Latest Server related questions

Score: 0
OGordo avatar
nginx returns 499 with 110: Connection timed out in error log
ua flag

I can't get over the nginx 60s timeout. If I access the node server directly at 8000 it works, through nginx as reverse proxy it always times out after 60s. I have tried every timeout setting I have read on my google journey regarding this problem...

Anyone can help me out here?


Minimal steps to reproduce:

   server {
     listen 80;
     location / {
Score: 0
Ren avatar
How to securely erase drives on PERC H710 mini in Dell
tr flag

The controller doesn't let me convert drives to JBOD for some reason, so I can't reach them with hdparm to send --security-erase-enhanced ATA command. So I decided to use MegaCli for which I found two different commands but both fail:

MegaCli -PDInstantSecureErase -PhysDrv[32:1] -Force -a0

Adapter 0: Secure Erase is not allowed on device at Enclosure - 32, Slot - 1.

Exit Code: 0x00
MegaCli -SecureEras ...
Score: 0
Attila avatar
Debian security release
nl flag

I have noticed that there is a "security" release listed in the Debian security tracer.


Some of the vulnerabilities are only fixed in the "security" release, which might be still present in a different version like plain "bullseye" for example.

What exactly is the difference between plain bullseye and "bullseye (security)"?

Is there an official Docker image, where all the security patches of "bul ...

Score: 3
dog_1 avatar
Virtual active directory on disk storage - good practice
li flag

I have come here to ask a question that is bothering me. What is the best way to virtualize Active Directory when I have two physical servers and a disk array. I know that I need at least two domain controllers. To achieve this, I need to put two virtual servers on hyper-v.Then i can to do: Run both virtuals on a disk array where the hyper-v service is in a failover cluster? Should I put these VMs outsi ...

Score: -2
Dom avatar
Why does IMAP specify a UID as well as UIDValidity
ru flag

What is the design reason for uniquely identifying mail on a folder by folder basis rather than on a server wide basis?

IMAP specifies that mail is uniquely identified by a folder name, a UIDValidity (32bits) and a UID(32bits). Why not just uniquely identify mail server wide by a single 64bit UID?

Score: 0
user1519240 avatar
How to pass a flag (--privileged) to a dokku command?
co flag

I need to run a command passing the flag --privileged to the underlying docker run, is there a way to pass it using dokku run?

Score: 1
Z0OM avatar
Disable ipv4 with /etc/sysctl.conf | GNU/LINUX Debian 11
ro flag

I can disable ipv6 as su in /etc/sysctl.conf on my GNU/LINUX Debian 11 with

net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1

and restart with

/sbin/sysctl -p

when i try to disable ipv4 in /etc/sysctl.conf and restart with

net.ipv4.conf.all.disable_ipv4 = 1
net.ipv4.conf.default.disable_ipv4 = 1

i get error message

sysctl: cannot stat ....

there is no disable_ipv4 in / ...

Score: 0
Wdann avatar
Nginx configuration for docker web application
co flag

I am configuring Nginx (not in docker) to redirect a web service provider on localhost:9333 (which are placed in two docker containers). I could reach service through ssh, but when using the domain name on a web browser (I can ping with the domain name and it connects to the correct IP), the browser says "connection time out".

The nginx error.log says :"...[notice] 175385#175385: signal process sta ...

Score: 0
Tadas V. avatar
Getting command failed: NO_PY2=1
in flag

Sorry if its trivial question. I do not have experience with linux terminal.

I am trying to install RedisJSON on ubuntu 22 on Windows.

When I run command

> :~/RedisJSON$ ./sbin/setup

I keep getting error

sudo bash -l -c 'apt-get -qq update -y'
# readies version: d3ba34e
sudo bash -l -c 'apt-get -qq install --fix-missing -y ca-certificates'
sud ...
Score: 0
Anish Kumar avatar
Unable to use cf login Getting "": dial tcp: lookup on 127.0.X.XX:XX: server misbehaving
mw flag

I have configured cloud foundry in Kubernetes using cf-for-k8s github repo( While configuring the Api endpoint am getting server misbehaving error and unable to use cf login command. Please find the error screenshot below

Get "": dial top: lookup on 127.0.x.xx:xx: server misbehaving. FAILED

Initially had the pod ...

