Latest Server related questions

Score: 1
Foxrider83 avatar
Change the Docker context in Docker-Desktop
id flag

I installed Docker-Desktop on Ubuntu 22.04.
Docker-Desktop use the desktop-linux context while I want to use the 'default' context.
Where is the configuration parameter to change the context used by Docker-Desktop ?

Score: 0
noje89 avatar
/dev/md0 - wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/md0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error
dm flag

I recently had issues with a raid filesystem I created and had some bad luck. I started creating a raid0 one one disk with the intent to expend it afterwards. I had data on two drives and had only one spare to migrate from an ntfs windows to linux raid ext4.

I created the raid and copied data on it and everything was working according to plan. Afterwards I added the emptied disk to the raid which ...

Score: 0
JoaMika avatar
Install latest version of Nginx on Ubuntu
cn flag

I can see that the latest mainline version of nginx is 1.23.4

My Ubuntu server is running nginx version: nginx/1.22.1

I have tried these commands but it still updates to 1.22.1.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/nginx
sudo apt update
sudo apt remove nginx
sudo apt install nginx

Is version 1.23.4 not available for Ubuntu ?

Score: 1
Jacopo Nasi avatar
extract full path FIND with special character handling
in flag

Executing a comand like:

find /some_path -mtime -3 -type f -name "*.txt"

the out is something like:

/some_path/file 1.txt

If I include this output in rsync with something like:

rsync --progress --protect-args --files-from=<(find /source_path -mtime -3 -type f -name "*.txt") /source_path /dest_path

The command will make the copy just for file 2.txt for the first one the o ...

Score: 0
Nelson Mejia avatar
Openldap LogLevel : Log timestamp in milliseconds
mu flag

Does anyone know how to configure the Loglevel in Openldap to log milliseconds? The current loglevel 256 does log day and time (Jan 13 10:32:12). We have tried different levels none of them capable of logging in milliseconds.

Score: -1
Andy avatar
Cannot access Windows 10 host using RDP after uninstalling Norton
cz flag

After uninstalling Norton, I lost access to a Windows 10 host using RDP. Currently using TeamViewer to logon. RDP displays an error:

"Your Remote Desktop Service session has ended, possibly for one of the following reasons"

enter image description here

I didn't change anything at all other than uninstalling Norton with NRN (Norton Removal Tool). What happened?

Score: 0
stefanu avatar
IIS and reverse proxy outbound rules
mn flag

I am trying to setup a reverse proxy using IIS 10 on Windows Server 2016 that must pass requests to an Apache Tomcat webapp.

It works for URLs within the 'basic' tags (such as a or img), but I need to configure outbound rules to process more than the tags that the IIS configuration offers (a, iframe, img, ...), such as :

  • <use xlink:href="..." >
  • <button onclick="..." >

Using custom t ...

Score: 0
unLimit avatar
Idea restore data instance by snapshot openstack!
mg flag

My wish is to restore the instance's data back to the data of any created snapshot and keep the IP assigned to that instance.

I have tried a few ideas with no success:

  1. From the snapshot create a new volume then assign that volume to the instance. Then detach the root volume of the instance then attach the new volume to the instance but not always get the error "Can't detach root device".
  2. From the  ...
Score: 0
chris_yooo avatar
Proxmox on Hetzner, 2 IPs - 1 NIC - no subnet, routed configuration
pr flag

i need help with my PROXMOX / VM network problems :S that problem is similiarto but only similiar: Proxmox Routed Network Configuration on Hetzner Server

i got no inet connection with my VM debian/11, Hetzner gaves me 2 IP's:

49.12.XXX.31/26 first one: D4:5D:XX:BC:E9:9B 49.12.XXX.25/26 second one mac: 00:50:XX:00:19:A3

both got the same gateway and brcst 49.12.XXX.1 49.12.XXX.69 ...

Score: 0
Emad Sh avatar
Forward Wireguard traffic to another port
cn flag

I have installed Wireguard on server A with below configuration:

Address =
ListenPort = 51820
PrivateKey = <server private key>
# Firewall rules
PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -A FORWARD -o %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ens160 -j MASQUERADE
PostDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -D FORWARD -o %i -j ACCEPT; i ...
Score: 0
gsandorx avatar
Cygwin SSHD AuthorizedKeysCommand
ug flag

I'm trying to setup cygwin sshd to call a script via the AuthorizedKeysCommand. I can see the error messsage in the Windows EventViewer stating that:

sshd: PID 5178: error: Unsafe AuthorizedKeysCommand "/tmp/myscript": bad ownership or modes for file /tmp/myscript

The Cygwin SSHD service runs as the SYSTEM account. I've tried several options, including setting the ownership of the file to SYSTEM:SYSTEM ...

