Latest Server related questions

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Gari BN avatar
How to parse MariaDB version banner?
cn flag

I encountered this form of MariaDB DB version via banner: 5.5.5-10.3.38-MariaDB-log

What is the version of the MariaDB?

Is it 5.5.5 or 10.3.38?

If one of them, what is the meaning of the other? (I thought about MySQL -> MariaDB things)


Score: 0
Federico avatar
non-sudo perf sched always fails with "broken or missing trace data"
au flag

On my Ubuntu 22.04 (5.19.0-35-generic), it seems that perf sched is not able to parse its own output. Following the examples on Brendan Gregg's blog, recording works fine

# perf sched record -- sleep 1
[ perf record: Woken up 1 times to write data ]
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 2.844 MB (11439 samples) ]

However, any my attempt at reading the profiling data fails:

# perf script  ...
Score: 0
Sushmita Chakraborty avatar
I want to create active directory groups for all domain joined servers via group policy.Is that possible?
sg flag

I want to create active directory groups via group policy for every server I join to the domain so that I don't need to create groups manually. Is that possible ?

Score: 0
U. Windl avatar
Data Protector: When migrating StoreOnce, how to "scan" the media?
it flag

Being in the process to migrate the clients to a new cell (also changing the port from 5555 to 5565) I added a File Jukebox to the new cell, configure the repository files, and then scanned and imported those. That took a while, but succeeded.

When migrating StoreOnce, I basically did the same, used the existing Store, but in the new cell I see no media repository or media slots, etc.

So I wonder (h ...

Score: -1
Dopler avatar
mail relay routing FROM domain with dkim
ba flag

Current setup

Modify current setup

First of all i must say that im so so (read like "nothing know") in things like postfix or open dkim. We have many domains on our exchange (realy a lot). and thats work like "enternet -> firewall -> mail gateway -> exchange's -> mail gateway -> firewall router-> enternet" In that case all of oure domains sends from 1 ip(thats not be good). Now we whant to send those mails ...

Score: 0
Omera avatar
Traffic mirroring with nginx
br flag

Simply put using Nginx I am trying to mirror all the traffic hitting one of our apps, app A to a newly deployed test app. I know that there is the mirror module but I was wondering if there is any other way to implement this? Even if it's not thru Nginx.


Score: 0
akastack avatar
Ping performance improves during iPerf3 network congestion test
xk flag

I am beginning to learn about networking and testing network performance (specifically on containers). I am trying to learn how to perform good network tests to see networking capabilities of docker containers and whether they can support deterministic networking.

So, I am learning iperf3, and using Ping to track RTT and Jitter.

My current setup is two docker containers running on the same host usin ...

Score: 1
merlin2011 avatar
How to debug containerLogMaxSize not taking effect on the kubelet?
vn flag

I'm running the following EKS version:

kubelet --version
Kubernetes v1.22.12-eks-ba74326

I've set the following parameter as documented here.

  "containerLogMaxSize": "100 Mi"

I then restarted the kubelet:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart kubelet

But my logs are still rotating at 10 MB.

Any ideas for how to debug or fix this?

Score: 1
Vinod avatar
Error while customizing selinux policy for domain
vi flag

I am following the steps outlined under this link to customize selinux policy for specific domains (types).

For the domain systemd_tmpfiles_t, I get the following suggestion from audit2allow for a denial logged:

        type default_t;
        type systemd_tmpfiles_t;
        class file map;


#!!! This avc can be al ...
Score: 1
J O avatar
Default WordPress .htaccess rewrites causes default server page to load due to no default index page present for the root URL
hn flag

I could really do with some help here please. I know this is a WordPress issue now through testing. If I allow .htaccess to process rewrites on my Wordpress sites by adding AllowOverride FileInfo to the https conf file, my WordPress sites all redirect to the AlmaLinux default page due to no default index page present for the root URL. If I don't allow it to process the .htaccess it works but I need t ...

