Latest Server related questions

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Marco Vivar De La Cruz avatar
Route 53, problems with the DNS propagation to South America Region
eu flag

I have configured a Route 53 DNS Manager for a custom Chilean domain ( and waited until the propagation across the internet. The propagation has been successful for most of the world regions, but for the South America region it does not propagate correctly, showing that they did not resolve to three servers in the country of Brazil. Reviewing further, I detected that when solving the Query a ...

Score: 0
I Moustafa avatar
Proxmox Networking configuration with multiple VM
bq flag

I have purchased a dedicated server from Hetzner and it comes with a single IP address. I installed Proxmox and now this IP is used to access the web portal.

I got another IP address for a VM on this node.

I cannot configure other VMs to access internet by any means.

What I need is, VM with public IP and all other VMs can access the internet (such as Windows VM)

How can I do this?

Thanks all

Score: 0
Newbie314159 avatar
HTTPS redirect and a-record won't work together
ls flag

I am trying to run a websystem. On the one hand I have my hosting-package with a domain and on the other hand there is my web server with some ExpressJS app.

Therefore I configured an a-record to direct the domain calls to my webserver - which worked. Then I wanted to use a SSL certificate and force the redirection to Since I configured the SSL i get redirected to the https domai ...

Score: 0
creatldd1 creatldd1 avatar
Kubeadm : can't pull flannel docker image from but pulling images from is ok
ax flag

I want to deploy a little k8s test cluster using 3 VMS running on my host, one master and two workers. On all of them, needed software are installed : docker, kubeadm, kubectl, kubelet . I've followed the steps described in the official documentation but I have a problem when trying to download flannel cni. I can't fathom why ...

Here is the version of the tools I installed

root@kubernetes-master:~# do ...
Score: 0
SystemRescueCd and Linux KVM
bd flag

I need to boot one KVM VM with SystemRescueCD. However, the keyboard doesn't work then... I tried adding USB keyboard in VM configuration, but that doesn't help. PS/2 keyboard in there cannot be removed for some reason, so I can't exclude this as the source of the problem.

% lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 9.13 (stretch)
Release:     ...
Score: 0
Snappawapa avatar
Alternative to x-forwarding, or how to speed up x-forwarding
gr flag

I do my development on VM's, and pass windows back to my Host via X-forwarding with the following command:

ssh -Yc [email protected] me@local-vm-ip

This works fine except that it tends to be slow; I have specified to use a faster encryption method, which makes it workable, except when connecting to the vm from another workstation on the network (when ssh'ing to guest from host, is serviceabl ...

Score: 0
apack avatar
cannot connect to kali-rolling xrdp on localhost
et flag

I have installed Docker desktop on my pc and would like to install kali-rolling docker container with xrdp enabled for remote desktop.

I followed this article after many failing attempts, I just changed to use docker host network rather than bridge, but it is still not working. Now I am getting below RDP error:

your computer  ...

Score: 0
Krish R avatar
Can I use local repo for updating production machines for RHEL
im flag

If I create a local repo for RHEL patch updates, Can I use it for my production machines also. If I refer to the local repo for updates from the nodes, Then how would Redhat evaluate the license?

Also, can I use the same repo for updating the RHEL instances in the AWS cloud? Does it have any advantages and limitations?

Please help me to find answer to these questions. Thanks in Advance!!!

Score: 0
Eduardo Paludo avatar
Upgrade Redis Standalone to 7.0.5
it flag

I need to update the redis version on centos 7. It's not clustered, I didn't find anything in the documentation, how can I do it?

Score: 0
Sonicwall DNS cache for devices on VPN network
in flag

I have a Sonicwall TZ400 running in a local office on network There is a VPN connecting the sonicwall to a cloud network on I have devices with static ip addresses on the vpn network but they cannot be accessed by name over the vpn, only by ip address. I know the sonicwall does not have a normal dns server capability, but I understand I can use split and cache entries  ...

Score: 0
Static DHCP reservation via ASDM
in flag

We have a Win 2016 server in a datacenter behind a Cisco ASA 5515 running 9.8(4)29. I use ASDM 7.12(2) to manage it. I am very familiar with networking, but rather a novice with Cisco command line configuration. We have always used we interfaces to configure sonicwall and other firewalls. We have Hyper-V setup on the server and I have created several Hyper-V windows 10 machines on a VLan of ...

