Latest Server related questions

Score: 0
J Thompson avatar
Auditing Domain Administrators - Best practice / Advice needed please
dk flag

Please do advise if I am posting in the wrong place, I have not found this the easiest site to navigate (or maybe it is me...).

I have been tasked with auditing and fixing our privileged accounts after a Microsoft CSAT scan. I have inherited an absolutely shocking number of accounts that are 'affective domain administrators' - 293!

It seems the previous attitude has been security anethema - giive se ...

Score: -2
birgersp avatar
Block access to docker for a specific IP address
us flag

Trying to do this:

iptables -A INPUT -s (some-ip-address) -j DROP

But the ip address still connects to a application running in a docker service. I suspect this is because docker bypasses the firewall.

How can I block the IP address?

Edit, clarification:

I have docker running on a server. I have a PC that connects to one of the services running on the server. The PC needs to be blocked from connecting.

Score: 0
zapdev avatar
What (low priority thread) is causing 100% CPU usage in my node alpine container?
li flag

I have a node alpine docker container (hosted on Azure) which periodically reaches 100% CPU usage. However, running the top or htop command shows no threads having high CPU usage.

How do I find out what the cause is? It seams like the node process isn't causing the high CPU usage. I also ran the node profiler and the cpu profile from the times when CPU is 100% has no obvious change to a regular profi ...

Score: 0
Gukki5 avatar
Linux Scheduling Affinity when nCores == nPids
in flag

imagine you create a cgroup that isolates n logical cores from the general Linux scheduler. then one at a time, you create and run m processes that together comprise n threads. so # of process threads == # of logical cores.

i'm trying to decide whether it's worth writing my own process/thread -> logical core scheduler in my container runtime which pins each thread to a specific logical core, e ...

Score: 0
yatso1 avatar
How can I stop WSUS server from reverting back to default IIS WSUS Administration SSL settings?
pm flag

After, configuring my WSUS to use SSL it either says connection error or reverts back to http. I have a week working on this and I implemented anything that might be the probable solution.

This is the first error I get:

"WebException: The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel. ---> System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException:  ...

Score: 0
Nimisha Mohapatra avatar
CantStartEngineError: No sql_connection parameter is established
sm flag

I have been trying to install openstack on centos7 but while building it gives error as "CantStartEngineError: No sql_connection parameter is established". The command I am using to build is "packastack --allinone"

Score: 0
Mohamed Kamal avatar
ICMP Echo requests initiated from an interface inside VRF don't get ICMP echo replies
tr flag

I have this setup, which is basically a linux server with one physical interface connected to another device. On this physical interface there is 2 VLANs, 100 and 200. In VLAN100 there is an IP address x.x.x.0/31 configured and enslaved into VRF "TEST". In VLAN200 there is an IP address x.x.x.1/31 configured without any master VRF.

The other device would basically, like a physical cross-connect,  ...

Score: 0
Piyush B avatar
Recover files from deduplicated volume in Windows Storage Server 2016
ng flag

We have a Windows Storage Server 2016 having some volumes with Storage Deduplication enabled.

Its OS crashed so we had to re-install the OS (couldn't restore from backup).

There are some files which seem to be deduplicated before reinstall. When we open folders in such volumes, we are able to browse the contents of Folder (files show up correctly). But we're unable to read the content of files (unab ...

Score: 0
aggarcia avatar
Is there anyway I can run an arm64 VM using Cockpit on a amd64 machine?
ar flag

I am currently facing a challenge with integrating Cockpit on my AMD64 machine for managing both AMD64 and ARM64 virtual machines.

I have successfully run an ARM64 machine on my AMD64 machine using QEMU, as demonstrated by the following command:

qemu-system-aarch64 -machine raspi3b -cpu cortex-a72 -dtb /mnt/raspios/bcm2710-rpi-3-b-plus.dtb -m 1G -smp 4 -serial stdio -kernel /mnt/raspios/kernel8.img -s ...
Score: 1
Steve Kaye avatar
Access denied error when bringing a Windows failover cluster role back online after long downtime
us flag

I have a two node failover cluster running SQL Server 2016 (Standard) using Availability Groups (DB1 and DB2). I turned DB2 off as a cost saving measure for COVID by switching all the roles to DB1, removing all the databases from the Availability Groups on DB1 and then turning DB2 off.

Three years later I brought DB2 back online and that seemed to have caused DB1 to fail. I managed to bring it ba ...

