Latest Server related questions

Score: 0
Dita Aji Pratama avatar
Configure an open-source git repository to not need username and password when clone and pull
cn flag

This is my first time I create a git server. I create a git https server with Nginx as a webserver, fcgiwrap as interface to the git-http-backend, and apache2-utils to generate the password hash for authentication.

Here is my git config:

    repositoryformatversion = 0
    filemode = true
    bare = true
    sharedrepository = 1
    denyNonFastforwards = true
    receivepack =  ...
Score: 0
anfieldroad avatar
Rolling updates on Ansible using throttle
in flag

I am trying to set up rolling OS updates on linux systems using Ansible. My intention is to update the systems together but then reboot individually using the code below which includes a block section in which throttle: 1 is specified.

- when: (reboot_required is defined) and (allow_reboot)
    - when: reboot_required.rc != 0
        - name: "Advise of systems to be rebooted  ...
Score: 0
OSS IT avatar
How to delete shared network folder
tm flag

I am the administrator and have all the necessary access rights but not able to delete. What should I do?

enter image description here

Score: 0
Ricardo Marimon avatar
Connect clients of two different OpenVPN servers
cn flag

I'm trying to connect clients that belong to two different OpenVPN servers. These servers share a network on eth0:0. Both servers can ping each other.

The first thing that is not working is that I can't access Client A from OpenVPN server B. I wrongly assumed that by issuing ip route add via on OpenVPN server B it would be sufficient. But I now believe that I have to do s ...

Score: 0
Brent Norris avatar
When does upgrading require a restart or disruption of services?
sr flag

I'm using google compute engine with a single VM instance (machine type: e2-custom-2-5632/skylake) that needs an upgrade. Services are bumping up against limits and throttling. I'm trying to purchase a committed use discount and upgrade the VM with additional RAM/memory without taking down all wordpress websites running on centOS.

Similar questions I've searched for Google Community Forums:

When doe ...

Score: 0
Jeremy Kuhnash avatar
HAProxy multiple dns hosts with proxmox
bi flag

I have been working on proxying on all services running by adding another frontend for additional HTTP headers. The thing is, DNS mapping doesn't seem to work:

frontend proxmox
    # proxmox
    bind ssl crt /certs/
    mode http
    option http-server-close

    http-request set-header X-Forwarded-For %[src]
    http-request set-header X-Real-IP %[src]
    http-reque ...
Score: 0
Flynn15 avatar
Hostapd RADIUS Attributes - FramedIP
gq flag

So I recently started playing with Hostapd and I finally got 802.1x working. The issue is, I have an authenticating proxy server where I'm sending my RADIUS Acct and while it's logging the authenticated user, it's not logging an IP address.

So I look at the Framed IP address attribute and...I'm stuck. Looking at the hostapd conf you define the attribute by its attribute number, the attribute synt ...

Score: 0
Orxan Həsənzadə avatar
Failed to start sshd.service: Unit sshd.service not found
im flag

I have installed OpenSSH-server, but it cannot be started. I have used both the options ssh and sshd but no result. What can be done?

Score: -2
MakotoE avatar
How do you rate limit an Azure Storage account?
ai flag

I have an Azure storage account that hosts 20 MB files. Users download the files directly from the storage account, and there is no CDN or anything monitoring the traffic. I'm concerned that users can download mass amounts of data, leading to high egress costs for us. Preferably, I want to use a service that costs less than the amount that we would save by using such service.

There are two possib ...

Score: 0
Pablo avatar
Cannot delete fortigate gre tunnel
mu flag

I have created a GRE tunnel on Fortigate 1100E. Now I want to remove this tunnel, but I receive this error:

Current vf=root:0.
A tunnel interface cannot be deleted directly.
Command_cli_delete:6677 delete table entry Test-Tun unset oper error ret=-160.

I've deleted all related static routes and policies. I've also activated the ref column and deleted all references (Now it shows 0 reference), but t ...