Score: 0
Genom avatar
How can I check if an outgoing connection is blocked by local firewall?
si flag

I have a situation, where my server can't connect to an SMTP server, while my PC can. But the same server can connect to another SMTP server. I think that my firewall might be blocking it. How can I reliably test, if this issue caused by my firewall/iptables? Ideally, with or each one alone.

There are many rules in the iptables and I may miss things. I was thinking of a tool, which would tell m ...

Score: 0
Ilya Yevlampiev avatar
: Error response from daemon: Invalid container name ('activemq'), only [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-] are allowed
cn flag

Running Docker desktop on windows.

docker run --name='activemq' -it --rm -P webcenter/activemq:latest
docker: Error response from daemon: Invalid container name ('activemq'), only [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-] are allowed.
See 'docker run --help'.

As you may see, 'activemq' fits the allowed mask. What could be the reason.I'm forced to run it just without the name explicitly set.

The Docker details are below: ...

Score: 2
Scott Vandiver avatar
What is the proper formatting for a classless reverse DNS zone (RFC2317)?
in flag

Good Day,

I'm looking for some help in setting up my zone record correctly for a delegated zone (classless reverse DNS) (*names and IPs have been changed).

I have the following net-block assigned to my service, and I've asked Comcast to please delegate the Reverse DNS so I can manage the PTR records. To the best of my knowledge Comcast has properly setup their side (the ...

Score: 0
Pete avatar
Ansible :: Am I not using the `cisco.ios.ios_facts` module?
ca flag

I'm trying to build a simple POC ansible playbook that logs into a Cisco router and pulls the config. About my environment:

  • My Ubuntu is Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
  • My Ansible is version ansible 2.10.7 (Python ver 3.6.9)
  • My Ansible-Playbook is version 2.10.7 (Python ver 3.6.9)
  • The router is running Cisco IOS Version 15.4(3)M3 (not IOS XR)

From my research (here and here), I'm pretty certain that I need to use  ...

Score: 0
Brady Gunn avatar
Running Next.JS app on Apache VPS server, can't get HTTPS to work
cu flag

I have a Next.JS app running on a VPS server on port 1234. I have reversed proxied it via the Apache include for the subdomain with the following lines:

SSLProxyEngine on

ProxyPass /.well-known !

ProxyPass /

ProxyPassReverse /

The app works fine when I go to but when I go to I get a 403 error. What am I doing wrong?

Score: 0
E_Blue avatar
Do I need to get a certificate to enable HTTPS if I'm running my own server?
us flag

I have a server with several domains but over HTTP and now I need to enable HTTPS.

Do I need to get a certificate to enable HTTPS if I'm running my own server?

I'm asking because all the pages that I read are for people that are using a third party server and have a panel to ask for a certificate. I don't have that; I'm running on Apache and all the modifications are made it by editing files.

Would som ...

Score: 1
JamieB avatar
nftables: getting a per-port whitelist to work
uz flag

Setup: Ubuntu 20.04, created a bridge "br0" with brctl, added three physical ports to it: enp10s0, enp7s0 and enp5s0.

The desire: enp5s0 and enp7s0 should be able to talk to each other on the bridge unimpeded (in the end, there will be more than these two, so I'm trying to keep the rules as simple as possible). enp10s0 is the "outside world" link and I want to whitelist what I let into the bridg ...

Score: 0
RegreTTO avatar
Kubernetes cluster external connection
gg flag

I have 2 services (1 -- httpd + php, 2 -- go gin). They have same configuration. The problem is that I can connect externally only to one of these, while the second one throws error, but if I connect from within cluster, all is ok. I deploy them through helm using 1 base chart for each.

IPs -- abc. port: 9999 -- my-k8s-app. port: 80


curl: (7) Failed to connect to 192.168. ...
Score: 0
Stephan avatar
How to change default bridge subnet for nerdctl
gh flag

With nerdctl, I can change the subnet of the default bridge in /etc/cni/net.d/nerdctl-bridge.conflist to, e.g., However, nerdctl still assigns for new bridges (nerdctl network create foo).

