Latest Server related questions

Score: 1
djalmascat avatar
Kernel 6.0 and AMD-GPU/Notion app issue
km flag

Recently I installed the new linux kernel 6.0.2 on my Manjaro laptop. After using my usual apps for a while, I notice the laptop "freezed" and only a forced power off got it back. Looking the journalctl logs, I found the log below that was issued exactly before my laptop stopped working:

Oct 17 12:53:08 manjaro-bl kernel: amdgpu 0000:03:00.0: amdgpu: [mmhub0] retry page fault (src_id:0 ring:0 vmid: ...
Score: 0
M.R. avatar
Postfix Admin Email Missing From Address
gl flag

When using the “I forgot my password” button available on /admin/users/login, all emails going to an external email address fail. For example, if the user has a password reset email of me@internalDomain the reset code is sent without issue. However, if they have a password reset email of me@externalDomain then it fails. All other types of outgoing mail to external domains are working.

enter image description here

In the ...

Score: 0
Disallow/remove shutdown/restart options on Xfce4
us flag

I am using a RHEL8 server system as jumphost - connection to it from the windows-world with tls 1.2/rdp and then Xcfe4 as X11 base for applications in need of X-windows.

My questions are about the poweroff-button on the upper right corner of Xfce4.

  1. How to I inhibt users from powering off / reboot when there is only one logged in user?
  2. How do I replace that button with a logout-button?

xfce is version 4. ...

Score: 0
etnguyen03 avatar
postfix: send mail through milter only if authenticated?
np flag

Is there a way with Postfix to send mail through a milter only if you are authenticated?

For instance, if you are not authenticated, I'm hoping to have the effect of

smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:8891
non_smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:8891

and if you are authenticated, I'm hoping to have the effect of

smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:8891,inet:localhost:7357
non_smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:8891,ine ...
Score: 0
mefisto74 avatar
samba Doesnt work gpo scripts startup
ru flag

im trying to create and use gpo startup scripts for linux when creating gpo scripts startup using Code:

 samba-tool gpo manage scripts startup add  {32147013-5DD6-4BFA-BAF5-D25B0F05A0C9}  /usr/local/scripts/

i have no errors

when i trying to list scripts for exact gpo


"samba-tool gpo manage scripts startup list  {32147013-5DD6-4BFA-BAF5-D25B0F05A0C9} --user=Administrator"

i hav ...

Score: 0
SantK avatar
Chrome "RestoreOnStartup" policy shows status "Error, Ignored"
ir flag

I am trying to set Chrome startup option to "Continue where you left off" by setting registry value RestoreOnStartup in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Google\Chrome to 1. It works in most of my PCs except for two Windows 10 cloud PC, where chrome://policy shows RestoreOnStartup policy as "Error, Ignored". Why doesn't it work on these cloud PCs? Is there any way to solve this problem?

Score: 0
Matt avatar
Running user input that's formatted in a string
pl flag

I'm aware that it's strongly advised to never execute user input as code, but I'm curious if my particular situation can be vulnerable to code injection:

  1. The user provides text input in a front-end web form
  2. A python script on the back-end takes user text input and uses it to create variable names for an R script (the variable names are stripped of any characters that violate R syntax for variable names)
Score: 0
user970705 avatar
Will anycast failover to the next server if it encounters a 404 from an nginx server?
th flag

I know that anycast will failover for layer 3 issues but will anycast failover if a file is not present? I.E. like a 404?

It seems like it won't, like as long as nginx returns something anycast will consider that server healthy.

Score: 0
nimdrak avatar
Make JVM honor the TTL from a dns reply
hu flag

I read the many articles that JVM has its own DNS caching and TTL. Like

But is it possible for JVM to honor the TTL from a dns reply, by using somthing like 'nscd'?

This is different with Is it possible to use OS level DNS Cache like nscd, dnsmasq at JVM/JAVA?

I become to know the JVM can use the system level ...

Score: 0
nimdrak avatar
Is it possible to use OS level DNS Cache like nscd, dnsmasq at JVM/JAVA?
hu flag

Is it possible to use OS level DNS Cache like nscd, dnsmasq at JVM/JAVA?

I read many letters saying JVM has their own DNS caching.

