Latest Server related questions

Score: 0
Apoorv dev avatar
nginx and php-fpm waiting for server too long
ke flag

Hi I am using docker to mount nginx and a PHP-fpm using Falcon as a framework and react as the front end

`upstream fastcgi_backend {
server bfy-%APP_VERSION_UID%_buildify-php-fpm_1:90%FPM_PORT_PREFIX%;

server {
# Port 80 will require Nginx to be started with root permissions
# Depending on how you install Nginx to use port 80 you will need
# to start the server with `sudo` ports about 1000 do no ...
Score: 0
JayJay-K avatar
Customizing capability in migrating pod security admission
qa flag

From my understanding, in the pod security admission(PSA), there is no customization feature. We can only select one of the security levels (privileged, baseline or restricted)

Now, there is a pod which uses capability CAP_NET_ADMIN only. But, as you know, the 'baseline' level of PSA doesn't include CAP_NET_ADMIN. As a result, should this pod be created with 'privileged' level? Is my understandin ...

Score: 0
pileup avatar
How to change the value of "Configuration File (php.ini) Path"?
th flag

I have a few PHP apps running on IIS 10.

I set each app the right PHP version for it, and it works correctly, and the Loaded Configuration File shows the right path for each, however, only the apps using one of the PHP versions have value in the Configuration File (php.ini) Path when using phpinfo() (And it's not correct because the actual file is loaded from somewhere else, as defined by the PHPRC

Score: 0
Ariel avatar
CNAME not working in Lightsail Custom Domain
gp flag

I have a domain named Custom domain has the domain in it. It is registered outside AWS and Name Server is pointed to AWS Custom Domain in Lightsail. Here is the setup for it.

  1. Lightsail container hosts NextJS.
  2. AWS Cloudfront CDN in Lightsail points to Lightsail container. AWS ACM has certificate for '' and and is assigned to it.
  3. Custom domain has A record entry for ...
Score: 0
Khaled avatar
Kubeadm - Kubernetes: Failed to fetch
jm flag

I am trying to deploy kubernetes (kubeadm cluster) on ARM64 based Ubuntu 20.04 virtual machine.

I am getting the follwoing error when deploying kubeadm:

xxx@controller01:~$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings/
xxx@controller01:~$ curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/kubernetes-archive-keyring.gpg
xxx@controller01:~$ echo "deb [signed-by ...
Score: 0
TheManInOz avatar
Strange behaviour with Hyper-V Server 2019 and vCPU
cn flag

I'm not sure when it started, but I believe it wasn't always the case.

Dell R550 Server 2019 Standard with Hyper-V in a Cluster, 2 node. 2 x Intel Xeon Silver 4309Y 8C/16T, so in Windows it shows with 16C/32T. Started making new Server 2019 Standard guest VMs, and things seemed to operate normally. Copied over and imported some Server 2012 R2 VMs (v5.0) in-place, from Server 2012 and 2012 R2, and ...

Score: -1
Sabrina sage avatar
What could be causing PowerMTA not to forward emails over port 465 SSL...?
bi flag

We have a PowerMTA server that receives incoming e-mail. and forward it to external SMTP server that's not running PowerMTA i tried to do it using port 587 and port 25 both working fine and emails forwarded successfully but with port 465 its not working

Score: 1
Ballard avatar
Proxmox VE Dedicated Server OVH - Config Issues In Network Setup With 1 Public IP
cn flag

Problem: (No Internet & No DHCP)

I cannot seem to get my VM's to connect to the internet nor am I able to setup a DHCP server to automatically assign IPs to them.

Introduction/PSA for dupes: I've seen several articles, videos and questions here on exchange with regards to network best practices with Proxmox. However, over a few days, 11 server reinstalls and frustration I'm unable to get results with  ...

Score: 0
ignacio aranguren avatar
NAT forwarding IPTables
ng flag

Hi I am trying to connect machine A ( in a local network to machine B ( Machine B is the one that acts as the gateway to the public network.

I want to forward the traffic from A to Machine B 102.44.13, Machine B to connect to remote server C on the internet,and machine B to deliver the response from C to A.

After reading for a while, I manage to gather some ...

Score: 0
user7484496 avatar
SSH Ethernet Forwarding Does Not Seem to be Working
at flag

I have Ubuntu 22.04 on both the client and server. I have set PermitTunnel yes in sshd_config in both the client (I might not need it on the client) and the server. I have also set Tunnel yes and TunnelDevice any:any in the ssh_config in both the client and the server (I might not need it in the server), and ensured that the server is restarted after the configuration has been applied. I have setup ...