Score: 0
Anthony Mallgren avatar
Postfix/Dovecot - Initial Configuration - Can Send, Can't Receive - No Error Message
um flag

My configuration allowed me to both send and receive email. I followed a guide on configuring SASL for Postfix/Dovecot. Once done, I again cannot receive email, with the exception of users on the same domain. I tried unsuccessfully to undo the changes. I guess I would rather have it done right though. Nothing in /var/log/syslog nor /var/log/mail.err. Here is what is in /var/log/mail.log:

imap-login: Login ...
Score: 0
El_Tel avatar
Firewalld Allow 1 ip address from a subnet and drop the rest
US flag

I am using firewalld to control access to my AlmaLinux 8 server. I have several subnets defined as sources in the DROP zone and it seems to work well.

I am wondering if is easily possible to allow access to a specific address within one of these subnets.

Restrictions to all other subnets is done in the system default interface zone.

Or am I completely on the wrong track.


Score: 0
Martin Kunev avatar
Don't let background applications capture keyboard events in xorg
ky flag

I have noticed that some applications are able to capture keyboard events while in the background and prevent the foreground application from receiving the event.

Some context:

I use ctrl+r to search bash's history and the application simplescreenrecorder uses ctrl+r to toggle recording. If I go to the terminal emulator and press ctrl+r while simplescreenrecorder is on, it starts recording (and I ca ...

Score: 0
jamminjames avatar
Best way to clone a single disk from a Software RAID1 Array in Linux server
cn flag

How can I clone a single HDD bootable disk from a Software RAID1 Array in Linux server? It is currently a two-disk HDD mirror array. I have physical access to the server, and it has empty bays for disks. I'd like to leave the RAID1 array the way it is, and just make a single cloned disk of the Linux OS (CentOS 7) and all the data.

I plan on migrating from CentOS 7, which is EOL, and want to use a ...

Score: 0
Nginx split the URI into variables to use on proxy_pass
in flag

I'm tring to get the URI parts to then pass it to the proxy_pass url. But I don't know about regex to do this.

I need to get the first and last URI into a variables to pass it on the proxy_pass like this:


Score: 1
Maone van Cobain avatar
How to replace custom url old domain to new domain with .htaccess
er flag

How to replace all url entire website with new domain and new permalink? I have 5k url to replace at my site.

Example :

  • Current URL:
    Replace To:

  • Current URL:
    Replace To:

Score: 0
PorLosTacos avatar
Spanned disk created from a single LUN?
lk flag

enter image description here

Does this appear to you as a single 2 TB LUN (Disk 4), separated into two separate 1 TB partitions, then spanned together into a logical volume ('G')? If so, how was this accomplished? I am unable to replicate this setup.

enter image description here

OS: Windows Server 2019 Standard

Score: 1
Ronald Simmons Jr avatar
Windows Feature Update Silent Install
ar flag

We are trying to push out the latest Windows Feature update via our RMM but when running it doesn't appear to do anything. We've tried running the following:

PowerShell Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Windows\Temp\Windows10Update.exe -ArgumentList "/quietinstall /skipeula /auto upgrade"

Shell Command C:\Windows\Temp\Winodws10Update.exe /quietinstall /skipeula /auto upgrade

We've run both through a script  ...

Score: 0
Emad Sh avatar
RPM and YUM not working on Centos7
cn flag

When I try to use yum update or install package by rpm the below error happened: rpm: /lib64/ version 'NSSUTIL_3.59' not found (required by /lib64/ How can I Fix this issue?

OS: Centos7

Score: -2
Do I really need CURL on all my Windows devices?
us flag

So a vulnerability scanner has revealed that I have a version of CURL that is out of date on basically all of my machines. Environments in question are Windows 10 and Server 2019. From what I can tell it was Windows 10 1804 that first issued it.

To my understanding CURL is a command-line tool for sending data using network protocols. But do I really need it? In what instance would I need to h ...

Score: 1
Anthony Mallgren avatar
Postfix/Dovecot - Initial Config - Test Email Results - 554 5.7.1 Client host rejected: Access denied
um flag

I sent an email successfully. Can't say the same for receiving. When I attempt to, I get an email saying that the message was blocked with the following diagnostic code:

Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 554 5.7.1 <[]>: Client host rejected: Access denied

Went through the Postfix Configuration wizard again by running 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix'. I commented out smt ...