Score: 0
Adding new wifi vlan to Mikrotik router - cannot ping
cn flag

Previously I had vlan 10 (Wifi) and 20 (Management) already set and working correct for this setup: Mikrotik router RB2011iL, D-Link switch with trunk ports for both vlans, couple of Mikrotik CaPs and Ubiquiti APs. Now I need to add another Wifi SSID to vlan 30 (Video), and what I've done already:

  1. Made all SFP ports, all AP ports and switch-to-router port trunk vlan10/20/ and now also 30

  2. Added vlan i ...

Score: 0
Fardin Dadashi avatar
openconnect client hello dropped by DPI
bw flag

I've installed openconnect server (ocserv) and works perfectly when I tunnel (SSH) to the server through another server that is inside country. But when I try to connect directly, the "client hello" message doesn't deliver to the server and retransmit it. I think the government detects "client hello" and drops it. I had a little success when I used a proxy and initial connection occurred and I entered u ...

Score: 0
St4rb0y avatar
Mask mail server IP with Postfix header anonymization?
pr flag

I'm attempting to setup header anonymization on my mail server, running Postfix and Dovecot on Debian. I've setup some regular expressions to prevent certain meta data, like a client’s IP address, from being leaked.

My /etc/postfix/header_checks file currently looks as follows:

/^Received:.*/        IGNORE
/^X-Originating-IP:/  IGNORE
/^User-Agent:/        IGNORE
/^X-Mailer:/          IGNORE

It seems t ...

Score: 0
Muhammad Usman avatar
Unable to Set Custom Error Page 403 for GeoIP
mg flag

Please need your help. Unable to display the custom error 403 page for geoip restriction. It is always showing default error page 403 Forbidden.

Here are my Configurations.


geoip2 /usr/local/GeoLite2-Country_DB_Nginx/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb {
  auto_reload 60m;
  $geoip2_metadata_country_build metadata build_epoch;
  $geoip2_data_country_code country iso_code;
  $geoip2_data_country_n ...
Score: 0
GregFromMiami avatar
Error installing Kubernetes on Ubuntu 22-04 with CoreDNS
mn flag

I am new to Kubernetes and I am trying to install it on an EC2 instance based on Ubuntu 22.04. Initially I was following the tutorial here. However, I believe it might be either misleading or outdated because at the very least, the Docker installation was giving me issues. I overcame those issues by installing Docker with these instructions instead. With that out of the way, I ran sudo kubeadm init

Score: 0
ardv avatar
Apache2 won't start even with unit file update post reboot
cc flag

Issue : after server reboot apache2 won't automatically start (have to manually ssh and start via systemctl which starts without any issue)

Error message:

Feb 08 05:53:46 systemd[1]: Starting The Apache HTTP Server...
Feb 08 05:53:47 apachectl[834]: (99)Cannot assign requested address: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [xxxx:xxxx::xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx]:80
F ...
Score: 2
cod3monk3y avatar
PS Stop-Process fails to stop a subprocess launched from cmd.exe
xk flag

Preface: I've boiled down a problem I'm having to this simple reproduction, which admittedly looks pretty strange out of context.

From powershell (PS), if I use Start-Process to start notepad and capture the process ID, I can kill it with Stop-Process, no problem:

PS > $x = Start-Process notepad.exe -PassThru
PS > Stop-Process $

I can do the same with cmd.exe, again without problem: ...

Score: 0
G. G. avatar
Nginx custom 301 rewrite
be flag

I am struggling to find how to write this scenario 301 redirect to nginx:


to be converted


Actually I need to add "en_us" just after mydomain and just before my dynamic urls

What I tried is this:

location /
             rewrite ^(/.*)/ $1/en_us/$ last;

But no luck

Any help please?

Score: 1
Snubber avatar
8GB of 10GB disk on GCP VM taken by google sdk?
kr flag

Hello I have a GCP VM which is out of disk space (a 10 GB disk). I am using ncdu to figure out where all the space is being used.

--- / ---------------------------------------------
.   4.3 GiB [##########] /snap
.   3.2 GiB [#######   ] /var
    2.1 GiB [####      ] /usr
.   1.7 GiB [###       ] /home

--- /snap ---------------------------------------------
    2 ...
Score: 0
zainab zwain avatar
Failed to execute /usr/local/bin/alertmanager: Permission denied
uz flag

I'm trying to configure prometheus alertmanager on Debian 11 with the following unit file:

Description= Prometheus Alertmanager

--config.file /etc/alertmanager/alertmanager.yml
--storage.path /var/lib/alertmanager/

WantedBy=multi-us ...
Score: 1
Lazaro Ravelo avatar
need nginx to be able to check directory outside of root directory
jp flag

I have a Laravel app that works perfectly fine when running with php artisan serve but when trying to use nginx as the frontend I'm having all sorts of trouble getting this to work properly.

