Latest Server related questions

Score: 1
Nginx. How to select location and/or upstream based on uri?
jp flag

Problem. I have one or more domains that serve some uri with a default upstream (a CMS) and few uris that require a different upstream (but still too many to list them comforably and too different to catch them with a regexp).

Now if all the configuration is the same for the two upstreams, beside the two upstreams in itself, I think I solved it in a Good Enough way, it is as follows:

map $host$request_u ...
Score: 0
apache proxy an URI to a backend server
im flag

I want to proxy one URI of my domain to a specific backend server.

I have a public domain name external.lan and a private one lets say internal.lan.

I want http://external.lan/gogs be served by internal server.

Here is my apache configuration block:

ProxyPass "/gogs" "http://internal.lan/gogs"
ProxyPassReverse "/gogs" "http://internal.lan/gogs"

This returns in logs:

[proxy:debug] [pid 4025] proxy_util.c ...
Score: 0
Rose Wood avatar
Undefined reference to OPENSSL_sk_num ERR for Apache 2.4.54
nl flag

I am unable to compile Apache HTTPd-2.4.54 on Linux platform.

My system config:

  • OS: 3.10.0-1160.76.1.el7.x86_64
  • Openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.1q 5 Jul 2022

I am getting the following error, even when I try with OpenSSL 3x, I am getting the same error.

Please kindly help me.

Commands I used:

[[email protected]]# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
[[email protected]]# systemctl stop ap ...
Score: 0
De Gao avatar
Send push notification from a internal server
gn flag
  1. Background

    I have a smart home application written in java and spring. It runs from a raspberrypi inside my home network 192.168.x.x. For security reasons I do not want to control it from internet.

  2. What I have

    A web application consist of web pages and some apis. I can open the web page on my phone, tablet, or laptop to view status (e.g. room temperature) and send command (e.g. start heating).

  3.  ...
Score: 0
Samson avatar
aws hosted zone nslookup shows serverfails
in flag

I created hosted zone in aws and I added the nameservers to my domain

when I tried nslookup on the domain I am getting error

ubuntu@xx-xx-xx-xx:~$ nslookup --type=ns
*** Invalid option: -type=ns

Non-authoritative answer:
*** Can't find No answer
Score: 0
Mourad B avatar
Lightsail amazon - Can't reach port
sn flag

I have an angular app on a Lightsail server. It seems to run correctly

See here

I created the rule in the network tab on the 4200 port

See here

But I cannot reach it from the outside ...

See here

Can you help me?

Score: 0
世界知名伟人 avatar
performance_schema.setup_objects not work?
us flag

According to the documentation, built-in databases are ignored by Performance Schema.

The effect of the default object configuration is to instrument all objects except those in the mysql, INFORMATION_SCHEMA, and performance_schema databases.

But in my case, events_statements_history, events_stages_history and events_statements_summary_by_digest retains all the data relating to performance_schema and mys ...

Score: 0
elano7 avatar
How to achieve 2 servers to communicate over HTTPS and IP addresses
bd flag

I am not an expert in this topic and so did a lot of research but could not find a clear anwser that I could understand.

I have 2 webapps (microservices) on 2 servers/machines. The webapps communicate with each other over http requests.

I would like to let them communicate using HTTPS (I think that whould be more secure).

The problem is, I use IP addresses of those 2 servers for communication, they hav ...

Score: 0
Cavalcade avatar
podman: mount a file system during image build
bs flag

Using podman/buildah, I want to build a container image that has host file systems already mounted.

I am able to do this with Singularity with sudo singularity build /tmp/lolcow.simg /tmp/lolcow.recipe if those file systems are defined in /etc/singularity/singularity.conf. How can I do this with podman? I am trying to avoid using -v during the podman run stage for this. I'm not tied to Docker compatibil ...

Score: 0
Ender GÜLER avatar
The list of instances is empty on the GCP console's VM instances page
ai flag

I don't know which forum I should select for this question. Because of that I'm writing this question here.

One of our GCP console users started having issues while listing the instances on the VM instances page of the GCP console. This happened on October 4, 2022.

The user doesn't have access to other pages on GCP console. We were not able to test this with other pages, unfortunately.

The Google Cloud ...

Score: 0
user187293 avatar
Is -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED necessary?
na flag

I have this rule and it allows connection on three ports:

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports 22,80,443 -j ACCEPT

Then on internet I see examples including

-m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED

I have then changed my current rule to:

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports 22,80,443 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

I have read online about connection state but wa ...

