Latest Server related questions

Score: 2
Hubert Oliver avatar
My network suddenly completely stopped working on my Debian 11 server
sk flag

I just recently set up a Debian 11 server as a host with several KVM guests. I have two physical interfaces on different LANs and set up two different bridges to connect the guests to the LANs that they need, with their own individual IPs. This was working perfectly when I shut the server down so that I could add drives to it. While the server was down (to add drives to it), I changed the IPs that we ...

Score: 2
Jhoedram avatar
Webmail application (php) slow when consulting messages via IMAP. What to optimize to improve speed?
us flag

I have configured a couple of webmail applications (open source), to consult external email accounts (gmail). The applications are in Php and Mysql. Once installed, I can link my mail through IMAP. And consult the mail from these applications.

Opening or reading a message is a request and it has taken me on average 1 to 2 seconds with the Roundcube application and GroupOffice. With Rainloop and s ...

Score: 0
Michael avatar
Websockets failing without error message
do flag

I have a NginX server running two nodeJs applications, Let's call them A and B.

Both applications are working correctly for websockets on my local machine, and https calls are working on the server for both applications, but websockets are only working for the application in the root location "/".

Below is my Nginx Config

        location /applicationB/ {
             proxy_pass http://localhost:8001;
Score: 0
test test avatar
Unable to create an active directory inside windows server 2016 inside vmware workstation
us flag

I am a software developer and i want to test my core MVC web application to integrate with active directory using LDAP. since i am using Windows 10 home edition so i can not create a test AD inside my windows 10 home edition. so i did the following:-

  1. inside my windows 10 home edition >> i installed vmware workstation
  2. download windows server 2016 datacenter iso image.
  3. I install windows ser ...
Score: 0
nwalkewicz avatar
A hospital WiFi network is stopping a PC from finding a printer. Will another router fix it?
fj flag

Background Info

I have a quadriplegic client who lives in a hospital (long-term living) and has his own room. He has a laptop running Windows 11 and an HP printer. The hospital provides WiFi for the residents, but I believe it's a bit more locked down than your average household WiFi router. Normally, computers can find printers on a LAN without any issues, but this situation is proving to be a bit more  ...

Score: 2
WeaponX86 avatar
How to rewrite URL using NGINX to hide index.php inside multiple subfolders that change frequently?
bm flag

So we have a PHP development server where each dev has a personal subdomain like with a corresponding NGINX config.

Devs check out a branch of our repo into folders like this:

  • /var/www/html/dev-abc/branch-X
  • /var/www/html/dev-abc/branch-Y
  • /var/www/html/dev-abc/branch-Z

URL pattern:{BRANCH}/index.php/{MODULE}/{CLASS}/?event={EVENT}&otherParamX=Y ...

Score: 1
Reece Mathews avatar
Mounting a Linux NFS share with the Windows 10 client seems to ignore groups (despite --manage-gids)
cg flag

I have an NFS share exported from a Centos 7.9 VM and mounted on a Windows 10 PC. The share is accessible from Windows, but directories who's permissions are set not readable by the user but readable by one of the groups of which the user is a member (such as the MOE directory in the image below) yield a Permission Denied error when attempting to access them from Windows.

Permission Denied

Windows Environment (Client)

Score: 2
Håvard S avatar
Azure vnet gateway - Block traffic between connected P2S clients (client-to-client)
in flag

I have set up an Azure VNet gateway to allow P2S clients to connect to resources within a VNet.

The VNet has address range, and has two subnets: the GatewaySubnet and the WorkloadSubnet The P2S address pool is We want to allow P2S clients to reach machines in the WorkloadSubnet, which works fine. However, a P2S client at e.g. is allowe ...

Score: 0
Ubuntu Apache2 not sorting sites-enabled correctly
nl flag

I have an apache2 config on Ubuntu. Everything was working well until I tried to move all my canonical redirect virtualhosts into a single file instead of having them scattered across lots of other config files.

I arranged my config filenames so that I could strictly control which site was loaded first, and therefore control which of them was Apache's default site. This is the first two files i ...

Score: 0
Stefan avatar
Azure Monitor Client collects the data but not showing in inside
mx flag

I have a server connected to Azure Arc. Through Azure Arc I enabled Inside with Azure Monitor Client. The Azure Monitor Client collects the data. Only there is no data displayed in Inside. enter image description here

But the data will be there. enter image description here

What can I do to show the data?