Score: 1
zoran avatar
How to setup recovery on Ubuntu server?
ag flag

We have Ubuntu server on the remote location that may or may not have an Internet access. It will run several applications and we want to make sure that if something goes wrong on OS or app level, we can automatically recover to the previous working version.

First we were thinking to go with Timeshift, but after some testing it doesn't feel like it is robust enough.

Now we are thinking to make an ad ...

Score: 0
Openstack avatar
How to create access point or virtual access point in Fedora server 37 to access localhost too
th flag

Hi I am trying to create an access point in ideal case virtual access point in Fedora server 37. I can create a simple AP for wifi to LAN(wlp7s0 -> enp1s0 in my case) using these commands and I can connect to this and also have internet access on this AP.

nmcli con add type wifi ifname wlp7s0 con-name MyHotspot autoconnect yes ssid MyHotspot
nmcli con modify MyHotspot 802-11-wireless.mode ap 802 ...
Score: 0
pi-hole/unbound as internal DNS server
in flag

Last week I set up Pi-hole mainly for blocking ads and handling a few internal DNS requests. This works fine, when OCD kicked in. I thought it would be nice to add Unbound to the mix to not have to use external DNS server and this hiding my traffic from those who doesn't concern. After some struggles, this is now running fine, except for a few things.

I have set my router to hand out the DNS serv ...

Score: 0
Christian avatar
Docker giving nameserver error upon docker pull
tz flag

I recently setup a new linux machine, running Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS, I installed Docker on it, and Portainer to make viewing easier.

I am attempting to install a mysql image, however when running the command docker pull, either in portainer, or via CLI, I am met with the following error:

Error response from daemon: Get "": dial tcp: lookup Temporary fai ...

Score: 0
tjwrona1992 avatar
Webserver firewall iptables settings seem to be blocking more than expected
ca flag

I am trying to allow all incoming connections from my local network, and http/https connections from anywhere while blocking all other traffic.

Here are my current rules:

Chain INPUT (policy DROP)
target     prot opt source               destination
ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere             ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED
ACCEPT     all  --       anywhere
ACCEPT     tcp ...
Score: 0
Anvay avatar
Error While installing Calico CNI
US flag

I have a Kubernetes cluster with 1+1 configuration .

I used the following steps to install Calico

curl -o calico.yaml
kubectl apply -f calico.yaml

But the pods are not running

an001@mastercal:~$ kubectl get pods -A
NAMESPACE      NAME                                       READY   STATUS       RESTARTS   AGE
kube-flannel   kube-flannel-ds-dz ...
Score: 0
Lifu Huang avatar
Unable to access Internet from user-defined docker bridge network hosted on KVM
is flag

I am running Docker from a KVM:

Docker --- (hosted on) ----> KVM Guest ---- (hosted on) ----> KVM host

I created a docker bridge network with the following command:

docker create test

user@ubuntu-vm:~$ docker network inspect test
        "Name": "test",
        "Id": "1dc0198e46d04e506a9b98b41bf9bdbd94673dbbb6a184874717cba89166946a",
        "Created": "2023-02-01T08:23:54.773507123Z ...
Score: 0
Pure.Krome avatar
Azure VM cannot 'see/access' another Azure VM
us flag

We have 2 Azure VM's, each on different VNET's. They both run Sql Server.

I can connect to to both VM's from my home office/IP using Azure Data Studio. My home office has a static IP. I've made sure those VM firewalls are allowed to accept my connection.

Now, VM_A cannot connect to VM_B using Sql Server Management Studio (because that's provided by default when Sql Server is installed). VM_A can conn ...

Score: 0
chandrasiri avatar
The "signin-google" redirect works locally but fails when publishing the app to the server
mr flag

I am trying to make Google authentication enable for my web app. It works fine locally. But after I published it into my host, it failed at the callback.

I have been trying several ways for five days but not succeed. No coding issues. I am guessing the redirect call from Google is not accept my server or my DNS.

I am using Contabo VPS as my server with Nginx. DNS is handled by Cloudflare.

The URL of th ...

Score: 0
DanRan avatar
cron / crontab : auto delete oldest backup files when new files get backed up, only if disk space is near capacity
mx flag

I am using crontab (on Ubuntu Server 20.04) to automatically create daily backups of a text file and storing them on an external hard drive. I am using the following crontab to create my backups:

@daily cp ~/myfile.txt /mnt/usb/backups/$(date +\%Y\-\%m\-\%d)_myfile.txt

This effectively creates a daily backup file on my external hard drive with the date and time (year/month/day) of creation prefaced in ...

