Latest Server related questions

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Meni avatar
dead ssd drive on zfs points to initramfs
br flag

I have an ssd drive with failed controller and which was a part of a mirrored zfs vdev. Now it boots into initramfs and says that it can't import pool "rpool". when i issue

zpool import -f rpool 

it says that there's no such pool or dataset. However, in "zpool import" can see that rpool has status UNAVAIL because of insufficient replicas. i would like to replace the dead drive with a new one. I have t ...

Score: 0
divakar reddy avatar
log events are dumped in var/log/messages and var/log/mse/mediaquality.log file, but i want those events only in var/log/mse/mediaquality.log
td flag

to stop those events I used & ~ at the end of the script. This fixed my bug, but my functional tests are not able to capture these events. I am using Logstash for this. So my fix is to stop the Rsyslog to push the events to Logstash, And my tests use the events from the Logstash which are pushed by the Rsyslog. So I need to figure out how to enable Logstash to receive these events from the Rsyslog w ...

Score: -1
Armin Hierstetter avatar
Weird user creation / Is this some sort of attack?
ba flag

For a few years now, a bot-like user tries to create 10-12 users a couple of times during a day first and last names like "rlpzieqT WHKLpdGQr" (on a website of mine). The ip address is always different. Below is an excerpt of a log I created for this attacker.

The email addresses they use seem to be real. Before I prevented the creation of those users, the accounts just were created but not used  ...

Score: 0
sin4ez avatar
Can I make hotremove/add on raid5 with mdadm?
wf flag

I created and assembled software RAID5 array (mdadm), 15 SSD disks. If I physically remove several disks and add them back, RAID doesn't assembles back. Disks stays in "spare" mode. Even after reassembling by commands.

But if I manually fail a drives: mdadm /dev/md0 --fail /dev/sd[xyz] and then after mdadm /dev/md0 --remove /dev/sd[xyz] remove physically and add disks back, with command mdadm /dev/md0 -- ...

Score: 0
catFly avatar
postfix-How can I discard emails without message-id?
ly flag

Some users send smtp emails by postfix. But there emails have no header Message-ID. I want to reject them or discard them. I tried to modify header_checks, but the file filter headers line by line.It can't filter emails without header Message-ID. Is there any way to solve it?

Score: 1
Orphans avatar
How do I ensure that a SOCK5-proxy is not used by malicious applications?
cn flag

I have created a jumphost/bastion, that will act just as that - a jumphost to certain hosts:ports.

I am aware of that I can limit users/groups with the following:

Match User Alice

And due some requirements, I need to be able to utilize SOCKS-proxies. This is enabled by the following:

   PermitTTY yes
   PermitTunnel yes
   AllowTc ...
Score: 1
gyrex avatar
Samba server issue with mount point being owned by root instead of 'force user' specified in smbd.conf
je flag

I've created a samba share on an ubuntu server called teslausb with the following lines specified in smbd.conf:

   comment = John's home share on Ubuntu
   path = /mnt/sdb1/teslausb
   browseable = yes
   writeable = yes
   valid users = john
   write list = john
   force user = john
   force group = john

john:john is the owner of /mnt/sdb1/teslausb and I've set permissions as chmod -R 7 ...

Score: 0
qtwrk avatar
does it benefit if split multiple sites into multiple database in shared hosting env?
au flag

I have been wondering this for long time

let's say I run a server where I hosted 2 PHP sites , they are both heavy on database query

server is multi-core , let's say 4 core 8 thread with bunch of RAM spare

frequently, specially during busy hour , I have been observing that in htop or monitor tools the database process mariadb was running on high CPU , while overall server load is still low , LA  ...

Score: 0
Amiy avatar
Jboss as a service failing on OS Reboot RHEL8
mr flag


I am facing some issues while running Jboss as a service on RHEL8 servers. The setup of service is done in a standard way as per the RHEL guidelines

The issue is that manual start/stop using systemctl command works fine. but it fails to autom ...

Score: 1
Chaos avatar
AWS Network Firewall + Windows EC2 Instance - is not blocked in browser but is blocked in the command line
mx flag

I'm using AWS Network Firewall along with a Windows EC2 instance to test. The goal is to allow access to only allowed URLs, which are:

This generally works. Sites like yahoo, reddit, netflix etc are blocked and show up in the alert logs. However, doesn't get blocked from the browser. It only gets blocked from the command line when using curl.