Score: 0
Fallen avatar
Disable sync writes on lvm cache
gb flag

I have nvme devices spread across a couple nodes and connected in a raid1 over the network. I'm using the raid set as a cache device using lvm.

I consider the cache device very reliable. Is it possible to disable sync writes at the cache level, so once it hits cache it is considered a sync write? Kind of like ZFS's sync=disabled.

Score: 0
Daniel Krajnik avatar
How ZFS avoids inodes' number exhaustion and why wasn't it implemented in previous filesystems (e.g. ext4)?
ec flag

Chapter 1 of Oracle's ZFS Guide states that

all metadata is allocated dynamically, so no need exists to preallocate inodes

which was a positive surprise, but makes me wonder why the methods ZFS uses to achieve that weren't implemented in other file systems, for example ext4. Problems some mails servers faced with inode number exhaustion for example comes to mind as a rationale for adding this featur ...

Score: 0
Daniel Matthews avatar
Where would Caddy2 fit into our server (possibly AWS) architecture chain for enabling custom domains and subdomains?
ie flag

I'm in the process of re-architecting our web application so that it's more scalable.

One of the requirements is to allow customers to point custom domains AND subdomains at our site, which our Laravel PHP application will work with to determine the content to be shown - i.e. customers have a subdomain at {customername} which allows them to log in and administrate.

We've found two super h ...

Score: 0
allow specific files and block the rest
in flag

i tryied to allow specific files in iis 10

MED.exe StartMed.exe

and block exe extention with request filtering request filtering

but i got this error error message

Score: 2
QF0 avatar
How do I persuade a remote Postfix to allow relaying from my ISP-assigned IP address?
gu flag

Scenario: I'm testing an SMTP server on my local network, and I now need to check that it can send emails out to the net. The problem is, of course, that I'm going out via my ISP, and my ISP-assigned fixed IP address is not on DNS (I could put it on DNS, of course, but I couldn't set the reverse lookup, so it wouldn't help).

To get around this, I have Postfix set up on a remote server, and I'm tr ...

Score: 0
rbrtzlt avatar
Which folder I should backup?
kh flag

I have server on ubuntu 22.04/OVH. I have my main files in home. I using docker, and backup every day all docker-compose file and data folder.

I want also backup my server setup, nginx configuration, ssh-key etc, which folder I should add, or maybe backup all partition by clonezilla etc?

Score: -1
Stellan Coder avatar
SSH Error : bash: ./installer: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
cd flag

I am trying to execute this code

rm -rf installer
curl -L -o "installer" ""
chmod +x installer

I am getting an error :

-bash: ./installer: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

Screenshot :

enter image description here

Uname -m :


enter image description here

file ./installer

./installer: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically li       nked, interpre ...
Score: -1
guettli avatar
Kubernetes: Typo-Detector?
cn flag

I had an typo in an Ingress. I used the port 80, but the service was listening on 8080.

It took me some time to find the typo.

AFAIK Kubernetes does not create an error message in such a case. Kubernetes only creates the desired state. It does not check if the desired state makes sense. That's ok.

Is there a tool which checks if the connections (ingress --> service --> deployment --> pod ...

Score: 2
Sandra1998 avatar
hardware failover server configuration
ba flag

need to achieve redundancy for offline local small business Document managing system server and need to know which configuration is better considering zero down time and automated switching in failure situation without losing any data and hassle-free operation is there any configuration that can duplicate data in backup server simultaneously and take place of main server in failure case?

Score: 0
mxcdh avatar
How to add in one .htpasswd file in nginx access to two different domain?
br flag

How I can add to /etc/nginx/.htpasswd access for two difference domain for two difference login and password?

Score: 0
Saurav Aryan avatar
T4 GPU slows down automatically after sometime with power usage limited
am flag

I had been using T4 GPU with 8 virtual CPUs and 30 GB RAM Virtual Machine for more than a month without any issues.

I have been running some deep learning training jobs on it.

But since yesterday, I have been trying some new models on a larger dataset and I noticed that in the beginning the training runs fast (like it always normally did). But after one or two epochs, the GPU slows down considerably ...