But is it possible for JVM to use system level DNS daemon such as nscd?

Score: 0
SirLouen avatar
Is it possible to fine grain different types of notifications in Nagios?
cn flag

I wondered if I could fine tune Nagios notifications

For example:

  • For most services, only CRITICAL notifications
  • For some individual services, both CRITICAL and WARNING notifications
  • For some other services, no notifications at all

I mean like something default, for all servers, not defining this one by one

Is this possible at all?

Score: 1
gctwnl avatar
Default certificate does not work in traefik v2 and docker compose
in flag

I am trying to setup traefik as a container and I can't get my existing certificates to work. This worked when I had this defined in traefik_dynamic.toml but I can't get it working via the labels entry in the docker compose file.

My traefik.toml contains:

  filePath = "/var/log/traefik/traefik.log"
  level = "DEBUG"

  filePath = "/var/log/traefik/access.log"

  [ent ...
Score: 0
mohsen farjami avatar
squid proxy with openvpn config return HTTP proxy returned Fobidden status code
gw flag

I have installed squid proxy on server1(OS=centos7 & IP=y.y.y.y & PROXY_PORT=3333) and openvpn server on server2(OS=centos7 & IP=x.x.x.x ).when client wants to connect to openvpn through proxy, gets this error: "on y.y.y.y:3333 HTTP proxy returned Forbiden status code"


acl localnet src # RFC1918 possible internal network
acl localnet src  #  ...
Score: 0
Richard Rosner avatar
Mediawiki LDAPGroups causing errors
cn flag

I have some trouble setting up LDAPGroups on Mediawiki LTS 1.35.8. Since the discussion site to this extension seems quite inactive, I want to try my luck here.

I've set up LDAPProvider successfully without any problems. But once I activate LDAPGroups it gives me the error

Original exception: [85942cc925c78b2bb06ab606] /index.php/Hauptseite MediaWiki\Extension\LDAPProvider\LDAPNoDomainConfigExcep ...

Score: 0
gelcom avatar
My samba share does not keep permissions when moving files onto it. What am I missing?
US flag

I have a samba server running on a debian host so I can share an specific directory with an ubuntu client machine. This directory on host has no files on it.

Samba config on host is as follows:

sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
   browseable = yes
   read only = no
   hosts allow =
   path = /tank/mail
   create mask = 0775
   force create mode = 0775
   force directory mode =  ...
Score: 1
AgentFire avatar
Is it possible to make a L2TP/IPsec VPN connection from within a linux-based Docker for Windows (WSL) container?
gr flag

I use Windows.

My main goal is to be able to open corporate websites which are only available via corporate VPN such as GitLab. Since Windows wouldn't allow me to specify which websites I would like it to use the VPN to connect to, I came up with the idea of using Proxifier to proxy into a Docker container, which would have the required VPN running. This would eliminate the need to constantly turn  ...

Score: 1
Omid Shojaee avatar
Configure BIND with no local domain or forwarder - just root servers
in flag

I'm coming from Windows.

As soon as DNS Server role is installed, Windows downloads list of "Root Servers", sends the query to one of them and caches the response for further use. There's no forwarder here.

I want same functionality with Bind: a public DNS server with no local domain and forwarder. Just query root servers and cache the response.

I'm googling for 2 days and have read 20+ tutorials to no av ...

Score: 1
Em.MF avatar
proxy server to use ssh -D port
cn flag

By using ssh like ssh userB@serverB -D , we bind ssh to the 6060 port of current server (serverA). I can connect to serverA port 6060 using Socks5 client (no auth).

There are 2 problems:

  1. I would like to be able to use the opened port using http proxy client (not just socks client)
  2. there is no authentication

I tried to run different proxy servers to handle both problems.

  • I used Dante
Score: 1
How do I install latest iRedMail with existing Nginx
fr flag

How to keep the current Nginx websites running intact when installing iRedMail?

Score: 1
inframan avatar
How to handle existing/non existing fact in Ansible?
cn flag

For inventory purpose due to some business limitation, i wrote a playbook that retrieve content of resolv.conf + ntp.conf + timesyncd.conf and then, write the retrieved content within a CSV file.

