Latest Server related questions

Score: 0
ajwood avatar
systemd string formatting for instance parameter
aw flag

I'm trying to set up a systemd service that takes a parameter, and uses it in a couple places. I think I'm very close: with my config file name [email protected], I can run systemctl start myservice@foo myservice@bar, and use %i in the config to get foo and bar in the service instances.

The trick is that I need the parameter to be upper case in one section, but lowercase in another.

# foo instance
User ...
Score: 1
Caledonian26 avatar
'user ... is not allowed to execute .... as root on ... ' - even with SUDO privileges but not sure why?
ao flag

I am in the processing of installing singularity using the terminal on my Linux Mint computer (Ubuntu).

I have the following command:

sudo apt-get update

The computer then asks me to enter my password:

[sudo] password for user:

When I enter my password, the computer gives me the error:

user emre is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/apt-get udpate' as root on spiers06 

However, I have checked that I ha ...

Score: 3
Maarduk avatar
TCP retransmission inside of docker network
co flag

Just lately our server started experiencing increased CPU usage by the php(Symfony) and mysql processes. For quite some time we been trying to find the cause and we found out that we have big amount of TCP retransmissions in our docker network:

enter image description here

Firstly we read about some people having issues with php-alpine version docker images, we migrated to debian but the problem is still occuring. Nextly, we tried l ...

Score: 0
Mohamed Aly avatar
CentOS 8 partprobe command still showing disk label after deletion
ru flag

Running CentOS 8, I want to make the Disk "/dev/nvme1n1" totally empty without any partition to to make it available for use by special distro of Kubernetes.

Commands executed to delete all partitions on the disk using fdisk and then dd command to wipe off the first sector

dd of=/dev/zero if=/dev/nvme1n1 obs=512 seek=1 AND dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/nvme1n1 bs=512 count=1 conv=notrunc

Still the Command pa ...

Score: 2
Boro avatar
After Reboot of machine, startup script raise one server, but one stays down. When i manually start script both servers starts fine
ms flag
#chkconfig: 12345 98 13
#Provides:          ACE
#Required-Start:    $local_fs
#Required-Stop:     $local_fs
#Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
#Default-Stop:      0 1 6
#Short-Description: IBM ACE Control
#Description:       IBM-ACE
export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin
STOP= ...
Score: 1
Apollo13 avatar
AER error on ROMED8-2T board with m.2 NVMe disks - plausible? How to fix it?
jp flag

Recently I added two PCIe 4.0 NVMe m.2 disks to a system (AMD Epyc 7402P on a ROMED8-2T board). Since then I receive warnings telling me that there were correctable AER errors on the physical layer.

Because the mainboard has only one m.2 slot of sufficient length (22110) I used a carrier card which according to the manufacturer supports PCIe 4.0. Today I found forum post stating that there are qu ...

Score: 0
Problems with memory upgrade on ProLiant DL380 Gen10
jp flag

I have a server ProLiant DL380 Gen10 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4114 CPU @ 2.20GHz with 2 memory bank of 32 GB for each one so 64GB of RAM in total. One of them is produced by Samsung and the other one by SK hynix.

I need to upgrade the memory to 128GB so I bought a new only bank of memory of 64GB (produced by Samsung) and I installed physically on the server but the memory has not been recognized f ...

Score: 0
Tyron avatar
Debian 10, very slow disk i/o, related to software raid
ru flag

Hey got a server here that's gotten very slow on disk i/o, mdstat mentions something about a check, but I can't find anything about that when googling for it. What is it doing here?

root@tynix /home/vintagestory/trailer/server # cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid1] [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10]
md2 : active raid1 sda4[0] sdb4[1]
      1073610560 blocks super 1.2  ...
Score: 0
Mario Camou avatar
Using consistent hashing and split_clients together
tg flag

We are currently using consistent hashing with Nginx to balance between several downstream servers. We would now like to add the split_clients module to do an experiment, such that:

  • 1% of requests get sent to server X
  • The other 99% of requests gets load balanced with consistent hashing as it is right now.

I have no idea how to combine these two. Do I need to go to JS/Lua, or is there a way to do i ...

Score: 0
realzeusey avatar
nginx "deny all" location not working when clicking href-element
do flag

I'm trying to deny acess to the root url of a proxied web application. Only the path /images is supposed to be accessible from the internet.