Sequence of  ...

Score: 0
Joy1979 avatar
Copied or restored contents of one Azure Storage Account to another
cr flag

Has anyone copied or restored contents of one Azure Storage Account to another? We have created a PowerShell script using AzCopy to do this. But, the storage account that has over 5,000 containers (~350GB) data taking more than 13 hrs with some data failed to copy. We are not able to use GRS option due to application limitation. Anyone have any tips or suggestions on this?

Note: Both storage acco ...

Score: -1
DiegoV avatar
Trying to access sql server publicly on Ubuntu 22.04 in Docker
tl flag

SOLUTION: Need to forward the port you set up when creating the image, mine was the default 1433, sending your IP address, the same you might SSH. See my answer for more info and links if you are starting out from scratch

I've set up a developer version of SQL Server 2019 on my Ubuntu 22.04. I had issues setting it up directly, so have set up a docker container and installed 20.04 and SQL server fol ...

Score: 0
Shadow777 avatar
how many nodes can we add to windows failover clustering
sx flag

In Availability group, for windows server 2012 only 4 replicas supported from windows server 2016 8 replicas supported

Just like that how many nodes can add into our windows failover clustering? Physical machines? VM's?

Score: 0
Evgeny avatar
Using reserved / deprecated IPv6 ranges on older linux kernels
ro flag

I have an old Synology NAS with kernel

And I use the Yggdrasil network, which uses the deprecated range 0200::/7 for addressing.

About the range 0200::/7:

About the Yggdrasil network:

Well, so, running Yggdrasil on some device, ...

Score: 0
ShatmireEverpants avatar
Certificate Server Issues
in flag

We have 1 root server and 2 intermediate servers. We have been having issues where every year when it's time to renew user and computer certs issued from the intermediate servers, they do not renew properly even when it looks like everything should be good. GPO is set to renew, new users are getting certs issued at initial log in but this morning any users, whos certs expired yesterday were unable to lo ...

Score: 1
Tessaract avatar
How to tell what is accessing my Azure SQL Server?
mf flag

I have a legacy Azure SQL Server that I want to decommission but we have a LOT of legacy systems that no one knows about.

I want to confirm what accesses this server and/or its databases.

It doesn't have Log Analytics or App Insights turned on, no logs of any kind. I was thinking of turning them on but I don't know which type of log I should set it up to collect and, subsequently, which table in the ...

Score: 0
user9895251 avatar
Resolving Linux Hostname on a Windows Server Network
gi flag

I have a Microsoft network. I have Active Directory, DNS, DHCP etc servers. I also have a Linux computer (ubuntu). I want to resolve this machine by name and not by IP address. Example: ping name-my-linux-computer or in a browser, access: http://name-my-linux-computer/ How do I do that?

Score: 0
EdPR avatar
How can I be certain that a .vhd file contains an Azure VM snapshot?
so flag

How can I be certain that a .vhd file contains an Azure VM snapshot? And how can I recover said snapshot. I have read MS Learn documentation and it appears that there are multiple ways to do this.

I uploaded an OS and DATA disk into Azure Storage Explorer, mind you that these files were very plainly named "abcd" and at first did NOT have any file extensions (.dmg, .exe, .vhd, etc.) with trial, er ...

Score: 0
Rajathithan Rajasekar avatar
NVIDIA GPU driver not functioning properly - Code 12
in flag

I had installed Windows 10 as an additional OS using bootcamp on my MacBook Pro, later I connected an eGPU to my macbook pro's thunderbolt port. I am able to see the display adapter for my NVIDIA GPU, the drivers are also installed in Windows OS , but the device has a warning and is not working properly because of the below error message

"This device cannot find enough free resources that it can  ...

Score: 0
OhDear... avatar
Why is it the CIS images in Azure don't support Trusted Launch VM functionality
es flag

The CIS images which are supposed to have a strong security baseline do not support the Trusted Launch Virtual Machine option. Why is this?

