Latest Ubuntu related questions

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Vasant avatar
How to enable or force files sent to “trash folder” when user deletes any files over FTP client (ubunut18.04 server OS)
de flag

We have linux server with OS as "Ubuntu 18.04 Server", we use bitvise ssh client or other ftp client to access our server.

So deleted files should be send to "trash folder" when user deletes it on ftp client.

Any solution how to force the deleted files available in trash folder?

Score: 1
dawnslayer avatar
Do I need to use both chown nobody:users and chmod 755
in flag

In the command line chown nobody:users /mnt/user/A && chmod 755 /mnt/user/A can I use only chmod 755 /mnt/user/A to give access to anyone or do I need both to make it fully accessible for everyone?

Score: 0
Ringer avatar
Dummy Output help required
it flag

The issue I'm having is I don't have any audio coming from the laptop, when I go into settings all I have listed is "dummy output". The problem just randomly started with no indication of why, one day it was working just fine the next I didn't have sound.

I've spend quite a few hours reading other posts trying to find something to fix the dummy output issue on my laptop (Acer Swift), but nothing  ...

Score: 0
Digvijay L. Prakash avatar
gnome-tweaks fontsize increase does not work with non-system apps
mq flag

I need to increase the font-size of my OS and everything else in general (Ubuntu 20.04 gnome). When I do this using gnome-tweaks, it works for things like nautilus and some other gnome apps but not for third party softwares (eg. xmgrace, gnuplot, matlab etc.) Kindly let me know if there is any solution for this problem.

Sorry if this has already been answered before.

Score: 0
YQ002lc2 avatar
Fixing fcitx-table-quick*
cd flag


fcitx-table-quick* IMEs are virtually unusable. You need to scroll through ~9 pages of characters just to get to a commonly used character and it has no phrases.

To fix this, I want to import 's character order as well as English and Chinese phrases into my fcitx-table-quick* tables.


  1. Do you know a quick way to convert:
a 日 曰
aa 間 暗 暑 昌 晠...
Score: 0
nmp avatar
Web Server Uses Plain-Text Form Based Authentication
in flag

Qualys detected this below THREAT: The Web server uses plain-text form based authentication. A web page exists on the target host which uses an HTML login form. This data is sent from the client to the server in plain-text.

in the results i can see this is mentioned RESULTS: GET /phpmyadmin/index.php HTTP/1.0

and form method starting and closing.

any suggestion to fix this. i have ubuntu 20.04(focal) w ...

Score: 0
psikogeek avatar
4k 60 Hz video with AMD APU
va flag

Can I get 3840x2160 at 60 Hz as indicated by the motherboard and AMD specs? If so how?

I thought that I'd navigate to MENU->Settings->Display to set display resolution and vertical sync, but there is no option for rate settings there.

I've tampered with xrandr and get this message, "failed to get size of gamma for output default."

I can reach 30 Hz as shown by the TV I'm driving and some display  ...

Score: 1
Prasad D. Warnakulasuriya avatar
How to Merge unpartitioned space with partitioned system disk in Ubuntu Server
br flag

I recently installed ubuntu-server and allocated 49GB for system But there was unpartitioned 1tb storage. I forgot to setup that.

Here is the result of lsblk.

loop0    7:0    0 55.4M  1 loop /snap/core18/2128
loop1    7:1    0 61.8M  1 loop /snap/core20/1081
loop3    7:3    0 68.2M  1 loop /snap/lxd/21039
loop4    7:4    0 32.3M  1 loop /snap/snapd/12398
l ...
Score: -2
dhruv avatar
ran rm -r /* now almost everything is deleted can i recover it?
dz flag

root@ / () $ history -bash: history: /home/lavelle/.bash_history: cannot create: No such file or directory -bash: /usr/lib/command-not-found: /usr/bin/python3: bad interpreter: No such file or directory -bash: /usr/bin/colrm: No such file or directory

is there any way to recover it?

Score: 0
Custom LVM during 20.04 desktop install
tr flag

I am looking for confirmation that it's currently not possible to customize LVM installation using the standard Ubuntu 20.04 LTS desktop install media.

It appears to me that if you want an LVM based installation, that you have to accept what the installer does by default, which does not provide the partition separation required by most (all) compliance frameworks such as CIS or 800-171.

On Ubuntu se ...

Score: 0
Apache and/or MySQL Blown Away Mysteriously
br flag

I am using Ubuntu 20.04 under VirtualBox with Windows 10 as the host. The problem I had has occurred to me twice within 3 days.

I am doing Drupal development work with a fairly large database which I had to occasionally reload. My disk usage is at 75% but later on I see it climbing to as high as 90%. I try to clean up as much as I can but disk usage is still climbing. Over time, Apache and MySQ ...

Score: 0
How do I Mount an Encrypted ZFS Drive?
ng flag

Although I've been using Ubuntu since 2006, I'm new to ZFS & encryption...

I'm playing with a proof of concept VM that has been loaded up with Ubuntu 2104. During the installation, when going through the partitioning screens, I selected the option to set up the drive with ZFS and encryption. My goal was to see whether or not I could recover files from an encrypted ZFS system via an Ubuntu Live env ...

Score: 0
ujjwal Gupta avatar
Abnormal Display Glitch On MacBook Pro mid 2015 (Ubuntu)
fi flag

This is the video of what is happening:

I have tried Ubuntu 20.04 and 21.04 (and also PopOS) and the issue persists. Also the weird display happens not only on the desktop but at boot and when shuting it down.

Adding acpi-osi= to the boot parameters, installing

Score: 0
Ronald Liu avatar
Media (Youtube Spotify) stutters
kz flag

Whenever I try to watch YouTube, listen to Spotify or any other video, it stutters to the point it is unwatchable/unlistenable. I have tried to update my wifi driver, but I think it is already up-to-date.

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.