Latest Server related questions

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Mstf777 avatar
Serving a wordpress site in a subfolder proxied on different server
be flag

I have a landing page and a wordpress site in a subfolder -> landing page -> wordpress

I want to serve the wordpress site on a different server. I created a server( and moved all files and databases that belong to wordpress. I have changed nginx configuration ( a bit and added those lines below

  location /blog {
    proxy_set_heade ...
Score: 1
raga70 avatar
bypass vpn for a specific port (possible iptables malfunction)
mn flag

I have a linux box which is an openVPN client all its traffic goes through the tunel , i have an nginx server that i want to go through eth0 and what i tried to do is to reroute all traffic on port 80 through eth0 via

root@digger02:~# ip route via dev tun0
default via dev eth0 proto dhcp src metric 10 dev tun0 proto kernel scope l ...
Score: 0
Josh Ginn avatar
ESXi Secure Boot VIB VMware_locker_tools-light_12.0.6.20104755-20491463 does not have signed XML data
hu flag

[root@VMkernelPortESXiHost:~] /usr/lib/vmware/secureboot/bin/ - c Secure boot CANNOT be enabled: All vib signatures verified. Failed to validate loaded tardisks: Errors: [ValueError] VIB VMware_locker_tools-light_12.0.6.20104755-20491463 does not have signed XML data Please refer to the log file for more details. . All acceptance levels validated

How can I enable Secure Boot so I can ...

Score: 0
mukunda avatar
Is it okay to have multiple A records for one MX record?
gs flag

I'm curious how mail servers behave when a hostname is balanced between two machines.

For example, when given these records: MX 10 A A

When temporarily fails to handle a mail, will the mailer retry immediately with Or will it immediately treat it as a (temporary) failure?

Score: 1
Roman A. Taycher avatar
How do you get docker to work in amazon vpc? (ip assignment coordination)
tr flag

Is there a way to block out a range of ips in the VPC?

Alternatively is there a way to get docker (docker compose) to use dhcp to get ip addresses? If it does so will they be blocked from being assigned to future vms you spin up in the vpc?

Score: 0
conditional statements should not include jinja2 with dictionary list
vn flag

How do I get rid of this warning?
The task works as expected but I would like to do it correctly

I have tried to fish out the value for["{{ component }}.service"].state and save it in a variable without any success.


- hosts: localhost
  become: no
  gather_facts: true

    component: firewalld


  - name: Populate service facts
    ansible.builtin.serv ...
Score: 0
EKS cluster access - aws-auth : add groups in mapRoles
gb flag

i try to access an EKS cluster on AWS with AWS Account (same i use for the console)

steps i followed :

aws configure with info provided in the "Command line or programmatic access" (AWS Access Key Id/AWS Secret access key) + add the AWS session token in the credential file.

aws eks update-kubeconfig --name XXXXXXX --region eu-west-1

in the ConfigMap : aws-auth file i added - system:masters in the gro ...

Score: 1
Jorge Carpio avatar
User account auto-creation using SSH certificate authentication
cx flag

My SSH server is configured to use certificate authentication, so it will trust anyone who presents a certificate issued by the user CA when they connect.

For reasons related with audit logs, I don't want my server admins to access the server with root. Which would be the standard way to have user accounts created in the server, so admins can log in using their own accounts?

I'm thinking of a flow l ...

Score: 0
foo avatar
Is storing data in S3 cheaper than paying for cross-az data transfer?
cn flag

Imagine I have two EC2 instances A and B, in the same region/vpc, but in different AZs.

I want to transfer 1TB from A to B.

Now let's imagine two scenarios:

  1. I send the data from A to B directly.
  2. I upload the data from A to S3, then download the data from S3 to B, and finally delete the data from S3.