Globally, maybe it's not the best practice but i set a fact at every task for retrieving file content, then i format the datas as i would and finally, write them in a csv like data1;data2;data3;

I got some  ...

Score: 0
Trendhopper avatar
Route OpenVPN traffic via vNIC
hk flag

I'm cracking my brains on the following, and I hope you guys can help me out.

I'm trying to setup an OpenVPN server on a Raspbian distro. Since I'm also using this server as a DNS server in multiple vLANs, I created multiple vNICs with VLAN tagging etc. Works all fine for a while now.

But now I want an additional vLAN for only my OpenVPN traffic. So this is what I did:

  • I added an additional vNIC  ...
Score: 0
Vadorequest avatar
Do I need to change SOA on OVH to use AWS? If so, how?
in flag

I bought a domain name on OVH, it's

But, I want to store the DNS configuration on AWS. (I find this simpler to manage, and it's clearer this way what belongs to the AWS config and what belongs to the OVH config)

What I've done so far, is replacing the default OVH NS records by those provided by AWS for the Route53 Hosted Zone.

But, when I add DNS records for subdomain (CNAME), I st ...

Score: 0
toydarian avatar
Make nginx look for credentials in "Proxy-Authorization" header, so it works with apt
us flag

I have an nginx in front of an apt-cacher-ng. The nginx's job is to terminate HTTPS and take care of authentication.

The issue is, that nginx will look in the Authorization header for credentials, but when I configure apt to use a proxy, it will send the credentials in the Proxy-Authorization header. So apt gets 401 as a response.

Is there a way to make nginx look for credentials in the Proxy-Authorizati ...

Score: 0
siggi avatar
Jenkins SonarQube Scanner's withSonarQubeEnv and Docker build container
bz flag

I build my app from Jenkins inside a Docker container using a series of commands like docker exec mycontainer /bin/bash -c 'mvn clean install'. I'm also used to the SonarQube plugin to configure the server URL and the authentication token, i.e.

withSonarQubeEnv('MySonarQubeServer') {
    script {
        sh "docker exec mycontainer /bin/bash -c 'mvn sonar:sonar'"

I'm getting

SonarQu ...

Score: 0
Allart avatar
Why does IIS timeout http requests on phones, but accepts https?
gf flag

I followed this solution on how to redirect http to https. It works on pc but not on phones for some reason (and im sure neither on iPad or tablets). You can test the website here. I think IIS is ignoring http requests on phones but I dont know why it would. If I wait long enough when testing on my phone, I get err_connection_timed_out. Connecting to https on phone works just fine.

I installed Failed  ...

Score: 0
Sivarama Raju avatar
"kubeadm upgrade node" on a worker node fails with failed to getAPIEndpoint error
kr flag

I have been trying to upgrade Kubernetes bare metal cluster (3 masters, 3 workers from version 1.21.2 to 1.22.6) and was successful in upgrading all the master nodes.

Coming to the first worker node, I upgraded kubeadm and then trying to execute kubeadm upgrade node, which fails:

root@worker01:~# kubeadm upgrade node
[upgrade] Reading configuration from the cluster...
[upgrade] FYI: You can look at ...
Score: 0
Tor avatar
Reverse proxy for multiple applications and ports
tg flag

I have X instances of the same application running on X amount of EC2s. The frontend is using port 8000 and it's also consuming messages at port 5671 (rabbitmq).

I have A-records (, pointing to each EC2 instance.

Would a reverse proxy work for consolidating this? Having cnames for all subdomains pointing to the reverse proxy, and then having that proxy the traffi ...

Score: 0
How to import Azure exported Snapshot or exported Disk?
ky flag

For both Disk and Snapshot Azure resources there is the "Snapshot Export" and "Export Disk" functionality respectively.

OK, so I can download either my Snapshots or Disk to anywhere, say on-premises.


What I am missing, is the inverse operation, I mean "Import" I've tried to look it everywhere, for example Create Snapshot does not allow to create a snapshot via upload, the only source what it acc ...

Score: 0
Davidoffo avatar
Install certbot ubuntu 21.10 unmet dependencies
ma flag

I am trying to install certbot on ubuntu server 21.10 with the following tutorial:

But when I run the following command:

sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-apache

I get the following error message:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.