Score: 0
MHvM avatar
On Virtual Private Server, ports are not reachable from the internet although no firewall is enabled
be flag

I have a newly set up virtual private server running Ubuntu 22.04. ufw is still disabled, iptables -L tells me all chains have the ACCEPT default policy, no specific rules are defined. So I'd expect all ports to be open to the internet. I have a process listening on some port, this is confirmed by ss -lte.

However, I cannot reach this port from the internet and get "connection refused" when tryin ...

Score: 0
Jaime avatar
Add-VpnConnectionRoute does not allow to add a reoute to a VPN connection
ms flag

I have Windows 10 Pro.

I connected to a VPN using FortiNet.

My local network addresses are 192.168.0.x and the VPN assigned the IP to my PC.

The problem is that I need to access the IP 192.168.21y.x that is present in the remote network.

When I connect to a virtual machine (Windows Server) in the network where the VM belongs to I can ping to 192.168.21y.x with no problems, however, when I tr ...

Score: 0
Sharing a SQL Server between two locations -- best solution?
ru flag

We're looking at opening a second facility which will have its own internal network for workstations and file sharing, but will need to access our central database server. Existing capacity on our database server is not in question, it's plenty as we're a small business (most of the users at the new location will be users from the old location, very little increased load). This is solely about con ...

Score: 0
Tando avatar
LAMP Stack - Multiple Websites Isolation
jo flag

I would like to host multiple websites on a VPS (LAMP stack - Ubuntu 20.04 LTS). For security reasons, I'd like to properly isolate each website/vhost from each other and also prevent access to other/system files. This shall mitigate the risk of website visitors exploiting a vulnerability of one website to manipulate files of other websites or access arbitrary files on the system.

  1. Prevent access to o ...
Score: 0
Brian McMahon avatar
DNS forward resolution for specific non-FQDN hostnames (short names)
my flag

I'm in a situation where I'm being asked to solve a problem where computers are being migrated from one network/DNS domain to another. As this transition occurs, there will be machines in the original (call it DNS domain, that need to communicate by "short name" to the machines moved to the new network/DNS domain (call it Note that this is all internal, using private address space, no ...

Score: 0
Tom L avatar
Greoli Ethereum node not sync
aw flag

I would like to start a Node ETH with Groeli network. For that, I'am using the last version of GETH 1.10.25.

The problem is when I start the GETH with : geth --http --goerli --http.port 8547 --http.vhosts "*" --http.api eth,web3,debug,txpool,net,admin,debug,personal --allow-insecure-unlock --datadir /home/goerli

The node do not sync even if I wait for hours, with logs :

INFO [10-06|21:24:10.757] Looking  ...
Score: 0
BytesxD avatar
How to send packets from Virtual Tap to different physical host
ye flag

I am running some simulations that is using virtual tap to send and receive packets. Now I want to extend my simulation and send packets to different host.

My simulation is sending packets to virtual tap with local IP, I want to take these packets out of virtual tap and send to different computer that is on real local network with IP How can I go about that? Graphical Rep ...

Score: 0
Sergio Sánchez avatar
Cant resolve DNS Domain with ipv6
hm flag

I have 2 virtual servers with Windows Server 2022 and Windows 11 client. When i create de Active Directory's domain and set the static IP on ipv6 (i cant do with ipv4, ipv6 is mandatory), dont resolve name, but the name host and the ipv6. I installed the Active Directory according tutorials of microsoft. I aplicate nslookup and this is the message:

DNS request timed out.
    timeout was 2 seconds.
Servido ...
Score: 0
DB_2022 avatar
Identifying source of memory drain on Windows Server 2019
sy flag

Every Saturday night around midnight the server in question experiences a sudden loss of available memory. Over the course of about 35-40 minutes the available memory drops until the OS is unable to function and locks up. The OS is unresponsive at that point until the server is rebooted.

There are many alerts in the Windows Event logs during the resource depletion from various processes complaini ...

Score: 0
Kevin Huntly avatar
DB2 systemd startup
cn flag

I have a DB2 systemd startup unit that is being denied by SELinux. Here is the unit:

[Unit] Description=IBM DB2 After=network.service

[Service] Type=forking EnvironmentFile=/user/home/dvdxadm1/sqllib/db2profile ExecStart=/user/home/dvdxadm1/sqllib/adm/db2start ExecStop=/user/home/dvdxadm1/sqllib/adm/db2stop force User=dvdxadm1 Group=db2iadm1 Restart=always KillMode=process KillSignal=SIGHUP

[Install] W ...