Score: 0
isc-dhcpd: lease file with numbered suffix
ph flag

I have a lease file named dhcpd.leases.1665158894 in the same directory as my dhcpd.leases file.

Full directory listing:

dhcpd.leases        dhcpd.leases.1665158894 dhcpd.leases~

What is this file? Can I delete it?

Score: 0
pinpin0 avatar
SVN Repository Access
it flag

i'm taking over a previous SVN server and need to add access to some users but really can't understand why the added users are not logged in as they should. It's a Linux Debian 10 virtual server with Docker 20.10.17 and SVN 1.10.04. We use LDAP access authorization. I located the file "dav_svn.access" and added the users i wish to log but this doesn't work. I restarted both the docker and the apache2 se ...

Score: 0
Paulo avatar
How to deal with ksoftirq hitting 100%?
sh flag

I have a Linux server with 48 CPU and, from time to time, some of them starts hitting almost 100% of usage. And when that happens, the usage doesn't go down and that's affecting some services performance. When I reboot this server, everything goes ok for several days when some starts hitting almost 100% of usage again. This is like a cycle. The problem is that the usage of some CUP, when hits 100%, does ...

Score: 0
Broms avatar
How to silence output from "dbus-daemon" or "gio mount"
bb flag

I want to mount a smb share in userspace using gio mount and a kerberos ticket. That works so far. But the dbus-daemon constantly spits out a message on stdout like

dbus-daemon[2305]: [session uid=26372637263 pid=2305] Activating service name=bla bla


Successfully activated service bla bla

To be able to use "gio mount" I have to restart the bash using

exec dbus-run-session -- bash

and I do that  ...

Score: 0
mr_js avatar
Where to setup reverse DNS for email server
be flag

I plan to host my own mail server on a VPS. I understand that I need to set up a reverse DNS entry to prevent commonly used mail services from categorizing my email as spam. Where should the reverse DNS be configured? On the VPS or on my domain host under the DNS records?

Score: 0
Konstantin_SH avatar
Why I got the error: %pre(MariaDB-server-10.9.3-1.el7.centos.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 1?
eh flag

I tried to install mariadb-server on my Centos 7 server by following commands:

def install_mariadb(distributor, release, host, maria_version, root_password):
    galera = 'galera-3' if maria_version == "10.3" else "galera-4" 
    if distributor == 'centos':
        # Step 1: create the repository
        commands = [
            "sudo yum install -y wget",
            'sudo wget -q https: ...
Score: 0
ping-me avatar
Sudo: Using arguments in /etc/sudoers.d/ file, particularly with mount (visudo rejects syntax)
sr flag

I have a syntax wrangling problem with sudo that may not be solvable.

I know I know, OpenBSD's new doas is better than sudo, but it is not available on CentOS 7 or Rocky 8. So we're stuck with sudo for a while, girls and guys.

If I add the following line with visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/custom it works, and visudo doesn't complain about it:

%[email protected] *=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/mount -a

However, ...

Score: 0
7lym avatar
Checkmk snmp_extended_info firmware data not shown in GUI
tr flag

I m running Checkmk Raw Edition 2.1.0p4. I m trying to configure the HW/SW Inventory plugin to interrogate multiple appliances' firmware versions. The problem arrises with my Fortigate firewall. The firmware version is present in /omd/sites/monit/tmp/check_mk/data_source_cache/snmp/inventory/, but it is shown neither in Inventory, nor in Services sections of the host.

Running cmk --debug - ...

Score: 1
David Taub avatar
New user and recurring events to distribution lists in outlook
nc flag

We use distribution lists (DL) in our organization for its different groups, and using these DLs we hold weekly meetings, as an Outlook recurring event, to which the appropriate DLs are invited.

Whenever a new person is added to the organization, he is added to the DLs of the groups he will work in.

Is there an easy way to make the new outlook user invited to all the preexisting recurring events of  ...