  1. I get charged at $.01/GB twice (once when data gets out of A, once getting into B), so 1 ...
Score: 0
Arman Kabir avatar
Connection refuse after ip route add local dev lo table 100
no flag

i have ubuntu vps server, and want to use TPROXY to handle all outgoing traffic by Go Simple Tunnel , i apply these ip table rules

iptables -t mangle -N DIVERT
iptables -t mangle -A DIVERT -j MARK --set-mark 1
iptables -t mangle -A DIVERT -j ACCEPT
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m socket -j DIVERT

iptables -t mangle -N GOST
iptables -t mangle -N GOST_LOCAL

iptables -t mangle -A GOST -p  ...
Score: 0
Roman DotNetDev avatar
How do I can make mTLS using HttpClient to check the certificate on the server
sb flag

I want to check the SSL/TLS certificate on the server side, so, on the client, when I do

var webHandler = new WebRequestHandler();
var cert = new X509Certificate2(Path, Pass); 
webHandler.AuthenticationLevel = AuthenticationLevel.MutualAuthRequired;
var httpClient = new HttpClient(webHandler)

And the posting the request to the GrantResourceOwnerCredential ...

Score: 0
user69374 avatar
What tools help diagnose network disconnection problems on Ubuntu
cn flag

We have a server under DigitalOcean running Ubuntu 22.10

On that server are four processes each of which maintains a socket connection to a service on a different remote machine. So four processes each connected to one of four different remote hosts.

Each process sends a 'ping' to ensure the connection is alive and records the ping time in a database table.

Occasionally we see all four connections dyin ...

Score: 0
demiglace avatar
What is the correct way to enable HTTPS on apache httpd VirtualHost, given a .pem file and a .key file?
mx flag

I need to get https enabled on a webserver (RHEL 7.9, httpd 2.4.6). We were provided a pem file, with the following format:


and a .key file


I've seen guides and tutorials onl ...

Score: 0
VerboEse avatar
df reports zero used space
za flag

On a VM in azure we mount some blob storage via NFS, which generally works good. I now found though, that df reports wrong values for usage of the NFS storage:

root@myVM:~# df -h /mnt/blob/
Filesystem                                             Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on  5.0P     0  5.0P   0% /mnt/blob

As you can see, it looks like we don't ...

Score: 0
Konsti schwaigi avatar
Firewall blocking Port
bz flag

I am running multiple Webservices on my Ubuntu 22.04 Server and want them to bind to specific Ports which works without problem but when trying to connect it is not working and portchecker returned me that the Port is closed.

I tried to open the port via iptables, which did not work and ufw is not even installed. Do you know if there are other Firewalls on Ubuntu my hoster could have installed? I ...

Score: 0
Richard Phillips avatar
dhcpcd "carrier acquired" when wpa_supplicant stopped
za flag

A system I am working on was based on Debian Buster (via Raspberry Pi OS).

I could shut down Wi-Fi by stopping wpa_supplicant, and it worked fine.

I have now updated my system to be based on Debian Bullseye, and things aren't working right any more.

Specifically - when wpa_supplicant finishes closing down, dhcpcd is reporting "carrier acquired" (it would already have seen "carrier lost" at this point)  ...

Score: 0
Croves avatar
Internet unstable, even with two WANs and a load balancer
lv flag

I run a small business with 5 to 10 computers. We have two optic fiber links plugged into a TP-Link TL-ER605 load balancer. There are 4 Tenda MW6 Mesh routers spread across our place to distribute wifi, plus two computers that are connected through CAT5 cables to the load balancer itself.

The problem is, the Internet is quite unstable. I quite often have to reboot everything manually. But my gues ...

Score: 0
Юлия Григорьева avatar
The process hangs in SQL: State "Writing to net"

Tell me what this problem may be related to

query: SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ * FROM tblLogs;

enter image description here

Score: 0
Petar Cvetic avatar
How to redirect all pages that contain a specific word using the .htaccess file
tv flag

I have a bunch of indexed pages that start with the same word and they are all 404 so I want to redirect them all to the homepage of the site. The server is Apache, so I would like to use the .htaccess file.

So I need to redirect pages (for example): ...

Score: 0
Mike K avatar
Command `postgres --version` shows incorrect version installed
mt flag

I recently wanted to upgrade my Postgres version from 14.2 to 15.