Score: 0
BrokenCode avatar
Failed to program FILTER chain: iptables failed
gu flag

OS: Ubuntu Server edition (headless) 20.04 LTS.

Attempting to ge a makemkv container running:

docker-compose.yml file:

version: '3'
    image: jlesage/makemkv
      - "5800:5800"
      - "/config:/config:rw"
      - "/storage:/storage:ro"
      - "/output:/output:rw"
      - "/dev/sr0:/dev/sr0"
Score: 0
YoungDinosaur avatar
Is This the Correct Way to Setup AWS Private Subnet -> NAT -> Internet
do flag

We want our internal private EC2 instances to have access to the internet so they can download software and install security patches. Of course, out of the box, your private subnet servers will not have access to the internet. I followed these AWS instructions and I was hoping that someone could confirm that this is setup correctly.

enter image description here


  • The new public NAT needed to be installed in a subnet t ...
Score: 0
samtech 2021 avatar
Move Services From Servers in Aws
th flag

Could anyone advise the best method(s) to move service from one EC2 instance to another? For example Test-dev we want to spin up and replace with TEST (server) but we want to get CRON services and scripts on the new instance. Additionally, we want to copy user profiles from the Test-dev instance onto this machine (TEST (server)).

any help would be appreciated !

Score: 0
J. Scott Elblein avatar
Strange Apache CustomLog behavior
cn flag

I'm adding a Docker healthcheck function which I've successfully done in one container, but adding the same code to a different container is behaving strangely.

Essentially, I'm simply trying to not log certain requests, using an env var.

In dockerfile:

HEALTHCHECK CMD curl -ILfSs http://localhost:80 -A "HealthCheck" || exit 1

RUN ln -sf /dev/stdout /var/www/logs/access.log \
    && ln -sf /d ...
Score: 0
Bidyut avatar
Nginx: Websocket on port 80 is not working
ar flag

I have a simple NodeJs Websocket application running, the code for it is

// Importing the required modules
const WebSocketServer = require('ws');

// Creating a new websocket server
const wss = new WebSocketServer.Server({ port: 8090 })

// Creating connection using websocket
wss.on("connection", ws => {
    console.log("new client connected");
    // sending message
    ws.on("message", data =& ...
Score: 0
grek avatar
Rabbit cache in docker-compose grows infinitely
in flag

i have problem with docker overlay mqueue-client folder grows infinitely. Now i have queue empty but folder take 80 GB

here is docker-compose config

      image: "rabbitmq:3.8-management"
      hostname: "rabbit"
            cpus: '4.00'
            memory: 8G

        NAME: "rabbitmq1"
      volu ...
Score: 0
user2262462 avatar
Maintaining same version of kubectl client and server version same in CentOs
mm flag

Recently we upgraded the kubeadm in of kubernetes cluster. Unfortunately it happened to be both my client and server kubectl got upgraded to 2 different versions. I tried to downgrade, for some reason my server version is not same as the client. How can I downgrade my client version to v1.21.0. Currently I have my client version to v1.21.0, server version as v1.24.6

Any help will be appreciated.

Score: 0
oukessou avatar
Limit Access to a Group for a Project- Openstack 13 & 17
et flag

i have a question for Openstack, is it possible to limit access for a user to get read only on a specific project that he can only see the instances in that project and eliminate the actions edit,start,stop or delete instance ?

i have tried some tests grant member role only to the group but all users in the group were able to do everything with the instances

Score: 1
HosSeinM avatar
forward openconnect to internal proxy port by iptables
pr flag

In my country sometimes government decides to limit access to the international internet. we only have access to sites and IPs inside the country, but data centers have more access to the internet.

I need to, at first, make a VPN connection from my home internet to a data center server inside the country, then from that server create a connection to an external server to have full access like in  ...

Score: 0
John Doe avatar
Beluganos on Netberg Aurora 620
ls flag

I need to modify beluganos required to work as a balancer on Netberg Aurora 620 equipment. But I don't know if the Aurora 620 switch will work with beluganos. While configuring I am getting error:

root@netberg-aurora-620-sw:~/beluganos# sudo bash ./
sudo: unable to resolve host netberg-aurora-620-sw
Install ALL [y/N]
sudo: unable to resolve host netberg-aurora-620-sw
Ign http://apt.openn ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.