Score: 0
El-Salatinie avatar
Postfix -- Not sending and not receiving and mails!
cn flag

I've installed yesterday the Mododoa mail server on my linux Ubunto maschine, which is hosted on internet.

Source of installation is:

DNS should be working correctly. That what is been told on

When i connect my laptop over iamp and stmp it gives me that it is connected. But i can't receive or send any mails.

Following error is from ...

Score: 3
Simone avatar
SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG after installing Certbot on Apache2
pl flag

I'm trying to set up a web server on a raspberry pi, it's running a debian based system.

I installed and set up apache (following this guide), set up port forwaring on my router and created 3 html only websites to test things.

Since I only have one domain I wanted to try and use virtual hosts with subdomains: main domain had ServerName and ServerAlias, the other 2 were Server ...

Score: 0
andrew avatar
after moving template to another DS : unable to create VM from this template
in flag

Any idea why after moving template to another DS, then I am unable to create VM from this template?

Only workaround is :

  1. convert template to VM
  2. storage vMotion this VM to another DS
  3. convert VM to template

Q2: Why moving template to another DS take 10x more time then vMotion Storage ?

Score: 0
Pebbles avatar
Internal Windows DNS Forward Lookup Zone for an external domain, should I user External Name Servers?
fi flag

I do have a Forward Lookup Zone on my dns server, It is a domain that I own, let's call it I did setup A records, subdomains as www, ftp etc, everything is working fine.

What I am missing is a record for, if I ping from my network I cannot resolve it.

Now, what should I do here? I am confused, because if I do add an A record for to external ip address ...

Score: 0
Guido Goluke avatar
Why can't I ls a directory that I own and has the sticky bit set
dz flag

Suppose I have directory /home/john/dir/, that has the sticky bit set. I am running as user john and the directory dir is owner by user john and group john. Why can't I ls -la the directory? Shouldn't I be the one who does have all the rights to the directory?

Score: 0
Jayanth avatar
Is Hyper-V Internal Switch on a different namespace/VRF?
mx flag

Query about Internal switch in Hyper-V: Say, my host's LAN IP is (physical NIC) and is in an office building. Now, say there was a network reachable from my host on that LAN network (since the default gateway on that LAN knows the route to a which is also present in the office building). If I create an internal switch with two VMs and my host on it and assign 1 ...

Score: 0
Ydrab avatar
SFTP with FileZilla through SSH tunnel with different public keys
iq flag

I have setup an SSH tunnel to connect to an AWS transfer server through FileZilla

ssh -i ~/bastion-server.pem -L [email protected]

Which is working fine.

Then in FileZilla I have my connection string

Host: Port:3111 Username:sftpuser key:transfer-server.pem

The FileZilla log says

Status:         Connecting to
Status:         U ...
Score: 0
ikool avatar
Why MongoDB occurs out of memory (OOM) every few days
dk flag

My Server Info

AWS Ubuntu 18.04
MongoDB 4.2.17
4 Cores 

This server only running mongodb, and allocated 10G memory to mongodb

      cacheSizeGB: 10

But this machine has OOM every few days.

Sys Log:

Oct 19 18:25:16 kernel: [8693043.690043] oom-kill:constraint=CONSTRAINT_NONE,nodemask=(null),cpuset=/,mems_allowed=0,global_oom,task_memcg=/system.slice/mongod.service, ...
Score: 1
Jonathan Elkins avatar
Syntax for creating SCHTASK.EXE tasks to run batch files that take parameters
cd flag

I have a set of older batch files that scheduled the running of some maintenance tasks for a database that I look after. They used the AT command. The database has been moved to Windows server 2016 where the AT command has been deprecated. I want to use SCHTASKS.EXE instead but I am having some challenges.

The set of maintenance tasks fall into three separate batch files Ibak1.bat Ibak2.bat and I ...

Score: 0
mapping lshw output to lsblk to get disk storage
id flag

I am trying to get all the hardware devices in one pass and later get more details on each one of them. So, I start with lshw and use lshw -short -c storage to get storage devices, shows something like this

[root@sys7-vm23: admin]# lshw -short -c storage 
H/W path      Device      Class          Description
/0/100/1.1                storage        82 ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.