Latest Server related questions

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Adam A avatar
How can I set up AWS Client VPN using IAM roles for authentication?
kr flag

Context: I am trying to set up Postgres RDS in a private_isolated subnet of a VPC. I want to use pgAdmin to do work on it, which means I either need a bastion or a VPN connection. A bastion requires a long-running EC2 instance, and I currently don't have any EC2 running at all. I would like to set up the VPN connection as that seems more to-the-point. We don't have AD or a SAML provider though - we have ...

Score: 0
jak kaj avatar
Ping to/from KVM QEMU VM running in another network namespace
om flag

I cannot ping to the default network namespace from a KVM QEMU VM running in a separate network namespace.

Here is my setup:

ip netns add test-ns

# Creating veth
ip link add if-in-ns type veth peer name if-notin-ns
# Default namespace
ip link addr add dev if-notin-ns
ip link set dev if-notin-ns up
# Test-ns namespace
ip link set dev if-in-ns netns test-ns
ip netns exec test-ns ip addr a ...
Score: 0
Nikko avatar
cors policy blocking request from my docker django nginx app
ng flag

I am trying to make a POST request from my React app deployed locally to my dockerized Djano app deployed in Google Compute Engine. I am receiving this error:

Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'http://X.X.X.X/register/' from origin 'http://localhost:3000' has been blocked by CORS policy: The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains multiple values '*, *', but only one is allowed.

I have added django-cor ...

Score: 0
Jeethesh Kotian avatar
EC2 server losses internet connection and application fails to send email, sms and even yum updates
cn flag

I have 5 EC2 servers in the same VPC and all of a sudden yesterday, all of my applications started failing to send email and sms. So I tried doing git pull of my project it also timed out. Then tried to install telnet using yum that to failed with Time out. I have checked almost everything including Network ACLs, Security Groups, Subnets, Iptables, etc and everything is correct. I am not sure why is  ...

Score: 0
Apoorv Pal avatar
How to create a shared Disk with the image stored on Host in KVM?
gr flag

I am currently trying to setup a disk, using the raw img format on the host, which is then shared between multiple guest VMs (which are running Alpine Linux), using the libvirt / KVM virtualization platform. While I attached the disk to different guest VMs (the disk is given the <shareable/> tag in the XML configuration), it seems to work fine except that the disk needs to be remounted to check  ...

Score: 0
Rabin avatar
Established TCP connection but no data is returned
in flag

I'm running a simple registry with podman and bind it to a local private IP address.

podman container create \
   --name insecure-registry \
   --privileged=True \
   --volume /var/lib/registry:/var/lib/registry:rw \
   --publish \

And when I try to expose the registry using port-forwarding to a limited source IP's, from w ...

Score: 0
Legends avatar
Permission for Users group successfully modified via code, but change is not reflected in Security tab for the Users group
id flag

I have C# code (at the end) which:

  1. Creates a file
  2. Prints the current ACL
  3. Gives the builtin users group "write permissions" to the previously created file
  4. Prints the current modified ACL

The write permissions are successfully assigned via code as you can see in the console ouput.

enter image description here

My question is: Why does the security tab of the file, not reflect this permission change for the Users group ?

enter image description here

C# code ...

Score: 1
Anvay avatar
Nova Compute State "down"
US flag

I am doing a live migration test in an OpenStack cluster. (Mitaka). I have 3 VMs deployed on 2 compute hosts. The nova-compute state is UP when I start the cluster. But after sometime the although the status is Enabled the state is down because of which my VMs get disrupted.

root@ctl:/var/log/nova# openstack compute service list
+----+------------------+--------------------------------------------- ...
Score: 0
codeman avatar
Nginx phpbb3 2 urls
in flag

I have Nginx installed and i want to config the forum.

The url EXAMPLE: Forum phpbb3 Access : Another web into the same domain: Nginx forum path /var/www/html/foro ( Nginx web path /var/www/html/web (

I created the Nginx configuration, but only let me to access to, if i put or{whatever you li ...

Score: 0
demu avatar
Azure AD B2C on backend or front end?
tr flag

I have a service oriented application where the fornt end is a NextJs application and the backend is a .net core API project.

I want to use Azure AD B2C to provide Authentication.

Should I configure AD on the front end to perform the login and send the token to the backend api or should I do it on the API backend side?

In particular, If I configure also Google login, Can it be done on the APIs with AD  ...

Score: 0
Tip32a avatar
Access a log on a remote Windows server locally in near realtime
za flag

I am using Windows server 2019 and an application that creates .log text files.