I basically have this structure:

root@server:/var/www/html# tree -d -L 4
`-- app
    |-- C4
    |   `-- www
    |       |-- sites
    |       `-- site-assets
    `-- prod
        |-- app
        |-- bootstrap ...
Score: -1
winsysadmin avatar
Monitor Services and Event Logs on Windows Servers
na flag

We are standing up a new environment and will be installing SIEM tools, etc. in the future. We have a few dozen Windows 2019 servers so far. I've been tasked with providing a solution for monitoring Windows Services and Event Logs in the near term until formal tools are put in place. Preferably free and Microsoft, but open to suggestions. This is a disconnected environment, no internet. Thanks in advanc ...

Score: 0
user12140050 avatar
Issue while setting up CloudStack Advance Zone with security group
nf flag

Apache CloudStack v4.17.2

I am trying to setup CloudStack Advance Zone with security groups.

I have two network bridges cloudbr0 ( and cloudbr1 ( I am using cloudbr0 for Management Network and cloudbr1 for the Guest Network.

I am trying to configure the first host and the management server on the same system. Below is configuration for Zone Setup

    IPV4 DNS: 8.8.8. ...
Score: 0
it_buddha avatar
fail2ban - one IP banned multiple times by multiple jails - errors in log durin unbanning
ba flag

I make few similar jails for different ports...

jail names: http_https_deny, dns_deny, ftp_deny, smtp_pop3_deny, ssh_deny

here firewalld and fail2ban settings for http_https_deny(other almost same, just different ports):


sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-rich-rule="rule family=ipv4 port port=80 protocol=tcp log prefix=${LOG_TAG1} drop ...
Score: 0
Why does Console App start when user runs it, but does not run when run as a windows service under the same user account (Access Denied)?
cn flag

I have a console application that can be run when a user executes it via the Windows Start Menu; however, if that same application is wrapped into a Windows Service and the same user account is used to run it the Service fails to start with the error "5: Access Denied".

Here are some additional details:

  • User account has Log on as a service property set
  • No log file is created so the error occurs before ...
Score: 0
CristianDAG avatar
Error when I execute crontab in linux
lr flag

I'm executing a crontab where it call the script of python and the crontab are executing very well, but when I execute the crontab I need its will create other file in another directory, but that doesn't do what I want.

But when execute manually script those create the file that i Need

I want know if with linux can I something more or i have check the code of script

this is the crontab enter image description here

Score: 0
Dan avatar
How do I perma-stop Chrome from using it's own DNS across the enterprise?
af flag

When attempting to access an intranet site, Chrome will ignore our DNS settings and navigate to a public page.

Our computers are referencing only our private DNS server. Last week, I disabled built-in DNS and DoH in Google Workspace Admin (Devices/Chrome/Settings/Users & Browsers) as seen here, and that rule is applied at the top most level, with no overrides at lower levels. That being said, another ...

Score: 0
How to create cloudwatch alarm for multiple ec2 instances?
kr flag

Did found the similar question earlier but no solution there. How to create cloudwatch alarm for multiple ec2 instances?

Let's say I have 15 ec2 instances, I can group them with a tag, how to create single cloudwatch alarm for only these set of machines?

There are other solutions mentioned to create a script to create individual alarm for all these machines, but how to use a single alarm for all the ...

Score: 0
RonPringadi avatar
How to troubleshoot spotty connection to a LAN computer
us flag

I have a Windows 11 Pro machine ( - WiFi Intel Wireless-AC 9560) that having spotty access issue to a local Linux SAMBA server in ( - wired to the router). Pinging sometime failed as if connection is lost.

The mentioned Windows 11 Pro machine can enjoy steady internet which provided by the router ( What could be the cause of this?

Many times when the Windows 11  ...

Score: 0
Bobort avatar
Connect Redis Unix Domain Socket to Django
us flag

I have a Django website running via nginx under user www-data and gunicorn under user myuser bound at /run/gunicorn.sock.

nginx works just fine; it acts as a proxy to the gunicorn Unix domain socket. I'm not having any problems with nginx.

redis-server also works just fine. It's domain socket is at /var/run/redis/redis-server.sock.

When I enable CACHES in my Django settings file, I get the following ex ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.