Score: 0
Johnczek avatar
Apache2 subdomain not found after addition
ng flag

Here is a situation

I have domain pointed to my server where Apache2 runs. Currently I have two confs (one for HTTP and one for HTTPS) that accepts requests and shows page thats stored in folder /var/ww/html/example

HTTP conf (

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/example
ServerAlias www.exam ...
Score: 1
Fulliautomatix avatar
"smtp_header_checks" in postfix not including the header
es flag

I am trying to add AWS SES's X-SES-CONFIGURATION-SET header in my postfix. For this I am using smtp_header_checks as follows:

My has the following line:

smtp_header_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/header_checks

header_checks file is as follows:

/^From:/ PREPEND X-SES-CONFIGURATION-SET: <name_of_my_config_set>

When I send mail, I dont see any header with name X-SES-CONFIGURATION-SET

What do I ne ...

Score: 0
Krusty_Panda avatar
metrics-server fails to start - metric-storage not ready?
bz flag

Having a problem where the metric server is failing to start. Initial deployment was 2021 (version v0.6.1), and worked for a couple years. After a crash recovery, the metric server is failing to start with a TLS error in the logs. I've tried a redeploy of the current (v0.6.3) and older versions (v0.6.1), and get the same issue.

Deployment status

kube-state-metrics-898575cdb-rwrsq         1/1     Ru ...
Score: 1
nathou avatar
Yum dependencies and metadata for java-headless
in flag

I'm trying to install Java 8 and Tomcat 9 on a RockyLinux 9 server.

Installing tomcat (from EPEL) requires java-headless >= 1:1.8.0 which is resolved to java-11-openjdk-headless. So Java 11 gets installed as a dependency... even though I have already installed java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless and it should, 'logically', provide java-headless >= 1:1.8.0.

$ yum deplist tomcat
Last metadata expiration ...
Score: 1
jollyroger avatar
Not getting StrongSwan IPsec to run: received netlink error: Network is unreachable / unable to install source route for [...]. Getting nuts already
de flag

I am trying to set up an ipsec tunnel with strongswan, used some tutorials for that and all went so far but there is no actually communication going trough the tunnel. The tunnel is established, but there is nothing transfered between the two machines. Prior of saying the tunnel is established, there is this error message:

received netlink error: Network is unreachable (101)
unable to install sourc ...
Score: 0
Cpt.Whale avatar
No response from EC2 AmazonProvidedDNS server over Site-toSite VPN
cn flag

I have a VPC using the network, and a Site-to-Site VPN connection to my local subnet ( The VPN uses addresses in the range. When I connect to the VPN, I can access hosts in both the local subnet and the AWS private subnet (, so I believe I have the routing table set up properly to send packets bound for my local network back throu ...

Score: 0
user7037 avatar
Filter groups that SSSD receives from AD server
in flag

We've got two Ubuntu 22.04 servers that use Kerberos and SSSD to authenticate users against an AD server. This works great.

The servers also have a GlusterFS volume that holds the user's home directories. In principal, this works great also. Unless a user is member of more than 90 groups. Then GlusterFS has all sorts of problems: ...

Score: 0
edgar.holleis avatar
"Report Message" Outlook add-in: How does a user request support with determining whether a message is legit?
de flag

Here's a user story:

"As a user I receive a message that I feel uncertain about. Is it legit or not? I want to ask somebody for support."

Is there a way to do implement this via the "Report Message" add-in? Is there another add-in to cover this use-case?

The default options "Junk", "Phishing", "Not Junk" better cover the use-case "As a user I know this message is Phishing and I want to report it." ...

Score: 0
iptables per-user split tunnel leaking udp packets
us flag

I followed the guide here:

I've added a couple more rules for local traffic, but my setup is still leaking udp packets, on ports not specifically allowed by my firewall (6881), to the standard network and not properly directing the traffic through to the VPN.

# Generated by iptables-save v1.8.7 on Tue Mar 28 08:17:46 2023

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.