Latest Server related questions

Score: 0
Ubuntu ZFS install hangs before reaching grub menu
in flag

After upgrading some packages and restarting, I can no longer reach the grub menu. My system hangs at the motherboard logo and provides no other output.

I can boot to an Ubuntu Installer USB, and I can even get my ZFS pool mounted, but I’m hesitant to try any kind of grub repair since it sounds like that works a bit differently in ZFS world. I wouldn’t be quite sure where to start.

As an alterna ...

Score: 0
Rohit Gupta avatar
Why is the Synology NAS not starting the VPN connection automatically
be flag

Our remote Synology NAS box is configured to connect to the local NAS box via VPN.

Reconnect when the VPN connection is lost is ticked in the Control Panel -> Network->Network Interface section.

enter image description here

However, if the NAS box restarts, VPN connection is not made.

Is there a way to start the VPN connection automatically?

Under Task Scheduler, there is VPN service to select for starting.

Score: 0
Benoit Vanalderweireldt avatar
GCP Windows Server license - buy or pay-as-you-go
it flag

I need to deploy a Windows Server instance into GCP. I don't fully understand how licensing work and what are options are. I find the pay-as-you-go model really expensive, the server I'll have will be up for the next 3 years and I would rather pay upfront for a Windows Server License.

Can I buy a Windows Server license outside of GCP and bring it in ?

Score: 0
Is it safe to mix 2016/2022 as domain controllers?
jo flag

We have a 2016 Server Essentials PDC, and now we'd like to add another DC for failover/backup purposes.

Will it be OK to use 2022 Server Standard for this second DC? (Web searches are returning answers to just about every question except this specific one.)

Score: 1
abdo_ch avatar
Ansible Ad-Hoc command - raw module not working on Cisco IOS devices
us flag

trying to use Ad Hoc commands on both my Cisco ios Router and Switch with the -m raw Module. But getting the following error instead.

$ansible -i inventory_file02.ini netgrp -m raw -a "show version" -u abdo -K


BECOME password: 
R1 | FAILED | rc=127 >>
/bin/sh: 1: show: not found
non-zero return code
SW1 | FAILED | rc=127 >>
/bin/sh: 1: show: not found
non-zero return code

Inven ...

Score: 1
Max avatar
Routing OpenVPN traffic to IP Tunnel
pk flag

I'm connecting through OpenVPN to my server1 but don't like to have its IP visible while surfing the web, so I opened an IP tunnel to another server (server2). How can I set the routing and IP Tables so traffic of OpenVPN goes through this IP Tunnel and then Server2 IP will show up while browsing websites?

Server1 and Server2 are reachable through IPTunnel.

  • Server1 public IP:
  • Server1 Open ...
Score: 1
rodorgas avatar
`aws-cloud-controller` fails to set `NodeNetworkUnavailable` to false
fr flag

I'm running a cluster with kops on AWS. Since I needed to have instances in the same VPC of the cluster, I reused an existing subnet:

kops create cluster --cloud=aws --zones=us-east-2a --node-size=t3.small --master-size=t3.small --name=${KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME} --subnets=subnet-c717c9ae --yes

However I got frequent errors:

$ kubectl logs -n kube-system -f aws-cloud-controller-manager-gv9bkgg
E1004 19:20: ...
Score: 0
SKaye avatar
Run a perl script in a browser via a link
mq flag

I'm attempting to get a perl script up and running on Oracle Linux 8.5.

My Apache server and virtual hosts work with static html.

My test virtual host, fnu, has a very basic perl script named in /var/www/fnu:

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "Hello, World. This is fnu.";

I have a link from index.html to, permissions open and owner set to apache:

-rwxrwxrwx. 1 ap ...

Score: -1
Djoby avatar
VMWare Workstation configure network adaptor to be 'Intel Networking'
ck flag

I am trying to create a Windows VM with VMWare Workstation that has requirement to "Use an Intel networking adaptor and not 'Virtio'" I am putting this in quote as this is one of the requirement listed, not cmming from me and I can not say why it is needed.

But I can not find where and how to configure the network adaptor type with VMWare Workstation.

The more I read about this the more I understand ...

Score: 0
BrokenCode avatar
RDP into VM without an OS
gu flag

Is it possible to RDP into a Virtualbox VM in order to install an OS on it? So in other words is it possible to RDP into a Virtualbox VM that has no OS installed yet?

I have a headless ubuntu server and I have Virtualbox installed on it. I created a VM and I would like to install Ubuntu on this VM. I start the VM, I have selected to enable remote display.

But I am unable to connect to it from my Win ...

Score: -3
Cataster avatar
How to transfer file to windows server that has 2FA?
cn flag

Im trying to transfer a zip file from my desktop download folder to an Azure windows 2019 server that is configured with 2FA (Duo authentication).

I downloaded FileZilla and followed the instructions here but Im unable to connect regardless of the many attempts ive tried! I know the article im following is for linux server but i was thinking the instructions shouldnt be too different for a windows se ...

