Latest Server related questions

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MikeWazowski avatar
Can't install npm on CentOS 6 due dependency issues
cz flag

I have a CentOS 6 machine that I want to install npm on. Whenever I do a normal yum install npm I get an error saying that I need to install krb5-devel which doesn't show up on yum search so I downloaded the RPM file and tried to install it manually which in turn shows an error because I need to install libcom_err-devel.

This is where the problem actually begins, I downloaded this RPM package and tried t ...

Score: 0
U. Windl avatar
Understanding default permissions in 389-DS
it flag

Importing an LDIF from an OpenLDAP server and examining the ACIs found, I don't really understand how default permissions are established:

I only found these two ACIs (LDIF unfolded):

dn: oid=,cn=features,cn=config
objectClass: top
objectClass: directoryServerFeature
cn: Sync Request Control
aci: (targetattr != "aci")(version 3.0; acl "Sync Request  ...
Score: 0
U. Windl avatar
OpenLDAP to 389-DS: Can I have "named password policies"?
it flag

I'm trying to understand how "password policy" works in 389-DS, compared to OpenLDAP 2.4:

In OpenLDAP 2.4 I could define multiple "named" password policy entries, and assign those to user entries. For example I had a policy "interactive users" (personalized) and a policy "system users" (shared accounts), both with different settings.

In 389-DS is seems (despite that the whole concept seems quite dif ...

Score: 0
Bert avatar
VPN Connection to specific URL only
ng flag

I've installed OpenVPN server on my Ubuntu server via and it works like a charm! However a new request came in and it is rather complicated.

You see, the clients connecting this VPN are doing so, because we have limited acces to some URLs we manage. They need specific IP to access it, thus, they are using the VPN. The problem is, their whole traffic goes thru the VPN. We need to for ...

Score: 0
Lucifer avatar
Configuring Routers using IRRToolset/IRR Power Tools
in flag

Recently, I've started configuring routers using irrpt.

It offers the features I require, which are described in the section under "Purpose" (

But I am unable to modify them or add my own ASN.

  1. How would one go about achieving that (ideally with FOSS software that is simple for a developer like myself to set up)?

  2. I require a brief explanation of the cur ...

Score: 0
Danijel avatar
Does daily rsync OS backup push SSD drives to its limits?
ru flag

Since past year I'm using Rsnapshot (which uses rsync) to do my daily laptop Linux Ubuntu OS backup to a local NAS.

Some months ago I started having serious problems with the OS stability. It seems like the disk drive gets damaged, so the fsck needs to be run before boot - this saved me several times over the past few weeks.

I tried to somehow deduce what could be the reason, but no success. Now  ...

Score: 0
5Diraptor avatar
No domain profile in Windows Defender Firewall
ca flag

We've moved from an on site server to online at our company, and we've had our user profiles rebuilt on our PC's so that we use Azure based profiles instead of domain profiles. I'm having issues trying to get some programs to connect to the internet so thought I'd double check that it was allowed through firewall.

First thing I thought was weird was that there is no domain network profile in fir ...

Score: 1
Tushar avatar
IIS: Multi level subdomain with wildcard not resolving
se flag

Let's say I have a website - If I create a binding in IIS, with * then works.

However, doesn't work. It gives me 404 status code.

Any suggestions.

Score: 0
Sunny avatar
NFS over wireguard on Ubuntu. Mounting fails with error: "reason given by server: no such file or directory"
in flag

I have setup wireguard VPN network 192.168.6.x. The network topology(if that is the correct term) is:

  [client] ----- VPN ---- [VPN server] ----- Local net-----[NFS&SSH server]
  []          []                   []

client (Ubuntu 18.04) is connected to the Internet using a different ISP then the VPN server (Ubuntu 22.04). ...

