share mounted as /dest on an Azure VM running Ubuntu 20.04. Between the Azure File Share and VM and the NAS is an S2S VPN tunnel. There are no Windows computers in the mix.

I have several thousand 120-130 MB raw binary files organized in folders and subfolders that I need  ...

Score: 0
Tim B. avatar
Re-route all incoming traffic to my home computer over the wireguard interface
br flag

I have setup a server in AWS with WireGuard server installed on it. I configured the server and the client and the vpn connection is up and running. I am able to ping from my local computer to the server address (, and also from my server to my home computer (ping from server to So the base connection is working vice versa. I confirmed the working of the VPN by routing 0.0.0. ...

Score: 0
Dean Hiller avatar
GCP VM instance not showing LESS keys as GCP editing instance metadata?
br flag

authorized_keys is missing AFTER I add my ssh key to an instance in GCP so then I connect via browser and authorized_keys is generated with 1. 'TWO keys'. I then click edit on instance and I see 2. 'FOUR keys' and then global ssh I see 3. 'ONE key'

I can't figure out how to add my key globally OR on the instance. How in the world is GCP work here. I thought I could add key, click save, but tha ...

Score: 0
Daniël van den Berg avatar
RouterOS 7, how to fair-share per interface
cn flag

I'm configuring fiber for my office. Every floor is rented by someone, and I want to share the internet fairly. We've got one incoming 1Gbps fiber link, into a modem, followed by a Mikrotik router. Every floor has a port on that router.

I want to guarantee every one of the 5 floors at least 100Mbps, and then divide up the unused bandwidth. So when I'm the first to arrive in the morning, I want th ...

Score: 0
OpenSSL 3.0 generating p12 certificate issue with FIPS
id flag

I am running the OpenSSL command to generate bundle.p12 with -legacy option. RHEL 9 FIPS Enabled setup.

  openssl pkcs12 -export -legacy -in cacert.pem -inkey cakey.pem -out bundle.p12
Error creating PKCS12 structure for bundle.p12
80C4B9FD5E7F0000:error:0308010C:digital envelope routines:inner_evp_generic_fetch:unsupported:crypto/evp/evp_fetch.c:349:Global default library context, Algorithm (RC2-40-CBC ...
Score: 0
Fèlix Boniquet Pelfort avatar
importing domain from AWS Route S3 to Linode
dk flag

I want to import a domain registered in AWS:

enter image description here

in the Guides:

Within your external name server, allow AXFR transfers to the following Linode IP addresses:

and also: ...
Score: 3
Moritz avatar
How to automatically change the name of a file on a daily basis
jo flag

I am new to Linux/CentOS and right now I am running into a little problem.

My CentOS7 Server logs all Maillogs, via Logrotate, on a daily basis and moves them to the folder /var/log/old_maillogs. Right now the logs are saved with a name similar to this:


I would like their names to change, based on how old they are, so that if the Log is one day old it's named:


And one the da ...

Score: 0
user2569708 avatar
Error DNS over HTTPS Setup "Unable to Find the DNS Parameter"
nz flag

I am having problems finding a guide that provides what I need to setup DoH on a self-hosted server. In the end, my final error is "Unable to find the DNS parameter" when using POWERDNS DNSDIST as my DoH server. DNSDIST is installed from ubuntu apt repository. My setup: NGINX Reverse Proxy -> LXC container running Ubuntu Server 22.10 -> running Bind9 as local recursive DNS resolver and DNSDIST as  ...

Score: 0
user73q3277y23 avatar
nftables Rules for ProxyChains-over-Tor
mp flag

I am trying to configure nftables rules for ProxyChains-over-Tor, so that:

My system --> Tor SOCKS5 proxy --> HTTP proxy --> Internet
  • My system can only communicate with Tor SOCKS5 proxy
  • Tor SOCKS5 proxy can only communicate with my system and the HTTP proxy
  • The HTTP proxy can only communicate with Tor SOCKS5 proxy and the Internet
  • The Internet can only communicate with the HTTP proxy

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.