How can I configure nerdctl to start at another base subnet?

Score: 0
chorus6 avatar
Ping request generates response but sender doesn't see response
et flag

I have an embedded linux system with an ethernet PHY that is connected to a switch and then directly to my PC. After setting static IP addresses I found I could not get a working ping in either direction. Using Wireshark I notice that the ping ARP request is received and a response sent but it appears that the sender never sees the response (From icmp_seq=130 Destination Host Unreachable) ...

Score: 0
R3uben avatar
Is Azure AD (only) enough for simple identity requirements
pf flag

I'm looking at helping out a small business, who currently operates four very small branch offices (ranging from 4 - 10 windows PCs). Currently, shared accounts are used on these machines - obviously this is a pain, not to mention the security aspect.

Access to information once logged into each machine is restricted via practice management software; the accounts to which are thankfully managed ce ...

Score: 1
cnrdvdsmt avatar
Error When Trying to Use Windows Server 2016 Native VPN Client to Connect to Fortigate VPN
vi flag

Good day all.

I am stuck trying to troubleshoot an error on windows server 2016 using the native vpn client to connect to a fortigate VPN that I had setup.

Initially I was having errors to due with error 789 for which I re-enabled and set to automatic start both the IKE/IPSEC Keying service and the IPSEC policy agent.

After this I tried to connect again to the VPN server, but this time it is giving me  ...

Score: 1
Bobby avatar
How to install Web Deploy for IIS, now that Web Platform Installer has been retired?
md flag

I'm trying to install WebDeploy (for publishing IIS sites from remote Visual Studio) on a new Windows Server 2022 machine.

We used to use the Web Platform Installer to install WebDeploy, however this tool has been retired as of December 31, 2022.

I've found an .msi installer for Web Deploy version 4.0, however when running the installer I am told there is a newer version installed already. I don't  ...

Score: 0
Kalmar avatar
How to declare Vault secrets containing equals sign as environment variables using Kubernetes?
br flag

I want to declare Vault secrets as environment variables while using Kubernetes with following configuration:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: consumer-xyz
  replicas: 1
      app: consumer-xyz
      annotations: "true" "tru ...
Score: 0
biplab  avatar
Not able to Fetch email in otrs
pg flag

I am trying to setup a otrs ticketing tool , the tool needs to fetch email and generate ticket, when I am setting that with my google mail account its working however when I am using my professional mail it is not. its still fetching the email but the tickets are not getting generated, any help on this.

the log says

CommunicationLog(ID:35,AccountType:-,AccountID:-,Direction:Incoming,Transport:Ema ...

Score: 0
strange avatar
NGINX config proxy_set_header Host $host prevents IP address from being set
dj flag

My NGINX server has following Server Block

upstream main {
  #Add entries one per upstream server
  server web01:4000 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=5s;
  server web01:4001 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=5s;
server {  
  ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
  ssl_protocols TLSv1.2;
  ssl_ciphers EECDH+ECDSA+AESGCM;
  ssl_certificate  webserver.pem;
  ssl_certificate_key webserver.key;
  server_tokens off;
Score: 0
Peter avatar
In Openstack, as a user, how can I list or see the admin-created routers?
bf flag

Using OpenStack-ansible Yoga : as a user in OpenStack I can see all admin-created provider networks in Horizon Network-Topology but I cannot see any admin-created routers, not in the Horizon interface and not in the cli interface. Consequence is that, as a user, my network topology graph does not show me to which provider network I am connected too as there are no routers visible. The connection is ther ...

Score: 0
cookie_marsh avatar
Apache Ignite - Automatic Cluster Snapshot Create / Restore Procedure
sy flag

When trying the Apache Ignite cluster snapshot procedure (snapshot create, restore), the restore operation is not successful.

Before the restore procedure, we have destroyed the cache which we want to restore (according to the official documentation), but still the same error message / Java Exception is present in the logs.

Apache Ignite - Snapshot Create / Restore Procedure:

./bin/ --sn ...
Score: 0
adam78 avatar
How to serve both static and dynamic content via AWS cloudfront?
it flag

I have a site hosted on a digital ocean droplet which serves both static and dynamic content. The static content (e.g. /images, /js, /css, /fonts) is served from an s3 bucket with folders /images, /js, /css, /fonts via cloudfront which has a path pattern behaviour of Default (*). To use a custom url for this distribution i added an alternate name of and added a cname record in my D ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.