Score: 0
Docfxit avatar
Delete selected subkeys in a registry key
ie flag

I need to Delete selected subkeys in a registry key. For one of the subkeys I need to delete I tried:

(SET _KEY=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\UFH\SHC)
REG Delete "HKCU\%_KEY%" /V "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start      Menu\Programs\UltraVNC\UltraVNC Viewer\UltraVNC Viewer (Listen Mode  Encrypt)).lnk
C:\Program Files\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC\vncviewer.exe
-dsmplugin SecureVNCPlugin64.dsm ...
Score: 0
Han Moe Htet avatar
OpenVPN Server in Windows Server not changing IP address
ru flag

I am new to OpenVPN. I have been stuck with configuring OpenVPN Server for my Windows Server 2019 datacenter for over a week. I have also configured NAT in Routing and Remote Access and Firewall too. The client device is also Windows. I don't know what is missing because client's IP address is not changing. I have attached some info about the server and client. Can I get some help? Thanks.

server ...

Score: 0
jpegman avatar
How to force array rebuild on HP smart array (ssacli)
va flag

i recently replaced a failed drive on my HW RAID 5 array in my home server. i am running a custom built machine (read: built from whatever parts i thought might fit together). the HW RAID controller is a HP P420 card, running a 5x8TB RAID 5 array with one spare drive (plan was to run RAID 6 but i need a subscription for that)

After i had a failed drive, i replaced it. i am just now checking the a ...

Score: 0
Jon Pointer avatar
How to direct a Cloudflare registered domain to a Bluehost hosted site and specific page
az flag

(I've edited this to give the real URLs in case that is helpful)

Here's my situation:

  • I purchased through Cloudflare
  • I also have that was purchased through Bluehost and is hosted on Bluehost and is currently operational.

Here's what I need to do:

  • When a user goes to, I want them to be directed to

Here's the steps I ...

Score: 0
Hans Quller avatar
openVPN lags with 2 (or more) clients
ma flag

I am running a openVPN-Server for some time now, and it works great. On that server I created two new certificates via easy-rsa and formed it into two config-files for two new clients, like I always do.

Then I set up a Debian11 Client, that runs in a Virtual Machine. It has a static local IP and I configured it to connect to the openVPN-Server in /etc/network/interfaces:

allow-hotplug enp0s3
iface enp ...
Score: 0
Paul avatar
Add a static route to access a host on the client side of VPN
de flag

Hosts chain

Remote server (Windows Server 2012 R2) connects to local router and after that the server is accessible from as without any manual actions from me.

Now I would like to access from and assume that I should add a route on the machine for that.

I tried following commands:

route add mask
route a ...
Score: 0
anarchy avatar
Only allow local addresses using nginx reverse proxy when accessed from external web URL address
eg flag

I have set up a vaultwarden server locally, nginx and have linked it to the website I can access it fine using

I am trying to make it so that I can only access the server at from a local ip address, but from the link and not the ip address of the server. My server sits at

This is what my /etc/nginx/sites-dietpi/vaultwarden.conf file looks ...

Score: 0
SMQS Manager avatar
obfsproxy running on centos 7
bo flag

I am using CentOS 7 os.
I installed python3.6 on this machine.
pip3 is latest version 21.
After that i installed obfsproxy like this :

To use obfsproxy you will need Python (>= 2.7) and pip.

pip3 install pathlib
pip3 install pyopenssl
pip3 install Twisted
pip3 install obfsproxy

Here are installation path :


/usr/local/l ...

Score: 0
Kranchi avatar
What is the Max value for speed limit param in CloudLinux (lve)?
pw flag

I can see in cloudLinux document that in cpu usage limit section, 150% means 1.5 cores :

My question is : for a server with 12 cores, if I want to use all cores, the correct value should be 1200% !?

Why the recommended value for a High-end hosting introduced 200%?

Score: 0
hlx98007 avatar
kernel ip_forward behave weirdly
al flag

I am trying to setup a side router ( at my home. My server has this setup.

OS: CentOS 9 Stream


net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1
net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects = 1
net.core.default_qdisc = fq_codel
net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control = bbr

iptables nat


iptables mangle

Score: 0
user1720897 avatar
Querying the nameserver for NS record of a domain results in a non-authoritative answer
gb flag

I was wondering why name server record need to be in the zone file, because the delegation is already done by the parent zone. I came across this answer. That answer makes sense, I suppose. Then I proceeded to query the "A" record for a domain with dig.

dig a

Great, I got a authoritative answer. However, when I attempt to query the "NS" record for  ...