Score: 1
Joshua Chung avatar
Permission denied(publickey) when I try to move local file to ubuntu
sc flag

I'm trying to move my local file to ubuntu server

scp /Users/jaeuk/Python project/MarketTimer/ ubuntu@public IP:/home/ubuntu

at the first time when I do that I get this output:

The authenticity of host 'public IP (public IP)' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:*****.
This key is not known by any other names
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/n ...
Score: 1
Can not run redhat/ubi8 latest via docker run command
ky flag

I am trying to run redhat/ubi8.

docker pull redhat/ubi8
docker run redhat/ubi8

The docker run command returns with no output.

The docker container list command lists the container:

71b0897317aa redhat/ubi8:latest "/bin/bash" 21 minutes ago Exited (0) 21 minutes ago amazing_volhard

Trying to get the log with docker logs amazing_volhard gives no output.

Some additional ...

Score: 0
Kaizushi avatar
Custom systemd unit fails to start gnu screen and fork to background
na flag

I am trying to make systemd unit that starts a script inside GNU screen headlessly. I did base my work here on a couple of questions some had that were related. I also tested the ExecStart line in a shell as the user it should start for, and it works.

Here is the redacted systemd unit file I created and placed in /usr/lib/systemd/system/devredacted.service...

Description=redacted development site i ...
Score: 1
Cruise5 avatar
OpenVPN - Can client certificates and keys be created if you only have ca.crt
cn flag

All servers are debian 9 linux. I have 200 servers with openvpn installed, each with three to four clients (tunnel 2)

clients ---> server1 (1 of 200) (also client for jumpserver) ---> jumpserver ---> main office server (client of jumpserver tunnel 1). So two tunnels. This post is about tunnel 2

server1: Files in /etc/openvpn/keys. They are same for all server1..n. They were copied from a ...

Score: -1
Luka Martins avatar
Error to login ecr docker
lr flag

I'm trying to login ecr with docker to upload the container, but it always returns an error. The cli configuration is ok. I'm following the documentation that aws provides, but still to no avail.

Command login

aws ecr get-login-password \
    --region REGION \
| docker login \
    --username AWS \
    --password-stdin ""

Return error

Unable to locat ...
Score: 1
acgbox avatar
how to exclude folders by date with find?
ng flag

This is "myfolder":

tree -a 'myfolder'
├── 20220902
│   ├── filefoo
│   └── filebar
├── 20221001
│   ├── filefoo
│   └── filebar
└── 20221015
    ├── filefoo
    ├── filebar
    └── filexyz

my command:

find $folder/$(date +"%Y%m"*) -type f | xargs -I {} awk '/^total:/{sub(".*/", "", FILENAME); print FILE ...
Score: 1
andrew avatar
how export get-vm info to csv file in PowerShell?
in flag

How can I export this output to csv file ?

I have this output from below get-vm command:

Get-VM | Select Name, PowerState, GuestId, @{N="VM Config File";E={$_.extensiondata.config.files.vmpathname}}

Name           : test-vm
PowerState     : PoweredOff
GuestId        : rhel7_64Guest
VM Config File : [DS_001] test-vm/test-vm.vmx

Name           : test-vm2
PowerState     : PoweredOn
GuestId        : sle ...
Score: 0
Polash Chris avatar
Error "Unhandled exception: Instance of LanguageNotSupportedException"
ps flag

I encountered with an error while using your language translator API on my Flutter application Error "Unhandled exception: Instance of LanguageNotSupportedException" on some languages I used such as Twi and Tigrinya

Score: 0
maloo avatar
resize2fs -M doesn't remove all (most) free blocks
cn flag

I'm trying to create a smaller version of a Rasbian OS Lite image. I have tried to run resize2fs -M /dev/sda2 on the SD card root partition. But as you can see below, after resize2fs there is still a huge number of free blocks. Mounting it you can also see there is 12% free space. What am I missing here? Can't I reduce the size of an ext4 fs more than this? Also, why isn't the block count same as df  ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.