Score: 0
Tomcat redirects from https to http even though it shouldn't
bd flag

I had to change server cert for Tomcat and that's all what I've done. Now all of a sudden it redirects browsers from 443 to 80:

% wget
--2023-06-04 19:56:35--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: http://exam ...
Score: -1
jkoop avatar
How to install grub to a CD-RW?
cn flag

My very old server only has BIOS, no UEFI, and the boot order routine aborts booting when it encounters a drive larger than 2TB. The boot order is: CDs, HDDs, USBs, network. I cannot change the boot order because I don't know the BIOS password.

How can I install grub to a CD-R or CD-RW?

All of my HDD bays are taken by 4TB drives and I'm not changing that.

Score: 0
serlingpa avatar
Time Machine on macOS: having updated Ventura, now cannot backup
bt flag

I have been using a sparse bundle on an external RAID for my Time Machine backup for macOS.

However, I have just noticed that it has not been backing up since a recent update to Ventura. I can't recall what the update was to be honest!

So I tried to recall how I did this initially a year or so ago, and it involved sudo tmutil setdestination/inheritbackup...not actually sure.

In any event, I now cann ...

Score: 0
dario59 avatar
Winexe error NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE executing script from Linux to Windows Server 2012
ae flag

I've installed winexe on my linux machine. I want to use it to execute some script on a Windows Servre 2012. It doesn't work, the error is NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE.

I've followed this guide to install winexe:

I've enabled SMBv1 and SMBv2 on Windows Server. The script I'm trying to execute is:

./bin/winexe -U administrator%pwd4administrator //serverip "cmd.exe" I've do ...

Score: 0
NKnusperer avatar
Atom Parker Ridge intel_pstate: CPU model not supported? High power draw
in flag

I have a Supermicro A3SPI-8C-LN6PF board which features an embedded Intel Atom C5325 CPU running Proxmox (Debian 11.6, Kernel 6.2.11). dmesg is reporting intel_pstate: CPU model not supported and I'm wondering what could be the reason. I also noticed that the CPU package power draw is around ~21W when idling (scaling_governor=ondemand, all cores at 800 MHz) which seems a bit high? More interestingly the ...

Score: 0
Mihir Savla avatar
website extremely slow after enabling ssl with nginx on react website
mt flag

This is my nginx sites available folder on a digital ocean Ubuntu v22 VPS:

server{   server_name;

      location / {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
Score: 2
Keith Palmer Jr. avatar
What does "sudo ethtool -K tx-checksum-ip-generic off" do exactly? Should I be worried about turning it off?
ca flag

Recently upgraded to Debian 11 bullseye, and our Docker swarm nodes had trouble talking to each other, and started dropping some connections.

After much Google-ing, we stumbled on these threads:

And specifically this command, which fixed the issue:

ethtool -K <interface> tx-checksum-ip-generic off ...

Score: 0
storestyggeulv avatar
Iptables rule to capture DHCP I/O fails
ht flag

I have stumbled upon a peculiar issue with Iptables. I am not seeking a solution to a problem, but an explanation of some strange behaviour of iptables.

My platform is Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS with 5.19.0-43-generic kernel, using a wireless interface "wlp1s0" (Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX200 M.2) managed by NetworkManager.

While trying to optimize my laptop iptables configuration for existence on insecure networks l ...

Score: 0
Gui55aume avatar
How can I make Kubernetes use a private repository by default with Nexus and Containerd?
pl flag

K8S need to use private repo by default

I'm currently trying to use Nexus Repo by default for Kubernetes. But I have 2 problems. The first one is that if I don't specify the repository, it will directly search on, despite the fact that I've specified. Also my K8S is using containerd.


endpoint = ["http ...
Score: 0
Gui55aume avatar
Why is Keycloak not functioning properly in my one Master and one worker Kubernetes cluster using Rook?
pl flag

Rook Problem | PVC

Currently, Rook doesn't seem to be working properly, but it's important to note that I only have one Master and one worker, which is intended for testing purposes.

Here are the steps I followed:

kubectl create -f crds.yaml -f common.yaml -f operator.yaml
kubectl create -f cluster.yaml
│ NAMESPACE↑     NAME                                               PF   READY  RESTARTS STAT ...
Score: 1
user182945 avatar
can't ping or nslookup outside the LAN
in flag

Ubuntu 18.04 cannot ping or nslookup outside the LAN.