Score: 1
HGA avatar
Exchange to use second damain as users default email address
au flag

I am using Exchange 2019 and have setup a second domain, but when a user received an email on this second domain and will answer to this email, the answer always will be send from his default email address, which is a one from the primary domain. These is a problem, becauce the send address must be changed by hand all the time.

How can I change the default to the secondary domain? Or what else ca ...

Score: 0
Maxim Palatnikov avatar
xml2 Ubuntu equivalent on centos / Rocky
re flag

I am setting up monitor for bind service on Rocky Linux.

I need to parse xml output of bind statistics.

On ubuntu I can run the next command and get valid output

root@ubuntu:~# curl -s | xml2 
/statistics/memory/contexts/context/hiwater=801 ...
Score: 0
Arunendra avatar
Nginx static images are not caching
mf flag

I have a Magento website that is running on apache2 and the frontend is in PWA and running on Nginx and I'm using Cloudflare. Now want to cache the images but it's always showing BYPASS. Apache configuration:

        SSLEngine On
        SSLCertificateFile /etc/nginx/ssl/cloudflare.crt
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/nginx/ssl/cloudflare.key

        ErrorLog $ ...
Score: 0
Skyler Mews avatar
Apache2 Default HTTPS 443 Vhost
us flag

I'm currently trying to make a default vhost for HTTPS to block traffic from unauthorized domains. However, when I define a default 443 vhost, ALL other HTTPS vhosts inherit this as well and prevents normal access. I've been scratching my head for hours about this...

Apache Info:

OS: Ubuntu Server 20.04

Server version: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)

Server built: 2022-06-14T13:30:55

Here's my default vho ...

Score: 0
djfm avatar
How not to (almost) duplicate `Dockerfile` for "production" and "development" environments"?
us flag

I have a server app that is dockerised, but I cannot seem to pass a variable from any docker-compse.yaml's services to the Dockerfile as desired.

Thus I couldn't find any another solution than what follows...

I have two nearly identical Dockerfiles, one per each server environment:

# ./docker/production-server/Dockerfile
FROM rust:latest
WORKDIR /usr/src/rust-scrape-yt

ENV BUILD_FLAGS="--release"
E ...
Score: 0
John Clements avatar
Can I move files between mailboxes using dovecot?
pk flag

I'm using Dovecot with Maildirs. I want to move a whole bunch of messages between mailboxes. Like, hundreds of thousands of messages. Should I just use my mail client? Should I move the message files manually on the server? Is there another way to get this done without damaging Dovecot's indexes?

Score: 0
eliassal avatar
Ansible xml add_children not working
th flag

I have an ansible playbook in which I try to add xml elements to an xml file (tomcat-users.xml) as follows

- name: Update Scheme Option in tomcat-users.xml add role user elements
     become: yes
     become_user: tomcat
       file: /opt/tomcat8/conf/tomcat-users.xml
       xpath: /tomcat-users 
       pretty_print: true
         - role:
             rolename: "manag ...
Score: 0
Cathy avatar
Failed to run Batch file from application on Azure Stack HCI
bd flag

I am currently working on Azure Stack HCI. I have a C++ application running on it, and trying to run batch file from the application with processlauncher. The command line is like "cmd.exe /c xxx.bat".

 ZeroMemory(&processInfo, sizeof(processInfo));
 BOOL createProcessReturnValue;
 IProcessLauncher& launcher = ProcessLauncher::GetInstance();
Score: 0
Josh K avatar
Does AWS WAF charge for requests that come from IP addresses that are blocked?
ky flag

If an ip address exceeds its rate limit and a WAF rule blocks it for a period of time, do the future requests from that ip address still get charged to me by the WAF service?

(And if so, why it beneficial to even use a WAF service if I am charged just the same for unauthorized requests with or without it? - Either by WAF or by Lambda)

Note: My plan is to use: WAF -> API Gateway -> Lambda

Score: 0
Tapas Bose avatar
How to configure shared VPC for kOps?
gu flag

As described in this documentation, I want to create a Kubernetes cluster using kOps in an existing VPC. I have created a VPC, Internet Gateway, Route Table, Subnet and an EC2 instance which I want to use for invoking the kops create cluster command and other stuff. These resources are made using the following CloudFormation template:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Description: "AWS CloudFormati ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.