Score: 0
Zhiyong Li avatar
How to perform postmoterm analysis of high usage of CPU/RAM and nonresponsiveness on Ubuntu?
gs flag

Recently one of my dev server experienced very high usage of CPU (1 out of 2 cores completely used) and RAM(near 100%), and system didn't respond to either SSH, web requests(by apache), nor websocket(by apache and Rachet). From vendor's dashboard I could see the VPS was still running, and I was able to get it to work again after rebooting it from dashboard.

Once I was able to log in via SSH, I we ...

Score: 0
BostonMacOSX avatar
Ubuntu 22 need to have <1.14 nginx to install Passenger Phusion for Ruby app server
cn flag

I'm trying to install Phusion Passenger but NGINX required is <1.14.

For Ubuntu 22 the default is 1.18.X

Need to have a slightly older version on the OS.



Score: 0
Morgan Hayes avatar
nodejs windows service shows as running but is not responding
km flag

I am using the node-windows module to serve my API as a service on a VM windows server. the service was running fine but after this weekend I had no response from the API and no errors in the app that is calling the API.

When I checked the server the API service is showing as running, I restarted the service and all is good now.

Does anyone know why this is or how can I troubleshoot (get more info ) ...

Score: 1
BIND auto-dnssec is signing records with ZSK and KSK
ng flag

I'm doing a rollover of my KSK and ZSK (concurrent with a server transfer) and BIND (version 9.16.23) has started causing problems for me. I have the following keys in my directory:

; This is a zone-signing key, keyid 10274, for
; Created: 20170629213318 (Thu Jun 29 17:33:18 2017)
; Publish: 20170629213318 (Thu Jun 29 17:33:18 2017)
; Activate: 20170629213318 ...
Score: 0
georg avatar
Automate logging in to separate cluster nodes for monitoring (htop)
pr flag

I login to the cluster and login to say N=3 nodes. Then, I laboriously open the N panes in eg tmux or kitty, ssh onto the login node to each, then ssh onto the specific node for each of the N nodes, then start htop N times in each pane, in order to monitor resource usage on the nodes.

This is really annoying because I have log in and out a lot, if my running job crashes. Is there some way to autom ...

Score: 0
hakim hairon avatar
Windows unable to view all file from Samba
sl flag

i do have problem with my Samba setup. Currently Samba map to windows drive mapping working fine. But when i open the Z folder, i only can see 2045 files. My Samba were map to shared storage that have 90000 files. whenever i delete file from Z folder, it will also delete from shared storage. But on Z folder it will always limit the list of file that can be view to 2045.

is samba has limitation on ...

Score: 0
Toll avatar
Cannot send mail using Citadel
jm flag

I've started playing around with a domain I bought, and right now I want to add a mail server to it. After googling around, Citadel seemed like the easiest to start with.

I've got a small Ubuntu (22.04.1 LTS) server on my home network behind a router which I used to install Citadel as a docker container, and used their exact command line for starting it (other than changing the location of the fi ...

Score: 0
CP3O avatar
How do allow a range of IPs in /etc/hosts.allow but deny a single IP within that range in /etc/hosts.deny?
in flag

My /etc/hosts.allow file contains:

sshd: 225.73. , 164.41.

My /etc/hosts.deny file contains:

sshd: ,

The problem I'm facing is that if I try to SSH from or the server is allowing me to SSH in.

The scenario I want is that all IPs in the range 225.73. or 164.41. are allowed in except hosts with the IPs or

I would be grateful ...

Score: 0
frankfalse avatar
redis-server takes a long time to load in memory the dataset at boot
pg flag

My Linux distribution uses the redis database. At boot the redis-server needs about 80 seconds to load the dataset. The following is a log that shows what I have written:

redis-server[249]: 249:M 17 Oct 2022 16:29:55.173 * DB loaded from append only file: 79.442 seconds

If a Python program tries querying the database before the redis-server finishes the loading in memory operation, it is raised the Exc ...

Score: 0
SebMa avatar
Show raid controller firmware version from Linux
cn flag

I'm trying to find out the firmware version of my RAID controller on CentOS 7.9.

Here is my RAID controller :

# lspci -d::104 -m
02:00.0 "RAID bus controller" "Broadcom / LSI" "MegaRAID SAS-3 3108 [Invader]" -r02 "Dell" "PERC H730 Mini"
# lspci -d::104 -vv | grep -i version
        Capabilities: [50] Power Management version 3

I also tried browsing the /sys/class sub-directories but couldn't find the  ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.