Score: 1
Masood Lapeh avatar
What is the iptables equivalent to what socat does?
cy flag

What is the iptables equivalent to the following?

socat TCP-LISTEN:8080

Now multiple clients can connect to port 8080 of this middle host to actually access I'm asking to see whether it improves the latency and throughput.

Score: 0
Issues updating .NET Core - what patch am I supposed to use?
us flag

For a while now our vulnerability scanner has been detecting out of date .NET components on one of our servers and a management workstation; this is related to some software we recently deployed on it. However, none of my attempts to fix the issue make this go away, including the link the finding itself that allegedly leads to the solution.

Finding claims this:

    Path              : C:\Program File ...
Score: 0
John-H avatar
Can I use a BASH script for apt-get post update?
cw flag

Q: Can a post-update / upgrade bash script be executed when performing apt-get? I'm experiencing an error where the post-upgrade/update script is running sh & not bash.

See below for details.

  1. I'm building Debian packages with fpm, e.g.:
fpm -s dir -t deb \
    -n "<A NAME>" \
    -a all -v "<A VERSION>" \
    --after-install <BASH SCRIPT> \
    --after-upgrade <BASH SCRIPT> ...
Score: 0
Boro avatar
Trying to start script but keep getting error syntax error near unexpected token `stop'
ms flag

case “$1” in
        echo -n “Starting Queue Manager”
                /opt/mqm/bin/strmqm QMPROD1
                sleep 10

        echo -n “Started Queue Manager”
        echo “IBM ACE”
                /opt/ace- IIBPROD1
                sleep 10

        echo “Pokrenut ACE”
        echo -n “Sto ...
Score: 2
Mikhail Kulikov avatar
Using Linux tools to allow a user in a domain to access only certain computers
fr flag

I ran samba-ad-dc domain controller on Debian Bullseye. No problem to create users and groups, organizational units, etc and to join windows or Linux computers to domain. But there is other task: On Windows Server using "Active Directory users and computers", in users profile account tab under button "Log on to..." - you can specify the computers the users is allowed to logon to. This option works for e ...

Score: 1
saviour123 avatar
AWS VPN Client Failed to Work
sa flag

AWS Client VPN use to work until today. It stop working with the following -AWS VPN Client Helper Tool is required to establish the connection.- I've tried reinstalling the Client found here and it still didnt resolve the issue. I tried to uninstall and i get the same error.

I've restart the mac(M1) multiple times, Reinstall The Monterray OS(didn't removed all applications** don't know why).

I've t ...

Score: 1
Max L. avatar
kswapd0 jumps near 100%, freezes an EC2 t2.micro instance
us flag

I have an EC2 t2.micro instance that I use as a test instance for a web app,

OS: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS

the CPU consumption of kswapd0 the process jumps near 100% once in a while, causes a freezes of the instance, and it needs to be rebooted.

Note: "/proc/sys/vm/swappiness" is at default value of 60

I have read that kswapd0 is the process that swaps memory from physical to virtual, so in theory, it should onl ...

Score: 0
Revious avatar
Force caching 404 and 301 in .httaccess
kr flag

I'm trying to force Apache to cache 404, 410 and 301 responses. I've found this solution (which does exactly the opposite and many other example to avoid caching).

<IfModule mod_headers.c>
 Header always unset ETag "expr=%{REQUEST_STATUS} == 404"
 Header always set Cache-Control "max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate" "expr=%{REQUEST_STATUS} == 404"
 Header always set Pragma "no-cache ...
Score: 0
João Mário avatar
Error starting service NSSM CakePHP
fi flag

I'm trying to start the service installed with NSSM. The error occurs when performing the process on the Skymail server.

The executable that is turned into a service is a .bat file that executes CakePHP code, the code of the .bat file is as follows:

cd \xampp/htdocs/GridMES
bin\cake mqtt mqtt

The first line navigates to the folder, and the second is responsible for executing the CakePHP Shell function, t ...

Score: 0
Is it secure? Owncloud in DMZ and refer to internal fileserver
cn flag

Is this a secure setup?

Having an (linux based) Owncloud Server, with Let's-Encrypt SSL Certificate. This server provides shares to the clients, which are SMB connections to an internal File Server

The connection is as follows:

  • DNS Entry --> points to private, public IPv4 Address.