The first thing I did, was delete all postgres related directories:

michael@local var % postgres --version
postgres (PostgreSQL) 14.2

michael@local var % pwd

michael@local var % ls
cache   homebrew    mongodb     postgres.old    postgresql@13
db      log         postgres    postgresql@12   run

michael@local var % rm -r ...
Score: 0
Murakami avatar
Use ProxyPass only when upstream available in Apache
be flag

hope this question is not too silly.

In Apache I'm using ProxyPass:

<Location />
  ProxyPass http://localhost:3000/

However I cannot be sure the http://localhost:3000/ will be available. If not apache will crash. How can I make it still working even though upstream is not available? BTW, I'm using Apache as a container.

Score: 1
Vlad Nikiforov avatar
Ansible: stdout of commands that end with reboot
in flag

I have the following problem. I use Ansible to run an installation script on remote servers, and the script reboots the server in the end. As a result, the task ends with "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: Connection closed" failure. I use ignore_unreachable: true to prevent the task from failing, but my main problem is that I would like to be able to see stdout of the task. For some reason, bot ...

Score: 0
LaRuim avatar
How do I get cURL (CLI) to close the connection made to a https server?
tv flag

cURL doesn't seem to care about closing the connection to a server even when I include the "Connection: close" header?

It respects the header for http, but not for https, seems like?

curl -v -H "Connection: close" -o nul --http2 results in

* Closing connection 0

but curl -v -H "Connection: close" -o nul --http2 results in

* Connection #0 to host www. ...

Score: 0
Martin avatar
How to disable ssl_request log on Apache?
in flag

Our internal Apache instance on a Windows server is regularly filling up the disk with C:\Apache24\logs\ssl_request.log.yyyy-MM-dd.log logs.

They seem to be rotated, although their sizes vary (200 - 700MB).

I see no value in these logs for this internal server. Can I disable them?

I found no entry in the httpd.conf - only for the error and access logs.

Score: 0
Dananjaya Risang avatar
Is It Possible to configure shaping on Nexus 3064 wtih NX-OS v.6
cu flag

Is there any can give a solution about how Nexus 3064 could be configured QoS or shaping on their interface? I'd trying use some policy-map but still doesn't working.

Score: 1
best_of_man avatar
What data type do big applications use to store time data?
pl flag

I am trying to find out which data type is better to store time data inside either MySQL or Cassandra database for a big application like Facebook or Instagram? There are a lot of similar questions and answers but I couldn't finally realize which one is the better choice?

So I decided to ask such a question to see if anybody knows what data type do giant applications use to store their time data? ...

Score: 1
EastCoast2234 avatar
Multiple S2S Connections for Azure
bs flag

I’m confused by all of this and need help. I setup an Azure S2S tunnel from Azure to my On Prem DC. This is for AD and AAD to sync. We have a new billing system coming in and the only way they’ll allow SSO is an IPSec tunnel.

How do I add an additional connection to them? I see the tutorials on how I built what I have already but nothing with my particular scenario. When it’s asking for a  ...

Score: 0
DanRan avatar
Block all IP's except HOME IP in Nginx Netdata virtual host file on Ubuntu Server 20.04
mx flag

I'm running Ubuntu Server 20.04, and have successfully set up netdata. My netdata's Nginx virtual host file looks like this:

upstream backend {
   keepalive 64;

server {

auth_basic "Protected";
auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/netdata-passwords;

   location / {
     proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;
     proxy_set_header X-Fo ...
Score: -1
thorald_ avatar
Port Forward with dockerized OpenVPN-Server
si flag

So I am a bit new to the VPN stuff and am currently getting a little desperate.

For what I want to do. I have rented a little server somewhere (static IP, Domain and everything). Now I want to run some services on that server via docker. Those services should not just be accessible by everyone, but only with a valid VPN connection to the server. (The firewall currently blocks access to those port ...

Score: 2
wnogt avatar
Slow SMTP responses with Exchange 2013 (Not network infra related)
gr flag

(I know 2013 is shortly out of support, and it will be replaced, but in the interim, I'm experiencing an issue I would like to fix.)

I will use telnet over port 25 as my example, but normal traffic also behaves the same way.

When I send a packet over port 25 to specific nodes in my Exchange cluster, it takes between 11 and 14 seconds before the banner is displayed with a 220 response. Since this aff ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.