I need a way to be able to copy these logs (well their contents) to another location via the internet in near real-time. I know there are a dozen or more complex remote file sync apps. I am looking for simple. The remote PC is running windows.

Thanks Tom

Score: 1
Budianto IP avatar
Why doesn't the timezonedb extension have the latest data?
cn flag

I've created a Dockerfile, and I use the wordpress:php7.4-apache.

I've tried to install the timezonedb extension using 3 different methods separately.

Method 1.

RUN docker-php-source extract \
    && pecl bundle -d /usr/src/php/ext timezonedb \
    && docker-php-ext-configure timezonedb \
    && docker-php-ext-install -j$(nproc) timezonedb \
    && docker-php-source del ...
Score: 0
El-Salatinie avatar
postfix mail consumes too much memory of ubuntu server
cn flag

I had an issue, that the mail server always crashes. after investigations i found out, that it is a system memory issue. server had 8GB Ram and i've increased it to 16GB. it is now much better but still consuming too much memory.

following is top processes in my server:


top - 15:36:40 up  7:58,  1 user,  load average: 91.59, 92.19, 91.31
Tasks: 455 total,  92 running, 306 sleeping,   0 stopped,   ...
Score: 0
Rob Gilton avatar
How to allow connections from in-cloud kubernetes pods to an on-premises network?
in flag

We have a private on-premises network with some servers that need to remain on-premises. We want to allow pods in our in-cloud kubernetes cluster (linode) to be able to talk to those private servers, without exposing those private servers to the internet as a whole.

If this were not kubernetes, we'd use an IPSec VPN to do this -- but I'm not sure how to get something similar done in kubernetes.  ...

Score: 0
Greendrake avatar
AWS Elastic Inference not working after waking up from hibernation
ng flag

I babysit a Python daemon in an EC2 instance watching incoming jobs and running PyTorch inferences on them in Elastic Inference.

When there are no jobs, I hibernate the instance. When there are jobs, the instance is waken up and the Python script continues its loop from where it was frozen.

When the script tries to run an inference after waking up from hibernation, it throws this error:

EI Error C ...
Score: 0
Steve Moretz avatar
firewall-cmd block outgoing connection to an ip list
in flag

I have searched a lot about this, this is possible to have many of these commands one for each ip:

/usr/bin/firewall-cmd --direct --add-rule ipv4 filter OUTPUT 0 -d ::FFFF: -j REJECT
/usr/bin/firewall-cmd --direct --add-rule ipv4 filter OUTPUT 0 -d ::FFFF: -j REJECT
/usr/bin/firewall-cmd --direct --add-rule ipv4 filter OUTPUT 0 -d ::FFFF: -j REJECT

Score: 1
hachan29 avatar
Nginx UDP proxy shared connection is busy
pr flag

We are proxying UDP packets for a game server through a Nginx reverse proxy. Clients timeout very often because the Nginx can't handle the requests. Initially it works flawlessly, but when more clients are connected to the game server (40-50), we encounter problems.

How could we make Nginx handle it?

Here is the proxy setup

stream {
    upstream backend {
        server [server-ip]:[port];

    ser ...
Score: 0
Sawtaytoes avatar
With iptables, is it possible to route only certain domains?
cn flag

I'm routing specific devices through a separate gateway device that connects to a Tailscale VPN exit node.

I'm using this command so my device can act as NAT router to Tailscale:

sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o tailscale0 -j MASQUERADE

But this only works because I've enabled IP forwarding in sysctl:

sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
sudo sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1

I'd like to be more ...

Score: 0
Mohamad Reza avatar
Can't create a pseudo network interface on Debian 11
lb flag

I have a KVM based Debian 11 (bullseye) VPS with internet access on eth0 network adapter. The public IP has been assigned by DHCP. The IPs and Routes are as what follows:

ifconfig and iptable BEFORE adding new interface

Note: Due to hide my server IP, the public IP is masked in the images.

Now, I created a dummy network interface named eth1 and assigned a private IP address (

modprobe dumm ...
Score: 0
Radu avatar
STUN-TURN: Access denied by service policy
no flag

Hi trying to configure conversations android app to make calls through ejabberd, when i debug using adb i get this error in the log returned: "Access denied by service policy". Looks like some permission issue on ejabberd allowing clients access to the built in stun/turn server. please help what i need to tweak.

Score: 0
Sam avatar
Unexpected ZFS async write performance at different queue depths
ms flag

For some reason, QD2 seems to be the best in terms of raw IOPS...