When I do nslookup hangs for a while and returns ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reachedI cannot ping but I can ping, my gateway. The server is using netplan. When I do a netplan apply, I don't get errors. Here is my netplan config file.

  version: 2
Score: 0
robot2022 avatar
Compute Engine Instance loses network access
sm flag

I am using multiple Compute Engine Instances and randomly sometimes they seem to be loosing network access. Nothing changed, the certain instance in this case was running about 80 days without any error.

In /var/log/syslog the following erros appear:

Jun  2 17:15:11 alpha google_guest_agent[451]: ERROR main.go:178 Error watching metadata: Get " ...
Score: 0
Graham Leggett avatar
What is the stable DNS name of an EC2 instance?
cn flag

Given an EC2 instance spun up in AWS, does AWS provide a stable, predictable, DNS name that resolves to both the public IPv4 and public IPv6 addresses of that instance?

If so, where can I find this name, and how do I turn this name on?

Stable means that name will not change if the instance is stopped. This rules out the classic IPv4 DNS names that contained the randomly assigned IPv4 address.

Public me ...

Score: 1
user3142695 avatar
Failed pvc attachment using kubernetes longhorn
cn flag

I'm running a self hosted RKE2 (rancher) kubernetes cluster (1.27) and longhorn (1.4.2) and I need some help for the correct configuration. I'm deploying some database stuff via helm, like mongoDB, redis, postgres and minio. Every database ca be deployed by it's own without a problem. But if I try to run every helm chart, randomly some deployment fail with an attachement error of the PVC:

AttachVol ...
Score: 0
Dmitry avatar
Cloudmin backup size
us flag

we are using Cloudmin under CentOS 7.9. to manage Xen virtual machines that use LVM. It's all backed up once a week (via Cloudmin's built-in backup system, which I think just uses dd). Last week I noticed one thing: on one system, I deleted 150GB of data, but the backup remained 300GB, as if I had not deleted anything. Who has experienced this?

Score: 0
jurgen avatar
How do I disable logging from systemd when I login
gt flag

My journald log contains lots of messages of this kind:

Jun 03 11:38:37 test1 systemd[225427]: pam_unix(systemd-user:session): session opened for user user(uid=1000) by (uid=0)
Jun 03 11:38:37 test1 systemd[225427]: Queued start job for default target Main User Target.
Jun 03 11:38:37 test1 systemd[225427]: Reached target Paths.
Jun 03 11:38:37 test1 systemd[225427]: Reached target Sockets.
Jun 03  ...
Score: 0
Tunis0101 avatar
Synchronizing load balanced Linux servers
me flag

I want to load-balance two dedicated linux servers, I'm planning to do that using round robin DNS, but I can't find a way to synchronize the servers to be identical. The servers are running a perl script (minimum change) and I think it's possible to synchronize that with a simple bash script of rsync on a cron job. But the problem is that script depends on a mariadb database that changes a lot and I don ...

Score: 4
TopherIsSwell avatar
How do I troubleshoot a zfs dataset that the server when the server can't agree if it's mounted or not?
ps flag

I have a ZFS dataset that exists in /proc/mounts and in /etc/mtab, but the folder doesn't exist in the filesystem, zfs umount reports the dataset doesn't exist, and zfs mount reports that the dataset is already mounted.

This is on RHEL 8.8 (fully updated) running zfs dkms 2.1.11-1

Is it possible to umount this dataset without rebooting the server? How would I even begin to troubleshoot this sort o ...

Score: 0
cw w avatar
How can I restore lost data after executing the xfs_repair command to forcibly clear log files to restore the file system?
in flag

I already know how to do xfs meta data backup. To repair the xfs file system, only the xfs_repair -L lv command is available. I will move the abnormal Inodes to the lost+found directory after I want to perform the repair. Would you like to ask if there is any way to use lost+found backup for data combing to reduce the amount of lost data? Or are there better ways to reduce data loss?

Score: 0
xtg avatar
Mikrotik NAT rules does not trigger
ao flag

I have a LAN subnet connected to my CCR-1036. this router acts as DHCP server and Hotspot for users to access internet, a third party accounting server ( is connected to this CCR-1036 router as well. The router is behind a FortiGate firewall ( and the firewall is connected to ISP, firewall has a connection on the other side to ESX-i server( f ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.