Score: 0
Bilal Bhatti avatar
Blocking Port 8080 from direct IP access but allow access via domain (Virtualhost Config)
it flag

I want to access web server from from URL but not from direct IP ( For instance, below is my virtualhost config file (site2.conf) in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ but section <VirtualHost *:8080> ... </VirtualHost> doesn't seem to have any affect.

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAlias www.subdomain2.doma ...
Score: 0
ThanksInAdvance avatar
Operation of certbot and nginx
mx flag

I was hoping someone could satisfy my curiosity about how certbot and nginx interact during renewal time.

On my Linux host, I set up certbot and the certbot-nginx plugin. I had some regular nginx site definitions set up in /etc/nginx/conf.d, and when registering certs the certbot-nginx plugin added the TLS information to these individual nginx conf files for my various sites.

To renew, I have the fo ...

Score: 0
Caio Silva avatar
How to create folders and files with ' and / in Linux (node)
ru flag

In the system I developed for the company where I work we have a kind of file drive. However, an old rule that I put is the prohibition of / and ' in the name of folders and files because of the rules of naming folders and files in Linux.

However I wanted to remove this rule, it would simplify the uploading and naming of folders and files. The most correct way would be for me to immediately migra ...

Score: 0
user357269 avatar
Better browser and metadata for Azure DevOps repos
gp flag

My team is struggling with keeping our rapidly growing number of repos organized in Azure DevOps.

All our repos are under a single Project (it's not possible to change this).

Having an interface with either a hierarchical or label based categorization of repositories would be really helpful.

Score: 0
Dima avatar
Correctly display legacy openmotif v2 applications on HiRes monitors
cn flag

I would appreciate any help with that matter. I have an ancient openmotif v2.2 based application that resides on RHEL v6.0. It processes some data and plots graphs and equitation's. I am connecting to that system from my Windows 10H2 box with Xming XServer installed and via Putty (with X forwarding enabled of course). So far so good, but I noticed that after some upgrade (I changed my NVidia card to RTX ...

Score: 1
Dennis471 avatar
Nginx - Session persistency over two chained Nginx Instances
in flag

I have a very special use case - and I'm wondering if there isn't a better solution.

Use case: Several users should be able to reach one of about 1000 target instances (C1 to C1000) coming from an Nginx instance (A) at the same time. Unfortunately, 100 target instances each have to be located behind a separate Nginx instance (B1 to B10) as a reverse proxy.

Problem: If several users jump in parallel  ...

Score: 0
J4N avatar
How to remove virtual network adapter?
ng flag

Recently, I added one layer to my network(basically I've a router doing only a modem, with its own 192.168.0.x network, and then my new LAN+WIFI router having the 192.168.1.x network). Only my new router is connected to the enter image description here

I've a ubuntu server that has troubles changing its IP. It was initially set to have the IP, but now I did set it to be

when I run a ifco ...

Score: 0
Sarath Kumar avatar
Appcmd.exe: How to set config the virtual directory by using it parent path?
tr flag

Using Appcmd.exe, I am trying to change the configuration of the virtual directory using its parent path "IIS://localhost/w3svc/5/ROOT/Site123" where, 5 - is the parent site ID, Site123 - is name of the virtual directory. Below is the cmd I have tried to set config.

C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\inetsrv\\appcmd.exe set config "IIS://localhost/w3svc/5/ROOT/Site123" /section:system.webServer/rewrite/rules / ...
Score: 0
RoyalGoose avatar
Nginx: How to rewrite the path to the error page?
ni flag

I have an /api location that contains an HTTP authorization. I want my 401 page to be displayed on failed authorization.

Here is my file structure (If it's important, I'm running nginx on Windows)

  | 401.html
    | script.js
    | styles.css

Here is my config

server {
    listen 80;
    error_page 401 /401.html;
    loca ...
Score: 0
Howins avatar
Can't bind volume between container and other container (docker-in-docker)
cn flag

I try to setup my gitlab runner on my M1 MacBook for some environment testing. My CI workflow is quite simple : build -> test -> deploy. I use docker executor and for testing tasks I use docker-compose because I have to deploy a database beside the service I want to test.

My CI works perfectly on a EC2 running Ubuntu. But when I tried to run my runner on macOS, my volume ./backend is not bind with  ...

The Stunning Power of Questions

Much of an executive’s workday is spent asking others for information—requesting status updates from a team leader, for example, or questioning a counterpart in a tense negotiation. Yet unlike professionals such as litigators, journalists, and doctors, who are taught how to ask questions as an essential part of their training, few executives think of questioning as a skill that can be honed—or consider how their own answers to questions could make conversations more productive.

That’s a missed opportunity. Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.

For some people, questioning comes easily. Their natural inquisitiveness, emotional intelligence, and ability to read people put the ideal question on the tip of their tongue. But most of us don’t ask enough questions, nor do we pose our inquiries in an optimal way.

The good news is that by asking questions, we naturally improve our emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners—a virtuous cycle. In this article, we draw on insights from behavioral science research to explore how the way we frame questions and choose to answer our counterparts can influence the outcome of conversations. We offer guidance for choosing the best type, tone, sequence, and framing of questions and for deciding what and how much information to share to reap the most benefit from our interactions, not just for ourselves but for our organizations.