After seeing an interesting article comparing a couple different drives for SLOG usage, I got curious about the performance of my own system at different queue depths.

The system comprises an i9-13900K, 128GB DDR5-4800 system mem and two Samsung 980 PROs as single mirrored Vdev. The test is running FIO in the following config in a conta ...

Score: -1
Ярослав Рахматуллин avatar
What's the name of the component that allows a hot-swap power supply to slot-in and provides all the cables in a 1..4U server?

In contrast to consumer grade PSUs, server PSUs sometimes come without cables. From what I gather, these are usually of the redundant variety or so called "1+1" configuration. I wander if there is a generic name for the component inside the servers into which these PSUs slot into.

I have seen different types of connectors, both more modern ones (gold finger) that look like a PCIe connector and ol ...

Score: 0
Add Azure D drive (temporary storage) to a migrated VM
kh flag

Any VM created in Azure is given a D drive; a temporary storage drive attached to the hypervisor; which gives better performance than the data disks as it's closer to the VM's compute resources. This comes at the cost of the contents not being persisted should the VM be deallocated / move to different host.

When you use Azure Migrate to move a VM from a non-Azure solution (e.g. an on-premise vm ...

Score: 0
Saurav Gupta avatar
Getting 404 on a specific path /pricing with Apache server
bq flag

I've set up an Apache server on Ubuntu 20.04

The site loads fine when I load the home page first ( and after that when I click on the pricing button and it takes me to and the that page loads fine as well.

But when I go directly to in the browser, I get a 404

Here is what I have in /etc/apache2/sites-available/leadzilla.a ...

Score: 0
Vasily Romanov avatar
Can't do an in-place Update of an Azure cloud service (extended support) after a VIP swap - Public IP is in use (error)
ss flag

I have successfully performed a VIP swap on a pair of Azure cloud services (extended support) that had Reserved IP addresses (static, although I don't think it matters).

Now I can Update (by uploading a new package) neither of them, although it had worked like a charm before the swap. In fact, I can't even complete the deployment (update) configuration form because of an error displayed for the P ...

Score: 0
William Holland avatar
How can I redirect established connections with iptables?
cv flag

I am trying to create iptables rules to redirect all traffic destined for port 1986 to port 9 to provoke a “connection refused” using the following rule:

iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 1986 -j DNAT --to-destination :9

This works great for new connections, but the problem is that established connections seem to skip this rule and are not refused.

I have tried adding a NOTRACK

Score: 2
DanRan avatar
nmap vulnerability scan reports " smtps on port 465 ssl-dh-params" vulnerability, on Ubuntu 20.04 webserver. How to close the vulnerabilty?
mx flag

I am running an Ubuntu 20.04 LEMP (Linux, Nginx, MariaDb, PHP) email/web server. I am also doing some nmap vulnerability tests form my MacOS Client machine. On MacOS, I am using Oh My Zsh! with the nmap plugin enabled. To do some vulnerability tests on my Ubuntu Server from my MacOS client machine, I issued the command:

nmap_check_for_vulns my.server.ip.address

which is an alias command for

nmap  ...
Score: 0
b_maze avatar
error 550 when IMAP users send mail to outside
vc flag

in the newly installed exchange 2019 I'm facing a problem, employees that send mails to outside with IMAP are getting this error in their inbox:

Server error: '550 5.7.54 SMTP; Unable to relay recipient in non-accepted domain'

the receive connector is the default connector and the domain that users are created is different than the email domain, here is the log I found the log

the is the rea ...

Score: 1
rguttersohn avatar
What does "connect() failed (101: Network is unreachable) while resolving" in NGINX error log mean?
np flag

Earlier this week, we host a live virtual event on our organization's website that had higher-than-expected attendance. We had several complaints from users saying they either couldn't get into the event or couldn't click on links we were pushing in the chat because of 502 Gateway errors.

I am trying to determine what exactly went wrong to see if we need to move our AWS EC2 instance up a tier or  ...

Score: 0
DanRan avatar
nmap vuln script detects vulnerability "Apache byterange filter DoS http-vuln-cve2011-3192" in Ubuntu Webserver, but apache2 not installed on server
mx flag

I am running an Ubuntu 20.04 LEMP (Linux, Nginx, MariaDb, PHP) webserver. I am also doing some nmap vulnerability tests form my MacOS Client machine. On MacOS, I am using Oh My Zsh! with the nmap plugin enabled. To do some vulnerability tests on my Ubuntu Server from my MacOS client machine, I issued the command:

nmap_check_for_vulns my.server.ip.address

which is an alias command for

nmap --script=v ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.