My nginx configuration for the page looks like this:

server {
        location / {
                deny all;
        location /images {


However, if i click a button with href="/" on the

Score: -1
RandomGuy avatar
mdadm array state not fully active - faulty device
gu flag

I use 4 drives as a raid 5 on my Raspberry Pi. I shutdown my Pi every night and start the next morning. Sometimes the array appears to be faulty. Maybe the Pi doesn't properly mounts the drives correctly, but is not mentioning the problem in dmesg:

[   10.538758] scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access     ACASIS                    8034 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
[   10.541035] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 3907029168 512-byte logical ...
Score: 1
Olga Pshenichnikova avatar
Unable to set up dual monitor in CentOS 6
us flag

I need use two different X11 DISPLAYs for two different UI application on two different phisical monitors. Each application on each monitor.


  • VDI output: Acer K192HQL
  • HDMI via VDI output: PHL 193V5
  • OS: CentOS release 6.9 (Final)

Here is Xorg configuration:

Section "ServerLayout"
        Identifier     " Configured"
        Screen         "Screen0" LeftOf "Screen1"
        Screen     ...
Score: 2
How to install apt dependencies from setup tools?
kr flag

I am trying to create deb package from python setup tools. To do that, I tried adding install_requires as in this link But it seems, this is for pip modules, not apt packages. How or where to set dependency packages for that in setup tools? Please help me on this.

My sample application

We can add python packages using setup tools to created deb file. We can add apt packages as dependencies using fpm.  ...

Score: 0
BJaz avatar
Varnish 7.2 CLI telnet logs
ls flag

I upgraded to varnish 7.2 and now it dumps the logs of varnishd into /var/log/messages on Centos 8 and can not figure out how to change the location of its logs! any clue would be appreciated.

Here is a sample of the log: varnishd[2327]: CLI telnet ::1 54416 ::1 38535 Wr 200 Backend name ****

Score: 0
Rajesh Thampi avatar
IBM DS3512 "Disk Pool Capacity - Critical Threshold Exceeded"
in flag

Hi we have one IBM DS3512 storage device/fiber with 12 disks. We created the pool using 11 Disks and one standby.

Currently we are getting "Disk Pool Capacity - Critical Threshold Exceeded" error message & failing to understand what is wrong with storage (other than the fact that it is too old)

enter image description here

We checked the physical disks and controller, none of are showing issues/failure & out of the co ...

Score: 0
aristosv avatar
ipSec VPN configuration, VLANs advertised
sz flag

We are in the process of setting up an ipSec VPN between 2 locations. There are various encryption methods, algorythms and preshared keys to set up. Network1 will have access to specific VLANs on Network2 and vise versa.

The questions is:
Should side 1 have the exact same target VLANs configured as the ones advertised on side 2?
Or can for example side 2 advertise more VLANs than the actual destina ...

Score: 0
Waylen  avatar
Using external ISP/ipv4 allocation for home-based VPS
mt flag

I am wondering if it is possible to connect/vpn my host machine to an external service that would allow more public IP allocation.

I have looked through countless sources and articles and the closest I could find was a wireguard-mesh through Netmaker, however through further reading a solution was not found. The only solution that seems to work is to buy a separate VPS and route all traffic to th ...

Score: 0
Redirecting from http to https with Nginx causes Google Search Console to report an issue
in flag

I have a website built (in plain HTML) using letsencrypt certificates. The Nginx config is redirecting traffic from http to https. I submitted this website to Google's Search Console, and they are sending me emails that "Page with redirect" issue detected and "must remove to enable the best experience" (?).

This is my nginx configuration.

server {
        root /var/www/example/html;
        index inde ...
Score: 0
Tim avatar
cannot find mysql folder in /var/lib/mysql in rescue mode
ki flag

I have I have a server fault. So I have boot to rescue mode and logged in using ssh as root. I have mounted all the disk and in fact I can see files, users etc. (I was using Vestacp as Control Panel). However, I can't find mysql folder. The documentation says it should be in /mnt-disk/var/lib/mysql but my directory is empty. I even tried searching for my.cnf but I can't find it.
Could anyone know what c ...

Score: 0
Christian Matthew avatar
For an IoT device is there a way to associate a certificate authority that will not expire in a year so the device can roll certs periodically?
us flag

To me it is a chicken and egg thing. I want an architecture that will always have the device renewing keys on updates or periodically. Initially, I can have manufacturer setup the CA on the device. But that can't be a long term thing like 30 years as it is not advised. So let's say it is a 1 year CA.