Score: 0
N. Komodo avatar
Openstack nova cold migration failing on rocky 9 due to sftp subsystem error
eh flag

I have deployed a multinode deployment of OpenStack using kolla ansible (deployed following the openstack deployment guide) on 2 rocky linux 9.1 machines. When attempting to migrate one instance between nodes, it fails and the instance enters the error state. I get the following error in the logs:

2023-01-30 14:52:49.767 7 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server   File "/var/lib/kolla/venv/lib/python3.9/si ...
Score: 0
Etrnd avatar
DL360 G7 over IPMI using Java web start fail
lv flag

I just been able to setup this old greyed hair machine to be accessible with the same external IP, iLO and server itself (shared port).

But i just tried to use the IPMI directyly accessible from iLo WebGUI, but that throw me this error while opening it.

There's no more informations, i mean, i just can't understand where i f*d up. I can even SSH ILO, and bring me to their HPE CLI. Is this something r ...

Score: 0
AWS RDS Database user of username@100.%.%.% (IPv4 Shared Address Space) is that safe?
cn flag

We have an RDS instance that is not publicly accessible. We have a VPN and VPC with 172.X addresses that connects to it.

In our RDS logs, I'm seeing a LARGE number of failures, which has blocked our instance.

2023-02-01 22:14:05 1351320 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Name or service not known
2023-02-01 22:14:05 1351320 [Warning] Access denied for user 'metabase_ro'@'100.6 ...
Score: 3
Rino Bino avatar
Nginx is not handling auth_request before if statement
us flag

It's probably easiest to just show by example where I'm hitting issues, so I'll jump right in...

This snippet will work as-is for Nginx with rewrite/auth modules enabled. So hopefully this issue is quick & easy reproduce on pretty much any Nginx install...

server {
  listen 8081;
  add_header x-user bar;
  return 200;

server {
  listen 8080;

  location = /auth {
    proxy_pass ht ...
Score: 2
Cecilia avatar
Why is chrony reporting low offset when my system times are so far apart?
mx flag

I have two networked voxls which I am trying to synchronize using chrony. The voxls boot up with vastly different system times, like years apart. I would expect chrony to synchronize the times when the service starts using makestep, but after starting chrony, I still observe a large difference in system time.

The configurations are as follows:

Score: 0
Benoît P avatar
How to connect to UTM VM exposed port from the host?
US flag

I have a windows VM set up with UTM on my M1 mac but cannot access it event though it is set on shared network in the preferences.

I've tried localhost:5432, with no success.

settings of UTM showing shared network

Score: 0
Mooh avatar
Bad Gateway 502.3 error when using ARR in IIS
ma flag

We are experiencing issues with ARR configuration when trying to proxy requests to an external web site. Our server configuration is as follows:

  1. Web server with IIS 7.5 that we control. It runs a few web sites, all via HTTPS only
  1. Our customer's web site, which we cannot control and whose configuration we cannot change. Their domain name, f ...
Score: 0
iptables --list showing
US flag

When i type sudo iptables --list i get this line appearing in my chain rules:

DROP all -- anywhere

When i type sudo iptables -n --list i get this line instead:

DROP all --

How come iptables tries to resolve this ip to ?

I have tried to check in th ...

Score: 0
jjonesdesign avatar
ZFS Not Recovering Space
af flag

I've certainly made a few rookie mistakes when setting up my first ZFS from a 4 drive array (14tb platters), mainly forgetting to change the block size from default. However I am missing space in my summary and I 'think' I know what is happening but trying to get clarification.

I have a container allocated at 300Gb using ~30Gb of space. I setup two containers at 5000Gb but destroyed them after re ...

Score: 0
How to manage disk-only snapshots on QEMU?
sd flag

I'm trying to move my VirtualBox and Docker workflow to QEMU.

On those other systems, I would boot a public linux vm/container, edit to my liking. shut it down, and create a snapshot to then boot and discard changes. So i always have a pristine image to run my tests on.

On QEMU, I can't get to the exact the same workflow or find a good adaptation.

Instead of always saving layers of snapshots and having ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.