  • This address has an open port in the firewall, forwarding to the IP in DMZ. HTTPs and WWW are allowed

  • The SMB connect ...

Score: 0
promtool tsdb create-blocks-from openmetrics doesn't show any data in Prometheus
my flag

I'm trying to backfill Prometheus with old data. My input data is:

$ cat /etc/prometheus/backfill.txt
# HELP mymetric My metric.
# TYPE mymetric counter
mymetric{code="200",service="user"} 123 1665824331000
mymetric{code="500",service="user"} 456 1665824331000

Following the docs, I then run the command which doesn't output any error:

$ promtool  tsdb create-blocks-from openmetrics /etc/promethe ...
Score: 1
intern3t-us3r avatar
Node on Nginx - proxy_request_buffering off doesn't work with https? Super slow https image uploads
us flag

I have a node server running on nginx as a reverse proxy, which is supposed to handle image uploads. Its ssl cert and domain are configured through cloudflare.

Aside from setting the proxy_pass to pass 443 requests to the node on localhost, I haven't changed the default configuration much. The more notable nginx directives I have set at the bottom of the http block are:

# Disabled nginx testing for ov ...
Score: 1
marafado88 avatar
Compliance search initialization for "task search1" failed with exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
in flag

I've a script to start a Search task on Content Search, of Compliance.

If I use my own user account to login, I am able to run it, but if I use an unattended login through an App, like the one of App-only authentication in Exchange Online PowerShell and Security & Compliance PowerShell | Microsoft Learn, I receive the following error:

enter image description here

From compliance perspective I got this, an empty search:


Score: 0
Elastic Beanstalk deploying files that are in .ebignore / .gitignore
cn flag

I have a Drupal app that is deployed with Elastic Beanstalk from a Mac machine, using the latest version of the EB CLI. The repository is an ordinary GitLab, AWS CodeCommit is not used.

Unfortunately, if I don't religiously take care of running a rm -rf vendor before running eb deploy, it commits four files into the archive:

1980-01-01 00:00:00 .....           11           11  ./vendor/grasmash/yaml-expan ...
Score: 2
Ogy89 avatar
Ping device connected to host having LAN access
wf flag

I've been playing back and forth routing games for a couple of days.

As it is quite hard to describe with words I made a diagram below:

Network diagram

What I want to achieve is being able to ping Rpi 4B from Rpi 3B and vice versa. However, with the default setup I'm only able to reach Host A eth0 from Rpi 3B eth0.

NOTE: I don't have any control over the router. So all routing/forwarding should happen within Host A/B a ...

Score: 0
Hanumesh Desai avatar
How to Enable multiple URL's with mTLS in place
tt flag

Mine is a web server i need multiple URL's of the server enabled with mTLS in place. This is my code.

<IfModule ssl_module>
Header set Cache-Control "no-store"
Header always set Strict-Transport-Security max-age=31536000
SSLEngine on
SSLProtocol TLSv1.2
#SSLCipherSuite aRSA:kRSA:AES128-CBC:SHA
Score: 0
nagios services link not working whereas all other work
im flag

I have successfully installed nagios4 as a debian package on a debian 11 system. Apache and Nagios4 are working perfectly, i have enabled mod_cgi as instructed.

All nagios4 web interface links are working, except services link which download status.cgi instead of executing it. For instance:

  • http://web.localnet.lan/cgi-bin/nagios4/status.cgi?hostgroup=all&style=hostdetail is working and display all ...
Score: 0
Mark Tierney avatar
Laravel Valet 502 Bad Gateway when using Eloquent in php8.0
ki flag

I've got a Laravel 6 application that I'm serving in Valet, I've just upgraded to php8.0 and I'm getting a 502 Bad Gateway error. But curiously only on pages that are using the Eloquent database models, the DB query builder pages seem to run fine.

If I look in the nginx-error.log I have lots of the following error:

2022/10/18 10:05:09 [error] 8175#0: *1 upstream prematurely closed connection while rea ...
Score: 0
MrBuzz73663 avatar
Rsyslog and UDP
kz flag

Quick question, as I just want to ensure - For rsyslog, will below option work as intended if sending logs to remote syslog is configured through UDP? -

$ActionResumeRetryCount -1 # prevents rsyslog from dropping messages when retrying to connect if server is not responding

In example, if remote syslog will be down, will client logs be queued and resend when remote server will be back?

Or this will only  ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.