I am not to pass any private keys over how do I create a CSR to obtain a new cert if my cert is p ...

Score: 0
MD. Zeaul Hoque Shuvo avatar
Which key is used for signed exchange certificate?
gh flag

I was trying to generate a Signed Exchange Certificate from Google CA followed by this documentation

But now facing this error :

"An unexpected error occurred: Public key does not follow policy: Signed HTTP Exchange certificates can not be issued for RSA keys."

Which type of Key is used for SXG certificate?

Score: 1
Sanata avatar
htaccess, block access a url with parameters
ki flag

If I want to block access to (xxxx is variable), but allow access to, how should I write it in my .htaccess?

Score: 2
Zweks avatar
Make a gzip-compressed tar archive of files and directories that have a specific letter
lu flag

I want ONLY directories and files that contain the letter. I've been able to recreate it from a previous question. But the tar is not a gzip.

And when trying to make it a gzip it...doesn't remove leading ´/' from hard link targets? which ruins it.

Here's the modified code (not gzip)

find /path/to/dir/ -type d -name "*x*" -o -type f -name "*x*" -exec tar rvf x.tar.gz {} \;


find /path/to/dir/ -ty ...
Score: 4
Kiran Ramesh avatar
Shared file system among pods
to flag

We are running a cluster of x nodes.

Every node in the cluster pulls some files from remote storage. Unfortunately, the remote server is getting overloaded. So we are exploring a solution in which only a subset of the nodes pulls the files and are served to the remaining nodes (read-only - the other nodes do not need to write). Some subset of nodes can undergo maintenance often and can be taken o ...

Score: 1
trisct avatar
Where does Ubuntu log TCP connections?
ru flag

When doing some network security checks (on which I am an amateur) for my office PC, I discovered a few unknown tcp6 connections (with netstat -nt):

Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State      
... (omitted known connections)
tcp6       0      0 aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd:1716      aaa.bbb.ccc.eee:55714     ESTABLISHED
tcp6       0      0 a ...
Score: 0
web pakistan avatar
php artisan schedule:run running twice by root and ubuntu user?
sg flag

we are having a problem that kernel commands running twice. I checked if the schedule runs the command and if it exists more than once. I check with this command

ps aux | grep "artisan schedule:run"

I see that php artisan schedule:run command is running twice once from ubuntu user and once from root user. what I can do about it?

root     1409400  0.0  0.0   2616   596 ?        Ss   11:00   0:00 /b ...
Score: 0
Sina Nouri avatar
iptables port forwarding 443 cause ssl error on chrome
uz flag

this is the story, i have 2 servers: server A ip: hosting the website server B ip: minimal cent os

what i did is changed ip address in dns configuration to and then forwarded the 80 and 443 and 8443 from B to A. the problem is when i try to browse on firefox everything is ok but on chrome i can only brows HTTP:// and H ...

Score: 1
gwhiz avatar
On Debian 11, how to change from xfce4 to GNOME desktop
US flag

I installed xfce4 with lightdm on my Debian server (EC2) for users to connect over vnc, so I could run Proton and Windows games. I've since discovered that Flatpak, AppImage, Lutris and Proton greatly prefer GNOME desktop and the plugins for them. SO I'd like to switch to GNOME at this point. I understand the GNOME is more complex.

  1. I'm not sure if uninstalling xfce and lightdm are required to succeed ...
Score: 1
how can I list all static builtin drivers in kernel, such as pcieport and pciehp?
de flag

with lspci I can see things like:

Slot:   00:02.0
Class:  PCI bridge [0604]
Vendor: Red Hat, Inc. [1b36]
Device: QEMU PCIe Root port [000c]
Driver: pcieport

In dmesg I can see pcieport 0000:00:02.0: pciehp: Slot #0 AttnBtn+ PwrCtrl+ MRL- AttnInd+ PwrInd+ HotPlug+ Surprise+ Interlock+ NoCompl- IbPresDis- LLActRep+

However, cat /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/modules.builtin | grep pci does not show any of  ...

Score: 1
A. Trevelyan avatar
Any way to do virtual 802.1x inside Linux?
id flag

I'm trying to test out 802.1x in a virtual environment but I haven't been able to find any good resources/guides on how to do that.

The scenario is something like this:

  1. I have a Linux host machine (OS: ubuntu jammy) with a couple of lxc containers running

  2. Both of the containers are connected to a linux bridge, so they can communicate with each other directly. (like a miniature 2-node network inside the  ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.